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he has no sense of order

  • 1 order

    1. noun
    1) (sequence) Reihenfolge, die

    word order — Wortstellung, die

    in order of importance/size/age — nach Wichtigkeit/Größe/Alter

    put something in order — etwas [in der richtigen Reihenfolge] ordnen

    keep something in orderetwas in der richtigen Reihenfolge halten

    answer the questions in orderdie Fragen der Reihe nach beantworten

    out of ordernicht in der richtigen Reihenfolge

    2) (normal state) Ordnung, die

    put or set something/one's affairs in order — Ordnung in etwas bringen/seine Angelegenheiten ordnen

    be/not be in order — in Ordnung/nicht in Ordnung sein (ugs.)

    be out of/in order — (not in/in working condition) nicht funktionieren/funktionieren

    ‘out of order’ — "außer Betrieb"

    in good/bad order — in gutem/schlechtem Zustand

    3) in sing. and pl. (command) Anweisung, die; Anordnung, die; (Mil.) Befehl, der; (Law) Beschluss, der; Verfügung, die

    my orders are to..., I have orders to... — ich habe Anweisung zu...

    court order — Gerichtsbeschluss, der

    by order of — auf Anordnung (+ Gen.)


    in order to do somethingum etwas zu tun

    5) (Commerc.) Auftrag, der ( for über + Akk.); Bestellung, die ( for Gen.); Order, die (Kaufmannsspr.); (to waiter, ordered goods) Bestellung, die

    place an order [with somebody] — [jemandem] einen Auftrag erteilen

    made to order — nach Maß angefertigt, maßgeschneidert [Kleidung]

    keep order — Ordnung [be]wahren; see also academic.ru/42004/law">law 2)

    7) (Eccl.) Orden, der

    Order! Order! — zur Ordnung!; Ruhe bitte!

    Call somebody/the meeting to order — jemanden/die Versammlung zur Ordnung rufen

    point of order — Verfahrensfrage, die

    be in order — zulässig sein; (fig.) [Forderung:] berechtigt sein; [Drink, Erklärung:] angebracht sein

    it is in order for him to do that(fig.) es ist in Ordnung, wenn er das tut (ugs.)

    be out of order(unacceptable) gegen die Geschäftsordnung verstoßen; [Verhalten, Handlung:] unzulässig sein

    9) (kind, degree) Klasse, die; Art, die
    10) (Finance) Order, die

    [banker's] order — [Bank]anweisung, die

    ‘pay to the order of...’ — "zahlbar an..." (+ Akk.)


    order [of magnitude] — Größenordnung, die

    of or in the order of... — in der Größenordnung von...

    a scoundrel of the first order(fig. coll.) ein Schurke ersten Ranges

    2. transitive verb
    1) (command) befehlen; anordnen; [Richter:] verfügen; verordnen [Arznei, Ruhe usw.]

    order somebody to do something — jemanden anweisen/(Milit.) jemandem befehlen, etwas zu tun

    order something [to be] done — anordnen, dass etwas getan wird

    2) (direct the supply of) bestellen ( from bei); ordern [Kaufmannsspr.]
    3) (arrange) ordnen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    ['o:də] 1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) die Anordnung
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) der Auftrag
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) die Bestellung
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) ordentlicher Zustand
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) die Ordnung
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) die Reihenfolge
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) öffentliche Ordnung
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) die Order
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) die Ordnung
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) der Orden
    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) befehlen
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) bestellen
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) ordnen
    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) der/die Sanitäter(in)
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) der Offiziersbursche
    - orderliness
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order
    * * *
    [ˈɔ:dəʳ, AM ˈɔ:rdɚ]
    I. NOUN
    1. no pl (being tidy, organized) Ordnung f
    to bring some \order into a system/one's life etwas Ordnung in ein System/sein Leben bringen
    in \order in Ordnung
    to leave sth in \order etw in [einem] ordentlichem Zustand hinterlassen
    to put sth in \order etw ordnen [o in Ordnung bringen]
    to put one's affairs in \order seine Angelegenheiten ordnen [o in Ordnung bringen
    2. no pl (sequence) Reihenfolge f
    the children lined up in \order of age die Kinder stellten sich dem Alter nach auf
    in \order of preference in der bevorzugten Reihenfolge
    in alphabetical/chronological/reverse \order in alphabetischer/chronologischer/umgekehrter Reihenfolge
    to sort sth in \order of date/importance/price etw nach Datum/Wichtigkeit/Preis sortieren
    to be out of \order durcheinandergeraten sein
    running \order BRIT Programm nt, Programmablauf m
    word \order Wortstellung f
    3. (command) Befehl m, Anordnung f; LAW Verfügung f; COMPUT Anweisung f, Befehl m
    \orders are \orders Befehl ist Befehl
    they are under \orders to maintain silence sie sind gehalten, Schweigen zu bewahren geh
    court \order richterliche Verfügung, Gerichtsbeschluss m
    doctor's \orders ärztliche Anweisung
    by \order of the police auf polizeiliche Anordnung hin
    to give/receive an \order eine Anweisung [o einen Befehl] erteilen/erhalten
    to take \orders from sb von jdm Anweisungen entgegennehmen
    I won't take \order from you! du hast mir gar nichts zu befehlen!
    if you don't learn to take \orders, you're going to have a hard time wenn du nicht lernst, dir etwas sagen zu lassen, wirst du es schwer haben
    4. (in a restaurant) Bestellung f; (portion) Portion f
    your \order will be ready in a minute, sir Ihre Bestellung kommt gleich!
    we'll take three \orders of chicken nuggets wir nehmen drei Mal die Chickennuggets
    to take an \order eine Bestellung entgegennehmen
    5. COMM (request) Bestellung f; (to make sth also) Auftrag m
    to be on \order bestellt sein
    done [or made] to \order auf Bestellung [o nach Auftrag] [an]gefertigt
    to put in an \order eine Bestellung aufgeben; (to make sth also) einen Auftrag erteilen
    to take an \order eine Bestellung aufnehmen; (to make sth also) einen Auftrag aufnehmen
    6. FIN Zahlungsanweisung f, Order m fachspr
    pay to the \order of Mr Smith zahlbar an Herrn Smith
    banker's [or standing] \order Dauerauftrag m
    money \order Postanweisung f
    7. STOCKEX Order m
    market \order Bestensauftrag m fachspr
    stop-loss \order Stop-Loss-Auftrag m fachspr
    good-till-canceled \order AM Auftrag m bis auf Widerruf
    fill or kill \order Sofortauftrag m
    8. no pl (observance of rules, correct behaviour) Ordnung f; (discipline) Disziplin f
    \order! [\order!] please quieten down! Ruhe bitte! seien Sie bitte leise!
    to be in \order in Ordnung sein
    is it in \order for me to park my car here? ist es in Ordnung, wenn ich mein Auto hier parke?
    to be out of \order BRIT ( fam) person sich akk danebenbenehmen fam; behaviour aus dem Rahmen fallen, nicht in Ordnung sein
    your behaviour was well out of \order dein Verhalten fiel ziemlich aus dem Rahmen [o war absolut nicht in Ordnung]
    you were definitely out of \order du hast dich völlig danebenbenommen fam
    to keep [a class in] \order [in einer Klasse] Ordnung wahren; (maintain discipline) die Disziplin [in einer Klasse] aufrechterhalten
    to restore \order die Ordnung wiederherstellen
    9. no pl POL, ADMIN (prescribed procedure) Verfahrensweise f; (in the House of Commons) Geschäftsordnung f
    \order of the day Tagesordnung f, Traktandenliste f SCHWEIZ
    to bring a meeting to \order eine Sitzung zur Rückkehr zur Tagesordnung aufrufen
    to raise a point of \order eine Anfrage zur Geschäftsordnung haben
    rules of \order Verfahrensregeln pl
    \order of service Gottesdienstordnung f
    to call to \order das Zeichen zum Beginn geben
    to call a meeting to \order (ask to behave) eine Versammlung zur Ordnung rufen; (open officially) einen Sitzung eröffnen
    10. no pl (condition) Zustand f
    to be in good \order sich in gutem Zustand befinden, in einem guten Zustand sein; (work well) in Ordnung sein, gut funktionieren
    to be in working [or running] \order (ready for use) funktionsbereit [o betriebsbereit] sein; (functioning) funktionieren
    to be out of \order (not ready for use) nicht betriebsbereit sein; (not working) nicht funktionieren, kaputt sein fam
    “out of \order” „außer Betrieb“
    11. no pl (intention)
    in \order to do sth um etw zu tun
    he came home early in \order to see the children er kam früh nach Hause, um die Kinder zu sehen
    in \order for... damit...
    in \order for us to do our work properly, you have to supply us with the parts wenn korrekt arbeiten sollen, müssen Sie uns die Teile liefern
    in \order that... damit...
    in \order that you get into college, you have to study hard um aufs College gehen zu können, musst du viel lernen
    12. (type) Art f; (dimension)
    \order [of magnitude] Größenordnung f
    of a completely different \order (type) völlig anderer Art; (dimension) in einer völlig anderen Größenordnung
    of the highest \order (quantity) hochgradig; (quality) von höchster Qualität
    of [or in] the \order of sth in der Größenordnung einer S. gen
    this project will cost in the \order of £5000 das Projekt wird ungefähr 500 Pfund kosten
    13. (system, constitution) Ordnung f
    a new world \order eine neue Weltordnung
    14. usu pl BRIT (social class) Schicht f; (social rank) [gesellschaftlicher] Rang
    the higher/lower \orders die oberen/unteren Bevölkerungsschichten
    15. BIOL (category) Ordnung f
    16. REL (society) [geistlicher] Orden
    Jesuit O\order Jesuitenorden m
    17. (elite) Orden m
    O\order of the Garters Hosenbandorden m
    O\order of Merit Verdienstorden m
    Masonic O\order Freimaurerloge f
    18. ARCHIT Säulenordnung f
    Doric/Ionic \order dorische/ionische Säulenordnung
    19. MATH Ordnung f
    equations of the second \order Ableitungen erster Ordnung pl
    \orders pl Weihe f
    to take the \orders die Weihe empfangen
    to be the \order of the day an der Tagesordnung sein
    are you ready to \order? möchten Sie schon bestellen?
    to \order sth etw anordnen [o befehlen]
    police \ordered the disco closed die Polizei ordnete die Schließung der Diskothek an
    to \order sb to do sth jdm befehlen [o jdn anweisen] etw zu tun
    the doctor \ordered him to stay in bed der Arzt verordnete ihm Bettruhe
    to \order sb out jdn zum Verlassen auffordern, jdn hinausbeordern
    to \order sth etw bestellen
    to \order sth etw bestellen; (to be made also) etw in Auftrag geben
    to \order sth etw ordnen
    to \order one's thoughts seine Gedanken ordnen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= sequence) (Reihen)folge f, (An)ordnung f

    word orderWortstellung f, Wortfolge f

    are they in order/in the right order? — sind sie geordnet/in der richtigen Reihenfolge?

    in order of preference/merit — in der bevorzugten/in der ihren Auszeichnungen entsprechenden Reihenfolge

    to be in the wrong order or out of order — durcheinander sein; (one item) nicht am richtigen Platz sein

    to get out of order — durcheinandergeraten; (one item) an eine falsche Stelle kommen

    2) (= system) Ordnung f

    he has no sense of orderer hat kein Gefühl für Systematik or Methode

    a new social/political order — eine neue soziale/politische Ordnung

    3) (= tidy or satisfactory state) Ordnung f

    to put or set one's life/affairs in order — Ordnung in sein Leben/seine Angelegenheiten bringen

    4) (= discipline) (in society) Ordnung f; (in school, team) Disziplin f, Ordnung f

    to keep order — die Ordnung wahren, die Disziplin aufrechterhalten

    or the courtroom (US)!Ruhe im Gerichtssaal!

    order, order! — Ruhe!

    5) (= working condition) Zustand m

    to be out of/in order (car, radio, telephone) — nicht funktionieren/funktionieren; (machine, lift also) außer/in Betrieb sein

    "out of order" — "außer Betrieb"

    6) (= command) Befehl m, Order f (old, hum)

    "no parking/smoking by order" — "Parken/Rauchen verboten!"

    "no parking - by order of the Town Council" — "Parken verboten - die Stadtverwaltung"

    to be under orders to do sth — Instruktionen haben, etw zu tun

    until further ordersbis auf weiteren Befehl

    7) (in restaurant etc COMM) Bestellung f; (= contract to manufacture or supply) Auftrag m

    to place an order with sb — eine Bestellung bei jdm aufgeben or machen/jdm einen Auftrag geben

    to put sth on order — etw in Bestellung/Auftrag geben

    8) (FIN)

    to orderOrderscheck m, Namensscheck m


    (= correct procedure at meeting PARL ETC) a point of order — eine Verfahrensfrage

    to be out of order — gegen die Verfahrensordnung verstoßen; ( Jur : evidence ) unzulässig sein; (fig) aus dem Rahmen fallen

    to call sb to order — jdn ermahnen, sich an die Verfahrensordnung zu halten

    to call the meeting/delegates to order —

    an explanation/a drink would seem to be in order — eine Erklärung/ein Drink wäre angebracht

    is it in order for me to go to Paris? — ist es in Ordnung, wenn ich nach Paris fahre?

    what's the order of the day?was steht auf dem Programm (also fig) or auf der Tagesordnung?; (Mil) wie lautet der Tagesbefehl?

    11) (ARCHIT) Säulenordnung f; (fig = class, degree) Art f
    12) (MIL: formation) Ordnung f
    13) (social) Schicht f

    the higher/lower orders — die oberen/unteren Schichten

    14) (ECCL of monks etc) Orden m
    15) orderspl

    (holy) orders (Eccl)Weihe(n) f(pl); (of priesthood) Priesterweihe f

    16) (= honour, society of knights) Orden m
    2. vt
    1) (= command, decree) sth befehlen, anordnen; (= prescribe doctor) verordnen (for sb jdm)

    to order sb to do sthjdn etw tun heißen (geh), jdm befehlen or (doctor) verordnen, etw zu tun; (esp Mil) jdn dazu beordern, etw zu tun

    to order sb's arrest —

    he was ordered to be quiet (in public) the army was ordered to retreat — man befahl ihm, still zu sein er wurde zur Ruhe gerufen dem Heer wurde der Rückzug befohlen

    to order sb out/home — jdn heraus-/heimbeordern (form, hum) or -rufen

    2) (= direct, arrange) one's affairs, life ordnen
    3) (COMM ETC) goods, dinner, taxi bestellen; (to be manufactured) ship, suit, machinery etc in Auftrag geben (from sb bei jdm)
    3. vi
    * * *
    order [ˈɔː(r)də(r)]
    A s
    1. Ordnung f, geordneter Zustand:
    love of order Ordnungsliebe f;
    bring some order into Ordnung bringen in (akk);
    keep order Ordnung halten; Bes Redew
    2. (öffentliche) Ordnung:
    order was restored die Ordnung wurde wiederhergestellt
    3. Ordnung f ( auch BIOL Kategorie), System n ( auch BOT):
    the old order was upset die alte Ordnung wurde umgestoßen
    4. (An)Ordnung f, Reihenfolge f:
    in order of importance nach Wichtigkeit; alphabetic
    5. Ordnung f, Aufstellung f:
    in close (open) order MIL in geschlossener (geöffneter) Ordnung
    6. MIL vorschriftsmäßige Uniform und Ausrüstung: marching A
    7. PARL etc (Geschäfts)Ordnung f:
    a call to order ein Ordnungsruf;
    call to order zur Ordnung rufen;
    rise to (a point of) order zur Geschäftsordnung sprechen;
    rule sb out of order jemandem das Wort entziehen;
    order of the day, order of business Tagesordnung ( A 10);
    be the order of the day auf der Tagesordnung stehen (a. fig);
    pass to the order of the day zur Tagesordnung übergehen
    8. Zustand m:
    in bad order nicht in Ordnung, in schlechtem Zustand;
    in good order in Ordnung, in gutem Zustand
    9. LING (Satz)Stellung f, Wortfolge f
    10. Befehl m, Instruktion f ( beide auch IT), Anordnung f:
    orders are orders Befehl ist Befehl;
    order in council POL Br Kabinettsbefehl;
    give orders ( oder an order, the order) for sth to be done ( oder that sth [should] be done) Befehl geben, etwas zu tun oder dass etwas getan werde;
    order of the day MIL Tagesbefehl ( A 7); marching A
    11. Verfügung f, Befehl m, Auftrag m:
    order to pay Zahlungsbefehl, -anweisung f;
    order of remittance Überweisungsauftrag
    12. JUR (Gerichts) Beschluss m, Verfügung f, Befehl m:
    release order Freilassungsbeschluss; mandamus
    13. Art f, Klasse f, Grad m, Rang m:
    of a high order von hohem Rang;
    of quite another order von ganz anderer Art
    14. MATH Ordnung f, Grad m:
    equation of the first order Gleichung f ersten Grades
    15. (Größen)Ordnung f:
    of ( oder in) (US on) the order of in der Größenordnung von
    16. Klasse f, (Gesellschafts)Schicht f:
    the military order der Soldatenstand
    17. a) Orden m (Gemeinschaft von Personen)
    b) (geistlicher) Orden:
    the Franciscan Order der Franziskanerorden
    c) auch order of knighthood HIST (Ritter)Orden m
    18. Orden m:
    Knight of the Order of the Garter Ritter m des Hosenbandordens; bath2 A 7, thistle
    19. Ordenszeichen n: Order of Merit 1
    20. REL
    a) Weihe(stufe) f:
    major orders höhere Weihen
    b) pl, meist holy orders (heilige) Weihen pl, Priesterweihe f:
    take (holy) orders die heiligen Weihen empfangen, in den geistlichen Stand treten;
    be in (holy) orders dem geistlichen Stand angehören
    21. REL Ordnung f (der Messe etc):
    order of confession Beichtordnung
    22. Ordnung f, Chor m (der Engel):
    23. ARCH (Säulen)Ordnung f:
    Doric order dorische Säulenordnung
    24. ARCH Stil m
    25. WIRTSCH Bestellung f (auch Ware), Auftrag m ( for für):
    give ( oder place) an order einen Auftrag erteilen, eine Bestellung aufgeben oder machen;
    a) auf Bestellung anfertigen,
    b) nach Maß anfertigen;
    shoes made to order Maßschuhe; tall A 4
    26. a) Bestellung f (im Restaurant etc):
    last orders, please Br die letzten Bestellungen!, (etwa) Polizeistunde!
    b) umg Portion f
    27. WIRTSCH Order f (Zahlungsauftrag):
    pay to sb’s order an jemandes Order zahlen;
    payable to order zahlbar an Order;
    own order eigene Order;
    check (Br cheque) to order Orderscheck m
    28. besonders Br Einlassschein m, besonders Freikarte f
    B v/t
    1. jemandem oder eine Sache befehlen, etwas anordnen:
    he ordered the bridge to be built er befahl, die Brücke zu bauen;
    he ordered him to come er befahl ihm zu kommen, er ließ ihn kommen
    2. jemanden schicken, beordern ( beide:
    to nach):
    order sb home jemanden nach Hause schicken;
    order sb out of one’s house jemanden aus seinem Haus weisen;
    order sb off the field SPORT jemanden vom Platz stellen
    3. MED jemandem etwas verordnen:
    order sb to (stay in) bed jemandem Bettruhe verordnen
    4. Bücher, ein Glas Bier etc bestellen
    5. regeln, leiten, führen
    6. MIL das Gewehr bei Fuß stellen:
    order arms! Gewehr ab!
    7. fig ordnen:
    order one’s affairs seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen, sein Haus bestellen;
    an ordered life ein geordnetes Leben
    C v/i
    1. befehlen, Befehle geben
    2. Auftäge erteilen, Bestellungen machen:
    are you ready to order now? (im Restaurant) haben Sie schon gewählt?;
    have you ordered yet? (im Restaurant) haben Sie schon bestellt?Besondere Redewendungen: at the order MIL Gewehr bei Fuß;
    a) befehls- oder auftragsgemäß,
    b) im Auftrag (abk i.A.; vor der Unterschrift) by ( oder on) order of
    a) auf Befehl von (od gen),
    b) im Auftrag von (od gen),
    c) WIRTSCH auf Order von (od gen) in order
    a) in Ordnung (a. fig gut, richtig),
    b) der Reihe nach, in der richtigen Reihenfolge,
    c) in Übereinstimmung mit der Geschäftsordnung, zulässig,
    d) angebracht in order to um zu;
    in order that … damit …;
    in short order US umg sofort, unverzüglich;
    keep in order in Ordnung halten, instand halten;
    put in order in Ordnung bringen;
    set in order ordnen;
    on order WIRTSCH
    a) auf oder bei Bestellung,
    b) bestellt, in Auftrag on the order of
    a) nach Art von (od gen),
    b) auch on orders of WIRTSCH bei Abnahme oder Bezug von (od gen)
    c) auch on orders of auf Befehl von (od gen) out of order nicht in Ordnung:
    a) in Unordnung,
    b) defekt,
    c) MED gestört,
    d) im Widerspruch zur Geschäftsordnung, unzulässig I know I am out of order in saying that … ich weiß, es ist unangebracht, wenn ich sage, dass …;
    a) bis auf weiteren Befehl,
    b) bis auf Weiteres order
    a) befehlsgemäß,
    b) auftragsgemäß,
    c) A 25,
    d) A 27 be under ( oder have) orders to do sth Befehl oder Order haben, etwas zu tun;
    be just under orders nur Befehle ausführen;
    my orders are to do sth ich habe Befehl, etwas zu tun
    ord. abk
    4. ordinary gewöhnl.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (sequence) Reihenfolge, die

    word order — Wortstellung, die

    in order of importance/size/age — nach Wichtigkeit/Größe/Alter

    put something in order — etwas [in der richtigen Reihenfolge] ordnen

    2) (normal state) Ordnung, die

    put or set something/one's affairs in order — Ordnung in etwas bringen/seine Angelegenheiten ordnen

    be/not be in order — in Ordnung/nicht in Ordnung sein (ugs.)

    be out of/in order — (not in/in working condition) nicht funktionieren/funktionieren

    ‘out of order’ — "außer Betrieb"

    in good/bad order — in gutem/schlechtem Zustand

    3) in sing. and pl. (command) Anweisung, die; Anordnung, die; (Mil.) Befehl, der; (Law) Beschluss, der; Verfügung, die

    my orders are to..., I have orders to... — ich habe Anweisung zu...

    court order — Gerichtsbeschluss, der

    by order of — auf Anordnung (+ Gen.)

    5) (Commerc.) Auftrag, der ( for über + Akk.); Bestellung, die ( for Gen.); Order, die (Kaufmannsspr.); (to waiter, ordered goods) Bestellung, die

    place an order [with somebody] — [jemandem] einen Auftrag erteilen

    made to order — nach Maß angefertigt, maßgeschneidert [Kleidung]

    keep order — Ordnung [be]wahren; see also law 2)

    7) (Eccl.) Orden, der

    Order! Order! — zur Ordnung!; Ruhe bitte!

    Call somebody/the meeting to order — jemanden/die Versammlung zur Ordnung rufen

    point of order — Verfahrensfrage, die

    be in order — zulässig sein; (fig.) [Forderung:] berechtigt sein; [Drink, Erklärung:] angebracht sein

    it is in order for him to do that(fig.) es ist in Ordnung, wenn er das tut (ugs.)

    be out of order (unacceptable) gegen die Geschäftsordnung verstoßen; [Verhalten, Handlung:] unzulässig sein

    9) (kind, degree) Klasse, die; Art, die
    10) (Finance) Order, die

    [banker's] order — [Bank]anweisung, die

    ‘pay to the order of...’ — "zahlbar an..." (+ Akk.)


    order [of magnitude] — Größenordnung, die

    of or in the order of... — in der Größenordnung von...

    a scoundrel of the first order(fig. coll.) ein Schurke ersten Ranges

    2. transitive verb
    1) (command) befehlen; anordnen; [Richter:] verfügen; verordnen [Arznei, Ruhe usw.]

    order somebody to do something — jemanden anweisen/(Milit.) jemandem befehlen, etwas zu tun

    order something [to be] done — anordnen, dass etwas getan wird

    2) (direct the supply of) bestellen ( from bei); ordern [Kaufmannsspr.]
    3) (arrange) ordnen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Auftrag -¨e m.
    Befehl -e m.
    Grad -e m.
    Kommando -s n.
    Ordnung -en (Mathematik) f.
    Ordnung -en f. v.
    anfordern (commerce) v.
    anordnen v.
    befehlen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: befahl, befohlen)
    bestellen v.

    English-german dictionary > order

  • 2 order

    or·der [ʼɔ:dəʳ, Am ʼɔ:rdɚ] n
    1) no pl ( tidiness) Ordnung f;
    my son has no sense of \order at all mein Sohn hat überhaupt keinen Ordnungssinn ( fam);
    are your papers in \order? sind Ihre Papiere in Ordnung?;
    is it in \order for me to park my car here? ist es in Ordnung, wenn ich mein Auto hier parke?;
    to leave sth in \order etw in ordentlichem Zustand hinterlassen;
    to put sth in \order etw ordnen [o in Ordnung bringen];
    to put one's affairs in \order seine Angelegenheiten ordnen
    2) no pl ( sequence) Reihenfolge f, Abfolge f;
    the children lined up in \order of age die Kinder stellten sich dem Alter nach auf;
    \order of the day Tagesordnung f, Agenda f;
    in \order of preference in der bevorzugten Reihenfolge;
    \order of service Gottesdienstordnung f;
    word \order Wortstellung f;
    in alphabetical/ chronological/reverse \order in alphabetischer/chronologischer/umgekehrter Reihenfolge;
    running \order ( Brit) Programm nt, Programmablauf m;
    to be out of \order durcheinandergeraten sein
    3) ( command) Befehl m, Anordnung f; law Verfügung f;
    by \order of the police auf polizeiliche Anordnung hin;
    court \order richterliche Verfügung, Gerichtsbeschluss m;
    doctor's \orders ärztliche Anweisung;
    to give/receive an \order eine Anweisung [o einen Befehl] geben/erhalten;
    to take \orders from sb von jdm Anweisungen entgegennehmen;
    if you don't learn to take \orders, you're going to have a hard time wenn du nicht lernst, dir etwas sagen zu lassen, wirst du es schwer haben;
    to be under \orders to stand guard/ maintain silence gehalten sein, Wache zu stehen/Schweigen zu bewahren
    4) ( in a restaurant) Bestellung f; ( portion) Portion f;
    your \order will be ready in a minute, sir Ihre Bestellung kommt gleich!;
    we'll take three \orders of chicken nuggets wir nehmen dreimal die Chicken Nuggets
    5) ( for supplies) Bestellung f, Auftrag m;
    to be on \order bestellt sein;
    to put in an \order eine Bestellung aufgeben, einen Auftrag erteilen;
    to take an \order eine Bestellung aufnehmen;
    done [or made] to \order auf Bestellung [o nach Auftrag] [an]gefertigt
    6) no pl ( good discipline) Ordnung f, Disziplin f;
    \order! \order! please quieten down! Ruhe bitte! Bitte seien Sie leise!;
    to keep \order Ordnung [be]wahren, die Disziplin aufrechterhalten;
    to restore \order die Ordnung wiederherstellen;
    out of \order ( Brit) (fam: inappropriate, rude) nicht angebracht;
    his behaviour was well out of \order sein Verhalten fiel ziemlich aus dem Rahmen;
    you were definitely out of \order du hast dich völlig daneben benommen ( fam)
    7) no pl ( procedural rules) Verfahrensweise f;
    rules of \order Verhandlungsrichtlinien fpl, Verfahrensregeln fpl;
    to call to \order das Zeichen zum Beginn geben;
    to call a meeting to \order eine Versammlung zur Ordnung rufen
    8) no pl ( condition) Zustand m;
    working \order Funktionsfähigkeit f, Betriebsfähigkeit f;
    in running [or working] \order funktionsbereit, betriebsbereit;
    out of \order nicht betriebsbereit, kaputt ( fam)
    in \order to do sth um etw zu tun;
    he came home early in \order to see the children er kam früh nach Hause, um die Kinder zu sehen;
    in \order for... damit...;
    in \order for us to do our work properly, you have to supply us with the parts wenn wir die Arbeit richtig machen sollen, müssen Sie uns die Teile liefern;
    in \order that... damit...;
    in \order that you get into college, you have to study hard um aufs College gehen zu können, musst du viel lernen
    10) ( type) Art f;
    these were problems of a completely different \order dies waren Probleme völlig anderer Art;
    \order of magnitude Größenordnung f;
    of the highest \order ( as regards quantity) hochgradig;
    ( as regards quality) von höchster Qualität;
    of [or in] the \order of sth in der Größenordnung von etw dat;
    this project will cost something in the \order of £500 das Projekt wird so ungefähr 500 Pfund kosten
    11) ( constitution) Ordnung f;
    a new world \order eine neue Weltordnung
    12) ( Brit) ( social class) Schicht f, [gesellschaftlicher] Rang;
    the higher/lower \orders die oberen/unteren Bevölkerungsschichten
    13) biol ( in taxonomy) Ordnung f
    14) rel ( brotherhood) [geistlicher] Orden;
    Jesuit \order Jesuitenorden m
    O\order of the Garter Hosenbandorden m;
    O\order of Merit Verdienstorden m;
    Masonic O\order Freimaurerloge f
    16) ( architectural style) Säulenordnung f;
    Doric/Ionic \order dorische/ionische Säulenordnung
    equations of the second \order Gleichungen fpl zweiten Grades
    18) ( divine service) Weihe f; of confirmation, of marriage Sakrament nt
    \orders pl Weihen fpl;
    holy \orders heilige Weihen;
    to be in [holy] \orders dem geistlichen Stand angehören;
    to take [holy] \orders in den geistlichen Stand eintreten, die Weihen empfangen vi ( place an order) bestellen;
    are you ready to \order? möchten Sie schon bestellen? vt
    1) ( command)
    to \order sb to do sth jdm den Befehl geben [o jdn anweisen], etw zu tun;
    they \ordered him to leave the room sie forderten ihn auf, den Raum zu verlassen;
    the doctor \ordered him to stay in bed der Arzt verordnete ihm Bettruhe;
    to \order sth etw anordnen [o befehlen];
    police \ordered the disco closed die Polizei ordnete die Schließung der Diskothek an;
    to \order sb out jdn zum Verlassen auffordern, jdn hinausbeordern
    to \order sth etw bestellen;
    to \order goods Waren bestellen [o in Auftrag geben];
    3) ( arrange)
    to \order sth etw ordnen;
    ( direct) meeting etw abhalten;
    to \order one's thoughts seine Gedanken ordnen

    English-German students dictionary > order

  • 3 order

    1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) orden
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) orden, pedido
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) pedido
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) orden
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) orden
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) orden
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) orden
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) orden
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) orden
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) orden

    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) ordenar, mandar
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) pedir, encargar
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) ordenar

    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) asistente (de hospital)
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) ordenanza
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order

    order1 n
    1. orden
    2. orden
    order2 vb
    1. ordenar / mandar
    2. pedir / encargar
    did you order fried eggs? ¿has pedido huevos fritos?
    in alphabetical/chronological order por orden alfabético/cronológico
    2 (condition, organization) orden nombre masculino, concierto
    4 (obedience, authority, discipline) orden nombre masculino, disciplina
    6 (rules, procedures, etc) orden nombre masculino, procedimiento
    8 SMALLCOMMERCE/SMALL (request, goods) pedido
    11 (of plants, animals) orden nombre masculino
    12 (group, society) orden nombre femenino; (badge, sign worn) condecoración nombre femenino, orden nombre femenino
    13 SMALLARCHITECTURE/SMALL orden nombre masculino
    14 (kind, sort) orden nombre masculino
    1 (command) ordenar, mandar
    2 (ask for) pedir, encargar
    could you order me a taxi? ¿me podrías llamar un taxi?
    3 (arrange, put in order, organize) ordenar, poner en orden
    1 (request to bring, ask for) pedir
    have you ordered yet? ¿ya han pedido?
    by order of por orden de
    in order (tidy, acceptable) en orden 2 (valid) en regla 3 (ready) dispuesto,-a, listo,-a
    everything in order? ¿todo en orden?
    is your passport in order? ¿tienes el pasaporte en regla?
    in order that para que, a fin de que
    in order to para, a fin de
    of the order of del orden de, alrededor de
    'Last orders, please!' grito del camarero que indica que el bar va a cerrar y que hay que pedir la última consumición
    out of order (not working) que no funciona
    her behaviour was out of order su comportamiento no fue aceptable, no hizo bien 6 familiar (in the wrong) equivocado,-a
    you were out of order there, mate eso no estuvo bien, tío
    to be on order estar pedido,-a
    to be under orders (to do something) tener orden (de hacer algo)
    to do something to order hacer algo por encargo
    to take holy orders recibir las órdenes sagradas
    order book libro de pedidos
    order form hoja de pedido
    the order of the day el orden del día
    order ['ɔrdər] vt
    1) organize: arreglar, ordenar, poner en orden
    2) command: ordenar, mandar
    3) request: pedir, encargar
    to order a meal: pedir algo de comer
    order vi
    : hacer un pedido
    1) : orden f
    a religious order: una orden religiosa
    2) command: orden f, mandato m
    to give an order: dar una orden
    3) request: orden f, pedido m
    purchase order: orden de compra
    4) arrangement: orden m
    in chronological order: por orden cronológico
    5) discipline: orden m
    law and order: el orden público
    in order to : para
    out of order : descompuesto, averiado
    8) orders npl or holy orders : órdenes fpl sagradas
    arreglo s.m.
    consigna s.f.
    cédula s.f.
    decreto s.m.
    encargo s.m.
    estructura s.f.
    forma s.f.
    línea s.f.
    mandado s.m.
    mandato s.m.
    orden (Comercio) s.m.
    pedido s.m.
    precepto s.m.
    regla s.f.
    cometer v.
    disponer v.
    encargar v.
    intimar v.
    mandar v.
    mandar hacer v.
    ordenar v.
    pedir v.
    'ɔːrdər, 'ɔːdə(r)
    1) noun
    2) c
    a) ( command) orden f

    order to + INF — orden de + inf

    order THAT — orden de que (+ subj)

    on whose orders are you doing this? — ¿quién le ordenó hacer esto?

    by order of... — por orden de...

    to get one's marching orders — (colloq) ser* despedido

    3) c (request, goods requested) pedido m

    to place an order for something — hacer* un pedido de algo, encargar* algo

    a tall order: it's a bit of a tall order, but I'll see what I can do — es algo difícil, pero veré qué puedo hacer

    4) u ( instructions to pay) ( Fin) orden f; see also postal order, standing order
    5) u
    ( sequence) orden m

    in alphabetical/numerical order — en or por orden alfabético/numérico

    to put something in(to) order — poner* algo en orden, ordenar algo

    7) (harmony, discipline) orden m

    to keep order — mantener* el orden

    8) (rules, procedure) orden m

    point of ordercuestión f de orden or de procedimiento

    to call a meeting to order — ( start) empezar* una reunión; ( resume) reanudar una reunión


    in order: is your bedroom in order? ¿tu cuarto está ordenado or en orden?; are her papers in order? ¿tiene los papeles en regla?; is everything in order for tomorrow's performance? ¿está todo dispuesto para la función de mañana?; an apology would seem to be in order — parecería que lo indicado sería disculparse


    in order that — para que (+ subj)


    out of order — ( not in sequence) desordenado; ( not working) averiado, descompuesto (AmL)

    out of order — no funciona; (uncalled-for, not following procedure)

    10) c
    a) (kind, class)
    b) ( Biol) orden m

    on o (BrE) in the order of: it cost something on the order of $100 — costó alrededor de 100 dólares, el costo fue del orden de 100 dólares

    11) c
    a) (of monks, nuns) orden f
    b) ( insignia) condecoración f
    12) orders pl ( Relig) órdenes fpl sagradas

    to take (holy) orders — recibir las órdenes (sagradas), ordenarse sacerdote

    a) ( command) ordenar

    to order somebody to + INF — ordenarle a alguien que (+ subj)

    to order THAT — ordenar que (+ subj)

    he ordered me out of the roomme ordenó or me mandó salir de la habitación

    b) ( Med) mandar
    2) ( request) pedir*; \<\<goods\>\> encargar*, pedir*

    I ordered three boxes of pencilshice un pedido de or encargué tres cajas de lápices

    3) ( put in order) \<\<work/life/affairs\>\> ordenar, poner* en orden


    are you ready to order? — ¿ya han decidido qué van a tomar or pedir?

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=sequence) orden m

    in order — en orden, por orden

    what order should these documents be in? — ¿en qué orden deben estar estos documentos?

    in alphabetical order — por or en orden alfabético

    cast in order of appearance — (Theat, Cine) por orden de aparición

    in chronological order — por orden cronológico

    in order of meritordenado según el mérito

    they are out of order — están mal ordenados

    put these in the right order — ponga estos por orden

    word order — orden m de las palabras

    they are in the wrong order — están mal ordenados

    2) (=system) orden m

    a new political/social order — un nuevo orden político/social

    she has no order in her life — lleva un régimen de vida muy desorganizado

    the old order is changing — el viejo orden está cambiando

    it is in the order of thingses ley de vida

    a new world order — un nuevo orden mundial

    3) (=good order) buen estado m, orden m

    in order — (legally) en regla; [room] en orden, ordenado

    is this passport in order? — ¿este pasaporte está en regla?

    in good order — en buen estado, en buenas condiciones

    a machine in working or running order — una máquina en buen estado

    to be out of order — [machine] estar estropeado or (LAm) descompuesto

    the line is out of order — (Telec) no hay línea, la línea no funciona

    4) (=peace, control) orden m

    the forces of order — las fuerzas del orden

    to keep order — mantener el orden

    she can't keep order — es incapaz de imponer la disciplina, no puede hacerse obedecer

    5) (=command) orden f ; [of court etc] sentencia f, fallo m

    bankruptcy order — orden f de quiebra

    by order of — por orden de

    Order in Council(Brit) (Parl) Orden f Real

    order of the courtsentencia f del tribunal

    deportation order — orden f de deportación

    till further orders — hasta nueva orden

    to give orders — dar órdenes

    to give sb orders to do sthordenar or mandar a algn hacer algo

    to obey orders — cumplir órdenes

    on the orders of — a las órdenes de

    to take orders from sb — recibir órdenes de algn

    that's an order! — ¡es una orden!

    under orders — bajo órdenes

    - get one's marching orders
    starter 1., 1)
    6) (=correct procedure) (at meeting, Parliament etc) orden m

    order (, order)! — ¡orden!

    to call sb to order — llamar a algn al orden

    order of the day — (Mil) orden del día; (fig) moda f, estilo m del momento

    to be in order — [action, request] ser procedente

    is it in order for me to go to Rome? — ¿(le) es inconveniente si voy a Roma?

    to be out of order *(=unacceptable) [remark] estar fuera de lugar; [person] comportarse mal

    a point of order — una cuestión de procedimiento

    7) (Comm) pedido m, encargo m

    we have it on order for you — está pedido para usted

    to place an order for sth with sb — encargar or hacer un pedido de algo a algn

    repeat order — pedido m de repetición

    rush order — pedido m urgente

    made to order — hecho a medida


    in order to do sthpara or a fin de hacer algo

    10) [of society etc] clase f, categoría f ; (Bio) orden m

    Benedictine Order — Orden f de San Benito

    the present crisis is of a different order — la crisis actual es de un orden distinto

    talents of the first order — talentos mpl de primer orden

    holy orders — órdenes fpl sagradas

    to be in/take (holy) orders — ser/ordenarse sacerdote

    the lower orders — las clases bajas or (LAm) populares

    of the order of 500 — del orden de los quinientos

    something in or of or (US) on the order of £3,000 — unos 3.000, alrededor de 3.000

    11) (Econ) libranza f ; (postal) giro m
    12) (Archit) orden m

    Doric orderorden m dórico


    in short order(US) rápidamente

    14) (Mil)

    in battle order — en orden de batalla

    in close order — en filas apretadas

    in marching order — en orden de marchar

    2. VT
    1) (=command) mandar, ordenar

    to order sb to do sthmandar or ordenar a algn hacer algo

    he ordered that the army should advance — ordenó que el ejército avanzara, dio órdenes de que el ejército avanzara

    to order sb in/up etc — mandar entrar/subir etc a algn, hacer entrar/subir etc a algn

    are you ordering me out of my own house? — ¿me estás echando de mi propia casa?

    2) (=put in order) ordenar, poner en orden

    they are ordered by date/size — están ordenados por fecha/tamaño

    3) (=organize) organizar, arreglar

    to order one's life properly — organizar bien su vida, vivir de acuerdo a cierto método

    4) [+ goods, meal, taxi] pedir, encargar

    are you ready to order? — ¿han decidido qué van a pedir?


    order book N — (Comm) libro m de pedidos, cartera f de pedidos

    order department N — (Comm) sección f de pedidos

    order form N — (Comm) hoja f de pedido

    order number N — (Comm) número m de pedido

    Order of Merit N (Brit)

    the Order of Merit — la Orden del Mérito

    order paper N(Brit) (Parl etc) orden m del día

    * * *
    ['ɔːrdər, 'ɔːdə(r)]
    1) noun
    2) c
    a) ( command) orden f

    order to + INF — orden de + inf

    order THAT — orden de que (+ subj)

    on whose orders are you doing this? — ¿quién le ordenó hacer esto?

    by order of... — por orden de...

    to get one's marching orders — (colloq) ser* despedido

    3) c (request, goods requested) pedido m

    to place an order for something — hacer* un pedido de algo, encargar* algo

    a tall order: it's a bit of a tall order, but I'll see what I can do — es algo difícil, pero veré qué puedo hacer

    4) u ( instructions to pay) ( Fin) orden f; see also postal order, standing order
    5) u
    ( sequence) orden m

    in alphabetical/numerical order — en or por orden alfabético/numérico

    to put something in(to) order — poner* algo en orden, ordenar algo

    7) (harmony, discipline) orden m

    to keep order — mantener* el orden

    8) (rules, procedure) orden m

    point of ordercuestión f de orden or de procedimiento

    to call a meeting to order — ( start) empezar* una reunión; ( resume) reanudar una reunión


    in order: is your bedroom in order? ¿tu cuarto está ordenado or en orden?; are her papers in order? ¿tiene los papeles en regla?; is everything in order for tomorrow's performance? ¿está todo dispuesto para la función de mañana?; an apology would seem to be in order — parecería que lo indicado sería disculparse


    in order that — para que (+ subj)


    out of order — ( not in sequence) desordenado; ( not working) averiado, descompuesto (AmL)

    out of order — no funciona; (uncalled-for, not following procedure)

    10) c
    a) (kind, class)
    b) ( Biol) orden m

    on o (BrE) in the order of: it cost something on the order of $100 — costó alrededor de 100 dólares, el costo fue del orden de 100 dólares

    11) c
    a) (of monks, nuns) orden f
    b) ( insignia) condecoración f
    12) orders pl ( Relig) órdenes fpl sagradas

    to take (holy) orders — recibir las órdenes (sagradas), ordenarse sacerdote

    a) ( command) ordenar

    to order somebody to + INF — ordenarle a alguien que (+ subj)

    to order THAT — ordenar que (+ subj)

    he ordered me out of the roomme ordenó or me mandó salir de la habitación

    b) ( Med) mandar
    2) ( request) pedir*; \<\<goods\>\> encargar*, pedir*

    I ordered three boxes of pencilshice un pedido de or encargué tres cajas de lápices

    3) ( put in order) \<\<work/life/affairs\>\> ordenar, poner* en orden


    are you ready to order? — ¿ya han decidido qué van a tomar or pedir?

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > order

  • 4 indicador de función

    (n.) = operator, role indicator
    Ex. Each operator has a filing value which has been designate in order to ensure that terms appear in the index string in an order that will produce a meaningful set of index entries.
    Ex. A role indicator is an auxiliary symbol that may be chosen from a special list and attached to a descriptor to indicate in which sense the descriptor is being used.
    * * *
    (n.) = operator, role indicator

    Ex: Each operator has a filing value which has been designate in order to ensure that terms appear in the index string in an order that will produce a meaningful set of index entries.

    Ex: A role indicator is an auxiliary symbol that may be chosen from a special list and attached to a descriptor to indicate in which sense the descriptor is being used.

    Spanish-English dictionary > indicador de función

  • 5 put

    1. III
    put smth.
    1) where have I put the ticket? куда я засунул /дел/ билет?
    2) put things (it, one's ideas, the case, etc.) излагать что-л. и т.д.; have a neat (brilliant, graceful, logical, clear, etc.) way of putting things [уметь] четко и т.д. излагать что-л.; as he put it как он выразился; as Horace puts it как об этом пишет Гораций, как это сказано у Горация; let me put my side of the case позвольте мне изложить мою точку зрения
    3) put a resolution предлагать резолюцию; put a motion (a proposal, etc.) выдвигать предложение и т.д.
    4) put a question задавать вопрос
    5) put smth. sport. put the shot (the weight, etc.) толкать ядро и т.д.
    2. IV
    1) put smth., smb. somewhere put a suitcase (a bag, a box, etc.) down опустить /положить или поставить на пол или на землю/ чемодан и т.д.; will you please put the reference book (the dictionary, the hat, specimens, etc.) here (over there, somewhere, back, etc.) пожалуйста, положите сюда и т.д. справочник и т.д.; put this chair there поставьте этот стул туда; put that dog down at once and don't touch it any more опусти собаку сейчас же и больше не трогай ее; did you put the swim-suits in? ты положил [в чемодан] /уложил/ купальные костюмы?; put the rubbish out выносить мусор; put out one's tongue высунуть /показать/ язык: put one's head out высунуть голову; put out a boat вывести лодку в море; now, children, you may put your hands down a теперь, дети, можете опустить руки; put smth. in some manner put one's things (books, one's clothes, etc.) together сложить /собрать/ свои вещи и т.д.; put the hands of a clock (the minute hand, the clock, etc.) back (forward) передвинуть /перевести/ стрелки часов и т.д. назад (вперед); put the clock back an hour перевести часы на час назад; that clock is fast, I'd better put it back five minutes эти часы спешат, пожалуй, я переведу их назад на пять минут; one can't put the clock back время нельзя повернуть назад: let's put two heads together давай подумаем вместе
    2) put smth. somewhere put one's interests (problems of health, science, etc.) first ставить собственные интересы и т.д. на первое место; put truth first заботиться прежде всего об истине; ставить истину во главу угла
    3) put smth., smb. in some state put things to rights a) привести все в порядок; б) все исправить; how can we put him at [his] ease? как мы можем его успокоить?
    4) put smth. in some manner put a case (ideas, a proposal, a matter, facts, things, the story, etc.) clearly (plainly, bluntly, forcibly, cleverly, etc.) излагать /выражать, формулировать/ дело /суть, обстоятельства дела/ и т.д. ясно и т.д.; the report puts the facts truthfully все факты, изложенные в донесении, соответствуют действительности; the teacher puts things convincingly учитель убедительно все объясняет или излагает; to put it briefly, his idea is that... коротко говоря, его мысль состоит в том, что...; to put it frankly, I don't саге for him откровенно /честно/ говоря, он мне не нравится; to say that I was frightened is putting it mildly мягко говоря, я испугался; I don't know how to put it я не знаю, как это выразить /как это сказать/; put it so as not to offend him скажите это так, чтобы он не обиделся
    5) put smth. somewhere put your name here, please распишитесь здесь, пожалуйста
    6) || put smb. back задержать кого-л.; the traffic jam put us back a whole hour пробка на дороге задержала нас на целый час
    3. VI
    put smth. to some state put a watch (a clock) right (wrong) поставить часы правильно (неправильно); put a clock (a watch) fast (slow) отрегулировать часы так, чтобы они шли быстрее (медленнее); put things /the matter/ right исправить положение вещей /дел/; his short note put everything right его короткая записка поставила все на свои места; he put everything wrong он все испортил: the teacher put the boy right учитель поправил ребенка /объяснил ребенку, в чем его ошибка/
    4. VII
    put smth., smb. to do smth. put dishes to drain поставить посуду сушиться; put towels to dry повесить полотенца сушиться; put her to wash dishes (the girl to take care of the children, him to mind the furnace, etc.) поручить ей мыть посуду и т.д.; he put me to work peeling potatoes он посадил меня чистить картошку
    5. XI
    1) be put on (in, under, etc.) smth. the books were put on the shelf (on the table, under the tarpaulin, etc.) книги положили на полку и т.д.; the parcels were put in a bag свертки /посылки и т.п./ были уложены в мешок; every little thing must be put in its right place каждую даже самую маленькую вещичку надо класть на [свое] место
    2) be put to (into, in, out of, etc.) smth. be put (in)to jail /gaol/ быть посаженным /заключенным/ в тюрьму; be put into quarantine быть отправленным /помещенным, посаженным/ в /на/ карантин; the refugees were put in the hostel беженцев разместили в общежитии; he was put to bed его уложили спать; the boy was put out of the room for being impudent мальчика вывели из комнаты за дерзкое поведение; he was put out of the court его удаляли из зала суда; be put in some manner the new boys were put together in one dormitory новичков поместили вместе в одной спальне; he has more sense than all the rest put together у него больше здравого смысла, чем у всех остальных, вместе взятых; he thought he knew more than all his teachers put together он считал, что знает больше своих учителей, вместе взятых
    3) be put on (to) smth. the notice was put on the front page извещение /объявление/ поместили /напечатали/ на первой странице /полосе/; it's time the child was put to school пора определить ребенка в школу; be put on an army pay-roll быть зачисленным на армейское довольствие
    4) be put into smth. the work that has been put into it количество труда, вложенного в это [дело]
    5) be put to (into, in, etc.) smth. be put to use использовать; the uses to which his invention can (may) be put возможные способы /виды/ применения /использования/ его изобретения; be put into practice найти [практическое] применение; the law was put into force закон был введен в действие; he is put to every kind of work его ставят на всякую работу, его используют на разной работе; she was put in (to) service ее отдали в прислуги; the land was put into /under/ turnips участок был засеян репой
    6) be put into (in, out of, etc.) smth. be is soon put into a passion (into a rage, into despair, etc.) его можно быстро привести в состояние возбуждения и т.д.; the dog was put out of pain a) собаке сняли боль; б) собаку умертвили /усыпили/, чтобы она не мучилась; you will be put in funds in due time [денежные] средства вам предоставят в надлежащее время; be put in some manner all the clocks and watches were put back (forward) an hour on Saturday night в субботу вечером все часы были переведены на час назад (вперед); the wedding was put forward to June 3d свадьбу перенесли на третье июня; the meeting was put back for a week собрание отложили на неделю || be [hard] put to it оказаться в трудном /затруднительном/ положении; surprising what he can do when he's put to it просто удивительно, что только он ни сделает, когда нужно; you will be hard put to it to find a pleasanter place than this (to find a substitute, to get the needed sum, to pay his debts, etc.) [вам будет] трудно найти более приятное место, чем это и т.д.; be hard put to it financially находиться в затруднительном материальном положении; any doubt on this point can be easily put at rest любые сомнения на этот счет можно легко развеять
    7) be put to (on, into, in, out of) smth. I have been put to great inconvenience мне это было крайне неудобно; I have been put to great expense меня это ввело в большей расход; be put to the vote быть поставленным на голосование; the motion was put to the vote это предложение было поставлено на голосование; he's already been put to death его уже казнили; he was put on trial a) его предали суду; б) его взяли [на работу] с испытательным сроком; the company will be put in liquidation фирма будет закрыта; he was again put on the same treatment with the same good result ему провели повторный курс лечения, и результат снова оказался хорошим; be put on sale быть выпущенным в продажу; be put in (to) circulation пустить в обращение; only a few copies of the book were put in (to) circulation всего несколько экземпляров книги поступило в продажу; soon buses will be put into service on these routes вскоре по этим маршрутам будут пущены автобусы; these old freight cars have been put out of operation эти старые товарные вагоны сняты с эксплуатации /с линии/; the gun was put out of action орудие было выведено из строя; I had specimen pages put into type я сдал пробные страницы в набор
    8) be put to smth. the enemy was soon put to flight неприятель был вскоре обращен в бегство; he was put to his trump cards его заставили козырять /пойти с козырей/
    9) be put through smth. the bill was put through Congress last week законопроект был проведен через конгресс /был утвержден конгрессом/ на прошлой неделе
    10) be put at smth. the height of this hill is put at 200 metres считают /говорят/, что высота этого холма равна двумстам метрам; it is roughly put at I 5 это приблизительно равняется пяти фунтам
    11) be put in some manner be clearly (well, badly, etc.) put быть ясно и т.д. выраженным /изложенным/; а good story (an anecdote, a witticism, a jest, a joke, etc.) well put интересный, хорошо преподнесенный рассказ и т.д.; the case was cleverly put обстоятельства дела были умно /толково/ изложены; the compliment was clumsily put комплимент был сделан неуклюже; it was finely (gracefully, logically, etc.) put by this author об этом тонко и т.д. сказано /это тонко и т.д. сформулировано/ у данного автора; be put in a few words быть выраженным /высказанным/ несколькими словами
    12) be put to smb. the question was put to the chairman of the meeting (to the committee, to the management, etc.) вопрос был задан председателю собрания и т.д.
    13) be put on smb., smth. dues were put on cattle на крупный рогатый скот был введен налог; embargo has been put on the ship and cargo на корабль и груз было наложено эмбарго; be put under smth. the paper has been put under ban газета была запрещена
    14) be put (up)on smth. be put upon the stage быть поставленным на сцене; this opera was put on the air эта опера была поставлена на радио; an incident sufficiently interesting to merit being put on record этот случай вполне заслуживает того, чтобы его записать
    6. XVI
    put down (up, into, to, for, etc.) some place put down (up) the river двигаться /плыть/ вниз (вверх) по реке; put for home двигаться /направляться/ домой; the ship (the boat, etc.) put back to the shore (to harbour, to port, etc.) корабль и т.д. вернулся /повернул/ к берегу и т.д.; the ship put to Odessa судно шло в Одессу; the ship put out of Odessa судно отплыло из Одессы; the yacht put into Malta for stores (for repairs, etc.) яхта зашла на Мальту, чтобы пополнить [свои] запасы и т.д.; put to sea выйти в море; put to sea in one's yacht отправиться в морское путешествие на собственной яхте
    7. XVIII
    1) || put oneself in smb.'s place /position/ ставить себя на чье-л. место; put yourself in my place поставь себя на мое место
    2) put oneself over smb. coll. put oneself over an audience быть принятым публикой, добиться успеха /завоевать популярность/ у публики
    8. XXI1
    1) put smth. (up)on (into, in, etc.) smth. put a letter on the table (one's hat on a chair, jewels in a safe, a book down upon the desk, the key in his pocket, a manuscript back in its place, one's clothes into the case, etc.) положить письмо на стол и т.д.; put a bottle on the table (a vase upon the mantlepiece, flowers in water, etc.) поставить бутылку на стол и т.д.; put a thing in its right place положить /поставить/ вещь на место; put a kettle on fire поставить чайник на огонь; put the dress in the cupboard повесить платье в шкаф; put a bandage on smb.'s knee накладывать повязку на колено; put one's hand on smb.'s shoulder положить руку. кому-л. на плечо; put one's arms about smb.'s neck обнять кого-л. за шею, обвить чью-л. шею руками; put one's head on the pillow положить голову на подушку; he put an асе on my king он покрыл моего короля тузом; put smb. on (to) smth. put the baby on the bed положите ребенка на кровать; put a player [back] to his former position вернуть игрока на прежнее место
    2) put smb. in some place put smb. in the chair поставить /назначить/ кого-л. председателем; put smb. in the shade оттеснить кого-л. на второй /на задний/ план; put smb. over (under) smb., smth. they put over him a man six years younger than himself они поставили над ним человека на шесть лет моложе него; put a colonel over a division назначить полковника командиром дивизии; they put me under him меня поставили под его начало; put smb., smth. above (before, etc.) smb., smth. he puts Keats above Byron as a poet как поэта он ставит Китса выше Байрона; he puts honour before riches честь для него важнее богатства; put a critic high among other critics ценить /ставить/ данного критика выше всех других; put smth. (up)on smb., smth. put the blame (obligations, hopes, etc.) (up)on smb. возлагать вину и т.д. на кого-л.; he put the blame on me он свалил все на меня; the obligations he had put on us обязательства, которые он на нас возложил; put one's hopes (up)on their talks (oa his decision, on chance, etc.) возлагать надежды на их переговоры и т.д.; put smth. in smb., smth. put confidence /faith, trust/ in smb. верить /доверять/ кому-л.; he puts his faith in reason он верит в силу разума; put no faith in smb.'s assertions не верить чьим-л. утверждениям; put smth. to smth. he puts her failure to lack of experience (to her ignorance, to their refusal, etc.) он относит ее провал за счет неопытности и т.д.; put their conduct to custom объяснять их поведение обычаем; put their success to her credit поставить их успех ей в заслугу || put a wrong construction on smth. а) неправильно понимать или толковать что-л.; б) истолковывать что-л. в худшую сторону; put smb. in possession of smth. ввести кого-л. во владение чем-л.; put difficulties in smb.'s way ставить /чинить/ препятствия кому-л.; put smb., smth. in (to) smb.'s hands доверить кого-л., что-л. кому-л.; put the child in (to) their hands отдать ребенка в их руки; will you put the matter in (to) my hands? не поручите ли вы мне это дело?; put yourself in (to) my hands доверьтесь мне; put smb. in charge of smth. поручить кому-л. руководство чем-л., возложить на кого-л. ответственность за что-л.; put smb. under smb.'s care /under smb.'s charge/ поручить кого-л. чьим-л. заботам; 1 shall put myself under a doctor's care я обращусь к врачу и буду делать то, что он велит; put smth. at smb.'s service предоставить что-л. в чье-л. распоряжение
    3) put smth. in (to) (up, down, etc.) smth. puta letter in (to) an envelope (some money in one's purse, a coin into her pocket, a stick of chewing-gum into her mouth, jewels into a box, papers in the drawer, garbage down a chute, etc.) положить письмо в конверт и т.д.; put a key in a lock (a candle into a candlestick, etc.) вставить ключ в замок и т.д.; he put his hands in (to) his pockets он засунул руки в карманы; put those things in a handbag положите все эти вещи в сумочку; put a letter in a mailbox (a halfpenny into a slot, etc.) опустить /бросить/ письмо в [почтовый] ящик и т.д.; I put a coin in a slot-machine я опустил монету в автомат; put some water in a jug налить воды в кувшин; put sugar in (to) [one's] tea класть сахар в чай; put milk in (to) one's tea наливать /добавлять/ молока себе в чай; put poison in smth. подмешать яду во что-л.; put smth. up the chimney засунуть что-л. в печную трубу; put eau-de-Cologne upon a handkerchief надушите [носовой] платок одеколоном; put seeds into ground засеять поле; put a spoke in smb.'s wheel ставить кому-л. палки в колеса; put smth. into (through) smb., smth. put d knife into smb. зарезать кого-л.; put a bullet through smb. застрелить кого-л.; put a bullet (a knife, etc.) through a wall вогнать пулю и т.д. в стену; put a bullet through one's head пустить себе пулю в лоб, застрелиться; put one's fist through a pane of glass /through a window/ разбить кулаком окно || put one's pen (pencil) through a word (through a line, through a paragraph, etc.) вычеркнуть /вымарать/ слово и т.д.; put smb. in (to) (on) smth. put smb. in a spare room in a hostel поместить /поселить/ кого-л. в свободной комнате общежития; put smb. in prison /into jail/ отправить /заключить/ кого-л. в тюрьму; put smb. in hospital (into a madhouse, etc.) поместить кого-л. в больницу и т.д.; I will put you on the bus я вас [провожу и] посажу на автобус; put smth., smb. out of smth. put one's head out of the window высунуться из окна; put disorderly people out of a meeting вывести /удалять/ хулиганов с собрания
    4) put smth., smb. in (to) (on) smth. put smb. in /on/ the list включить кого-л. в список; put these books in the catalogue включите эти книги в каталог; put a child in a special school отдать ребенка в специальную школу; put an ad in a paper поместить объявление в газете; put all his pieces for children (all his poems together, etc.) in one volume соберите /включите/ все его пьесы для детей и т.д. в один [отдельный] том; put fresh troops into the field вводить в бой свежие войска; put smth. under smth. put a field under wheat засеять поле пшеницей
    5) put smth. in (to) smth. put [one's] money (capital, etc.) in (to) a bank (in business, into land, into property, In an undertaking, into a company, into real estate, etc.) вкладывать [свои] деньги и т.д. в банк и т.д.; put one's savings into securities превращать /вкладывать/ свои сбережения в ценные бумаги; put much work into this display (many weeks into this work, many hours in this paper, etc.) вложить много труда в эту выставку и т.д.; I put much time into this design я затратил много времени, чтобы создать этот узор; put words into smb.'s mouth вложить слова в чьи-л. уста; put a word or two into smb.'s ear [about smth.] шепнуть кому-л. пару слов [о чем-л.]; put new ideas into smb.'s head внушить кому-л. новые идеи; good actors know how to put emotion into their spoken words хорошие /настоящие/ актеры умеют выразить чувства словами; you must put more nerve into your part вы должны играть эту роль более темпераментно; put smth. on smb., smth. put all one's money (a dollar, etc.) on a horse (on the favourite) ставить все свои деньги на лошадь (на фаворита); put a bet on the game делать ставку в азартной игре; put smth. into smb. put new life into a person вселять новую надежду /жизнь/ в человека; put smth., smb. out of smth. put the idea (a thing, this man, etc.) out of one's head /out of one's mind/ выбросить эту мысль и т.д. из головы; put it out of sight уберите это с глаз долой
    6) put smth. to (on) smth. put a new handle to a knife приделать новую рукоятку /ручку/ к ножу; I am afraid you forgot to put a stamp on your letter боюсь, что вы забыли наклеить марку на свое письмо; will you please put a patch on these trousers положите, пожалуйста, заплату на эти брюки, залатайте, пожалуйста, эти брюки; put the roof on the house покрыть дом крышей; put smth. in some piece put a cross at the bottom (one's signature on top, etc.) поставить крест внизу и т.д.
    7) put smth. oner (ой) smth., smb. put gold (silver, etc.) [leaf] over smth. покрывать что-л. золотом и т.д.; put a ring on a finger (a dress on a mannequin,. two socks on one foot, a coat on her shoulders, a new suit on him, etc.) надеть кольцо на палец и т.д.; put a net over a lion набросить на льва сеть; put a saddle on a horse оседлать лошадь; put smb. into smth. put a child into a sailor suit одеть ребенка в матросский костюмчик /в матроску/
    8) put smth. to (against) smth. put a glass to one's lips /one's lips to one's glass/ (a handkerchief to one's nose, a light to a fire, a match to a cigarette, etc.) поднести стакан к губам и т.д.; put one's hand to one's head приложить руку ко лбу; put one's eye to a telescope (to opera-glasses, to a spyglass, to a keyhole, etc.) посмотреть в телескоп и т.д.; he put a flower against her hair он приложил цветок к ее волосам; put one's lips to smb.'s ear сказать что-л. на ухо/шепнуть что-л./ кому-л. || put smb. in touch with smb., smth. связать кого-л. с кем-л., чем-л.; I'll try to put you in touch with them попробую связать вас с ними
    9) put smth. in (to) smth. put a plan in action проводить в жизнь план; put a plan in execution приводить план в исполнение; put a law in force /into operation/ вводить закон в действие; put a reform into effect провести реформу; put an order into effect выполнять приказ; put a principle into practice осуществлять какой-л. принцип; put one's knowledge to practical use применять свои знания на практике; put the money to a good use хорошо /разумно/ использовать деньги; put smth. in evidence выставлять /предъявлять/ что-л. как свидетельство; put smb. to smth. put smb. to work определять кого-л. на работу; put smb. to business приставить кого-л. к делу; put smb. to a trade отдать /определить/ кого-л. в учение; he put me to work at once он сразу же дал /поручил/ мне работу
    10) put smb. into (in, to, out of, on) some state put smb. into a rage привести кого-л. в ярость; put smb. into a fright напугать/перепугать/ кого-л.; put smb. in fear of his life заставить кого-л. дрожать за свою жизнь; put smb. into a state of anxiety разволновать кого-л., привести кого-л. в волнение; put smb. into a flutter привести кого-л. в нервное состояние, взбудоражить кого-л.; put smb. in doubt вызвать у кого-л. сомнение; put smb. to shame пристыдить кого-л.; put smb. to the blush заставить кого-л. покраснеть; put smb. in a good humour привести кого-л. в хорошее настроение /в хорошее расположение духа/; he always manages to put me in the wrong ему всегда удается показать, что я неправ; put smb. into a state of hypnosis загипнотизировать кого-л.; put smb. to bed уложить кого-л. спать; put smb. to sleep a) навевать сон кому-л.; by singing she put the baby back to sleep ребенок снова заснул под ее песенку; б) усыпить /убить/ кого-л.; we had to put the old dog to sleep нам пришлось усыпить старого пса; the doctor put the patient to bed for six weeks врач уложил больного в постель /прописал больному постельный режим/ на шесть недель; put smb. on diet посадить кого-л. на диету; put the patient on a milk diet прописать /назначить/ больному молочную диету; put smb. out of temper вывести кого-л. из себя; put smb. out of patience вывести кого-л. из терпения; put smb. out of humour испортить кому-л. настроение; put smb. out of suspense успокоить кого-л.; put smb. out of countenance привести кого-л. в замешательство, смутить кого-л.; put the poor man out of misery избавить несчастного [человека] от страданий; put smb. out of employment лишать кого-л. работы; put smb. out of business разорить кого-л.; put smth. in (into, out of) some state put one's room (one's dress, one's affairs, the house, etc.) in order привести свою комнату и т.д. в порядок; put manuscripts in order for publication подготовить рукописи к изданию; I want to put my report into shape я хочу привести в порядок /отредактировать/ свой доклад; put figures into the form of diagrams представить /дать/ цифры в форме диаграмм; put data into tabular form привести данные в табличной форме; put names in alphabetical order расположить фамилии в алфавитном порядке; put the piano in tune настроить рояль; put a country in a state of defence подготовить страну к обороне; put a machine out of order /out of gear/ сломать машину; put a bus out of service снять автобус с линии; put a warship out of action вывести военный корабль из боя || put smb. in mind of smth., smb. напоминать кому-л. что-л., кого-л.; this put me in mind of my youth (of his promise, of her sister, etc.) это напомнило мне мою юность и т.д.; put smth., smb. on its, on one's legs again снова поставить что-л., кого-л. на ноги; he tried to put the firm on its legs again он попробовал вдохнуть в фирму новую жизнь
    11) put smb. to smth. put smb. to inconvenience причинять кому-л. неудобство; I am putting you to a good deal of trouble я доставляю /причиняю/ вам массу хлопот; you have put me to great /heavy/ expense вы ввели меня в большие расходы; put smb. to torture пытать кого-л., подвергать кого-л. пыткам; put smb. to trial возбуждать против кого-л. дело в суде; предать кого-л. суду; put smb. to death казнить кого-л.; put smth. to smth., smb. put an end /a stop/ (a check, etc.) to smth. положить конец чему-л., прекратить что-л.; the news put an end to our hopes это известие лишило нас надежды; put an end to smb. покончить с кем-л., ликвидировать кого-л.; put an end to oneself /to one's life/ покончить жизнь самоубийством; put an end to a practice прекратить практику; put smb. in smth. put smb. in an unpleasant position /in a fix, in a hole/ поставить кого-л. в неприятное или затруднительное положение; put smb., smth. through (on, to, etc.) smth. put them through a course of English обязать их прослушать курс английского языка /пройти подготовку по английскому языку/; put smb. through an ordeal подвергать кого-л. тяжелому испытанию; put smb. through a severe /stiff/ cross-examination устроить кому-л. суровый перекрестный допрос; put smb. through it coll. задать кому-л. жару; put goods on (in) the market /to sale, into circulation/ выпустить товар в продажу; he put the car through some tests он несколько раз проверял /испытывал/ машину; put smb., smth. to the test подвергать кого-л., что-л. испытанию; проверять кого-л., что-л. || put smth. to the vote ставить вопрос на голосование; put a motion (a proposal, a matter, a resolution, a decision, etc.) to the vote ставить предложение и т.д. на голосование; put the painting on exhibition выставить картину для обозрения; put smb. under arrest арестовать кого-л.; put pressure on smth., smb. оказывать давление на что-л., кого-л.; they put it over us coll. они нас провели, они обвели нас вокруг пальца
    12) put smb., smth. to (in, into) smth. put the enemy (an army, the gang, thieves, etc.) to flight обратить неприятеля и т.д. в бегство; put an engine in motion /into operation/ включить мотор; put a piece of mechanism in motion /into operation/ приводить в движение механизм; put new cars into service ввести в эксплуатацию новые машины; put smth. into production (into circulation, etc.) пускать что-л. в производство и т.д.
    13) put smb. on smth. put smb. on his mettle заставить кого-л. проявить себя с лучшей стороны /проявить рвение/; your presence will put him on his best behaviour ваше присутствие заставит его проявить себя с лучшей стороны или вести себя самым лучшим образом; put smb. on his guard заставить кого-л. насторожиться; put smb. through smth. put a horse through his paces заставлять лошадь показать, что она умеет
    14) put smth., smb. (in)to (on, over, across, etc.) smth. put a ship /the rudder/ (in)to port /harbour/ направить корабль в порт; put a fleet to sea направить флот в море; put a satellite into orbit [around the earth] вывести спутник на околоземную орбиту; put a horse's head towards home повернуть /направить/ лошадь домой; put smb. on the right road a) показать кому-л. правильную дорогу; б) направить кого-л. на правильный путь; put smb. on the wrong scent направить кого-л. по ложному следу; put smb. across /over/ the river переправить кого-л. на другой берег [реки]
    15) put smth. at smth. put the distance at 5 miles считать, что расстояние равно пяти милям; they put the circulation at 60 000 они решили установить тираж в шестьдесят тысяч экземпляров; put the rent at a certain sum of money определять размер квартплаты; I put his income at t 6000 a year я думаю, что его годовой доход составляет шесть тысяч фунтов; he puts the time at about 11 он полагает, что сейчас около одиннадцати [часов]; I should put it at i 50 я бы оценил это в пятьдесят фунтов; I would put her age at not more than sixty я бы не дал ей больше шестидесяти лет || put a price on smth. назначать цену на что-л.; put a price on a painting назначить цену на картину; he put too high a price on the book он очень дорого запросил за книгу; put value on smth. ценить что-л.; I put high value on his friendship я очень высоко ценю его дружбу; what value do you put on his advice? как вы относитесь к его советам?
    16) put smth. on (in, etc.) smth. put one's proposals (one's ideas, one's thoughts, one's impressions, etc.) on paper излагать свои предложения и т.д. в письменной форме /в письменном виде, на бумаге/; put smth. in black and white написать что-л. черным по белому; he put his feelings (his ideas, his fancies, etc.) in (to) words он выразил свои чувства и т.д. словами; can you put that in simpler words? не можете ли вы сказать это попроще?; he wanted to go but couldn't put his wish into words он хотел уйти, но не знал, как сказать об этом; put a question in a clearer light сформулировать вопрос точнее /яснее/; let me put it in another way позвольте мне сказать об этом иначе;put smth. to /before/ smb. put it to him nicely скажите ему об этом деликатно /мягко/; you must your case before the commission вы должны свое дело изложить комиссии; when I put it to him he... a) когда я изложил ему это, он...; б) когда я предложил ему это, он...; put smth. in (to) smth. put smth. in (to) some language переводить что-л. на какой-л. язык; put a poem (a work, a novel, a story, a passage, etc.) into French (into German, into English, etc.) перевести стихотворение и т.д. на французский и т.д. язык; how would you put it in French (in Danish, in English, etc.)? как вы это скажете /как это будет/ по-французски и т.д. ?
    17) put smth. before (to) smth., smb. put a matter before a meeting (before a board, before the court, etc.) поставить вопрос на рассмотрение собрания и т.д.; put this case before a tribunal предложить суду рассмотреть этот вопрос; put a proposal before a committee внести предложение в комиссию; put one's grievances before the management изложить администрации свои претензии; I want to put my proposal before you я хочу, чтобы вы выслушали /обсудили, обдумали/ мое предложение; I shall put your suggestion to the board at the next meeting я сообщу о вашем предложении на следующем собрании правления; put smth. in (to) smth. put the questions in (to) writing пришлите или изложите вопросы в письменной форме
    18) put smth. to smb. put a question to smb. задать кому-л. вопрос; put a riddle to smb. загадать кому-л. загадку
    19) put smth. in (to, on, under, etc.) smth. put the amount in the receipt (in the expenditure, etc.) указать количество в квитанции и т.д.; put this sum to my account запишите эту сумму на мой счет; put words into blanks /into blank spaces/ заполните пропуски; put one's name /one's signature/ under a document (to a will, on the dotted line, etc.) подписывать документ и т.д., ставить свою подпись под документом и т.д.; put one's initials to a document diplom. парафировать документ; put one's seal to a document (to a will, etc.) поставить печать под документом и т.д.; put a mark tick/ against smb.'s name поставить галочку против чьей-л. фамилии; put macron over a vowel поставить знак долготы над гласной буквой; put markers on packages пометить тюки
    20) put smth. on smth., smb. put a tax (duties, customs, etc.) on these articles облагать такие предметы налогом и т.д.; put a tax on imports (on luxuries, on cigarettes, etc.) облагать ввозимые товары налогом и т.д.; put heavy dues on cattle обкладывать скот высоким налогом || put a veto on /to/ smth. наложить вето на /запретить/ что-л.; put these customs under taboo запретить эти обычаи
    21) put smth. on the stage put a play ("Othello", etc.) on the stage поставить какую-л. пьесу и т.д. на сцене
    22) put smb. to smb. put a cow to a bull bull to a cow/ agric. спаривать корову с быком
    9. XXII
    1) put smth. into doing smth. put energy into finishing a task приложить энергию /усилия/ к завершению работы
    2) put smb. to doing smth. put a boy to shoemaking определить /отдать/ мальчика в учение к сапожнику
    3) put smb. to doing smth. I put her to setting the table я заставил ее накрыть на стол
    10. XXVIII2
    put it to smb. that... I put it to you that you were (not) there at the time (that you were after no good, that you have committed it, that you were a boy at the time, that you knew the signature was forged, etc.) law я заявляю, что вы там были (не были) в то время

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > put

  • 6 responsibility

    1) (something which a person has to look after, do etc: He takes his responsibilities very seriously.) responsabilidad
    2) (the state of having important duties: a position of responsibility.) responsabilidad
    3) (the state of being responsible: his responsibility for the accident.) responsabilidad
    responsibility n responsabilidad
    1 responsabilidad nombre femenino
    to accept responsibility for responsabilizarse de
    responsibility [ri.spɑntsə'bɪlət̬i] n, pl - ties : responsabilidad f
    carga s.f.
    cargo s.m.
    encargo s.m.
    responsabilidad s.f.
    rɪ'spɑːnsə'bɪləti, rɪˌspɒnsə'bɪləti
    noun (pl - ties)
    a) c (task, duty) responsabilidad f
    b) u (authority, accountability) responsabilidad f

    to take responsibility for something — responsabilizarse* or encargarse* or hacerse* cargo de algo

    c) u (liability, blame) responsabilidad f
    1) (=liability) responsabilidad f

    he has accepted or admitted responsibility for the tragedy — ha aceptado ser responsable de la tragedia

    the group which claimed responsibility for the attack — el grupo que reivindicó el atentado

    joint responsibility — responsabilidad f conjunta

    to place or put the responsibility for sth on sb — hacer a algn responsable de algo, hacer que la responsabilidad de algo recaiga sobre algn

    shared responsibility — responsabilidad f compartida

    the company takes no responsibility for objects left here — la empresa no asume responsabilidad por los objetos que se dejen aquí, la empresa no se responsabiliza de los objetos que se dejen aquí

    2) (=duty, obligation) responsabilidad f

    she's not your responsibility — ella no es responsabilidad tuya, ella no está bajo tu responsabilidad

    it's my responsibility to lock up — cerrar es responsabilidad mía, yo soy el responsable de cerrar

    she didn't want to take on more responsibilities — no quería asumir más responsabilidades

    you have a responsibility to your family — tienes una responsabilidad con or hacia tu familia

    3) (=authority, accountability) responsabilidad f

    to have responsibility for sth — ser responsable de algo

    to take on/ take over (the) responsibility for sth — asumir la responsabilidad de algo, responsabilizarse de algo, hacerse responsable de algo

    4) (=maturity) responsabilidad f
    * * *
    [rɪ'spɑːnsə'bɪləti, rɪˌspɒnsə'bɪləti]
    noun (pl - ties)
    a) c (task, duty) responsabilidad f
    b) u (authority, accountability) responsabilidad f

    to take responsibility for something — responsabilizarse* or encargarse* or hacerse* cargo de algo

    c) u (liability, blame) responsabilidad f

    English-spanish dictionary > responsibility

  • 7 have

    1. [hæv] n
    1. pl имущие

    the haves and have-nots - богатые и бедные; имущие и неимущие (люди, классы, страны)

    2. разг. обман, надувательство
    2. [hæv (полная форма); həv,əv, (редуцированные формы)] (had; 3-е л. ед. ч. наст. вр. has или арх. hath; арх. 2-е л. ед. ч. наст. вр. hast, арх. 2-е л. ед. ч. прош. вр. hadst, haddest)
    1. иметь

    he has (got) a family [a friend, a flat] - у него (есть) семья [друг, квартира]

    I have many books [no money] - у меня много книг [нет денег]

    all I have - всё, что у меня есть

    to have shares in a company - быть держателем акций какой-л. компании

    has the house a garden? - есть ли при (этом) доме сад?

    the bag had no name on it - на сумке не было наклейки /бирки/ с фамилией

    have you time to come with me? - у вас есть время (чтобы) пойти со мной?

    do you have much time for reading? - у тебя остаётся много времени для чтения?

    I have no words to express... - у меня не хватает слов, чтобы выразить...

    I have nothing to do - мне нечего делать /нечем заняться/

    I had my work to do - мне надо было (ещё) сделать работу; у меня ещё была работа

    to have smb. on one's side - иметь поддержку с чьей-л. стороны

    to have and to hold - юр. передаётся в собственность и владение ( в документах о передаче имущества)

    2. обладать, иметь

    to have much [little] in common with smb. - иметь много [мало] общего с кем-л.

    he has blue eyes [a bad memory] - у него синие глаза [плохая память]

    he has (got) an ear for music [a fine taste, perfect health] - у него хороший (музыкальный) слух [прекрасный вкус, великолепное здоровье]

    she had faith in him - она верила ему /в него/

    these strawberries have a beautiful flavour - у этой клубники чудесный аромат

    3. состоять из; иметь в качестве составной или неотъемлемой части
    4. 1) получать

    he had a letter [a telegram, a parcel] - он получил письмо [телеграмму, посылку]

    they had no news of him - они не получали о нём известий, они ничего не слышали о нём

    let me have your order as soon as possible - пришлите мне ваш заказ как можно скорее

    2) приобретать

    it is to be had at the chemist's - это можно получить /купить/ в аптеке

    you may have it for five pounds - вы можете получить /купить/ это за пять фунтов

    I'll let you have it for five pounds - я отдам /уступлю/ это за пять фунтов

    which book will you have? - какую книгу вы хотите /возьмёте/?

    3) узнавать

    they had it from your neighbour [from his own mouth] - они узнали это /получили сообщение об этом/ от вашего соседа [от него самого]

    4) добиваться

    there is nothing to be had here - здесь ничего не добьёшься /не получишь/

    5) зарабатывать

    he has ten thousand pounds a year - он получает /зарабатывает/ десять тысяч фунтов (стерлингов) в год

    5. находиться; иметься
    6. происходить, случаться

    we had an earthquake last month - в прошлом месяце у нас было землетрясение

    we have had much rain [fine weather] this year - у нас в этом году было много дождей [стояла прекрасная погода]

    7. знать; уметь

    he has small Latin and less Greek - он плохо знает латынь и ещё хуже греческий

    8. разг. усваивать, понимать; найти решение

    I have it! - придумал /нашёл/!

    you have me? - вы меня поняли?; вам ясно?

    9. взять в жёны или мужья
    10. 1) принимать (кого-л. в качестве гостя и т. п.)

    to have smb. (in) to dinner - пригласить кого-л. (к себе) на обед

    we are having them down for the weekend /over the Sunday/ - мы пригласили их на выходные /провести с нами выходные/

    we would rather stay with you, if you will have us - мы хотели бы остановиться у вас, если вы согласны (нас принять)

    2) взять, принять (в друзья, в ученики и т. п.)

    would you like to have such a man for a friend? - вы бы хотели видеть /считать/ такого человека своим другом?

    11. разг.
    1) одолеть, взять верх, победить (тж. have it)

    mind he doesn't have you! - смотри, чтобы он тебя не одолел!

    he had you completely in the first round - в первом же раунде он победил вас

    that's where I shall have him! - вот чем я его возьму!, тут-то я его обойду!, тут-то он и попадётся!

    the ❝ayes❞have it - голосовавшие «за» оказались в большинстве

    2) обмануть, обойти, перехитрить

    I'm afraid you have been had - боюсь, что вас обманули /провели/

    12. сл. обладать
    II А
    1. проводить ( время)

    have a good time /some fun/! - желаю тебе повеселиться /приятно провести время/!

    they have had a somewhat agitating day - этот день прошёл для них в волнении, они пережили очень много волнений в этот день

    she has had a bad night - она плохо спала в эту ночь; ночью ей было плохо

    2. принимать (пищу и т. п.); есть, пить

    do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? - вы за завтраком пьёте чай или кофе?

    what will you have? - что вы будете пить /есть/?

    will you have another cup of tea? - не выпьете ли вы ещё чашку чаю?

    what can you let me have? - что у вас найдётся поесть?, что вы можете мне предложить? (в ресторане, кафе и т. п.)

    I'll have ice cream and coffee - мне, пожалуйста, мороженое и кофе ( обращение к официанту)

    have a cigar? - хотите сигару?

    3. родить; приносить ( потомство); иметь ( детей)

    he had had two children by her [by a previous marriage] - у него от неё [от прежнего брака] двое детей

    4. держать (кого-л. в своей власти и т. п.)
    5. переживать (события и т. п.)

    she had an odd experience - с ней произошёл /приключился/ странный случай

    be didn't have any trouble in finding the book - он нашёл книгу без (всякого) труда

    6. ощущать, испытывать ( боль); переносить ( заболевание)

    she has a headache [toothache, a sore throat] - у неё болит голова [зуб, горло]

    he has measles [typhus] - у него корь [тиф], он болен корью [тифом]

    7. проявлять, испытывать (чувства и т. п.)

    to have pity [compassion] for smb. - проявлять жалость [сострадание] к кому-л.

    have no fear! - не бойтесь!, не бойся!

    has she really the cheek to ask for more money? - неужели у неё хватило нахальства просить ещё денег?

    please have the goodness /kindness/ to ring him up - будьте столь любезны, позвоните ему

    he had the kindness to assent... - он любезно согласился..., он был так любезен, что согласился...

    8. быть наделённым (властью, правом и т. п.)

    he has (got) authority [privilege] - он пользуется авторитетом [привилегией]

    he has charge of... - а) он заботится о...; б) в его ведении находится...

    to have responsibility for smth. - а) нести ответственность за что-л.; б) быть виноватым в чём-л.

    9. приводить (к какому-л. результату); оказывать ( воздействие)

    this policy had the desired effect - эта политика привела к желаемым результатам

    10. иметь (представление, мнение, право и т. п.)

    have you any idea where he lives? - не знаете ли вы, где он живёт?

    I have no idea where he may be at present - я не имею ни малейшего представления (о том), где он сейчас может быть

    he has an opinion... - он считает...

    II Б
    1. to have smb. (to) do /doing/ smth. заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.; устроить или сделать так, чтобы кто-л. сделал что-л.

    I will have him come - я заставлю его прийти, я сделаю так /распоряжусь/, чтобы он пришёл

    we ought to have the doctor examine her - нам следовало бы показать её врачу

    she had us all guessing what her next move would be - мы все старались угадать, что она сделает /как она поступит/ дальше

    I would have you to know... - я хотел бы поставить вас в известность..., я бы хотел, чтобы вы знали...

    will you have me to help you? - вы хотите, чтобы я вам помог?

    2. to have smth. done
    1) (выражает действие, совершённое по инициативе или побуждению какого-л. лица) велеть, приказать сделать что-л. для себя

    the town council has had ten houses built - городской совет построил десять домов

    2) (выражает действие, совершённое помимо воли или желания какого-л. лица и направленное на него или на какой-л. предмет) подвергнуться какому-л. действию

    three houses had their windows shattered - в трёх домах разбились /вылетели/ стёкла

    1) сделать или устроить так, чтобы что-л. оказалось таким-то или там-то

    to have smb. up - заставить кого-л. подняться (наверх) [ср. тж. have up]

    let's have her down - пусть она сойдёт /спустится/ к нам

    can we have our ball back, please? - отдайте нам, пожалуйста, мяч

    2) быть в определённом состоянии
    4. to have to do with smb., smth. иметь отношение к кому-л., чему-л.

    this has nothing to do with you - к вам это никакого отношения не имеет, вас это (никак) не касается

    I advise you to have nothing to do with that man - я вам советую не иметь никаких дел с этим человеком

    5. to have smth. about /on/ one иметь что-л. при себе, с собой

    he hadn't any money [papers] about /on/ him - у него не было при себе /с собой/ денег [документов]

    have you the time on you? - у вас есть при себе часы?

    6. to have smth. against smb. иметь что-л. против кого-л.

    what have you against it [him]? - что вы имеете против этого [него]?

    I have nothing against it [him] - я не имею ничего против этого [него]

    7. to have smth. on smb. знать о ком-л. что-л. плохое, дурное

    he has (got) nothing on me - он обо мне ничего дурного не знает; у него нет никаких улик против меня

    8. to have smb., smth. on smb. напускать кого-л., что-л. на кого-л.; науськивать

    to have the law [the police] on smb. - подать в суд [заявить в полицию] на кого-л.

    9. to have at smb. налетать, напускаться на кого-л.

    (let us) have at him - за ним (в погоню)!

    to have a go /a shy, a shot, a bash, a stab/ at smth., smb. - сделать попытку (сделать что-л.); пробовать что-л., пробовать силы на чём-л., на ком-л.

    10. one had better /best/ do smth. лучше бы вам /тебе, ему и т. п./ сделать что-л., вы бы /ты бы, он бы и т. п./ лучше...

    you had better ask him about it - лучше бы тебе /вам/ спросить его об этом

    you had better say it at once - будет гораздо лучше, если вы сразу скажете об этом

    11. one had rather do smth. than... я /ты, он и т. п./ бы предпочёл, сделать что-л., чем...

    I had rather do it myself - я предпочёл бы сделать это сам, я лучше сделал бы это сам

    12. one had as soon /уст. as lief/ do smth. я /ты, он и т. п./ бы скорее предпочёл сделать что-л.
    13. 1) one won't /can't/ have smth. ( done) не допускать чего-л., не терпеть чего-л.

    let us have no nonsense! - давайте без глупостей!

    2) one won't /can't/ have smb. do /doing/ smth. не позволить, кому-л. делать что-л.

    I won't have you say /saying/ such things - я не допущу, чтобы вы говорили подобные вещи

    14. to have it that... говорить, утверждать, что...; гласить

    the newspapers have it that... - газеты утверждают, что...

    he will have it that... - он считает /настаивает на том/, что...

    rumour has it that... - ходят слухи, что...

    III А

    one has to do smth. - я /ты, он и т. п./ должен сделать что-л.

    he has (got) to help us - ему придётся нам помочь, он должен нам помочь

    the money has to be paid - эти деньги придётся заплатить /нужно уплатить, должны быть выплачены/

    you don't have to apologize - можете не извиняться, совершенно не нужно извиняться

    2. в сочетании с существительным означает единичный акт или кратковременное действие, соответствующее значению существительного

    to have a swim [a shave, a wash, a walk, a dance, a smoke] - поплавать [побриться, помыться, погулять, потанцевать, покурить]

    let me have a look [a try] - дайте мне взглянуть [попробовать]

    to have a bath [a shower] - принять ванну [душ]

    to have a word with smb. - поговорить с кем-л.

    3. have got см. get II, III А 1
    III Б
    1. вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования форм перфекта

    he has read this book - он прочёл /читал/ эту книгу

    how long have they known each other? - как давно они знакомы /знают друг друга/?

    you ought to have done it - вам следовало /надлежало/ это сделать

    it's silly not to have gone after having accepted the invitation - глупо было не ходить, раз вы приняли приглашение

    you haven't swept the room. - I have! - ты не подметал пол. - Нет, подметал!

    he hasn't been to England before, has he? - он (ведь) раньше /прежде/ не бывал в Англии, не так ли?

    you've forgotten your gloves. - So I have! - вы забыли перчатки. - Действительно!

    well, you have grown! - как ты вырос!, ну и вырос же ты!

    had I seen him?! - видел ли я его?!, ну конечно же, я его видел!

    she has frequently dreamt about the past, has Joan! - Джоан очень, очень часто вспоминала о прошлом

    had one... - если бы я /ты, он и т. п./...

    had they searched more closely, they would have found what they wanted - если бы они искали (по)внимательнее, они бы нашли то, что им было нужно

    2. вспомогательный глагол, служит для образования эмоц.-усил. конструкций и альтернативных вопросов вне перфекта:

    she had a good time, had Mary! - и здорово же провела Мэри время!

    he had a sister, hadn't he? - у него ведь была сестра, не так ли?

    to have it - получить удар, понести наказание

    I've had it! Let's stop and rest - всё, больше не могу! Надо передохнуть

    he decided that he had had it and quit the stage - он решил, что с него довольно /хватит/, и ушёл со сцены

    let him have it! - а) покажи ему!, задай ему взбучку!; б) скажи ему откровенно, что ты о нём думаешь!

    to let smb. have it in the face - дать кому-л. по физиономии

    he has had it - а) теперь ему конец /крышка/; теперь он пропал; б) он безнадёжно отстал

    to have it away /off/ with smb. - сл. иметь половые сношения с кем-л., «трахаться»

    have it your own way - делай /поступай/ как хочешь /как знаешь/

    and there you have... - и вот каков...

    there you have the man - вот какой он человек, вот полюбуйтесь на него

    have done! - перестань!, хватит!

    and what have you - и так далее, и всё в таком роде

    pens, pencils and what have you - ручки, карандаши и всё такое прочее /и так далее/

    he had one on me - он меня надул /обошёл/

    НБАРС > have

  • 8 निस् _nis

    निस् ind.
    1 As a prefix to verbs it implies separa- tion (away from, outside of), certainty, completeness or fulness, enjoyment, crossing over, transgressing &c.; (for examples see under (निर्).
    -2 As a prefix to nouns, not directly derived from verbs, it forms nouns or adjectives, and has the sense of (a) 'out of', 'away from'; as in निर्वन, निष्कौशाम्बि; or (b) more usu- ally, 'not', 'without', 'devoid of' (having a privative force); निःशेष 'without a remainder'; निष्फल, निर्जल, &c. N. B. In compound the स् of निस् is changed to र् before vowels and soft consonants (see निर्), to a visarga before sibilants, to श् before च् and छ्, and to ष् before क् and प्; cf. दुस्.
    -Comp. -कण्टक (निष्कण्टक) a.
    1 thornless.
    -2 free from thorns or enemies, free from danger or nuisance. (
    -कः) N. of Śiva.
    -कन्द (निष्कन्द) a. without edible roots.
    -कपट (निष्कपट) a. guileless, sincere.
    -कम्प (निष्कम्प) a. motionless, steady, im- movable; निष्कम्पचामरशिखाः Ś.1.8; Ku.3.48.
    -करुण (निष्करुण) a. merciless, pitiless, cruel.
    -करूष (निष्क रूष) a. free from dirt.
    -कर्मन् (निष्कर्मन्) a. inactive.
    -कल (निष्कल) a.
    1 without parts, undivided, whole.
    -2 waned, decayed, diminished.
    -3 impotent, barren.
    -4 maimed.
    -5 inarticulate (a musical term); N.21.16.
    -6 Without attributes, or qualities; निष्कलं निष्क्रियं शान्तं निरवद्यं निरञ्जनम् Śvet. Up; Bhāg.1.9.44; तद् ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं (स्मरामि).
    -(लः) 1 a receptacle.
    -2 the pudendum muliebre.
    -3 N. of Brahmā. (
    -ला, -ली) an elderly woman, one who is past child-bearing, or one in whom menstruation has ceased.
    -कलङ्क, (निष्कलङ्क) -कल्मष a. stainless, spotless.
    -कषाय (निष्कषाय) a. free from dirt or impure passions.
    -कान्त (निष्कान्त) a. not lovely, ugly.
    -काम (निष्काम) a.
    1 free from wish or desire, desireless, disinterested, unselfish.
    -2 free from all worldly desires; विशिष्टफलदाः पुंसां निष्कामाणां विमुक्तिदाः Viṣṇu. P. (
    -मम् ind.)
    1 without wish or desire.
    -2 unwillingly.
    -कारण (निष्कारण) a.
    1 causeless, unneces- sary.
    -2 disinterested, free from any motive; निष्कारणो बन्धुः.
    -3 groundless, not proceeding from any cause. (
    -णम् ind.) without any cause or reason, causelessly, needlessly.
    -कालकः (निष्कालकः) a penitent shaven and smeared with clarified butter.
    -कालिक (निष्कालिक) a.
    1 one whose term of life is over or elapsed, whose days are numbered.
    -2 one who has no conqueror, invincible (अजय्य).
    -किञ्चन (निष्किञ्चन) a. penniless, poor, indigent; प्रज्ञानं शौचमेवात्र शरीरस्य विशेषतः । तथा निष्कि- ञ्चनत्वं च मनसश्च प्रसन्नता ॥ Mb.
    -किल्विष (निष्किल्विष) a. sinless, faultless.
    -कुल (निष्कुल) a. having no kindred, left alone in the world. (निष्कुलं कृ 'to cut off completely, exterminate'; निष्कुला कृ
    1 to exterminate one's family
    -2 to shell, strip off the husk; निष्कुलाकरोति दाडिमम् Sk.; N.22.15.)
    -कुलीन (निष्कुलीन) a. of low family.
    -कूज (निष्कूज) a. still, silent; U.2.16.
    -कूट (निष्कूट) a. pitiless, merciless, cruel.
    -कैवल्य (निष्कैवल्य) a.
    1 mere, pure, absolute.
    -2 deprived of final beatitude (मोक्षहीन).
    -कोश (निष्कोश) a. unsheathed.
    -कौशाम्बि (निष्कौशाम्बि) a. who has gone out of Kauśāmbī.
    -क्रिय (निष्क्रिय) a.
    1 inactive.
    -2 not performing ceremonial rites; Ms.1.58.
    -3 knowing higher know- ledge as a sage, Saṁnyāsin; न्यासे कुटीचकः पूर्वं बह्वोदो हंस- निष्क्रियौ Bhāg.3.12.43.
    -यम् the Supreme Spirit (ब्रह्म).
    -क्षत्र (निःक्षत्र), -क्षत्रिय (निःक्षत्रिय) a. destitute of the military tribe.
    -क्षेपः (निःक्षेपः) = निक्षेप q. v.
    -चक्रम् (निश्चक्रम्) ind. completely; निश्चक्रं हतराक्षसः पुनरगाद्ब्रह्मत्व- माद्यं स्थिराम् A. Rām.1.1.1.
    -चक्रिक (निश्चक्रिक) a. without tricks, honest.
    -चक्षुस् (निश्चक्षुस्) a. blind, eyeless.
    -चत्वारिंशः (निश्चत्वारिंश) a. past forty.
    -चिन्त (निश्चिन्त) a.
    1 free from anxiety, unconcerned, secure.
    -2 thoughtless, unthinking.
    -चेतन (निश्चेतन) a. unconscious.
    -चेतस् (निश्चेतस्) a. not in one's right senses, mad.
    -चेष्ट (निश्चेष्ट) a. motionless, powerless.
    -चेष्टाकरण (निश्चेष्टाकरण) a. depriving (one) of motion, causing motionlessness (said of one the arrows of Cuhid).
    -छन्दस् (निश्छन्दस्) a. not studying the Vedas (छन्दस्) Ms.3,7.
    -छिद्र (निश्छिद्र) a.
    1 without holes.
    -2 without defects or weak points.
    -3 uninterrupted, unhurt.
    -तन्तु a.
    1 having no offspring, childless.
    -2 a Brahmachārin; मुण्डा निस्तन्तवश्चापि वस- त्यर्थार्थिनः पृथक् Mb.12.167.16.
    -तन्द्र, -तन्द्रि a. not lazy, fresh, healthy.
    -तमस्क -तिमिर a.
    1 free from darkness, bright; तस्य द्वितीयहरिविक्रमनिस्तमस्कं वायोरिमं परि- वहस्य वदन्ति मार्गम् Ś.7.6.
    -2 freed from sin or moral im- purities.
    -तर्क्य a. unimaginable, inconceivable.
    -तल a.
    1 round, globular; मुक्ताकलापस्य च निस्तलस्य Ku.1.42. Kau. A.2.9.
    -2 moving, trembling, shaking.
    -3 bottom- less.
    -4 down, below. (
    -ला) a pill, round ball.
    -तुल a. matchless, incomparable.
    -तुष a.
    1 freed from chaff.
    -2 purified, cleansed.
    -3 simplified. ˚क्षीरः wheat. ˚रत्नम् a crystal.
    -4 faultless, pure; शशंस गुणैररीणैरुदयास्तनिस्तुषम् N.15.8.
    -तुषत्वम् faultlessness; कवेः पुष्यति निस्तुषत्वम् Maṅkhaka.2.7.
    -तुषित a.
    1 husked.
    -2 made thin.
    -3 abandoned.
    -तेजस् a. destitute of fire, heat or energy, powerless, impotent; न भेतव्यं भृशं चैते मात्रा निस्ते- जसः कृताः Mārk. P.
    -2 spiritless, dull.
    -3 obscure.
    -त्रप a. impudent, shameless.
    -त्रिंश a.
    1 more than thirty; निस्त्रिंशानि वर्षाणि चैत्रस्य P.V.4.73; Sk.
    -2 pitiless, merciless, cruel; हे निस्त्रिंश विमुक्तकण्ठकरुणं तावत् सखी रोदितु Amaru.6. (
    -शः) a sword; निजध्नुः शरनिस्त्रिंशकुन्ततोमरशक्तिभिः Śiva B.3.19; शूरौर्निस्त्रिंशपाणिभिः Parnāl 1.5. ˚भृत् m. a sword-bearer.
    -त्रैगुण्य a. destitute of the three qualities (सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्); निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्जुन Bg.2.45.
    -पक्व (निष्पक्व) well cooked, boiled.
    -पङ्क (निष्पङ्क) a. free from mud, clear, pure.
    -पताक (निष्पताक) a. having no flag or banner.
    -पतिसुता (निष्पतिसुता) a woman having no husband and no sons.
    -पत्र (निष्पत्र) a.
    1 leafless.
    -2 unfeathered, featherless. [निष्पत्राकृ 'to pierce with an arrow so that the feathers come through on the other side'; to cause excessive bodily pain (fig.); निष्पत्राकरोति मृगं व्याधः (सपुङ्खस्य शरस्य अपर- पार्श्वे निर्गमनान्निष्पत्रं करोति Sk.); एकश्च मृगः सपत्राकृतो$न्यश्च निष्पत्राकृतो$पतत् Dk.165; so यान्ती गुरुजनैः साकं स्मयमानानना- म्बुजा । तिर्यग्ग्रीवं यदद्राक्षीत्तन्निष्पत्राकरोज्जगत् Bv.2.132.]
    -पथ्य (निष्पथ्य) a. unwell, ill
    -पद (निष्पद) a. having no foot. (
    -दम्) a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship).
    -पराक्रम (निष्पराक्रम) a. weak, powerless.
    -परामर्श (निष्परामर्श) a. without advice, helpless; M.4.2/3
    -परिकर (निष्परिकर) a. without preparations.
    -परिग्रह (निष्परिग्रह) a. having no property or possessions; Mu.2. (
    -हः) an ascetic without family, dependents, or other belongings.
    -परिच्छद (निष्परिच्छद) a. having no retinue or train.
    -परिदाह (निष्परिदाह) a. incom- bustible.
    -परिहार्य (निष्परिहार्य) a. To be applied by all means.
    -परीक्ष (निष्परीक्ष) a. not examining or testing accurately.
    -परीहार (निष्परीहार) a.
    1 not avoiding.
    -2 not observing caution.
    -परुष (निष्परुष) a. (in music) soft.
    -पर्यन्त (निष्पर्यन्त), -पार (निष्पार) a. boundless, unbounded.
    -पर्याय (निष्पर्याय) a. out of order.
    -पाप (निष्पाप) sinless, guiltless, pure.
    -पुत्र (निष्पुत्र) a. sonless, childless.
    -पुराण (निष्पुराण) a. not existing before, unheard of, new.
    -पुरुष (निष्पुरुष) 1 unpeopled, tenantless, desolate.
    -2 without male issue; Ms.3.7.
    -2 not male, femi- nine, neuter.
    -षः 1 a eunuch.
    -2 a coward.
    -पुलाक (निष्पुलाक) a. freed from chaff.
    -पौरुष (निष्पौरुष) a. unmanly.
    -प्रकम्प (निष्प्रकम्प) a. steady, immov- able, motionless.
    -प्रकारक (निष्प्रकारक) 1 a. without ditinction of species, without specification, absolute.
    -2 without the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, see निर्विकल्प (7); निष्प्रकारकं ज्ञानं निर्विकल्पकम् T. S.
    -प्रकाश (निष्प्रकाश) a. not transparent, not clear, dark.
    -प्रचार (निष्प्रचार) a.
    1 not moving away, remaining in one place.
    -2 concentrated, intently fixed; निष्प्रचारेण मनसा परं तदधिगच्छति Mb.12.215.17.
    -प्रज्ञ (निष्प्रज्ञ) a. ignorant, stupid.
    -प्रणय (निष्प्रणय) a. cold.
    -प्रताप (निष्प्रताप) a. destitute of glory, mean, base; शङ्क- नीया हि सर्वत्र निष्प्रतापा दरिद्रता Pt.2.94.
    -प्रति(ती)कार (निष्प्रति(ती)कार), -प्रतिक्रिय (निष्प्रतिक्रिय) a.
    1 incurable, irremediable; सर्वथा निष्प्रतीकारेयमापदुपस्थिता K. 151.
    -2 unobstructed, uninterrupted. (
    -रम्) ind. un- interruptedly.
    -प्रतिग्रह (निष्प्रतिग्रह) a. not accepting gifts.
    -प्रतिघ (निष्प्रतिघ) a. unhindered, unob- structed, unimpeded; स हि निष्प्रतिघेन चक्षुषा त्रितयं ज्ञानमयेन पश्यति R.8.78.
    -प्रतिद्वन्द्व (निष्प्रतिद्वन्द्व) a. without enemies, unopposed.
    -2 matchless, unrivalled, unequal- led.
    -प्रतिभ (निष्प्रतिभ) a.
    1 devoid of splendour.
    -2 having no intelligence, not ready-witted, dull, stu- pid.
    -3 apathetic.
    -प्रतिभान (निष्प्रतिभान) a. coward- ly, timid.
    -प्रतीप (निष्प्रतीप) a.
    1 looking straight- forward, not turned backwards.
    -2 unconcerned (as a look).
    -प्रत्याश (निष्प्रत्याश) a. hopeless, despon- dent.
    -प्रत्यूह (निष्प्रत्यूह) a. unobstructed, unimped- ed; निष्प्रत्यूहाः प्रियसखि यदा दुःसहाः संबभूवुः Māl.9.45; निष्प्र- त्यूहमुपास्महे भगवतः कौमोदकीलक्ष्मणः Murārināṭakam.
    -प्रपञ्च (निष्प्रपञ्च) a.
    1 without extension.
    -2 without deceit, honest.
    -प्रभ (
    निःप्रभ or
    -निष्प्रभ) a.
    1 lustreless, pale-looking; निष्प्रभश्च रिपुरास भूभृताम् R.11.81.
    -2 powerless.
    3 gloomy, obscure, dim, dark.
    -प्रमाणक (निष्प्रमाणक) a. without authority.
    -प्रयत्न (निष्प्र- यत्न) a. inactive, dull.
    -प्रयोजन (निष्प्रयोजन) a.
    1 without motive, not influenced by any motive.
    -2 cause- less, groundless,
    -3 useless.
    -4 needless, unnecessary. (
    -नम्) ind. causelessly, without reason, without any object; Mu.3.
    -प्रवणि, प्रवाण, प्रवाणि (निष्प्रवणि, -ष्प्रवाण, -ष्प्रवाणि) a. fresh from loom, quite new (cloth, &c.)
    -प्राण (निष्पाण) a.
    1 lifeless, dead.
    -2 Weak (निर्बल); निष्प्राणो नामिहन्तव्यः Mb.12.95.12.
    -फल (निष्फल) a.
    1 bearing no fruit, fruitless (fig. also), unsuccessful, futile; निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः Me.56.
    -2 useless, profitless, vain; Ku.4.13.
    -3 barren (as a tree).
    -4 meaningless (as a word).
    -5 seedless, impotent. (
    -ला, -ली) a woman past child-bearing.
    -फेन (निष्फेन) a. foamless. n. opium.
    -शङ्क (निःशङ्क) a. free from fear or risk, secure, fearless. (
    -निःशङ्कः) (in music) a kind of dance. -f. (निःशङ्का) absence of fear. -ind. fearlessly, securely, easily.
    -शब्द (निःशब्द) a. not expressed in words, inaudible; निःशब्दं रोदितुमारेभे K.135. (
    -ब्दः, ब्दम्) silence, a calm.
    -शमः (निःशमः) uneasiness, anxiety.
    - शरण a. (
    -निःशरण) helpless, forlorn.
    -शर्कर (
    -निःशर्कर) a. free from pebbles (as a bathing place).
    -शलाक (निःशलाक) a. lonely, solitary, retired. (
    -कम्) a retired place, solitude; अरण्ये निःशलाके वा मन्त्रयेदविभावितः Ms.7.147.
    -शल्य a.
    1 free from arrows.
    -2 free from thorns or darts.
    -शूक (निःशूक) a. merciless, cruel. (
    -कः) beardless rice.
    -शेष (निःशेष) a. with- out remainder (either finished or passed away).
    -शोध्य (निःशोध्य) a. washed, pure, clean.
    -श्रीकः a.
    1 deprived of lustre, beauty.
    -2 unhappy.
    -श्रेयस a. the best, most excellent. (
    -सः) an epithet of Śiva. (
    -सम्) final beatitude, absolution; यः करोति वधोदर्का निःश्रेयसकरीः क्रियाः Ki.11.19; see निःश्रेयस also.
    -2 devo- tion, faith, belief.
    -3 apprehension, conception.
    -4 happiness (in general), welfare; इदं निःश्रेयसं परम् Ms. 1.16.
    -संशय (निःसंशय) a.
    1 undoubted, certain.
    -2 not doubtful, not suspecting or doubting; कुरु निः- संशयं वत्से स्ववृत्ते लोकमित्यशात् R.15.79. (
    -यम्) ind. doubtlessly, undoubtedly, surely, certainly.
    -संस्कार (निःसंस्कार) a. uneducated, ill-mannered.
    -संख्य (निःसंख्य) a. innumerable.
    -संग (निःसंग) a.
    1 not attached or devoted to, regardless of, indifferent to; यन्निःसंगस्त्वं फलस्यानतेभ्यः Ki.18.24.
    -2 one who has re- nounced all worldly attachments; भर्तुर्ये प्रलये$पि पूर्वसुकृता- सङ्गेन निःसङ्गया भक्त्या कार्यधुरं वहन्ति कृतिनस्ते दुर्लभास्त्वादृशाः Mu.1.14.
    -3 unconnected, separated, detatched.
    -4 unobstructed; निःसङ्गं प्रतिभिरुपाददे विवृत्तिः Ki.7.12. (
    -गम्) ind. unselfishly.
    -संचारः (निःसंचारः) not taking a walk; Māl.
    -संज्ञ (निःसंज्ञ) a. unconscious.
    -सत्त्व (निःसत्त्व) a.
    1 unenergetic, weak, impotent.
    -2 mean, insignificant, low.
    -3 non-existent, unsubstantial.
    -4 deprived of living beings.
    (-त्त्वम्) 1 absence of power or energy.
    -2 non-existence.
    -3 insignificance.
    -संतति (निःसंतति), -संतान (निःसंतान) a. childless.
    -संदिग्ध (निःसंदिग्ध), -संदेह (निःसंदेह) a. see निःसंशय.
    -संधि (निस्संधि), निःसंधि) a. having no joints perceptible, compact, firm, close,
    -सपत्न (निःसपत्न) a.
    1 having no rival or enemy; घनरुचिरकलापो निःसपत्नो$द्य जातः V.4.1.
    -2 not claimed by another, belonging exclusively to one possessor.
    -3 having no foes.
    -समम् (निःसमम्) ind.
    1 unseasonably, at a wrong time.
    -2 wickedly.
    -संपात (निःसंपात) a. affording no passage, blocked up. (
    -तः) the darkness of midnight, thick darkness.
    -संबाध (निःसंबाध) a. not contracted, spacious, large.
    -संभ्रम (निःसंभ्रम) a. not perplexed, unembarrassed.
    -सरणि (निःसरणि) a. pathless.
    -सह (निःसह) a.
    1 Exhausted, powerless; कुसुमावचयपरिश्रमनिःसहं मे शरीरम् Nāg.2.
    -2 intolerable, irresistible.
    -सार (निःसार) a.
    1 sapless, pithless.
    -2 worthless, vain, unsubstantial. ˚ता
    1 sapless, pithlessness; निःसारत्वाल्लघीयसः (तृणस्य च समा गतिः) Pt.1.16.
    -2 worthlessness.
    -3 vanity, un- substantial or transitory nature.
    -सीम (निःसीम), -सीमन् (निःसीमन्) a. immeasurable, boundless; अहह महतां निःसीमानश्चरित्रविभूतयः Bh.2.35; निःसीमशर्मप्रदम् 3.97.
    -स्तम्भ (निःस्तम्भ) a. having no pillars.
    -2 having no support.
    -3 not proud; निःस्तम्भो भ्रष्टसंकल्पः स्वान् मेघान् स न्यवारयत् Bhāg.1.25.24.
    -सूत्र a. helpless; निःसूत्रमास्ते घनपङ्कमृत्सु N.7.69.
    -स्नेह (निःस्नेह) a.
    1 not unctuous or greasy, without unction or oil, dry.
    -2 not showing affection, unfeeling, unkind, indifferent.
    -3 not loved, not cared for; केशा अपि विरज्यन्तो निःस्नेहाः किं न सेवकाः Pt.1. 82.
    -4 not longing for, indifferent to. (
    -हा) lin-seed.
    -स्पन्द (
    निःस्पन्द or
    निस्स्पन्द) a. motionless, steady; ज्याबन्धनिस्स्पन्दभुजेन यस्य R.6.4.
    -स्पर्श (निःस्पर्श) a. hard, rough.
    -स्पृह (निःस्पृह) a. free from desire; निःस्पृहस्य तृणं जगत्.
    -2 regardless of, indifferent to; ननु वक्तृविशेषनिःस्पृहाः Ki.2.5; R.8.1; भोगेभ्यः स्पृहयालवो न हि वयं का निःस्पृहाणामसि Bh.
    -3 content, unenvious.
    -4 free from any worldly ties.
    -स्व (निःस्व) a. poor, indigent; निस्वो वष्टि शतम् Śānti.2.6; त्यक्त्वा जनयितारं स्वं निःस्वं गच्छति दूरतः Pt.1.9.
    -स्वन (निःस्वन) a. soundless.
    -स्वभावः (निःस्वभावः) poverty. -a. void of peculiarities.
    -स्वादु (निःस्वादु) a. tasteless, insipid.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निस् _nis

  • 9 ἕως

    ἕως (Hom.+)
    to denote the end of a period of time, till, until.
    as conjunction
    α. w. the aor. ind. (Lysias 25, 26; Ps.-Demosth. 47, 58; Wsd 10:14; 1 Macc 10:50; Jdth 10:18; En 13:7; 102:10; PsSol 2:26; 4:10; SibOr 5, 528; Ar. 12, 2) ἕως ἐστάθη until it stood still Mt 2:9. ἕως ἦλθεν ὁ κατακλυσμός until the flood came 24:39.—Ac 19:10 D.
    β. w. the aor. subj. and, as the rule requires (s. AFuchs, D. Temporalsätze mit d. Konj. ‘bis’ u. ‘so lange als.’ 1902), ἄν (X., An. 5, 1, 11; SIG 966, 11; 1207, 10; PPetr II, 40a, 28; POxy 1124, 7; Gen 24:14; 49:10; Ex 33:22; Lev 22:4 and oft. LXX; TestAbr B 7 p. 112, 2 [Stone p. 72]; TestJob 21:2; ParJer 2:3; ApcMos 26 p. 14, 7 Tdf.; Jos., Ant. 13, 400; Just., A I, 45, 1), to denote that the commencement of an event is dependent on circumstances: ἕως ἂν εἴπω σοι until I tell you Mt 2:13.—5:18 (AHoneyman, NTS 1, ’54/55, 141f), 26 (cp. SIG 731, 16ff ἕως ἂν ἀποδῷ); 10:23; 22:44 (Ps 109:1); Mk 6:10; 9:1; 12:36 (Ps 109:1); Lk 20:43 (Ps 109:1); 21:32; Ac 2:35 (Ps 109:1); 1 Cor 4:5; Hb 1:13; B 12:10 (the two last Ps 109:1).—Without ἄν (Soph., Aj. 555, Phil. 764; Polyb. 35, 2, 4; SIG 976, 79; UPZ 18, 10 [II B.C.]; PGrenf II, 38, 16 [I B.C.]; POxy 531, 6; 1125, 15; 1159, 21; Sir 35:17; Tob 14:5 BA; En 10:12, 17; TestSol 15:10; ParJer 5:14; GrBar 11:2; SibOr 5, 217; Just. D. 39, 6): Mt 10:23 v.l.; 18:30; Mk 14:32; Lk 15:4 and 22:34 (both v.l. ἕως οὗ); 2 Th 2:7; Js 5:7; Hb 10:13; Rv 6:11.
    γ. w. the pres. ind. (cp. Plut., Lycurg. 29, 3) ἕως ἔρχομαι until I come J 21:22f; 1 Ti 4:13; Hs 5, 2, 2; 9, 10, 5f; cp. 9, 11, 1.
    δ. w. the fut. ind. (cp. PHolm 26, 7; Jdth 10:15) in a text-critically doubtful pass. (B-D-F §382, 2; Rob. 971f; 976) ἕως ἥξει ὅτε εἴπητε (ἥξει ὅτε is lacking as v.l.) until (the time) comes when you say Lk 13:35.
    used as prep. (appears first at the end of the IV cent. B.C. [Schwyzer II 550]) until, up to (Aristot. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; pseudepigr., also SibOr 5, 57; 118)
    α. w. gen. of a noun or an equivalent expr. (SIG 588, 64 [196 B.C.] ἕ. τοῦ τ. συνθήκης χρόνου; OGI 90, 16 ἕ. τοῦ πρώτου ἔτους; BGU 1128, 8 [14 B.C.]; oft. LXX; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 23 [Stone p. 54]) ἕ. τῆς ἡμέρας (Jdth 12:14; 1 Esdr 4:55; 1 Macc 13:39) Mt 27:64; Lk 1:80. ἕ. τῆς ἡμέρας ἐκείνης (Jdth 1:15) Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25. ἕ. τ. ἡμ. ταύτης (4 Km 17:23; 1 Macc 8:10; 13:30; 1 Esdr 8:73; Bar 1:13; ApcMos 13 p. 7, 1 Tdf.) 1 Cl 11:2. ἕ. ὥρας ἐνάτης Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44. ἕ. τῆς πεντηκοστῆς 1 Cor 16:8. ἕ. τῆς σήμερον (sc. ἡμέρας) Mt 27:8 (Just., D. 134, 5). ἕ. τέλους until the end 1 Cor 1:8 (JosAs 12:3); ἕ. αἰῶνος forever (1 Ch 17:16; Sir 24:9; 44:13; Jdth 13:19; 1 Esdr 8:82; PsSol 18:11; TestJob 34:4) Hv 2, 3, 3. Of someone’s age or a period of life ἕ. ἐτῶν ὀγδοήκοντα τεσσάρων until the age of 84, prob.= until she was now 84 years old (so Goodsp., Probs. 79–81) Lk 2:37 (cp. Jos., Ant. 5, 181). Used w. proper names (Polyb. 2, 41, 5; Diod S 1, 50, 6) ἕ. Ἰωάννου up to the time of John Mt 11:13. ἕ. Σαμουήλ Ac 13:20. In such cases, as well as in others, ἕ. often looks back to a preceding ἀπό: from … to (Bar 1:19; 1 Esdr 8:73; Sir 40:1; 1 Macc 16:2; 3 Macc 6:38 al.; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 18 Jac.): ἀπὸ Ἀβραὰμ ἕ. Δαυίδ Mt 1:17a. ἀπὸ τ. βαπτίσματος Ἰωάννου ἕ. τῆς ἡμέρας Ac 1:22. ἀπὸ τ. ἕκτης ὥρας ἕ. ὥρας ἐνάτης Mt 27:45 (cp. SIG 736, 109 [92 B.C.] ἀπὸ τετάρτας ὥρας ἕ. ἑβδόμας; 1 Esdr 9:41). ἀπὸ πρωὶ̈ ἕ. ἑσπέρας Ac 28:23 (cp. Jos., Ant. 6, 364).—ἕ. τοῦ νῦν until now (Ps.-Lucian, Halc. 4; SIG 705, 44f [112 B.C.]; UPZ 122 [157 B.C.]; Gen 15:16; 18:12; Num 14:19; 1 Macc 2:33) after ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς Mt 24:21; Mk 13:19 (cp. BGU 1197, 8 [4 B.C.] ἕως τ. νῦν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐννεακαιδεκάτου ἔτους Καίσαρος; Ezk 4:14). ἀπὸ Δαυὶδ ἕ. τ. μετοικεσίας Βαβυλῶνος to the Babylonian exile Mt 1:17b.—As here, a historical event forms the boundary (cp. 1 Esdr 5:71; ParJer 3:11) in ἕ. τ. τελευτῆς Ἡρῴδου 2:15.—W. the articular inf. (on the acc. with it s. B-D-F §406, 3) ἕ. τοῦ ἐλθεῖν αὐτὸν εἰς Καισάρειαν until he came to Caesarea Ac 8:40 (s. SIG 588, 93f; Gen 24:33; 28:15; 1 Macc 3:33; 5:19; Polyb., Joseph. [B-D-F §403]); but s. also 3a below.
    β. w. gen. of the relative pron. (οὗ or ὅτου) in the neut.
    א. ἕ. οὗ until (Hdt. 2, 143; Plut. et al.; LXX; En; TestAbr; TestJob 24:4; in local mng. SIG 495, 101) w. aor. ind. (Judg 3:30; 4:24 B; 4 Km 17:20; Tob 1:21; 2:4, 10; Jdth 10:10; 15:5; JosAs 10:2, 19; Jos., Ant. 10, 134) Mt 1:25; 13:33; Lk 13:21; Ac 21:26. W. aor. subj. (BGU 1209, 8 [23 B.C.]; PRyl 229, 14 [38 A.D.]; Judg 5:7 B; Ps 71:7; Jdth 6:5, 8; TestAbr B 2 p. 107, 3 [Stone p. 62]; ParJer 9:3; GrBar 13:5; ApcMos 31 p. 17, 10 Tdf.) Mt 18:34; Lk 15:4 v.l., 8; 22:18; 24:49; Ac 25:21; 2 Pt 1:19. After neg.=until, before Mt 17:9; J 13:38; Ac 23:12, 14, 21.
    ב. ἕ. ὅτου until w. aor. ind. (Diod S 19, 108, 3; 3 Km 10:7; 11:16; Da 2:34; 7:4) J 9:18. W. aor. subj. (POxy 1061, 16 [22 B.C.]; 1 Km 22:3; 2 Esdr 14:5) Lk 12:50; 13:8; 15:8 v.l.; 22:16, 18 v.l.
    γ. w. adv. of time (JosAs 10:17 ἕ. πρωί̈; Ath. 22, 6 ἕ. νῦν) ἕ. ἄρτι until now (s. ἄρτι 3), Mt 11:12; J 2:10; 5:17; 16:24; 1J 2:9; 1 Cor 4:13; 8:7; 15:6. ἕ. σήμερον (Sir 47:7) 2 Cor 3:15. ἕ. πότε; how long? (Ps 12:2, 3; 2 Km 2:26; 1 Macc 6:22; ApcSed 12:1f) Mt 17:17ab; Mk 9:19ab; Lk 9:41; J 10:24; Rv 6:10.
    to denote contemporaneousness, as long as, while
    conj. w. ind. (Hom.+; Jdth 5:17) in our lit. only the pres. (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 53 §218 ἕως χειμάζουσιν and ibid. ἕως Πομπήιος ἡγεῖται=while Pompey imagines; Jos., Bell. 7, 347; Just., D. 4, 4 ἕ. ἐν τῷ σώματί ἐστιν ἡ ψυχή) ἕ. ἡμέρα ἐστίν while it is day J 9:4 (v.l. ὡς. On this interchange s. LRadermacher, Philol. 60, 1901, 495f; B-D-F §455, 3); 12:35f v.l.; ἕ. αὐτὸς ἀπολύει τ. ὄχλον while he himself dismissed the crowd Mk 6:45. ἕ. ὑπάγουσιν while they were on their way Mt 25:10 D; ἕ. ἔτι ἔχομεν while we still have 2 Cl 16:1 (cp. Pla., Phd. 89c ἕ. ἔτι φῶς ἐστιν, Parmen. 135d ἕ. ἔτι νέος εἶ; Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 32 §127 ἕως ἔτι δύνασαι; PEleph 14, 24 [223 B.C.]; Sir 33:21 ἕως ἔτι ζῇς).
    conj. w. subjunctive (PTebt 6, 42 [140 B.C.] ἕως … μένωσι; Dio Chrys. 27 [44], 5 ἕως ἂν … φέρῃ=‘as long as’; Appian, Numid. 4 §2) Mk 14:32; Lk 17:8.
    in a few cases ἕως also has this sense when functioning as prep. with the gen. of the rel. pronoun in the neut. while ἕ. οὗ (Jos., Ant. 3, 279 [ἔχουσι]) w. subj. Mt 14:22; 26:36 (but s. Burton, MT §325 and Zwaan §314).—ἕ. ὅτου (SSol 1:12) w. ind. Mt 5:25.
    marker of limit reached, as far as, to, funct. as prep.
    w. gen. of place as far as, to (Polyb. 3, 76, 2; Diod S 1, 27, 5; SIG 588, 32 [196 B.C.] ἕ. θαλάσσης; 1231, 12 ἀπὸ … ἕως; PTebt 33, 5 [112 B.C.]; LXX; En 21:1; 22:6; PsSol 15:10; TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 12f [Stone p. 12]; TestJob 20:6; GrBar 2:5; 11:8; JosAs 16:14; Jos., Bell. 1, 512; Mel., HE 4, 26, 14 ἕ. τοῦ τόπου …, ἔνθα) ἕ. Φοινίκης Ac 11:19. ἕ. Ἀντιοχείας vs. 22; ἕ. Βηθλεέμ Lk 2:15. ἕ. οὐρανοῦ, ᾅδου Mt 11:23; Lk 10:15 (ApcEsdr 4:32 p. 29, 8 Tdf.). ἕ. τῆς αὐλῆς Mt 26:58; cp. Lk 4:29. ἕ. ἐσχάτου τ. γῆς (Is 48:20; 62:11; 1 Macc 3:9; PsSol 1:4) Ac 1:8. ἕ. τρίτου οὐρανοῦ 2 Cor 12:2 (ApcSed 2:4). ἀπὸ … ἕ.: ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν ἕ. δυσμῶν Mt 24:27. ἀπʼ ἄκρων οὐρανῶν ἕ. ἄκρων αὐτῶν vs. 31 (cp. Dt 30:4). ἀπʼ ἄκρου γῆς ἕ. ἄκρου οὐρανοῦ Mk 13:27 (cp. Jdth 11:21).—Also w. gen. of a pers., who is in a certain place (Aelian, VH 3, 18 ἕ. Ὑπερβορέων; 4 Km 4:22; 1 Macc 3:26) ἦλθον ἕ. αὐτοῦ Lk 4:42. διελθεῖν ἕ. ἡμῶν Ac 9:38. Prob. Ac 8:40 also belongs here (s. above 1bα end); then a pass. like Gen 10:19 would be comparable.
    w. adv. of place (LXX) ἕ. ἄνω (2 Ch 26:8) to the brim J 2:7. ἕ. ἔσω right into Mk 14:54. ἕ. κάτω (Ezk 1:27; 8:2 looking back to ἀπό) ἀπʼ ἄνωθεν ἕ. κάτω fr. top to bottom Mt 27:51; Mk 15:38 (cp. ἀπὸ ἔσω ἕω ἔξω TestSol 18:15 P). ἕ. ὧδε (Gen 22:5; 2 Km 20:16; 3 Km 18:45; Ar. 17, 1) ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ τ. Γαλιλαίας ἕ. ὧδε Lk 23:5.
    w. a prep. or another adv. ἕ. πρός (Polyb. 3, 82, 6; 12, 17, 4; Gen 38:1; Ezk 48:1) ἕ. πρὸς Βηθανίαν as far as B. Lk 24:50 (for the v.l. ἕ. εἰς Β. cp. Polyb. 1, 11, 14; Diod S 1, 27, 5; Aelian, VH 12, 22; Dt 31:24; 4 Km 2:6; PsSol 2:5; Jos., Ant. 16, 90). ἕ. καὶ εἰς even into Ac 26:11. ἕ. ἔξω τῆς πόλεως 21:5. ἕ. ἐπὶ τὴν θάλασσαν Ac 17:14 (cp. 1 Macc 5:29; 3 Macc 7:18 A; PsSol 17:12; ἕ. ἐπὶ πολύ TestSol 7:2).
    marker of order in a series, up to ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ τῶν ἐσχάτων ἕ. πρώτων Mt 20:8. ὁ δεύτερος καὶ ὁ τρίτος ἕ. τῶν ἑπτά 22:26. ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕ. μεγάλου small and great (Bar 1:4; 1 Macc 5:45; Jdth 13:4) Ac 8:10; Hb 8:11 (Jer 38:34).—J 8:9 v.l.
    marker of degree and measure, denoting the upper limit, to the point of ἕ. ἑπτάκις (4 Km 4:35; cp. TestSol 5:8 ἕ. ἑπτά; ApcSed 16:4 ἕ. εἴκοσι) as many as seven times Mt 18:21f; cp. vs. 22. ἕ. ἡμίσους τῆς βασιλείας μου (Esth 5:3; 7:2) Mk 6:23. οὐκ ἔστιν ἕ. ἑνός (cp. PTebt 56, 7 [II B.C.] οὐκ ἔχομεν ἕ. τῆς τροφῆς τῶν κτηνῶν ἡμῶν=‘we do not even have enough to feed our cattle’; Leontios, Vi. Joh. [ed. HGelzer 1893] 66, 21ff οὐ … ἕως ἑνὸς νομίσματος=‘not even a single coin’; cp. PRossGeorg III, 3, 22 ἕως δραχμῶν ἕκατον) there is not even one Ro 3:12 (Ps 13:3). ἐᾶτε ἕ. τούτου stop! No more of this Lk 22:51 (ἕ. τούτου=‘to this point’ Aristot., HA 9, 46; Polyb. 9, 36, 1; cp. 2 Km 7:18). ἕ. θανάτου unto death (Antig. Car. 16; Sir 34:12; 51:6; 4 Macc 14:19; JosAs 29:3): contend (Sir 4:28; cp. OGI 266, 29 [III B.C.] μαχοῦμαι ἕως ζωῆς καὶ θανάτου) 1 Cl 5:2. περίλυπός ἐστιν ἡ ψυχή μου ἕ. θανάτου Mt 26:38; Mk 14:34 (cp. Jon 4:9 σφόδρα λελύπημαι ἐγὼ ἕ. θανάτου).—DELG s.v. 2 ἕω. EDNT. New Docs 4, 154. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἕως

  • 10 AT

    I) prep.
    A. with dative.
    I. Of motion;
    1) towards, against;
    Otkell laut at Skamkatli, bowed down to S.;
    hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge against A.;
    Brynjólfr gengr alit at honum, quite up to him;
    þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters with him;
    3) to, at;
    koma at landi, to come to land;
    ganga at dómi, to go into court;
    4) along (= eptir);
    ganga at stræti, to walk along the street;
    dreki er niðr fór at ánni (went down the river) fyrir strauminum;
    refr dró hörpu at ísi, on the ice;
    5) denoting hostility;
    renna (sœkja) at e-m, to rush at, assault;
    gerði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog;
    6) around;
    vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a veil round one’s head;
    bera grjót at e-m, to heap stones upon the body;
    7) denoting business, engagement;
    ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after horses, watching sheep;
    fara at landskuldum, to go collecting rents.
    II. Of position, &c.;
    1) denoting presence at, near, by, upon;
    at kirkju, at church;
    at dómi, in court;
    at lögbergi, at the hill of laws;
    2) denoting participation in;
    vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, wedding;
    3) ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at;
    kvalararnir, er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him;
    var þar at kona nökkur at binda (was there busy dressing) sár manna;
    4) with proper names of places (farms);
    konungr at Danmörku ok Noregi, king of;
    biskup at Hólum, bishop of Holar;
    at Helgafelli, at Bergþórshváli;
    5) used ellipt. with a genitive, at (a person’s) house;
    at hans (at his house) gisti fjölmenni mikit;
    at Marðar, at Mara’s home;
    at hins beilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church;
    at Ránar, at Ran’s (abode).
    III. Of time;
    1) at, in;
    at upphafi, at first, in the beginning;
    at skilnaði, at parting, when they parted;
    at páskum, at Easter;
    at kveldi, at eventide;
    at fjöru, at the ebb;
    at flœðum, at the floodtide;
    2) adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr’;
    at ári komanda, next year;
    at vári, er kemr, next spring;
    generally with ‘komanda’ understood;
    at sumri, hausti, vetri, vári, next summer, &c.;
    3) used with an absolute dative and present or past part.;
    at sér lifanda, duing his lifetime;
    at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all;
    at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the hearing of the chief;
    at upprennandi sólu, at sunrise;
    at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks are past;
    at honum önduðum, after his death;
    4) denoting uninterrupted succession, after;
    hverr at öðrum, annarr at öðrum, one after another;
    skildu menn at þessu, thereupon, after this;
    at því (thereafter) kómu aðrar meyjar.
    IV. fig. and in various uses;
    1) to, into, with the notion of destruction or change;
    brenna (borgina) at ösku, to burn to ashes;
    verða at ormi, to become a snake;
    2) for, as;
    gefa e-t at gjöf, as a present;
    eiga e-n at vin, to have one as friend;
    3) by;
    taka sverð at hjöltum, by the hilt;
    draga út björninn at hlustunum, by the ears;
    kjósa at afli, álitum, by strength, appearrance;
    auðigr at fé, wealthy in goods;
    vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face;
    5) as a law term, on the grounds of, by reason of;
    ryðja ( to challenge) dóm at mægðum, kvið at frændsemi;
    6) as a paraphrase of a genitive;
    faðir, móðir at barni (= barns, of a child);
    aðili at sök = aðili sakar;
    7) with adjectives denoting colour, size, age, of;
    hvítr, svartr, rauðr at lit, while, black, red of colour;
    mikill, lítill at stœrð, vexti, tall, small of stature;
    tvítugr at aldri, twenty years of age;
    kýr at fyrsta, öðrum kálfi, a cow that has calved once, twice;
    8) determining the source from which anything comes, of, from;
    Ari nam ok marga frœði at Þuríði (from her);
    þiggja, kaupa, geta, leigja e-t at e-m, to receive, buy, obtain, borrow a thing from one;
    hafa veg (virðing) styrk at e-m, to derive honour, power, from one;
    9) according, to, after (heygðr at fornum sið);
    at ráði allra vitrustu manna, by the advice of;
    at landslögum, by the law of the land;
    at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave;
    10) in adverbial phrases;
    gróa (vera grœddr) at heilu, to be quite healed;
    bíta af allt gras at snøggu, quite bare;
    at fullu, fully;
    at vísu, surely;
    at frjálsu, freely;
    at eilífu, for ever and ever;
    at röngu, at réttu, wrongly, rightly;
    at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same;
    at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent.
    B. with acc., after, upon (= eptir);
    sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, to take the inheritance after his father;
    at þat (= eptir þat), after that, thereafter;
    connected with a past part. or a., at Gamla fallinn, after the fall of Gamli;
    at Hrungni dauðan, upon the death of Hrungnir.
    1) as the simple mark of the infinitive, to;
    at ganga, at ríða, at hlaupa, to walk, to ride, to run;
    2) in an objective sense;
    hann bauð þeim at fara, sitja, he bade (ordered) them to go, sit;
    gefa e-m at eta, at drekka, to give one to eat, to drink;
    3) denoting design or purpose, in order to (hann gekk í borg at kaupa silfr).
    1) demonstrative particle before a comparative, the, all the, so much the;
    hón grét at meir, she wept the more;
    þykkir oss at líkara, all the more likely;
    þú ert maðr at verri (so much the worse), er þú hefir þetta mælt;
    2) rel. pron., who, which, that (= er);
    þeir allir, at þau tíðindi heyrðu, all those who heard;
    sem þeim er títt, at ( as is the custom of those who) kaupferðir reka.
    conj., that;
    1) introducing a subjective or objective clause;
    þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, it happened once that H.;
    vilda ek, at þú réðist austr í fjörðu, I should like you to go;
    2) relative to svá, denoting proportion, degree;
    svá mikill lagamaðr, at, so great a lawyer, that;
    3) with subj., denoting end or purpose, in order that (skáru þeir fyrir þá (viz. hestana) melinn, at þeir dœi eigi af sulti);
    4) since, because, as (= því at);
    5) connected with þó, því, svá;
    þó at (with subj.), though, although;
    því at, because, for;
    svá at, so that;
    6) temp., þá at (= þá er), when;
    þegar at (= þegar er), as soon as;
    þar til at (= þar til er), until, till;
    áðr at (= á. en), before;
    7) used superfluously after an int. pron. or adv.;
    Ólafr spurði, hvern styrk at hann mundi fá honum, what help he was likely to give him;
    in a relative sense; með fullkomnum ávexti, hverr at (which) þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða.
    negative verbal suffix, = ata; var-at, was not.
    odda at, Yggs at, battle.
    * * *
    and að, prep., often used ellipt. dropping the case and even merely as an adverb, [Lat. ad; Ulf. at = πρός and παρά, A. S. ät; Engl. at; Hel. ad = apud; O. H. G. az; lost in mod. Germ., and rare in Swed. and Dan.; in more freq. use in Engl. than any other kindred language, Icel. only excepted]:—the mod. pronunciation and spelling is (); this form is very old, and is found in Icel. vellum MSS. of the 12th century, e. g. aþ, 623. 60; yet in earlier times it was sounded with a tenuis, as we may infer from rhymes, e. g. jöfurr hyggi at | hve ek yrkja fat, Egill: Sighvat also makes it rhyme with a t. The verse by Thorodd—þar vastu at er fjáðr klæðið þvat (Skálda 162)—is hardly intelligible unless we accept the spelling with an aspirate (), and say that þvað is = þvá = þváði, lavabat; it may be that by the time of Thorodd and Ari the pure old pronunciation was lost, or is ‘þvat’ simply the A. S. þvât, secuit? The Icelanders still, however, keep the tenuis in compounds before a vowel, or before h, v, or the liquids l, r, thus—atyrða, atorka, athöfn, athugi, athvarf, athlægi; atvinna, atvik; atlaga, atlíðanði ( slope), atriði, atreið, atróðr: but aðdjúpr, aðfinsla (critic), aðferð, aðkoma, aðsókn, aðsúgr (crowding), aðgæzla. In some words the pronunciation is irregular, e. g. atkvæði not aðkv-; atburðr, but aðbúnaðr; aðhjúkran not athjúkran; atgörvi not aðgörfi. At, to, towards; into; against; along, by; in regard to; after.
    Mostly with dat.; rarely with acc.; and sometimes ellipt.—by dropping the words ‘home,’ ‘house,’ or the like—with gen.
    A. LOC.
    I. WITH MOTION; gener. the motion to the borders, limits of an object, and thus opp. to frá:
    1. towards, against, with or without the notion of arrival, esp. connected with verbs denoting motion (verba movendi et eundi), e. g. fara, ganga, koma, lúta, snúa, rétta at…; Otkell laut at Skamkatli, O. louted (i. e. bowed down) towards S., Nj. 77, Fms. xi. 102; sendimaðrinn sneri ( turned) hjöltum sverðsins at konungi, towards the king, i. 15; hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge towards A., Nj. 220; rétta e-t at e-m, to reach, hand over, Ld. 132; ganga at, to step towards, Ísl. ii. 259.
    2. denoting proximity, close up to, up to; Brynjólfr gengr … allt at honum, B. goes quite up to him, Nj. 58; Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, G. reached them even there with his arrows, 115; þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters, id.; reið maðr at þeim (up to them), 274; þeir höfðu rakit sporin allt at ( right up to) gammanum, Fms. i. 9; komu þeir at sjó fram, came down to the sea, Bárð. 180.
    3. without reference to the space traversed, to or at; koma at landi, to land, Ld. 38, Fms. viii. 358; ríða at dyrum, Boll. 344; hlaupa at e-m, to run up to, run at, Fms. vii. 218, viii. 358; af sjáfarganginum er hann gekk at landinu, of the surf dashing against the shore, xi. 6; vísa ólmum hundi at manni, to set a fierce hound at a man, Grág. ii. 118; leggja e-n at velli, to lay low, Eg. 426, Nj. 117; hníga at jörðu, at grasi, at moldu, to bite the dust, to die, Njarð. 378; ganga at dómi, a law term, to go into court, of a plaintiff, defendant, or bystander, Nj. 87 (freq.)
    4. denoting a motion along, into, upon; ganga at stræti, to walk along the street, Korm. 228, Fms. vii. 39; at ísi, on the ice, Skálda 198, Fms. vii. 19, 246, viii. 168, Eb. 112 new Ed. (á is perh. wrong); máttu menn ganga bar yfir at skipum einum, of ships alone used as a bridge, Fas. i. 378; at höfðum, at nám, to trample on the slain on the battle-field, Lex. Poët.; at ám, along the rivers; at merkiósum, at the river’s mouth, Grág. ii. 355; at endilöngu baki, all along its back, Sks. 100.
    5. denoting hostility, to rush at, assault; renna at, hlaupa at, ganga, fara, ríða, sækja, at e-m, (v. those words), whence the nouns atrenna, athlaup, atgangr, atför, atreið, atsókn, etc.
    β. metaph., kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, deep sleep fell on them, Nj. 104. Esp. of weather, in the impers. phrase, hríð, veðr, vind, storm görir at e-m, to be overtaken by a snow storm, gale, or the like; görði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog, Bárð. 171.
    6. denoting around, of clothing or the like; bregða skikkju at höfði sér, to wrap his cloak over his head, Ld. 62; vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a snood round her head, 188; sauma at, to stick, cling close, as though sewn on; sauma at höndum sér, of tight gloves, Bs. i. 453; kyrtill svá þröngr sem saumaðr væri at honum, as though it were stitched to him, Nj. 214; vafit at vándum dreglum, tight laced with sorry tags, id.; hosa strengd fast at beini, of tight hose, Eg. 602; hann sveipar at sér iðrunum ok skyrtunni, he gathers up the entrails close to him and the skirt too, Gísl. 71; laz at síðu, a lace on the side, to keep the clothes tight, Eg. 602.
    β. of burying; bera grjót at einum, to heap stones upon the body, Eg. 719; var gör at þeim dys or grjóti, Ld. 152; gora kistu at líki, to make a coffin for a body, Eb. 264, Landn. 56, Ld. 142.
    γ. of summoning troops or followers; stefna at sér mönnum, to summon men to him, Nj. 104; stefna at sér liði, Eg. 270; kippa mönnum at sér, to gather men in haste, Ld. 64.
    7. denoting a business, engagement; ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after after horses, watching sheep, Glúm. 362, Nj. 75; fara at fé, to go to seek for sheep, Ld. 240; fara at heyi, to go a-haymaking, Dropl. 10; at veiðum, a-hunting; at fuglum, a-fowling; at dýrum, a-sbooting; at fiski, a-fishing; at veiðiskap, Landn. 154, Orkn. 416 (in a verse), Nj. 25; fara at landskuldum, to go a-collecling rents, Eg. 516; at Finnkaupum, a-marketing with Finns, 41; at féföngum, a-plundering, Fms. vii. 78; ganga at beina, to wait on guests, Nj. 50; starfa at matseld, to serve at table, Eb. 266; hitta e-n at nauðsynjum, on matters of business; at máli, to speak with one, etc., Fms. xi. 101; rekast at e-m, to pursue one, ix. 404; ganga at liði sér, to go suing for help, Grág. ii. 384.
    β. of festivals; snúa, fá at blóti, veizlu, brullaupi, to prepare for a sacrificial banquet, wedding, or the like, hence at-fangadagr, Eb. 6, Ld. 70; koma at hendi, to happen, befall; ganga at sínu, to come by one’s own, to take it, Ld. 208; Egill drakk hvert full er at honum kom, drained every horn that came to him, Eg. 210; komast at keyptu, to purchase dearly, Húv. 46.
    8. denoting imaginary motion, esp. of places, cp. Lat. spectare, vergere ad…, to look or lie towards; horfði botninn at höfðanum, the bight of the bay looked toward the headland, Fms. i. 340, Landn. 35; also, skeiðgata liggr at læknum, leads to the brook, Ísl. ii. 339; á þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, on that wing which looked toward the sea, Fms. viii. 115; sár þau er horft höfðu at Knúti konungi, xi. 309.
    β. even connected with verbs denoting motion; Gilsáreyrr gengr austan at Fljótinu, G. extends, projects to F. from the east, Hrafh. 25; hjá sundi því, er at gengr þingstöðinni, Fms. xi. 85.
    II. WITHOUT MOTION; denoting presence at, near, by, at the side of, in, upon; connected with verbs like sitja, standa, vera…; at kirkju, at church, Fms. vii. 251, K. f). K. 16, Ld. 328, Ísl. ii. 270, Sks. 36; vera at skála, at húsi, to be in, at home, Landn. 154; at landi, Fms. i. 82; at skipi, on shipboard, Grág. i. 209, 215; at oldri, at a banquet, inter pocula; at áti, at dinner, at a feast, inter edendum, ii. 169, 170; at samförum ok samvistum, at public meetings, id.; at dómi, in a court; standa (to take one’s stand) norðan, sunnan, austan, vestan at dómi, freq. in the proceedings at trials in lawsuits, Nj.; at þingi, present at the parliament, Grág. i. 142; at lögbergi, o n the hill of laws, 17, Nj.; at baki e-m, at the back of.
    2. denoting presence, partaking in; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, Fms. i. 241; vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, nuptials, Nj. 51, Ld. 70: a law term, vera at vígi, to be an accessory in manslaying, Nj. 89, 100; vera at e-u simply means to be about, be busy in, Fms. iv. 237; standa at máli, to stand by one in a case, Grág. ii. 165, Nj. 214; vera at fóstri, to be fostered, Fms. i. 2; sitja at hégóma, to listen to nonsense, Ld. 322; vera at smíð, to be at one’s work, Þórð. 62: now absol., vera at, to go on with, be busy at.
    3. the law term vinna eið at e-u has a double meaning:
    α. vinna eið at bók, at baugi, to make an oath upon the book by laying the band upon it, Landn. 258, Grág., Nj.; cp. Vkv. 31, Gkv. 3. 3, Hkv. 2. 29, etc.: ‘við’ is now used in this sense.
    β. to confirm a fact (or the like) by an oath, to swear to, Grág. i. 9, 327.
    γ. the law phrase, nefna vátta at e-u, of summoning witnesses to a deed, fact, or the like; nefna vátta at benjum, to produce evidence, witnesses as to the wounds, Nj., Grág.; at görð, Eg. 738; at svörum, Grág. i. 19: this summoning of witnesses served in old lawsuits the same purpose as modern pleadings and depositions; every step in a suit to be lawful must be followed by such a summoning or declaration.
    4. used ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at; kvalararnir er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him; þar varstu at, you were there present, Skálda 162; at várum þar, Gísl. (in a verse): as a law term ‘vera at’ means to be guilty, Glúm. 388; vartattu at þar, Eg. (in a verse); hence the ambiguity of Glum’s oath, vask at þar, I was there present: var þar at kona nokkur ( was there busy) at binda sár manna, Fms. v. 91; hann var at ok smíðaði skot, Rd. 313; voru Varbelgir at ( about) at taka af, þau lög …, Fms. ix. 512; ek var at ok vafk, I was about weaving, xi. 49; þeir höfðu verit at þrjú sumur, they had been busy at it for three summers, x. 186 (now very freq.); koma at, come in, to arrive unexpectedly; Gunnarr kom at í því, G. came in at that moment; hvaðan komtú nú at, whence did you come? Nj. 68, Fms. iii. 200.
    5. denoting the kingdom or residence of a king or princely person; konungr at Danmörk ok Noregi, king of…, Fms. i. 119, xi. 281; konungr, jarl, at öllum Noregi, king, earl, over all N., íb. 3, 13, Landn. 25; konungr at Dyflinni, king of Dublin, 25; but í or yfir England!, Eg. 263: cp. the phrase, sitja at landi, to reside, of a king when at home, Hkr. i. 34; at Joini, Fms. xi. 74: used of a bishop; biskup at Hólum, bishop of Hólar, Íb. 18, 19; but biskup í Skálaholti, 19: at Rómi, at Rome, Fbr. 198.
    6. in denoting a man’s abode (vide p. 5, col. 1, l. 27), the prep. ‘at’ is used where the local name implies the notion of by the side of, and is therefore esp. applied to words denoting a river, brook, rock, mountain, grove, or the like, and in some other instances, by, at, e. g. at Hofi (a temple), Landn. 198; at Borg ( a castle), 57; at Helgafelli (a mountain), Eb. constantly so; at Mosfelli, Landn. 190; at Hálsi (a hill), Fms. xi. 22; at Bjargi, Grett. 90; Hálsum, Landn. 143; at Á ( river), 296, 268; at Bægisá, 212; Giljá, 332; Myrká, 211; Vatnsá, id.; þverá, Glúm. 323; at Fossi (a ‘force’ or waterfall), Landn. 73; at Lækjamoti (waters-meeting), 332; at Hlíðarenda ( end of the lithe or hill), at Bergþórshváli, Nj.; at Lundi (a grove), at Melum (sandhill), Landn. 70: the prep. ‘á’ is now used in most of these cases, e. g. á Á, á Hofi, Helgafelli, Felli, Hálsi, etc.
    β. particularly, and without any regard to etymology, used of the abode of kings or princes, to reside at; at Uppsölum, at Haugi, Alreksstöðum, at Hlöðum, Landn., Fms.
    γ. konungr lét kalla at stofudyrum, the king made a call at the hall door, Eg. 88; þeir kölluðu at herberginu, they called at the inn, Fms. ix. 475.
    7. used ellipt. with a gen., esp. if connected with such words as gista, to be a guest, lodge, dine, sup (of festivals or the like) at one’s home; at Marðar, Nj. 4; at hans, 74; þingfesti at þess bóanda, Grág. i. 152; at sín, at one’s own home, Eg. 371, K. Þ. K. 62; hafa náttstað at Freyju, at the abode of goddess Freyja, Eg. 603; at Ránar, at Ran’s, i. e. at Ran’s house, of drowned men who belong to the queen of the sea, Ran, Eb. 274; at hins heilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church, Fms. vi. 63: cp. ad Veneris, εις Κίμωνος.
    B. TEMP.
    I. at, denoting a point or period of time; at upphafi, at first, in the beginning, Ld. 104; at lyktum, at síðustu, at lokum, at last; at lesti, at last, Lex. Poët., more freq. á lesti; at skilnaði, at parting, at last, Band. 3; at fornu, in times of yore, formerly, Eg. 267, D. I. i. 635; at sinni, as yet, at present; at nýju, anew, of present time; at eilífu, for ever and ever; at skömmu, soon, shortly, Ísl. ii. 272, v. l.
    II. of the very moment when anything happens, the beginning of a term; denoting the seasons of the year, months, weeks, the hours of the day; at Jólum, at Yule, Nj. 46; at Pálmadegi, on Palm Sunday, 273; at Páskum, at Easter; at Ólafsvöku, on St. Olave’s eve, 29th of July, Fms.; at vetri, at the beginning of the winter, on the day when winter sets in, Grág. 1. 151; at sumarmálum, at vetrnáttum; at Tvímánaði, when the Double month (August) begins, Ld. 256, Grág. i. 152; at kveldi, at eventide, Eg. 3; at því meli, at that time; at eindaga, at the term, 395; at eykð, at 4 o’clock p. m., 198; at öndverðri æfi Abra hams, Ver. II; at sinni, now at once, Fms. vi. 71; at öðruhverju, every now and then.
    β. where the point of time is marked by some event; at þingi, at the meeting of parliament (18th to the 24th of June), Ld. 182; at féránsdómi, at the court of execution, Grág. i. 132, 133; at þinglausnum, at the close of the parliament (beginning of July), 140; at festarmálum, eðr at eiginorði, at betrothal or nuptials, 174; at skilnaði, when they parted, Nj. 106 (above); at öllum minnum, at the general drinking of the toasts, Eg. 253; at fjöru, at the ebb; at flæðum, at flood tide, Fms. viii. 306, Orkn. 428; at hrörum, at an inquest, Grág. i. 50 (cp. ii. 141, 389); at sökum, at prosecutions, 30; at sinni, now, as yet, v. that word.
    III. ellipt., or adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr,’ of the future time:
    1. ellipt., komanda or the like being understood, with reference to the seasons of the year; at sumri, at vetri, at hausti, at vári, next summer, winter…, Ísl. ii. 242; at miðju sumri, at ári, at Midsummer, next year, Fas. i. 516; at miðjum vetri, Fms. iv. 237,
    2. adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr;’ at ári komanda, Bárð. 177; at vári er kemr, Dipl. iii. 6.
    IV. used with an absolute dat. and with a pres. part.:
    1. with pres. part.; at morni komanda, on the coming morrow, Fms. i. 263; at sér lifanda, in vivo, in his life time, Grág. ii. 202; at þeim sofundum, illis dormientibus, Hkr. i. 234; at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all, Fms. x. 329; at úvitanda konungi, illo nesciente, without his knowledge, 227; at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the chief’s bearing, 235.
    2. of past time with a past part. (Lat. abl. absol.); at hræjum fundnum, on the bodies being found, Grág. ii. 87; at háðum dómum ok föstu þingi, during the session, the courts being set, i. 484; at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks past, Band. 13; at svá búnu, so goru, svá komnu, svá mæltu (Lat. quibus rebus gestis, dictis, quo facto, dicto, etc.), v. those words; at úreyndu, without trial, without put ting one to the test, Ld. 76; at honum önduðum, illo mortuo.
    3. ellipt. without ‘at;’ en þessum hlutum fram komnum, when all this has been done, Eb. 132.
    V. in some phrases with a slight temp, notion; at görðum gildum, the fences being strong, Gþl. 387; at vörmu spori, at once, whilst the trail is warm; at úvörum, unawares, suddenly, Nj. 95, Ld. 132; at þessu, at this cost, on that condition, Eb. 38, Nj. 55; at illum leiki, to have a narrow escape, now við illan leik, Fms. ix. 473; at því, that granted, Grág. ii. 33: at því, at pessu, thereafter, thereupon, Nj. 76.
    2. denoting succession, without interruption, one after another; hverr at öðrum, annarr maðr at öðrum, aðrir at öðrum; eina konu at annarri, Eg. 91, Fms. ii. 236, vi. 25, Bs. i. 22, 625. 80, H. E. i. 522.
    C. METAPH. and in various cases:
    I. denoting a transformation or change into, to, with the notion of destruction; brenna at ösku, at köldum kolum, to burn to ashes, to be quite destroyed, Fms. i. 105, Edda 3, Sturl. ii. 51: with the notion of transformation or transfiguration, in such phrases as, verða at e-u, göra e-t at e-u, to turn it into:
    α. by a spell; verða at ormi, to become a snake, Fms. xi. 158; at flugdrekum, Gullþ. 7; urðu þau bönd at járni, Edda 40.
    β. by a natural process it can often be translated by an acc. or by as; göra e-n at urðarmanni, to make him an outlaw, Eg. 728; græða e-n at orkumlamanni, to heal him so as to maim him for life, of bad treatment by a leech, Eb. 244: in the law terms, sár görist at ben, a wound turning into a ben, proving to be mortal, Grág., Nj.; verða at ljúgvætti, to prove to be a false evidence, Grág. i. 44; verða at sætt, to turn into reconciliation, Fms. i. 13; göra e-t at reiði málum, to take offence at, Fs. 20; at nýjum tíðindum, to tell as news, Nj. 14; verða fátt at orðum, to be sparing of words, 18; kveðr (svá) at orði, to speak, utter, 10; verða at þrifnaði, to geton well, Fms. vii. 196: at liði, at skaða, to be a help or hurt to one; at bana, to cause one’s death, Nj. 223, Eg. 21, Grág. ii. 29: at undrum, at hlátri, to become a wonder, a laughing-stock, 623. 35, Eg. 553.
    II. denoting capacity, where it may be translated merely by as or for; gefa at Jólagjöf, to give for a Christmas-box, Eg. 516; at gjöf, for a present; at erfð, at láni, launum, as an inheritance, a loan; at kaupum ok sökum, for buying and selling, Ísl. ii. 223, Grág. i. 423; at solum, ii. 204; at herfangi, as spoil or plunder; at sakbótum, at niðgjöldum, as a compensation, weregeld, i. 339, ii. 171, Hkr. ii. 168; taka at gíslingu, to take as an hostage, Edda 15; eiga e-n at vin, at óvin, to have one as friend or foe, illt er at eiga þræl at eingavin, ‘tis ill to have a thrall for one’s bosom friend (a proverb), Nj. 77; fæða, eiga, at sonum (syni), to beget a son, Edda 8, Bs. i. 60 (but eiga at dóttur cannot be said); hafa möttul at yfirhöfn, Fms. vii. 201; verða nökkut at manni (mönnum), to turn out to be a worthy man; verða ekki at manni, to turn out a worthless person, xi. 79, 268.
    2. in such phrases as, verða at orðum, to come towards, Nj. 26; var þat at erindum, Eg. 148; hafa at veizlum, to draw veizlur ( dues) from, Fms. iv. 275, Eg. 647; gora e-t at álitum, to take it into consideration, Nj. 3.
    III. denoting belonging to, fitting, of parts of the whole or the like; vóru at honum (viz. the sword) hjölt gullbúin, the sword was ornamented with a hilt of gold, Ld. 330; umgörð at ( belonging to) sverði, Fs. 97 (Hs.) in a verse; en ef mór er eigi at landinu, if there be no turf moor belonging to the land, Grág. ii. 338; svá at eigi brotnaði nokkuð at Orminum, so that no harm happened to the ship Worm, Fms. x. 356; hvatki er meiðir at skipinu eðr at reiðinu eðr at viðum, damage done t o …, Grág. ii. 403; lesta ( to injure) hús at lásum, við eðr torfi, 110; ef land hefir batnað at húsum, if the land has been bettered as to its buildings, 210; cp. the phrase, göra at e-u, to repair: hamlaðr at höndum eðr fótum, maimed as to hands or feet, Eg. 14; heill at höndum en hrumr at fótum, sound in band, palsied in foot, Fms. vii. 12; lykill at skrá, a key belonging, fitting, to the latch; hurð at húsi; a key ‘gengr at’ ( fits) skrá; and many other phrases. 2. denoting the part by which a thing is held or to which it belongs, by; fá, taka at…, to grasp by …; þú tókt við sverði hans at hjöltunum, you took it by the bill, Fms. i. 15; draga út björninn at hlustum, to pull out the bear by the ears, Fas. ii. 237; at fótum, by the feet, Fms. viii. 363; mæla ( to measure) at hrygg ok at jaðri, by the edge or middle of the stuff, Grág. i. 498; kasta e-m at höfði, head foremost, Nj. 84; kjósa e-n at fótum, by the feet alone, Edda 46; hefja frændsemi at bræðrum, eða at systkynum, to reckon kinship by the brother’s or the sister’s side, Grág. i. 28; kjósa at afli, at álitum, by strength, sight, Gs. 8, belongs rather to the following.
    IV. in respect of, as regards, in regard to, as to; auðigr at fé, wealthy of goods, Nj. 16, 30, 51; beztir hestar at reið, the best racehorses, 186; spekingr at viti, a man of great intellect, Ld. 124; vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face, Nj. 30, Bs. i. 61; kvenna vænst at ásjónu ok vits munum, of surpassing beauty and intellect, Ld. 122; fullkominn at hyggju, 18; um fram aðra menn at vinsældum ok harðfengi, of surpassing popularity and hardihood, Eb. 30.
    2. a law term, of challenging jurors, judges, or the like, on account of, by reason of; ryðja ( to challenge) at mægðum, guðsifjum, frændsemi, hrörum …; at leiðarlengd, on account of distance, Grág. i. 30, 50, Nj. (freq.)
    3. in arithm. denoting proportion; at helmingi, þriðjungi, fjórðungi, tíunda hluta, cp. Lat. ex asse, quadrante, for the half, third… part; máttr skal at magni (a proverb), might and main go together, Hkr. ii. 236; þú munt vera at því mikill fræðimaðr á kvæði, in the same proportion, as great, Fms. vi. 391, iii. 41; at e-s hluta, at… leiti, for one’s part, in turn, as far as one is con cerned, Grág. i. 322, Eg. 309, Fms. iii. 26 (freq.): at öðrum kosti, in the other case, otherwise (freq.) More gener., at öllu, öngu, in all (no) respects; at sumu, einhverju, nokkru, partly; at flestu, mestu, chiefly.
    4. as a paraphrase of a genitive; faðir, móðir at barni (= barns); aðili at sök (= sakar a.); morðingi at barni (= barns), faðerni at barni (barns); illvirki at fé manna (cp. Lat. felo de se), niðrfall at sökum (saka), land gangr at fiskum (fiska), Fms. iv. 274, Grág. i. 277, 416, N. G. L. i. 340, K. Þ. K. 112, Nj. 21.
    5. the phrase ‘at sér,’ of himself or in himself, either ellipt. or by adding the participle görr, and with the adverbs vel, ilia, or the like; denoting breeding, bearing, endowments, character …; væn kona, kurteis ok vel at sér, an accomplished, well-bred, gifted lady, Nj. I; vitr maðr ok vel at sér, a wise man and thoroughly good in feeling and bearing, 5; þú ert maðr vaskr ok vel at þér, 49; gerr at sér, accomplished, 51; bezt at sér görr, the finest, best bred man, 39, Ld. 124; en þó er hann svá vel at sér, so generous, Nj. 77; þeir höfðingjar er svá vóru vel at sér, so noble-minded, 198, Fms. i. 160: the phrase ‘at sér’ is now only used of knowledge, thus maðr vel að sér means clever, a man of great knowledge; illa að sér, a blockhead.
    6. denoting relations to colour, size, value, age, and the like; hvitr, svartr, grár, rauðr … at lit, white, swarthy, gray, red … of colour, Bjarn. 55, 28, Ísl. ii. 213, etc.; mikill, lítill, at stærð, vexti, tall, small of size, etc.; ungr, gamall, barn, at aldri, young, old, a child of age; tvítugr, þrítugr … at aldri, twenty, thirty … years of age (freq.): of animals; kyr at fyrsta, öðrum … kálfi, a cow having calved once, twice…, Jb. 346: value, amount, currency of money, kaupa e-t at mörk, at a mark, N. G. L. 1. 352; ok er eyririnn at mörk, amounts to a mark, of the value of money, Grág. i. 392; verðr þá at hálfri murk vaðmála eyrir, amounts to a half a mark, 500.
    β. metaph. of value, connected with verbs denoting to esteem, hold; meta, hafa, halda at miklu, litlu, vettugi, engu, or the like, to hold in high or low esteem, to care or not to care for (freq.): geta e-s at góðu, illu, öngu, to mention one favourably, unfavourably, indifferently … (freq.), prop. in connection with. In many cases it may be translated by in; ekki er mark at draumum, there is no meaning in dreams, no heed is to be paid to dreams, Sturl. ii. 217; bragð er at þá barnið finnr, it goes too far, when even a child takes offence (a proverb): hvat er at því, what does it mean? Nj. 11; hvert þat skip er vöxtr er at, any ship of mark, i. e. however small, Fms. xi. 20.
    V. denoting the source of a thing:
    1. source of infor mation, to learn, perceive, get information from; Ari nam ok marga fræði at Þuríði, learnt as her pupil, at her hands, as St. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel, (just as the Scotch say to speer or ask at a person); Ari nam at Þorgeiri afraðskoll, Hkr. (pref.); nema kunnáttu at e-m, used of a pupil, Fms. i. 8; nema fræði at e-m, xi. 396.
    2. of receiving, acquiring, buying, from; þiggja e-t at e-m, to receive a thing at his hands, Nj. 51; líf, to be pardoned, Fms. x. 173; kaupa land at e-m, to buy it from, Landn. 72, Íb. II, (now af is more freq. in this sense); geta e-t at e-m, to obtain, procure at one’s hands, impetrare; þeirra manna er þeir megu þat geta at, who are willing to do that, Grág. i. I; heimta e-t at e-m (now af), to call in, demand (a debt, money), 279; fala e-t at e-m (now af), to chaffer for or cheapen anything, Nj. 73; sækja e-t at e-m, to ask, seek for; sækja heilræði ok traust at e-m, 98; leiga e-t at e-m (now af), to borrow, Grág. ii. 334; eiga e-t (fé, skuld) at e-m, to be owed money by any one, i. 399: metaph. to deserve of one, Nj. 113; eiga mikit at e-m, to have much to do with, 138; hafa veg, virðing, styrk, at, to derive honour, power from, Fms. vi. 71, Eg. 44, Bárð. 174; gagn, to be of use, Ld. 216; mein, tálma, mischief, disadvantage, 158, 216, cp. Eg. 546; ótta, awe, Nj. 68.
    VI. denoting conformity, according to, Lat. secundum, ex, after; at fornum sið, Fms. i. 112; at sögn Ara prests, as Ari relates, on his authority, 55; at ráði allra vitrustu manna, at the advice of, Ísl. ii. 259, Ld. 62; at lögum, at landslögum, by the law of the land, Grág., Nj.; at líkindum, in all likelihood, Ld. 272; at sköpum, in due course (poet.); at hinum sama hætti, in the very same manner, Grág. i. 90; at vánum, as was to be expected, Nj. 255; at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave, Eg. 35; úlofi, Grág. ii. 215; at ósk, vilja e-s, as one likes…; at mun, id. (poet.); at sólu, happily (following the course of the sun), Bs. i. 70, 137; at því sem …, as to infer from …, Nj. 124: ‘fara, láta, ganga at’ denotes to yield, agree to, to comply with, give in, Ld. 168, Eg. 18, Fms. x. 368.
    VII. in phrases nearly or quite adverbial; gróa, vera græddr, at heilu, to be quite healed, Bárð. 167, Eb. 148; bíta at snöggu, to bite it bare, Fms. xi. 6; at þurru, till it becomes dry, Eb. 276; at endilöngu, all along, Fas. ii; vinnast at litlu, to avail little, 655 x. 14; at fullu, fully, Nj. 257, Hkr. i. 171; at vísu, of a surety, surely, Ld. 40; at frjálsu, freely, 308; at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same, Hom. 80, Nj. 267; at röngu, wrongly, 686 B. 2; at hófi, temperately, Lex. Poët.; at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent; at hringum, utterly, all round, (rare), Fms. x. 389; at einu, yet, Orkn. 358; svá at einu, því at einu, allt at einu, yet, however, nevertheless.
    VIII. connected with comparatives of adverbs and adjectives, and strengthening the sense, as in Engl. ‘the,’ so much the more, all the more; ‘at’ heldr tveimr, at ek munda gjarna veita yðr öllum, where it may be translated by so much the more to two, as I would willingly grant it to all of you; hon grét at meir, she grat (wept) the more, Eg. 483; þykir oss at líkara, all the more likely, Fms. viii. 6; þess at harðari, all the harder, Sturl. iii. 202 C; svá at hinn sé bana at nær, Grág. ii. 117; at auðnara, at hólpnara, the more happy, Al. 19, Grett. 116 B; þess at meiri, Fms. v. 64; auvirðismaðr at meiri, Sturl. ii. 139; maðr at vaskari, id.; at feigri, any the more fey, Km. 22; maðr at verri, all the worse, Nj. 168; ok er ‘at’ firr…, at ek vil miklu heldr, cp. Lat. tantum abest… ut, Eg. 60.
    β. following after a negation; eigi at síðr, no less, Nj. 160, Ld. 146; eigi… at meiri maðr, any better, Eg. 425, 489; erat héra at borgnara, any the better off for that, Fms. vii. 116; eigi at minni, no less for that, Edda (pref.) 146; eigi at minna, Ld. 216, Fms. ix. 50; ekki at verri drengr, not a bit worse for that, Ld. 42; er mér ekki son minn at bættari, þótt…, 216; at eigi vissi at nær, any more, Fas. iii. 74.
    IX. following many words:
    1. verbs, esp. those denoting, a. to ask, enquire, attend, seek, e. g. spyrja at, to speer (ask) for; leita at, to seek for; gæta, geyma at, to pay attention to; huga, hyggja at; hence atspurn, to enquire, aðgæzla, athugi, attention, etc.
    β. verbs denoting laughter, play, joy, game, cp. the Engl. to play at …, to laugh at …; hlæja, brosa at e-u, to laugh, smile at it; leika (sér) at e-u, to play at; þykja gaman at, to enjoy; hæða, göra gys at …, to make sport at …
    γ. verbs denoting assistance, help; standa, veita, vinna, hjálpa at; hence atstoð, atvinna, atverk:—mode, proceeding; fara at, to proceed, hence atför and atferli:—compliance; láta, fara at e-u, v. above:— fault; e-t er at e-u, there is some fault in it, Fms. x. 418; skorta at e-u, to fall short of, xi. 98:—care, attendance; hjúkra at, hlýja at, v. these words:—gathering, collecting; draga, reiða, flytja, fá at, congerere:—engagement, arrival, etc.; sækja at, to attack; ganga at, vera at, to be about; koma at, ellipt. to arrive: göra at, to repair: lesta at, to impair (v. above); finna at, to criticise (mod.); telja at, id.: bera at, to happen; kveða at e-m, to address one, 625. 15, (kveða at (ellipt.) now means to pronounce, and of a child to utter (read) whole syllables); falla at, of the flood-tide (ellipt.): metaph. of pains or straits surrounding one; þreyngja, herða at, to press hard: of frost and cold, with regard to the seasons; frjósa at, kólna at, to get really cold (SI. 44), as it were from the cold stiffening all things: also of the seasons themselves; hausta, vetra að, when the season really sets in; esp. the cold seasons, ‘sumra at’ cannot be used, yet we may say ‘vára að’ when the spring sets in, and the air gets mild.
    δ. in numberless other cases which may partly be seen below.
    2. connected ellipt. with adverbs denoting motion from a place; norðan, austan, sunnan, vestan at, those from the north, east…; utan at, innan at, from the outside or inside.
    3. with adjectives (but rarely), e. g. kærr, elskr, virkr (affectionate), vandr (zealous), at e-m; v. these words.
    TEMP.: Lat. post, after, upon, esp. freq. in poetry, but rare in prose writers, who use eptir; nema reisi niðr at nið (= maðr eptir mann), in succession, of erecting a monument, Hm. 71; in prose, at þat. posthac, deinde, Fms. x. 323, cp. Rm., where it occurs several times, 2, 6, 9, 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 35; sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, has to take the inheritance after his father, Grág. i. 170 new Ed.; eiga féránsdóm at e-n, Grág. i. 89; at Gamla fallinn, after the death of G., Fms. x. 382; in Edda (Gl.) 113 ought to be restored, grét ok at Oð, gulli Freyja, she grat (wept) tears of gold for her lost husband Od. It is doubtful if it is ever used in a purely loc. sense; at land, Grág. (Sb.)ii. 211, is probably corrupt; at hönd = á hönd, Grág. (Sb.) i. 135; at mót = at móti, v. this word.
    ☞ In compounds (v. below) at- or að- answers in turn to Lat. ad- or in- or con-; atdráttr e. g. denotes collecting; atkoma is adventus: it may also answer to Lat. ob-, in atburðr = accidence, but might also be compared with Lat. occurrere.
    and að, the mark of the infinitive [cp. Goth. du; A. S. and Engl. to; Germ. zu]. Except in the case of a few verbs ‘at’ is always placed immediately before the infinitive, so as to be almost an inseparable part of the verb.
    I. it is used either,
    1. as, a simple mark of the infinitive, only denoting an action and independent of the subject, e. g. at ganga, at hlaupa, at vita, to go, to run, to know; or,
    2. in an objective sense when following such verbs as bjóða segja…, to invite, command …; hann bauð þeim at ganga, at sitja, be bade, ordered them to go, sit, or the like; or as gefa and fá; gefa e-m at drekka, at eta, to give one to drink or to eat, etc. etc.
    β. with the additional notion of intention, esp. when following verba cogitandi; hann ætlaði, hafði í hyggju at fara, he had it in his mind to go (where ‘to go’ is the real object to ætlaði and hafði í hyggju).
    3. answering to the Gr. ινα, denoting intention, design, in order to; hann gékk í borg at kaupa silfr, in order to buy, Nj. 280; hann sendi riddara sína með þeim at varðveita þær, 623. 45: in order to make the phrase more plain, ‘svá’ and ‘til’ are frequently added, esp. in mod. writers, ‘svá at’ and contr. ‘svát’ (the last however is rare), ‘til at’ and ‘til þess at,’ etc.
    II. in the earlier times the infin., as in Greek and Lat., had no such mark; and some verbs remain that cannot be followed by ‘at;’ these verbs are almost the same in Icel. as in Engl.:
    α. the auxiliary verbs vil, mun ( μέλλω), skal; as in Engl. to is never used after the auxiliaries shall, will, must; ek vil ganga, I will go; ek mun fara, (as in North. E.) I mun go; ek skal göra þat, I shall do that, etc.
    β. the verbs kunna, mega, as in Engl. I can or may do, I dare say; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; í öllu er prýða má góðan höfðingja, Nj. 90; vera má, it may be; vera kann þat, id.: kunnu, however, takes ‘at’ whenever it means to know, and esp. in common language in phrases such as, það kann að vera, but vera kann þat, v. above.
    γ. lata, biðja, as in Engl. to let, to bid; hann lét (bað) þá fara, he let (bade) them go.
    δ. þykkja, þykjast, to seem; hann þykir vera, he is thought to be: reflex., hann þykist vera, sibi videtur: impers., mér þykir vera, mibi videtur, in all cases without ‘at.’ So also freq. the verbs hugsa, hyggja, ætla, halda, to think, when denoting merely the act of thinking; but if there be any notion of intention or purpose, they assume the ‘at;’ thus hann ætlaði, hugði, þá vera góða menn, he thought them to be, acc. c. inf.; but ætlaði at fara, meant to go, etc.
    ε. the verbs denoting to see, bear; sjá, líta, horfa á … ( videre); heyra, audire, as in Engl. I saw them come, I heard him tell, ek sá þá koma, ek heyrði hann tala.
    ζ. sometimes after the verbs eiga and ganga; hann gékk steikja, be went to roast, Vkv. 9; eiga, esp. when a mere periphrasis instead of skal, móður sína á maðr fyrst fram færa (better at færa), Grág. i. 232; á þann kvið einskis meta, 59; but at meta, id. l. 24; ráða, nema, göra …, freq. in poetry, when they are used as simple auxiliary verbs, e. g. nam hann sér Högna hvetja at rúnum, Skv. 3. 43.
    η. hljóta and verða, when used in the sense of must (as in Engl. he must go), and when placed after the infin.of another verb; hér muntu vera hljóta, Nj. 129; but hljóta at vera: fara hlýtr þú, Fms. 1. 159; but þú hlýtr at fara: verða vita, ii. 146; but verða at vita: hann man verða sækja, þó verðr (= skal) maðr eptir mann lifa, Fms. viii. 19, Fas. ii. 552, are exceptional cases.
    θ. in poetry, verbs with the verbal neg. suffix ‘-at,’ freq. for the case of euphony, take no mark of the infinitive, where it would be indispensable with the simple verb, vide Lex. Poët. Exceptional cases; hvárt sem hann vill ‘at’ verja þá sök, eða, whatever he chooses, either, Grág. i. 64; fyrr viljum vér enga kórónu at bera, en nokkut ófrelsi á oss at taka, we would rather bear no crown than …, Fms. x. 12; the context is peculiar, and the ‘at’ purposely added. It may be left out ellipt.; e. g. þá er guð gefr oss finnast (= at finnast), Dipl. ii. 14; gef honum drekka (= at drekka), Pr. 470; but mostly in unclassical writers, in deeds, or the like, written nastily and in an abrupt style.
    and að, conj. [Goth. þatei = οτι; A. S. þät; Engl. that; Germ, dass; the Ormul. and Scot. at, see the quotations sub voce in Jamieson; in all South-Teutonic idioms with an initial dental: the Scandinavian idioms form an exception, having all dropped this consonant; Swed. åt, Dan. at]. In Icel. the Bible translation (of the 16th century) was chiefly based upon that of Luther; the hymns and the great bulk of theol. translations of that time were also derived from Germany; therefore the germanised form það frequently appears in the Bible, and was often employed by theol. authors in sermons since the time of the Reformation. Jón Vidalin, the greatest modern Icel. preacher, who died in 1720, in spite of his thoroughly classical style, abounds in the use of this form; but it never took root in the language, and has never passed into the spoken dialect. After a relative or demonstr. pronoun, it freq. in mod. writers assumes the form eð, hver eð, hverir eð, hvað eð, þar eð. Before the prep. þú (tu), þ changes into t, and is spelt in a single word attú, which is freq. in some MS.;—now, however, pronounced aððú, aððeir, aððið …, = að þú…, with the soft Engl. th sound. It gener. answers to Lat. ut, or to the relat. pron. qui.
    I. that, relative to svá, to denote proportion, degree, so…, that, Lat. tam, tantus, tot…, ut; svá mikill lagamaðr, at…, so great a lawyer, that…, Nj. 1; hárið svá mikit, at þat…, 2; svá kom um síðir því máli, at Sigvaldi, it came so far, that…, Fms. xi. 95, Edda 33. Rarely and unclass., ellipt. without svá; Bæringr var til seinn eptir honum, at hann … (= svá at), Bær. 15; hlífði honum, at hann sakaði ekki, Fas. iii. 441.
    II. it is used,
    1. with indic, in a narrative sense, answering partly to Gr. οτι, Lat. quod, ut, in such phrases as, it came to pass, happened that …; þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, Nj. 2; þat var á palmdrottinsdag, at Ólafr konungr gékk út um stræti, Fms. ii. 244.
    2. with subj. answering to Lat. acc. with infin., to mark the relation of an object to the chief verb, e. g. vilda ek at þú réðist, I wished that you would, Nj. 57.
    β. or in an oblique sentence, answering to ita ut…; ef svá kann verða at þeir láti…, if it may be so that they might…, Fms. xi. 94.
    γ. with a subj. denoting design, answering to ϊνα or Lat. ut with subj., in order that; at öll veraldar bygðin viti, ut sciat totus orbis, Stj.; þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, at þeir dæi eigi af sulti, ut ne fame perirent, Nj. 265; fyrsti hlutr bókarinnar er Kristindómsbálkr, at menn skili, in order that men may understand, Gþl. p. viii.
    III. used in connection with conjunctions,
    1. esp. þó, því, svá; þó at freq. contr. þótt; svát is rare and obsolete.
    α. þóat, þótt (North. E. ‘thof’), followed by a subjunctive, though, although, Lat. etsi, quamquam (very freq.); þóat nokkurum mönnum sýnist þetta með freku sett… þá viljum vér, Fms. vi. 21: phrases as, gef þú mér þó at úverðugri, etsi indignae (dat.), Stj. MS. col. 315, are unclass., and influenced by the Latin: sometimes ellipt. without ‘þó,’ eigi mundi hón þá meir hvata göngu sinni, at (= þóat) hon hraeddist bana sinn, Edda 7, Nj. 64: ‘þó’ and ‘at’ separated, svarar hann þó rétt, at hann svari svá, Grág. i. 23; þó er rétt at nýta, at hann sé fyrr skorinn, answering to Engl. yetthough, Lat. attamenetsi, K. Þ. K.
    β. því at, because, Lat. nam, quia, with indic.; því at allir vóru gerfiligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því at af íþróttum verðr maðr fróðr, Sks. 16: separated, því þegi ek, at ek undrumst, Fms. iii. 201; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti, it i s mentioned because …, Ld. 68.
    γ. svá at, so that, Lat. ut, ita ut; grátrinn kom upp, svá at eingi mátti öðrum segja, Edda 37: separated, so … that, svá úsvúst at …, so bad weather, that, Bs. i. 339, etc.
    2. it is freq. used superfluously, esp. after relatives; hver at = hverr, quis; því at = því, igitur; hverr at þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða, Fms. v. 159; hvern stvrk at hann mundi fá, 44; ek undrumst hvé mikil ógnarraust at liggr í þér, iii. 201; því at ek mátti eigi þar vera elligar, því at þar var kristni vel haldin, Fas. i. 340.
    IV. as a relat. conj.:
    1. temp, when, Lat. quum; jafnan er ( est) mér þá verra er ( quum) ek fer á braut þaðan, en þá at ( quum) ek kem, Grett. 150 A; þar til at vér vitum, till we know, Fms. v. 52; þá at ek lýsta (= þá er), when, Nj. 233.
    2. since, because; ek færi yðr (hann), at þér eruð í einum hrepp allir, because of your being all of the same Rape, Grág. i. 260; eigi er kynlegt at ( though) Skarphéðinn sé hraustr, at þat er mælt at…, because (since) it is a saying that…, Nj. 64.
    V. in mod. writers it is also freq. superfluously joined to the conjunctions, ef að = ef, si, (Lv. 45 is from a paper MS.), meðan að = meðan, dum; nema að, nisi; fyrst að = fyrst, quoniam; eptir að, síðan að, postquam; hvárt að = hvárt, Lat. an. In the law we find passages such as, þá er um er dæmt eina sök, at þá eigu þeir aptr at ganga í dóminn, Grág. i. 79; ef þing ber á hina helgu viku, at þat á eigi fyrir þeim málum at standa, 106; þat er ok, at þeir skulu reifa mál manna, 64; at þeir skulu með váttorð þá sök sækja, 65: in all these cases ‘at’ is either superfluous or, which is more likely, of an ellipt. nature, ‘the law decrees’ or ‘it is decreed’ being understood. The passages Sks. 551, 552, 568, 718 B, at lokit (= at ek hefi lokit), at hugleitt (= at ek hefi h.), at sent (= at ek hefi sent) are quite exceptional.
    and að, an indecl. relat. pronoun [Ulf. þatei = ος, ος αν, οστις, οσπερ, οιος, etc.; Engl. that, Ormul. at], with the initial letter dropped, as in the conj. at, (cp. also the Old Engl. at, which is both a conj. and a pronoun, e. g. Barbour vi. 24 in Jamieson: ‘I drede that his gret wassalage, | And his travail may bring till end, | That at men quhilc full litil wend.’ | ‘His mestyr speryt quhat tithings a t he saw.’—Wyntoun v. 3. 89.) In Icel. ‘er’ (the relat. pronoun) and ‘at’ are used indifferently, so that where one MS. reads ‘er,’ another reads ‘at,’ and vice versâ; this may easily be seen by looking at the MSS.; yet as a rule ‘er’ is much more freq. used. In mod. writers ‘at’ is freq. turned into ‘eð,’ esp. as a superfluous particle after the relative pron. hverr (hver eð, hvað eð, hverir eð, etc.), or the demonstr. sá (sá eð, þeir eð, hinir eð, etc.):—who, which, that, enn bezta grip at ( which) hafði til Íslands komið, Ld. 202; en engi mun sá at ( cui) minnisamara mun vera, 242; sem blótnaut at ( quae) stærst verða, Fms. iii. 214; þau tiðendi, at mér þætti verri, Nj. 64, etc. etc.
    n. collision (poët.); odda at, crossing of spears, crash of spears, Höfuðl. 8.
    β. a fight or bait of wild animals, esp. of horses, v. hesta-at and etja.
    the negative verbal suffix, v. -a.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AT

  • 11 dar

    1 to give.
    dar algo a alguien to give something to somebody, to give somebody something
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother
    Ella me da dinero She gives me money.
    Su elogio da ánimos His praise gives encouragement.
    El negocio da muchas ganancias The business yields much profit.
    2 to give, to produce.
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice
    3 to have, to hold (fiesta, cena).
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in someone's honor
    4 to turn or switch on (luz, agua, gas) (encender).
    5 to show (Cine, Teatro & TV).
    dan una película del oeste they're showing a western, there's a western on
    6 to show.
    dar muestras de sensatez to show good sense
    7 to teach.
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history
    9 to strike (horas).
    dieron las tres en el reloj three o'clock struck
    10 to get, to catch.
    11 to deliver, to render, to allot, to confer.
    12 to feel.
    Me da alegría I feel joy.
    13 to be given, to be granted, to be offered, to be handed in.
    Se nos dio una buena casa We were given a good house.
    14 to give forth, to burst out.
    Ella dio un grito She gave forth a cry.
    15 to make one feel.
    Eso da asco That makes one feel revolt.
    16 to hit.
    Da duro el sol en este lugar The sun hits hard in this place
    17 to give up.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan.
    Past Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    , des, , demos, deis, den.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    da (tú), (él/Vd.), demos (nos.), dad (vos.), den (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) hit, strike
    3) hand over, deliver
    4) produce, yield
    - dar con
    - dar contra
    - dar por
    - darse a
    - darse de sí
    - dárselas de
    * * *
    Para las expresiones dar importancia, dar ejemplo, dar las gracias, dar clases, dar a conocer, dar a entender, darse prisa, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=entregar, conceder) [+ objeto, mensaje, permiso] to give; [+ naipes] to deal (out); [+ noticias] to give, tell

    le dieron el primer premio — he was awarded {o} given first prize

    déme dos kilos — I'll have two kilos, two kilos, please

    ir dando [cuerda] — to pay out rope

    dar los buenos [días] a algn — to say good morning to sb, say hello to sb

    2) (=realizar) [+ paliza] to give; [+ paso] to take

    dar un grito — to let out a cry, give a cry

    dar un paseo — to go for a walk, take a walk

    dar un suspiro — to heave {o} give a sigh, sigh

    3) (=celebrar) [+ fiesta] to have, throw
    4) (=encender) [+ luz] to turn on

    ¿has dado el gas? — have you turned on the gas?

    5) (=presentar) [+ obra de teatro] to perform, put on; [+ película] to show, screen

    dan una película de Almodóvar — there's an Almodóvar film on, they're showing {o} screening an Almodóvar film

    ¿qué dan hoy en la tele? — what's on TV tonight?

    6) (=hacer sonar) [reloj] to strike

    ya han dado las ocho — it's past {o} gone eight o'clock

    7) (=producir) [+ fruto] to bear; [+ ganancias, intereses] to yield

    una inversión que da un 7% de interés — an investment that pays {o} yields 7% interest

    8) (=tener como resultado)
    9) (=hacer sentir) [+ placer] to give

    las babosas me dan asco — I find slugs disgusting {o} revolting

    este jersey me da demasiado calor — this jumper is too hot, I'm too hot in this jumper

    tu padre me da miedo — I'm scared {o} frightened of your father

    10) * (=fastidiar) to ruin

    ¡me estás dando las vacaciones! — you're ruining the holiday for me!

    11) dar por (=considerar) to consider

    doy el asunto por concluido — I consider the matter settled, I regard the matter as settled

    lo daba por seguro — he was sure {o} certain of it

    - estar/seguir dale que dale o dale que te pego o dale y dale
    - a mí no me la das
    - ¡ahí te las den todas!

    para dar y tomar —

    tenemos botellas para dar y tomar — we've got loads {o} stacks of bottles

    1) (=entregar) to give

    dame, yo te lo arreglo — give it here, I'll fix it for you

    2) (=entrar)

    si te da un mareo siéntate — if you feel giddy, sit down

    3) (=importar)

    ¡qué más da!, ¡da igual! — it doesn't matter!, never mind!

    ¿qué más te da? — what does it matter to you?

    ¿qué más da un sitio que otro? — surely one place is as good as another!, it doesn't make any difference which place we choose

    lo mismo da — it makes no difference {o} odds

    me da igual, lo mismo me da, tanto me da — it's all the same to me, I don't mind

    4) [seguido de preposición]
    dar a (=estar orientado) [cuarto, ventana] to look out onto, overlook; [fachada] to face

    mi habitación da al jardín — my room looks out onto {o} overlooks the garden

    darle a (=hacer funcionar) [+ botón] to press; (=golpear) to hit; [+ balón] to kick

    dale a la tecla roja — hit {o} press the red key

    darle a la bomba — to pump, work the pump

    ¡dale! — hit him!

    dar con (=encontrar) [+ persona] to find; [+ idea, solución] to hit on, come up with

    al final di con la solución — I finally hit on the solution, I finally came up with the solution

    dar [consigo] en — to end up in

    dar contra (=golpear) to hit dar de

    dar de [beber] a algn — to give sb something to drink

    dar de [comer] a algn — to feed sb

    dar de [sí] — [comida, bebida] to go a long way

    dar en [+ blanco, suelo] to hit; [+ solución] to hit on, come up with

    dar en [hacer] algo — to take to doing sth

    darle a algn por hacer algo dar para (=ser suficiente) to be enough for

    una película que da en qué pensar — a thought-provoking film, a film which gives you a lot to think about

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex. This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex. Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex. Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.

    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.

    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex: This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex: Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex: Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll, t

    * * *
    dar [ A25 ]
    ■ dar (verbo transitivo)
    A entregar
    B regalar, donar
    C en naipes
    1 proporcionar
    2 Música
    E conferir, aportar
    1 aplicar capa de barniz etc
    2 dar: inyección etc
    1 conceder prórroga etc
    2 atribuir
    3 pronosticando duración
    4 dar: edad, años
    1 expresar, decir
    2 señalar, indicar
    A producir
    B rendir, alcanzar hasta
    C causar, provocar
    D arruinar, fastidiar
    A presentar
    B ofrecer, celebrar
    C dar: conferencia
    A realizar la acción indicada
    B dar: limpiada etc
    Sentido V considerar
    ■ dar (verbo intransitivo)
    1 entregar
    2 en naipes
    B ser suficiente, alcanzar
    1 dar a: puerta etc
    2 llegar hasta
    3 estar orientado hacia
    D comunicar
    E arrojar un resultado
    F importar
    1 pegar, golpear
    2 darle a algo: tarea
    3 darle a algo: hacer uso de
    4 acertar
    1 darle a algo: accionar
    2 mover
    1 indicando insistencia
    2 instando a alguien a hacer algo
    D dar con
    A acometer, sobrevenir
    1 darle a alguien por algo
    2 darle a alguien con algo
    C dar en
    D dar: sol, viento, luz
    E acabar
    ■ darse (verbo pronominal)
    A producirse
    B ocurrir
    C resultar
    A dedicarse, entregarse
    B tratarse, ser sociable
    A realizar la acción indicada
    1 golpearse, pegarse
    2 darse (de) golpes
    3 darse (de) patadas etc
    Sentido IV considerarse
    A (entregar) to give
    dale las llaves a Jaime give the keys to Jaime, give Jaime the keys
    se las di a Jaime I gave them to Jaime
    dale esto a tu madre de mi parte give this to your mother from me
    deme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?
    500 dólares ¿quién da más? any advance on 500 dollars?
    dar algo A + INF:
    da toda la ropa a planchar/lavar she sends all her clothes to be ironed/washed, she has all her ironing/washing done for her
    comer1 vi A 2. (↑ comer (1)), conocer, entender1 vt A 2. (↑ entender (1)), mamar
    B (regalar, donar) to give
    ¿me lo prestas? — te lo doy, yo no lo necesito can I borrow it? — you can have it o keep it, I don't need it
    a mí nunca nadie me dio nada nobody's ever given me anything
    daría cualquier cosa por que así fuera I'd give anything o ( colloq) I'd give my right arm for that to be the case
    donde las dan las toman two can play at that game
    estarlas dando ( Chi fam): entremos sin pagar, aquí las están dando let's just walk in without paying, they're asking for it ( colloq)
    con ese profesor las están dando they get away with murder with that teacher ( colloq)
    para dar y tomar or vender: coge los que quieras, tengo para dar y tomar or vender take as many as you want, I have plenty to spare o ( colloq) I've stacks of them
    C (en naipes) to deal
    ¡me has dado unas cartas horribles! you've dealt o given me a terrible hand
    1 (proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza› to give
    sus elogios me han dado ánimos his praise has given me encouragement o has encouraged me
    eso me dio la idea para el libro that's where I got the idea for the book, that's what gave me the idea for the book
    me dio un buen consejo she gave me some useful advice
    mi familia no pudo darme una carrera my family weren't in a position to send me to o put me through university o to give me a university education
    es capaz de robar si le dan la ocasión given the chance he's quite capable of stealing
    pide que te den un presupuesto/más información ask them to give you o supply you with an estimate/more information
    2 ( Música) to give
    ¿me das el la? can you give me an A?
    E (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma› to give
    las luces le daban un ambiente festivo a la plaza the lights gave the square a very festive atmosphere, the lights lent a very festive atmosphere to the square
    les dio forma redondeada a las puntas he rounded off the ends
    necesita algo que le dé sentido a su vida he needs something that will give his life some meaning
    1 (aplicar) ‹capa de barniz/mano de pintura› to give
    dale otra capa de barniz/otra mano de pintura give it another coat of varnish/paint
    hay que darle cera al piso we have to wax the floor
    dale una puntada para sujetarlo put a stitch in to hold it
    2 ‹inyección/lavativa/sedante› to give, administer ( frml); ‹masaje› to give
    1 (conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso› to give
    te doy hasta el jueves I'll give you until Thursday
    ¿quién te ha dado permiso para entrar allí? who gave you permission to go in there?, who said you could go in there?
    si usted nos da permiso with your permission, if you will allow us
    el dentista me ha dado hora para el miércoles I have an appointment with the dentist on Wednesday
    dan facilidades de pago they offer easy repayment facilities o terms
    nos dieron el tercer premio we won o got third prize, we were awarded third prize
    al terminar el cursillo te dan un diploma when you finish the course you get a diploma
    (atribuir): no le des demasiada importancia don't attach too much importance to it
    yo le doy otra interpretación a ese pasaje I see o interpret that passage in a different way
    tuvieron que darme la razón they had to admit I was right
    no le dan ni dos meses de vida they've given him less than two months to live
    no le doy ni un mes a esa relación I don't think they'll last more than a month together
    ( RPl) ‹edad/años› ¿cuántos años or qué edad le das? how old do you think o reckon she is?
    yo no le daba más de 28 I didn't think he was more than 28
    (expresar, decir): ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?
    no me dio ni los buenos días she didn't even say hello
    dales recuerdos de mi parte give/send them my regards
    tenemos que ir a darles el pésame we must go and offer our condolences
    me gustaría que me dieras tu parecer or opinión I'd like you to give me your opinion
    le doy mi enhorabuena I'd like to congratulate you
    ¿me da la hora, por favor? have you got the time, please?
    me tocó a mí darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    te han dado una orden you've been given an order, that was an order
    han dado orden de desalojar el edificio they've ordered that the building be vacated
    (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or ( Esp) comunicando the line's busy o ( BrE) engaged
    el reloj dio las cinco the clock struck five
    (producir): estos campos dan mucho grano these fields have a high grain yield
    esta estufa da mucho calor this heater gives out a lot of heat
    esta clase de negocio da mucho dinero there's a lot of money in this business
    esos bonos dan un 7% those bonds give a yield of 7%
    los árboles han empezado a dar fruto the trees have begun to bear fruit
    no le pudo dar un hijo she was unable to bear o give him a child
    (rendir, alcanzar hasta): ¿cuánto da ese coche? how fast can that car go?
    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometers an hour
    ha dado todo lo que el público esperaba de él he has lived up to the public's expectations of him
    el coche venía a todo lo que daba the car was traveling at full speed
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    (causar, provocar): la comida muy salada da sed salty food makes you thirsty
    ¡estos críos dan tanto trabajo! these kids are such hard work!
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿no te da calor esa camisa? aren't you too warm in that shirt?
    el vino le había dado sueño the wine had made him sleepy
    me da mucha pena verla tan triste I can't bear o it hurts me to see her so sad
    ¡qué susto me has dado! you gave me such a fright!
    me da no sé qué que se tenga que quedar sola I feel a bit funny about leaving her on her own
    este coche no me ha dado problemas this car hasn't given me any trouble
    ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc dar QUE + INF:
    el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden
    los niños dan que hacer children are a lot of work
    lo que dijo me dio que pensar what he said gave me plenty of food for thought o plenty to think about
    D ( Esp fam) (arruinar, fastidiar) to spoil, ruin
    Isabelita nos dio la noche we had an awful night thanks to little Isabel
    (presentar): ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? ( colloq)
    en el cine Avenida dan una película buenísima there's a really good movie on at the Avenida, they're showing a really good movie at the Avenida
    ayer fuimos al teatro, daban una obra de Calderón we went to the theater yesterday, it was a play by Calderón
    va a dar un concierto el mes que viene he's giving a concert next month
    deja de gritar así, estás dando un espectáculo stop shouting like that, you're making a spectacle of yourself
    B (ofrecer, celebrar) ‹fiesta› to give; ‹baile/banquete› to hold
    C ‹conferencia› to give
    dar examen (CS); to take o ( BrE) sit an exam
    ver tb clase1 f E. (↑ clase (1))
    (realizar la acción indicada): dieron lectura al comunicado they read out the communiqué
    estuvo dando cabezadas durante toda la película he kept nodding off all through the film
    dio un grito/un suspiro she shouted/sighed, she gave a shout/heaved a sigh
    dio un paso atrás/adelante he took a step back/forward
    (+ me/te/le etc): dame un beso/abrazo give me a kiss/hug
    me dio un tirón del pelo he pulled my hair
    dársela a algn ( Esp fam); to take sb in, put one over on sb
    dárselas a algn ( Chi fam); to beat sb up
    ‹limpiada/barrida/planchazo› con que le des una enjuagada alcanza just a quick rinse will do
    hay que darle una barrida al suelo de la cocina the kitchen floor needs a sweep o needs sweeping
    quiero darle otra leída a este capítulo ( AmL); I want to run o read through this chapter again
    Sentido V (considerar) dar algo/a algn POR algo:
    lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead
    doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed
    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic
    si le has prestado dinero ya lo puedes dar por perdido if you've lent him money you can kiss it goodbye
    ¿eso es lo que quieres? ¡dalo por hecho! is that what you want? consider it done! o ( AmE colloq) you got it!
    si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado if I pass it will have been time well spent
    ■ dar
    (entregar): dame, yo te lo coso let me have it o give it here, I'll sew it for you
    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you
    ¿me das para un helado? can I have some money for an ice cream?
    2 (en naipes) to deal
    te toca dar a ti it's your deal, it's your turn to deal
    B (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar PARA algo/algn:
    este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken is enough o will do for two meals
    con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round
    da para hablar horas y horas you could talk about it for hours
    (+ me/te/le etc): eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that
    no le da la cabeza para la física he hasn't much of a head for physics
    no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time
    dar de sí to stretch
    me quedan un poco ajustados, pero ya darán de sí they're a bit tight on me, but they'll stretch o give
    ¡cuánto ha dado de sí esa botella de jerez! that bottle of sherry's gone a long way!
    ¡qué poco dan de sí seis euros! six euros don't go very far!
    el pobre ya no da más de sí the poor guy's fit to drop
    no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with
    yo me voy, esto ya no da para más I'm leaving, this is a waste of time
    ya no da para más or (CS) ya no da más de tanto trabajar he's worked himself into the ground
    estoy que no doy más I'm all in ( colloq), I'm shattered o dead beat ( colloq), I'm pooped ( AmE colloq)
    1 «puerta/habitación» (comunicar con) to give on to
    la puerta trasera da a un jardín/a la calle Palmar the back door opens o gives onto a garden/onto Palmar Street
    todas las habitaciones dan a un patio all the rooms look onto o give onto a courtyard
    2 (llegar hasta) «río» to go o flow into; «camino/sendero» to lead to
    la calle va a dar directamente a la playa the street goes right down o leads straight to the beach
    3 «fachada/frente» (estar orientado hacia) to face
    la fachada principal da al sur the main facade faces south
    la terraza da al mar the balcony overlooks o faces the sea
    ( RPl) (comunicar) darle a algn CON algn: ¿me das con Teresa, por favor? can I speak to Teresa, please?
    en seguida le doy con el señor Seco I'll just put you through to Mr Seco
    (arrojar un resultado): ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?
    a mí me dio 247 ¿y a ti? I made it (to be) 247, how about you?
    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo her test was positive/negative
    (importar): ¿cuál prefieres? — da igual which do you prefer? — I don't mind
    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día it doesn't matter, we'll go another day
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿el jueves o el viernes? — a mí me da igual Thursday or Friday? — I don't mind o it doesn't matter o it doesn't make any difference to me o it's all the same to me
    la sopa se ha enfriado un poco — ¡qué más da! the soup's gone a bit cold — never mind o it doesn't matter
    ¿qué más da un color que otro? surely one color is as good as another!, what difference does it make what color it is?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¡qué más le da a él que otros tengan que hacer su trabajo! what does he care if others have to do his work?
    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? what difference does it make to you if he comes?, what's it to you if he comes? ( colloq)
    no quiere venirtanto da she doesn't want to come — it makes no difference o so what?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿a qué hora quieren cenar? — tanto nos da what time do you want to have dinner? — it's all the same to us o whenever
    1 (pegar, golpear) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio en la cabeza it hit him on the head
    dale al balón con fuerza kick the ball hard
    ¡te voy a dar yo a ti como no me obedezcas! you're going to get it from me if you don't do what I say ( colloq)
    le dio con la regla en los nudillos she rapped his knuckles with the ruler
    cuando te agarren te van a dar de palos when they get you they're going to give you a good beating
    2 ( fam) (a una tarea, asignatura) darle A algo:
    me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on o studying my English ( colloq)
    vas a tener que darle más fuerte si quieres aprobar you're going to have to push yourself harder o put more effort into it if you want to pass
    quiero darle un poco más a esta traducción antes de irme I want to do a bit more work on this translation before I go
    3 ( fam) (hacer uso de) darle A algo:
    ¡cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o ( AmE) down the wine ( colloq)
    ¡cómo le han dado al queso! ¡ya casi no queda! they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! ( colloq)
    ¡cómo les has dado a estos zapatos! you've really been hard on these shoes!, you've worn these shoes out quickly!
    4 (acertar) to hit
    dar en el blanco/el centro to hit the target/the bull's-eye
    1 (accionar) darle A algo:
    le dio al interruptor she flicked the switch
    le di a la manivela I turned the handle
    dale al pedal press the pedal
    tienes que darle a este botón/esta tecla you have to press this button/key
    2 (mover) (+ compl):
    dale al volante hacia la derecha turn the wheel to the right
    1 ( fam)
    (indicando insistencia): ¡y dale! ya te he dicho que no voy there you go again! I've told you I'm not going ( colloq)
    estuvo todo el día dale que dale con el clarinete he spent the whole day blowing away on his clarinet
    ¡y dale con lo de la edad! ¿qué importa eso? stop going on about her age! what does it matter?
    ¡dale que te pego! ( fam): he estado toda la mañana dale que te pego con esto I've been slaving away at this all morning
    yo quiero olvidarlo y él ¡dale que te pego con lo mismo! I want to forget about it and he keeps on and on about it o he keeps banging on about it
    ( RPl fam) (instando a algn a hacer algo): dale, metete, el agua está lindísima come on, get in, the water's lovely
    dale, prestámelo come on o go on, lend it to me
    por mucho que buscaron no dieron con él although they searched high and low they couldn't find him
    creo que ya he dado con la solución I think I've hit upon o found the solution
    cuando uno no da con la palabra adecuada when you can't come up with o find the right word
    A (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio un mareo she felt dizzy
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    como no se calle, me va a dar algo ( fam); if you don't shut up, I'm going to have a fit ( colloq)
    ¡me da una indignación cuando hace esas cosas …! I feel so angry when he does those things!
    me da que ya no vienen ( fam); I have a (funny o sneaky) feeling they're not coming ( colloq)
    B (hablando de ocurrencias, manías)
    1 darle a algn POR algo:
    le ha dado por decir que ya no lo quiero he's started saying that I don't love him any more
    le ha dado por beber he's taken to drink, he's started drinking
    le ha dado por el yoga she's got into yoga
    ¡menos mal que me dio por preguntar por cuánto saldría! it's just as well it occurred to me to ask o I thought to ask how much it would be!
    darle a algn por ahí ( fam): ¿ahora hace pesas? — sí, le ha dado por ahí is he doing weights now? — yes, that's his latest craze o that's what he's into now
    ¿por qué lo hiciste? — no sé, me dio por ahí why did you do it? — I don't know, I just felt like it
    cualquier día le da por ahí y la deja one of these days he'll just up and leave her
    2 darle a algn CON algo:
    le ha dado con que me conoce he's got it into his head he knows me
    (tender a): ha dado en salir acompañada por galanes jóvenes she has taken to being escorted in public by handsome young men
    ha dado en esta locura she has got this crazy idea into her head
    lo que se ha dado en llamar `drogodependencia' what has come to be known as `drug-dependence'
    «sol/viento/luz»: aquí da el sol toda la mañana you get the sun all morning here
    siéntate aquí, donde da el sol sit down here in the sun
    en esa playa da mucho el viento it's very windy on that beach
    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    (acabar): ir/venir a dar: la pelota había ido a dar al jardín de al lado the ball had ended up in the next door garden
    ¿cómo habrá venido a dar esto aquí? how on earth did this get here?
    A (producirse) to grow
    en esta zona se da bien el trigo wheat grows well in this area
    (ocurrir) «caso/situación»: bien podría darse una situación así this kind of situation could well arise o occur
    para esto se tienen que dar las siguientes circunstancias this requires the following conditions
    ¿qué se da? ( fam); what's going on o happening? ( colloq)
    C (resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):
    se le dan muy bien los idiomas she's very good at languages
    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? how are you at sewing?, how's your sewing?
    A (dedicarse, entregarse) darse A algo:
    se dio a la bebida she took to drink, she hit the bottle ( colloq)
    se da a la buena vida he spends his time having fun o living it up
    se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause
    ( RPl) (tratarse, ser sociable) darse CON algn: no se da con la familia del marido she doesn't have much to do with her husband's family
    A ( refl)
    (realizar la acción indicada): voy a darme una ducha I'm going to take o have a shower
    vamos a darnos un banquete we're going to have a feast
    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot
    va dándoselas de rico y no tiene un duro he makes out he's rich but he hasn't got a penny
    ¿pero ése de qué se las da? si es un obrero como tú y yo who does he think he is? he's just another worker like you and me
    no te las des de listo don't act so smart
    (golpearse, pegarse): se dio con el martillo en el dedo he hit his finger with the hammer
    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techo don't hit o bang your head on the ceiling
    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed o went into a tree
    se va a dar un golpe en la cabeza/espalda he's going to hit o bump his head/hit his back
    se dio con la nariz or de narices contra la puerta he ran/walked straight into the door, he went smack into the door ( colloq)
    2 ( refl):
    darse (de) golpes to hit oneself
    ¡podría darme (de) patadas! I could kick myself!
    3 ( recípr):
    se estaban dando (de) patadas/tortazos en plena calle they were kicking/punching each other right there on the street
    Sentido IV (considerarse) darse POR algo:
    con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that
    no se dará por vencida hasta que lo consiga she won't give up until she gets it
    puedes darte por contento de haber salido con vida you can count yourself lucky you weren't killed
    no quiere darse por enterado he doesn't want to know
    aludir vi 1. (↑ aludir)
    * * *


    dar ( conjugate dar) verbo transitivo

    déme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?;
    See Also→ conocer verbo transitivo 3 b, entender verbo transitivo
    b)cartas/mano to give

    a) (donar, regalar) ‹sangre/limosna to give;

    b) ( proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza to give;

    información/idea to give
    a) (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma to give

    b) ( aplicar) ‹mano de pintura/barniz to give

    c)sedante/masaje to give

    4 ( conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso to give;

    nos dieron un premio we won o got a prize
    a) (expresar, decir) ‹parecer/opinón to give;

    ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?;

    dales saludos give/send them my regards;
    tuve que darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    b) (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando the line's busy o (BrE) engaged;

    a) ( producir) ‹fruto/flor to bear;

    dividendos to pay;

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta):

    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometres an hour;

    venía a todo lo que daba it was travelling at full speed;
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    2 (causar, provocar) ‹placer/susto to give;
    problemas to cause;

    el calor le dio sueño/sed the heat made him sleepy/thirsty
    1 ( presentar) ‹ concierto to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? (colloq);

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? where's that film showing?
    a)fiesta/conferencia to give;

    baile/banquete to hold;
    discurso› (AmL) to make
    b) (CS) ‹ examen› to take o (BrE) sit;

    ver tb clase 4
    ( realizar la accion que se indica) ‹ grito to give;

    dame un beso give me a kiss;
    ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc
    ( considerar) dar algo/a algn por algo:

    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic;
    ¡dalo por hecho! consider it done!
    verbo intransitivo

    [ventana/balcón] to look onto, give onto;
    [fachada/frente] to face
    2 (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar para algo/algn to be enough for sth/sb;

    dar de sí ‹zapatos/jersey to stretch
    3 ( arrojar un resultado):

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?;
    a mí me dio 247 I made it (to be) 247
    4 ( importar):

    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    ¿qué más da? what difference does it make?;
    me da igual I don't mind
    5 ( en naipes) to deal
    a) (pegar, golpear): darle a algn to hit sb;

    ( como castigo) to smack sb;

    el balón dio en el poste the ball hit the post

    2 (accionar, mover) darle a algo ‹a botón/tecla to press sth;
    a interruptor to flick sth;
    a manivela/volante to turn sth

    soluciónto hit upon, find;
    palabra to come up with
    4 (hablando de manías, ocurrencias) darle a algn por hacer algo ‹por pintar/cocinar to take to doing sth;
    le ha dado por decir que … he's started saying that …

    5 [sol/luz]:

    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    darse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) [fruta/trigo] to grow
    2 ( presentarse) [oportunidad/ocasión] to arise
    3 ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):

    a) ( refl) ( realizar lo que se indica) ‹ducha/banquete to have;

    dárselas de algo: se las da de valiente/de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he's brave/he knows a lot;

    dárselas de listo to act smart
    b) (golpearse, pegarse):

    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed into a tree;
    se dio dar un golpe en la rodilla he hit his knee
    ( considerarse) darse por algo:

    ver tb aludir a, enterado 1
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to give: dame la mano, hold my hand
    2 (conceder) to give: mi padre me dio permiso, my father gave me permission
    le doy toda la razón, I think he is quite right
    3 (transmitir una noticia) to tell
    (un recado, recuerdos) to pass on, give
    dar las gracias, to thank
    4 (retransmitir u ofrecer un espectáculo) to show, put on
    5 (organizar una fiesta) to throw, give
    6 (producir lana, miel, etc) to produce, yield
    (fruto, flores) to bear
    (beneficio, interés) to give, yield
    7 (causar un dolor, malestar) dar dolor de cabeza, to give a headache
    (un sentimiento) dar pena, to make sad
    le da mucha vergüenza, he's very embarrassed
    8 (proporcionar) to provide: su empresa da trabajo a cincuenta personas, his factory gives work to fifty people
    9 (una conferencia, charla) to give
    (impartir clases) to teach
    (recibir una clase) to have
    US to take
    10 (presentir) me da (en la nariz/en el corazón) que eso va a salir bien, I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out well
    11 (estropear) to ruin: me dio la noche con sus ronquidos, he spoilt my sleep with his snoring
    12 (abrir el paso de la luz) to switch on
    (del gas, agua) to turn on
    13 (propinar una bofetada, un puntapié, etc) to hit, give
    14 (aplicar una mano de pintura, cera) to apply, put on
    (un masaje, medicamento) to give
    15 (considerar) dar por, to assume, consider: lo dieron por muerto, he was given up for dead
    ese dinero lo puedes dar por perdido, you can consider that money lost
    dar por supuesto/sabido, to take for granted, to assume
    16 (la hora, un reloj) to strike: aún no habían dado las ocho, it was not yet past eight o'clock
    17 (realizar la acción que implica el objeto) dar un abrazo/susto, to give a hug/fright
    dar un paseo, to go for a walk
    dar una voz, to give a shout
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (sobrevenir) le dio un ataque de nervios, she had an attack of hysterics
    2 dar de comer/cenar, to provide with lunch/dinner 3 dar a, (mirar, estar orientado a) to look out onto, to overlook
    (una puerta) to open onto, lead to: esa puerta da al jardín, this door leads out onto the garden 4 dar con, (una persona, objeto) to come across: no fuimos capaces de dar con la contraseña, we couldn't come up with the password
    dimos con él, we found him 5 dar de sí, (una camiseta, bañador) to stretch, give 6 dar en, to hit: el sol me daba en los ojos, the sun was (shining) in my eyes 7 dar para, to be enough o sufficient for: ese dinero no me da para nada, this money isn't enough for me
    ♦ Locuciones: dar a alguien por: le dio por ponerse a cantar, she decided to start singing
    le dio por nadar, he got it into his head to go swimming
    dar a entender a alguien que..., to make sb understand that...
    dar la mano a alguien, to shake hands with sb
    dar para: el presupuesto no da para más, the budget will not stretch any further
    dar que hablar, to set people talking
    dar que pensar: el suceso dio que pensar, the incident gave people food for thought
    dar a conocer, (noticia) to release
    ' dar' also found in these entries:
    - abrigar
    - acelerón
    - acertar
    - acogerse
    - acomodar
    - acreditar
    - admitir
    - aflojar
    - agradecer
    - alarma
    - albergue
    - alcance
    - alerta
    - alimentar
    - alojamiento
    - alta
    - amagar
    - apetecer
    - apurar
    - armar
    - asesorar
    - atinar
    - baño
    - batalla
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bola
    - bote
    - brazo
    - brinco
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabezada
    - cabida
    - cada
    - calabaza
    - calentar
    - callar
    - callada
    - callo
    - campanada
    - cancha
    - cante
    - cara
    - carpetazo
    - carrete
    - casar
    - chivatazo
    - citar
    - about-turn
    - act up
    - advance
    - amplify
    - announce
    - around
    - attach
    - attest
    - back
    - backpedal
    - barge into
    - bear
    - beat
    - beat up
    - beg
    - begrudge
    - birth
    - block
    - bluster
    - bolster
    - bop
    - boss about
    - boss around
    - bother
    - bounce
    - bound
    - breast-feed
    - brief
    - buff
    - bull's-eye
    - butt
    - call
    - chase down
    - checkmate
    - cheer
    - chime
    - circle
    - clout
    - coach
    - come across
    - credence
    - day
    - deal
    - death
    - deliver
    - deposit
    - direct
    - discharge
    - disgust
    * * *
    1. [entregar, otorgar] to give;
    dar algo a alguien to give sth to sb, to give sb sth;
    da parte de sus ingresos a los necesitados she gives o donates part of her income to the poor;
    dame el azúcar, por favor could you pass o give me the sugar, please?;
    ¡dámelo! give it to me!, give me it!;
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother;
    daría cualquier cosa por saber lo que piensa I'd give anything to know what he's thinking
    2. [pagar] to give;
    [ofrecer en pago] to offer;
    ¿cuánto te dieron por la casa? how much did they give you for the house?;
    el concesionario me da 2.000 euros por la moto vieja the dealer's offering 2,000 euros for my old motorbike;
    300 dólares, ¿quién da más? [en subasta] is there any advance on 300 dollars?
    3. [proporcionar] to give, to provide with;
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice;
    este color le da un aspecto diferente a la habitación this colour makes the room look different;
    le di instrucciones de cómo llegar a casa I gave her directions for getting to my house;
    no nos dio ninguna explicación sobre su ausencia he didn't give us o provide us with any explanation for his absence;
    le dimos ánimos para que siguiera con su trabajo we encouraged her to continue with her work;
    su familia hizo un gran esfuerzo por darle estudios universitarios his family went to a great deal of effort to enable him to go to university
    4. [conceder] to give;
    le han dado el Premio Nobel she has been awarded o given the Nobel Prize;
    le dieron una beca he was awarded o given a grant;
    yo no le daría demasiada importancia I wouldn't attach too much importance to it;
    al final me dieron la razón in the end they accepted that I was right;
    le dieron una semana más para presentar el informe they gave o allowed him one more week to hand in the report;
    me dieron permiso para ir al médico I got o was allowed time off work to go to the doctor;
    ¿da su permiso para entrar? may I come in?;
    nos dieron facilidades de pago they offered us easy payment terms;
    los médicos no le dan más de seis meses de vida the doctors don't give him more than six months (to live);
    ¿qué interpretación das a este descubrimiento? how would you interpret this discovery?
    5. [decir]
    dar los buenos días to say hello;
    le di las gracias por su ayuda I thanked her for her help;
    fuimos a darles el pésame we went to offer them our condolences;
    dale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regards, say hello to him from me;
    dale la enhorabuena give her my congratulations;
    me dio su opinión al respecto he gave me his opinion on the matter;
    ¿quién le dará la noticia? who's going to tell o give her the news?
    6. [producir] to give, to produce;
    [frutos, flores] to bear; [beneficios, intereses] to yield;
    estas vacas dan mucha leche these cows produce a lot of milk;
    esta cuenta da un 5 por ciento de interés this account offers a 5 percent interest rate, this account bears interest at 5 percent;
    esta lámpara da mucha luz this light is very bright;
    le dio tres hijos she bore him three children
    7. [provocar] to give;
    me da vergüenza/pena it makes me ashamed/sad;
    me da risa it makes me laugh;
    me da miedo it frightens me;
    ¡me da una rabia que me traten así! it infuriates me that they should treat me in this way!;
    me dio un susto tremendo she gave me a real fright;
    el viaje me dio mucho sueño the journey made me really sleepy;
    da gusto leer un libro tan bien escrito it's a pleasure to read such a well-written book;
    los cacahuetes dan mucha sed peanuts make you very thirsty;
    este paseo me ha dado hambre this walk has made me hungry o given me an appetite;
    estas botas dan mucho calor these boots are very warm
    8. [luz, agua, gas] [encender] to turn o switch on;
    [suministrar por primera vez] to connect; [suministrar tras un corte] to turn back on
    9. [fiesta, cena] to have, to hold;
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in sb's honour;
    darán una recepción después de la boda there will be a reception after the wedding
    10. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal
    11. [sujeto: reloj] to strike;
    el reloj dio las doce the clock struck twelve
    12. Cine, Teatro & TV to show;
    [concierto, interpretación] to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? – dan una película del oeste what's on the TV tonight? – they're showing a western o there's a western on;
    dieron la ceremonia en directo they broadcast the ceremony live
    13. [propinar]
    le di una bofetada I slapped him, I gave him a slap;
    dio una patada a la pelota he kicked the ball;
    darle un golpe/una puñalada a alguien to hit/stab sb
    14. [untar con, aplicar]
    dar una capa de pintura al salón to give the living-room a coat of paint;
    dar barniz a una silla to varnish a chair
    15. [señales, indicios] to show;
    dar pruebas de sensatez to show good sense;
    dar señales de vida to show signs of life
    16. [enseñar] to teach;
    [conferencia] to give;
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history;
    dio una clase muy interesante she gave a very interesting class;
    mañana no daremos clase there won't be a class tomorrow
    17. Esp [recibir] [clase] to have;
    doy clases de piano con una profesora francesa I have piano classes with a French piano teacher;
    doy dos clases de francés a la semana I have two French classes a week
    18. [expresa acción]
    dar un grito to give a cry;
    dar un suspiro to sigh, to give a sigh;
    dar un vistazo a to have a look at;
    dio lectura a los resultados de la elección she read out the election results;
    cuando se enteró de la noticia, dio saltos de alegría when he heard the news, he jumped for joy;
    voy a dar un paseo I'm going (to go) for a walk
    19. Esp Fam [fastidiar] to ruin;
    es tan pesado que me dio la tarde he's so boring that he ruined the afternoon for me;
    el bebé nos da las noches con sus lloros the baby never lets us get a decent night's sleep
    20. [considerar]
    dar algo por to consider sth as;
    eso lo doy por hecho I take that for granted;
    doy por sentado que vendrás a la fiesta I take it for granted that o I assume you'll be coming to the party;
    doy por explicado este periodo histórico that's all I want to say about this period of history;
    doy esta discusión por terminada I consider this discussion to be over;
    dar a alguien por muerto to give sb up for dead
    21. Fam [presentir]
    me da que no van a venir I have a feeling they're not going to come
    22. RP [inyección] to give
    23. Comp
    donde las dan las toman you get what you deserve;
    no dar una to get everything wrong
    1. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal;
    me toca dar a mí it's my deal
    2. [entregar]
    dame, que ya lo llevo yo give it to me, I'll carry it
    3. [horas] to strike;
    dieron las tres three o'clock struck
    4. [golpear]
    le dieron en la cabeza they hit him on the head;
    la piedra dio contra el cristal the stone hit the window;
    como no te portes bien, te voy a dar if you don't behave, I'll smack you
    5. [accionar]
    dar a [llave de paso] to turn;
    [botón, timbre] to press;
    dale al control remoto hit the remote control;
    dale al pedal press down on the pedal;
    dale a la tecla de retorno hit o press return;
    dale a la manivela turn the handle
    6. [estar orientado]
    dar a [sujeto: ventana, balcón] to look out onto, to overlook;
    [sujeto: pasillo, puerta] to lead to; [sujeto: casa, fachada] to face;
    todas las habitaciones dan al mar all the rooms look out onto o face the sea
    7. [sujeto: luz, viento]
    el sol daba de lleno en la habitación the sunlight was streaming into the room;
    la luz me daba directamente en la cara the light was shining directly in my face;
    aquí da mucho viento it's very windy here
    8. [encontrar]
    dar con algo/alguien to find sth/sb;
    he dado con la solución I've hit upon the solution
    9. [proporcionar]
    dar de beber a alguien to give sb something to drink;
    da de mamar a su hijo she breast-feeds her son
    10. [ser suficiente]
    dar para to be enough for;
    no dar ni para pipas: ¡eso no te da ni para pipas! that's not even enough to buy a bag of peanuts!
    11. [motivar]
    esta noticia va a dar mucho que hablar this news will set people talking;
    aquello me dio que pensar that made me think
    12. [importar]
    ¡y a ti qué más te da! what's it to you?;
    me da igual o [m5] lo mismo it's all the same to me, I don't mind o care;
    no vamos a poder ir al cine – ¡qué más da! we won't be able to go to the cinema – never mind!;
    y si no lo conseguimos, ¿qué más da? if we don't manage it, so what?;
    ¡qué más da quién lo haga con tal de que lo haga bien! what does it matter o what difference does it make who does it as long as they do it properly?;
    lo siento, no voy a poder ayudar – da igual, no te preocupes I'm sorry but I won't be able to help – it doesn't matter, don't worry;
    ¿vamos o nos quedamos? – da lo mismo should we go or should we stay? – it doesn't make any difference
    13. [acertar]
    dio en el blanco she hit the target;
    diste en el blanco, hay que intentar reducir las pérdidas you hit the nail on the head, we have to try and reduce our losses
    14. [tomar costumbre]
    le ha dado por el yoga he's decided to go in for yoga;
    ahora le ha dado por no comer fruta now she's decided not to eat fruit;
    le dio por ponerse a cantar en medio de la clase he took it into his head to start singing in the middle of the class;
    ¿está aprendiendo ruso? – sí, le ha dado por ahí is she learning Russian? – yes, that's her latest thing;
    dar en hacer algo to take to doing sth;
    el viejo dio en leer libros de caballería the old man took to reading books on chivalry
    15. [expresa repetición]
    le dieron de palos they beat him repeatedly with sticks
    16. [afectar]
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    dar de sí [ropa, calzado] to give, to stretch;
    no dar más de sí o [m5] para más [persona, animal] not to be up to much any more;
    este sueldo da mucho de sí this salary goes a long way;
    estos zapatos no dan para más these shoes have had it;
    es un poco tonto, no da para más he's a bit stupid, he's not up to anything else
    18. [expresa enfado]
    te digo que pares y tú, ¡dale (que dale)! I've told you to stop, but you just carry on and on!;
    ¡y dale con la música! there he goes again, playing loud music!;
    te hemos dicho que no menciones el tema, y tú, dale que te pego we've told you not to mention the subject, but you just carry on regardless o but here you are, bringing it up again;
    ¡y dale! te lo he dicho bien claro, no voy a ir how many times do I have to tell you? o I've said it once and I'll say it again, I'm not going
    19. RP [comunicar]
    ¿me darías con tu madre? could I speak to your mother?, could you put your mother on?;
    le doy con el Sr. Hualde I'll put you through to Mr Hualde
    20. Comp
    para dar y tomar: había cerveza para dar y tomar there was loads of beer;
    darle a: ¡cómo le da a la cerveza! he certainly likes his beer!;
    darle algo a alguien: si no se calla me va a dar algo if he doesn't shut up soon, I'll go mad;
    si sigues trabajando así te va a dar algo you can't go on working like that;
    Esp muy Fam
    ¡que le den!: ¿que no quiere cooperar? ¡que le den! he doesn't want to co-operate? well, stuff him!
    * * *
    <part dado>
    I v/t
    1 give; fiesta give, have;
    dar un salto/una patada jump/kick, give a jump/kick;
    dar miedo a frighten;
    el jamón me dio sed the ham made me thirsty;
    dar de comer/beber a alguien give s.o. something to eat/drink
    2 fruta bear; luz give off; beneficio yield
    3 película show, screen
    el reloj dio las tres the clock struck three
    ¡dale (que dale)! fam don’t keep on! fam ;
    y siguió dale que te pego fam and he kept on and on
    II v/i
    1 give; de cartas en juego deal;
    dame give it to me, give me it
    dar a de ventana look onto
    dar con algo/alguien come across sth/s.o., find sth/s.o.;
    no di con el nombre I couldn’t think of the name
    dar de sí de material stretch, give;
    dar para be enough for;
    no da para más it’s past its best
    le dio por insultar a su madre fam she started insulting her mother
    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    da igual it doesn’t matter
    en algo hit sth;
    el sol le daba en la cara he had the sun in his eyes, the sun was in his eyes
    dar por muerto a alguien give s.o. up for dead
    dar que hablar give people something to talk about;
    da que pensar it makes you think, it gives you something to think about
    * * *
    dar {22} vt
    1) : to give
    2) entregar: to deliver, to hand over
    3) : to hit, to strike
    4) : to yield, to produce
    5) : to perform
    6) : to give off, to emit
    dar por : to regard as, to consider
    dar vi
    1) alcanzar: to suffice, to be enough
    no me da para dos pasajes: I don't have enough for two fares
    dar a or
    dar sobre : to overlook, to look out on
    dar con : to run into
    dar con : to hit upon (an idea)
    dar de sí : to give, to stretch
    * * *
    dar vb
    1. (en general) to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¿cuánto me das por lavarte el coche? how much will you give me for washing your car?
    ¿me da un kilo de naranjas, por favor? could I have a kilo of oranges, please?
    5. (ofrecer fiesta) to have
    6. (impartir clases) to teach [pt. & pp. taught]
    7. (tener ataque, enfermedad) to have
    8. (producir fruto, flores) to bear [pt. bore; pp. borne]
    9. (sonar las horas) to strike [pt. & pp. struck]
    10. (encender, conectar) to turn on
    ¿has dado el gas? have you turned the gas on?
    11. (chocar, golpear) to hit [pt. & pp. hit]
    12. (decir) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    me dio las buenas noches he said goodnight to me / he wished me goodnight
    dar a to overlook / to look onto
    dar a entender to imply [pt. & pp. implied]
    dar a luz to give birth [pt. gave; pp. given]
    dar de comer to feed [pt. & pp. fed]
    dar igual not to matter / not to mind

    Spanish-English dictionary > dar

  • 12 point

    1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) punta
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) punta, cabo
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) punto
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) punto
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) momento preciso
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) punto
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) punto (cardinal)
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) punto
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) punto, cuestión
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) sentido
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) cualidad
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) toma

    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) apuntar
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) señalar, apuntar
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) rejuntar
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes

    point1 n
    1. punta
    2. punto
    3. momento
    at the point when I left, they were winning 3 1 en el momento en que me fui, ganaban 3 a 1
    4. coma
    four point five (4.5) cuatro coma cinco (4,5)
    En el sistema inglés, los millares se separan con una coma y los decimales con un punto, así que tres mil ochocientas treinta y cinco se escribiría 3,835 y treinta y ocho coma veinticinco se escribiría 38.25
    5. sentido
    there's no point in waiting, he's not coming no tiene sentido esperar, no viene
    point2 vb señalar / indicar
    1 (sharp end - of knife, nail, pencil) punta
    2 (place) punto, lugar nombre masculino
    meeting point punto de encuentro, punto de reunión
    3 (moment) momento, instante nombre masculino, punto
    at that point en aquel momento, entonces
    4 (state, degree) punto, extremo
    5 (on scale, graph, compass) punto; (on thermometer) grado
    what's the boiling point of water? ¿cuál es el punto de ebullición del agua?
    6 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (score, mark) punto, tanto
    8 (item, matter, idea, detail) punto
    I see your point ya veo lo que quieres decir, entiendo lo que quieres decir
    point taken! ¡de acuerdo!
    9 (central idea, meaning) idea, significado
    10 (purpose, use) sentido, propósito
    what's the point? ¿para qué?
    what's the point of... ¿qué sentido tiene...
    there's no point in... no vale la pena...
    11 (quality, ability) cualidad nombre femenino
    12 SMALLGEOGRAPHY/SMALL punta, cabo
    13 SMALLMATHEMATICS/SMALL (in geometry) punto (de intersección)
    14 (on compass) punto (cardinal)
    1 (show) señalar
    1 (with weapon) apuntar
    2 (direct) señalar, indicar
    3 (wall, house) ajuntar
    1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (on railway) agujas nombre femenino plural
    at the point of a gun a punta de pistola
    in point of fact de hecho, en realidad
    to be beside the point no venir al caso
    to be on the point of doing something estar a punto de hacer algo
    to be to the point ser relevante y conciso,-a
    to dance on points bailar de puntas
    to get to the point ir al grano
    to make a point of doing something proponerse hacer algo, poner empeño en hacer algo
    to reach the point of no return no poder echarse atrás
    up to a point hasta cierto punto
    point of view punto de vista
    weak point punto débil
    point ['pɔɪnt] vt
    1) sharpen: afilar (la punta de)
    2) indicate: señalar, indicar
    to point the way: señalar el camino
    3) aim: apuntar
    to point out : señalar, indicar
    point vi
    to point at : señalar (con el dedo)
    to point to indicate: señalar, indicar
    1) item: punto m
    the main points: los puntos principales
    2) quality: cualidad f
    her good points: sus buenas cualidades
    it's not his strong point: no es su (punto) fuerte
    it's beside the point: no viene al caso
    to get to the point: ir al grano
    to stick to the point: no salirse del tema
    4) purpose: fin m, propósito m
    there's no point to it: no vale la pena, no sirve para nada
    5) place: punto m, lugar m
    points of interest: puntos interesantes
    6) : punto m (en una escala)
    boiling point: punto de ebullición
    7) moment: momento m, coyuntura f
    at this point: en este momento
    8) tip: punta f
    9) headland: punta f, cabo m
    10) period: punto m (marca de puntuación)
    11) unit: punto m
    he scored 15 points: ganó 15 puntos
    shares fell 10 points: las acciones bajaron 10 enteros
    compass points : puntos mpl cardinales
    decimal point : punto m decimal, coma f
    cabo s.m.
    entero s.m.
    extremo s.m.
    finalidad s.f.
    pico s.m.
    propósito s.m.
    punta s.f.
    puntilla s.f.
    punto s.m.
    púa s.f.
    tanto s.m.
    afilar v.
    apuntar v.
    asestar v.
    clavetear v.
    encarar v.
    señalar v.
    1) noun
    2) c
    a) ( dot) punto m

    1.5 — (léase: one point five) 1,5 (read as: uno coma cinco) 1.5 (read as: uno punto cinco) (AmL)

    3) c
    a) ( in space) punto m

    point of departurepunto m de partida

    things have reached such a point that... — las cosas han llegado a tal punto or a tal extremo que...

    the point of no return: we've reached the point of no return — ahora ya no nos podemos echar atrás

    b) ( on scale) punto m

    freezing/boiling point — punto de congelación/ebullición

    you're right, up to a point — hasta cierto punto tienes razón

    she is reserved to the point of coldness — es tan reservada, que llega a ser fría

    4) c ( in time) momento m

    at this point — en ese/este momento or instante

    he was at the point of death — (frml) estaba agonizando

    to be on the point of -ing — estar* a punto de + inf

    5) c (in contest, exam) punto m

    to win on points — ( in boxing) ganar por puntos

    to make points with somebody — (AmE) hacer* méritos con alguien; match point, set I 4)

    6) c
    a) (item, matter) punto m

    point of honorcuestión f de honor or pundonor

    point of ordermoción f de orden

    to bring up o raise a point — plantear una cuestión

    to make a point of -ing: I'll make a point of watching them closely me encargaré de vigilarlos de cerca; to stretch a point — hacer* una excepción

    b) ( argument)

    yes, that's a point — sí, ese es un punto interesante

    to make a point: that was a very interesting point you made lo que señalaste or planteaste or dijiste es muy interesante; she made the point that... observó que...; all right, you've made your point! sí, bueno, ya has dicho lo que querías decir; ( conceding) sí, bueno, tienes razón; I take your point, but... te entiendo, pero...; point taken de acuerdo; to prove one's/a point — demostrar* que uno tiene razón or está en lo cierto

    7) (no pl) (central issue, meaning)

    to come/get to the point — ir* al grano

    to keep o stick to the point — no irse* por las ramas, no salirse* del tema

    and, more to the point... — y lo que es más...

    the point is that... — el hecho es que...

    to miss the point — no entender* de qué se trata

    8) u ( purpose)

    what's the point of going on? — ¿qué sentido tiene seguir?, ¿para qué vamos a seguir?

    the whole point of my trip was to see youjustamente iba a viajar (or he viajado etc) nada más que para verte, el único propósito de mi viaje era verte a ti

    9) c (feature, quality)
    10) c
    a) (sharp end, tip) punta f
    b) ( promontory) ( Geog) punta f, cabo m
    11) points pl (BrE Rail) agujas fpl
    12) c ( socket) (BrE)

    (electrical o power) point — toma f de corriente, tomacorriente m (AmL)

    transitive verb (aim, direct) señalar, indicar*

    can you point us in the right direction? — ¿nos puede indicar por dónde se va?, ¿nos puede señalar el camino?

    to point something AT somebody/something: he pointed his finger at me me señaló con el dedo; she pointed the gun at him le apuntó con la pistola; point the aerosol away from you — apunta para otro lado con el aerosol

    a) (with finger, stick etc) señalar

    to point AT/TO something/somebody — señalar algo/a alguien

    c) (indicate, suggest)

    to point TO something\<\<facts/symptoms\>\> indicar* algo

    it all points to suicidetodo indica or hace pensar que se trata de un suicidio

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (Geom) (=dot) punto m ; (=decimal point) punto m decimal, coma f

    two point six (2.6) — dos coma seis (2,6)

    2) (on scale, thermometer) punto m

    boiling/freezing point — punto de ebullición/congelación

    3) (on compass) cuarta f, grado m
    4) [of needle, pencil, knife etc] punta f ; [of pen] puntilla f

    at the point of a sword — a punta de espada

    with a sharp point — puntiagudo

    5) (=place) punto m, lugar m

    this was the low/high point of his career — este fue el momento más bajo/el momento cumbre de su carrera

    at all points — por todas partes, en todos los sitios

    at this point — (in space) aquí, allí; (in time) en este or aquel momento

    when it comes to the point — en el momento de la verdad

    when it came to the point of paying... — cuando llegó la hora de pagar..., a la hora de pagar...

    there was no point of contact between them — no existía ningún nexo de unión entre ellos

    to be on or at the point of deathestar a punto de morir

    point of departure — (lit, fig) punto m de partida

    point of entry (into a country) punto m de entrada, paso m fronterizo

    from that point on... — de allí en adelante...

    to reach the point of no return — (lit, fig) llegar al punto sin retorno

    to be on the point of doing sth — estar a punto de hacer algo

    abrupt to the point of rudeness — tan brusco que resulta grosero

    up to a point — (=in part) hasta cierto punto, en cierta medida

    at the point where the road forks — donde se bifurca el camino

    6) (=counting unit) (in Sport, test) punto m

    points againstpuntos mpl en contra

    points forpuntos mpl a favor

    to win on points — ganar por puntos

    to give sth/sb points out of ten — dar a algo/algn un número de puntos sobre diez

    to score ten points — marcar diez puntos

    7) (=most important thing)

    the point is that... — el caso es que...

    that's the whole point, that's just the point! — ¡eso es!, ¡ahí está!

    the point of the joke/story — la gracia del chiste/cuento

    to be beside the point — no venir al caso

    it is beside the point that... — no importa que + subjun

    do you get the point? — ¿entiendes por dónde voy or lo que quiero decir?

    to miss the point — no comprender

    that's not the point — esto no viene al caso, no es eso

    to get off the point — salirse del tema

    his remarks were to the point — sus observaciones venían al caso

    to come or get to the point — ir al grano

    to keep or stick to the point — no salirse del tema

    to speak to the point(=relevantly) hablar acertadamente, hablar con tino

    8) (=purpose, use) [of action, visit] finalidad f, propósito m

    it gave point to the argument — hizo ver la importancia del argumento

    there's little point in telling him — no merece la pena or no tiene mucho sentido decírselo

    there's no point in staying — no tiene sentido quedarse

    to see the point of sth — encontrar or ver sentido a algo, entender el porqué de algo

    I don't see the point of or in doing that — no veo qué sentido tiene hacer eso

    what's the point? — ¿para qué?, ¿a cuento de qué?

    what's the point of or in trying? — ¿de qué sirve intentar?

    9) (=detail, argument) punto m

    the points to remember are... — los puntos a retener son los siguientes...

    to carry or gain or win one's point — salirse con la suya

    five-point planproyecto m de cinco puntos

    to argue point by point — razonar punto por punto

    in point of fact — en realidad, el caso es que

    I think she has a point — creo que tiene un poco de razón

    you've got or you have a point there! — ¡tienes razón!, ¡es cierto! (LAm)

    the point at issue — el asunto, el tema en cuestión

    to make one's point — convencer

    you've made your pointnos etc has convencido

    to make the point that... — hacer ver or comprender que...

    to make a point of doing sth, make it a point to do sth — poner empeño en hacer algo

    on this point — sobre este punto

    to press the point — insistir ( that en que)

    to stretch a point — hacer una excepción

    I take your point — acepto lo que dices

    point taken! — ¡de acuerdo!


    point of viewpunto m de vista

    to see or understand sb's point of view — comprender el punto de vista de algn

    11) (=matter) cuestión f

    point of detaildetalle m

    point of honourcuestión f or punto m de honor

    point of interestpunto m interesante

    point of lawcuestión f de derecho

    point of ordercuestión f de procedimiento

    12) (=characteristic) cualidad f

    what points should I look for? — ¿qué puntos debo buscar?

    bad points — cualidades fpl malas

    good points — cualidades fpl buenas

    he has his points — tiene algunas cualidades buenas

    tact isn't one of his strong points — la discreción no es uno de sus (puntos) fuertes

    weak point — flaco m, punto m flaco, punto m débil

    13) points (Brit) (Rail) agujas fpl ; (Aut) platinos mpl
    14) (Brit) (Elec) (also: power point) toma f de corriente, tomacorriente m (S. Cone)
    15) (Geog) punta f, promontorio m, cabo m
    16) (Typ) (=punctuation mark) punto m

    9 point black — (Typ) negritas fpl del cuerpo 9

    17) (Ballet) (usu pl) punta f

    to dance on points — bailar sobre las puntas

    2. VT
    1) (=aim, direct) apuntar (at a)

    to point a gun at sb — apuntar a algn con un fusil

    to point one's finger at sth/sb — señalar con el dedo algo/a algn

    to point one's toeshacer puntas

    he pointed the car towards London — puso el coche rumbo a Londres

    - point the finger at sb
    2) (=indicate, show) señalar, indicar

    would you point me in the direction of the town hall? — ¿me quiere decir dónde está el ayuntamiento?

    to point the moral that... — subrayar la moraleja de que...

    to point the way — (lit, fig) señalar el camino

    3) (Constr) [+ wall] rejuntar
    4) [+ text] puntuar; [+ Hebrew etc] puntar
    3. VI
    1) (lit) señalar

    to point at or towards sth/sb — (with finger) señalar algo/a algn con el dedo

    the car isn't pointing in the right direction — el coche no va en la dirección correcta

    it points (to the) northapunta hacia el norte

    the hands pointed to midnight — las agujas marcaban las 12 de la noche

    2) (fig) (=indicate) indicar

    this points to the fact that... — esto indica que...


    to point to sth — (=call attention to) señalar algo

    4) [dog] mostrar la caza, parar

    point duty N(Brit) (Police) control m de la circulación

    point man N(=spokesman) portavoz m

    point of reference Npunto m de referencia

    point of sale Npunto m de venta

    points decision N — (Boxing) decisión f a los puntos

    points failure N(Brit) (Rail) fallo m en el sistema de agujas

    points system N (gen) sistema m de puntos; (Aut) sistema de penalización por las infracciones cometidas por un conductor que puede llevar a determinadas sanciones (p. ej. la retirada del permiso de conducir)

    points victory, points win Nvictoria f a los puntos

    * * *
    1) noun
    2) c
    a) ( dot) punto m

    1.5 — (léase: one point five) 1,5 (read as: uno coma cinco) 1.5 (read as: uno punto cinco) (AmL)

    3) c
    a) ( in space) punto m

    point of departurepunto m de partida

    things have reached such a point that... — las cosas han llegado a tal punto or a tal extremo que...

    the point of no return: we've reached the point of no return — ahora ya no nos podemos echar atrás

    b) ( on scale) punto m

    freezing/boiling point — punto de congelación/ebullición

    you're right, up to a point — hasta cierto punto tienes razón

    she is reserved to the point of coldness — es tan reservada, que llega a ser fría

    4) c ( in time) momento m

    at this point — en ese/este momento or instante

    he was at the point of death — (frml) estaba agonizando

    to be on the point of -ing — estar* a punto de + inf

    5) c (in contest, exam) punto m

    to win on points — ( in boxing) ganar por puntos

    to make points with somebody — (AmE) hacer* méritos con alguien; match point, set I 4)

    6) c
    a) (item, matter) punto m

    point of honorcuestión f de honor or pundonor

    point of ordermoción f de orden

    to bring up o raise a point — plantear una cuestión

    to make a point of -ing: I'll make a point of watching them closely me encargaré de vigilarlos de cerca; to stretch a point — hacer* una excepción

    b) ( argument)

    yes, that's a point — sí, ese es un punto interesante

    to make a point: that was a very interesting point you made lo que señalaste or planteaste or dijiste es muy interesante; she made the point that... observó que...; all right, you've made your point! sí, bueno, ya has dicho lo que querías decir; ( conceding) sí, bueno, tienes razón; I take your point, but... te entiendo, pero...; point taken de acuerdo; to prove one's/a point — demostrar* que uno tiene razón or está en lo cierto

    7) (no pl) (central issue, meaning)

    to come/get to the point — ir* al grano

    to keep o stick to the point — no irse* por las ramas, no salirse* del tema

    and, more to the point... — y lo que es más...

    the point is that... — el hecho es que...

    to miss the point — no entender* de qué se trata

    8) u ( purpose)

    what's the point of going on? — ¿qué sentido tiene seguir?, ¿para qué vamos a seguir?

    the whole point of my trip was to see youjustamente iba a viajar (or he viajado etc) nada más que para verte, el único propósito de mi viaje era verte a ti

    9) c (feature, quality)
    10) c
    a) (sharp end, tip) punta f
    b) ( promontory) ( Geog) punta f, cabo m
    11) points pl (BrE Rail) agujas fpl
    12) c ( socket) (BrE)

    (electrical o power) point — toma f de corriente, tomacorriente m (AmL)

    transitive verb (aim, direct) señalar, indicar*

    can you point us in the right direction? — ¿nos puede indicar por dónde se va?, ¿nos puede señalar el camino?

    to point something AT somebody/something: he pointed his finger at me me señaló con el dedo; she pointed the gun at him le apuntó con la pistola; point the aerosol away from you — apunta para otro lado con el aerosol

    a) (with finger, stick etc) señalar

    to point AT/TO something/somebody — señalar algo/a alguien

    c) (indicate, suggest)

    to point TO something\<\<facts/symptoms\>\> indicar* algo

    it all points to suicidetodo indica or hace pensar que se trata de un suicidio

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > point

  • 13 alto

    1 tall, elevated, high-rise.
    2 high, upland.
    3 tall.
    4 high, steep.
    Precios altos High (steep) prices
    5 loud.
    6 lofty.
    1 loudly, aloud, high up.
    2 high, in a high position.
    stop, hold everything, halt, hold it.
    1 height.
    2 stop, halt, interruption, pause.
    3 hill, top of the hill, height.
    4 upper floor.
    5 high point, high, maximum.
    6 Alto.
    * * *
    1 (persona, edificio, árbol) tall
    2 (montaña, pared, techo, precio) high
    3 (elevado) top, upper
    4 (importancia) high, top
    5 (voz, sonido) loud
    1 high (up)
    2 (voz) loud, loudly
    ¿podrías hablar más alto? could you speak a bit louder?
    1 (altura) height
    2 (elevación) hill, high ground
    en lo alto de on the top of
    pasar por alto to pass over
    por todo lo alto figurado in a grand way
    tirando alto figurado at the most
    alta cocina haute cuisine
    alta sociedad high society
    alta tecnología high technology
    altas presiones high pressure sing
    alto horno blast furnace
    1 high (up)
    2 (voz) loud, loudly
    ¿podrías hablar más alto? could you speak a bit louder?
    1 (altura) height
    2 (elevación) hill, high ground
    1 (parada) stop
    1 halt! (policía) stop!
    dar el alto a alguien MILITAR to order somebody to halt
    alto el fuego cease-fire
    * * *
    1. (f. - alta)
    1) tall
    2) high
    3) loud
    2. adv.
    1) high
    3. noun m.
    2) halt, stop
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en altura]
    a) [edificio, persona] tall; [monte] high

    jersey de cuello alto — polo neck jumper, turtleneck

    camino de alta montañahigh mountain path

    zapatos de tacón o Cono Sur, Perú taco alto — high-heeled shoes, high heels

    mar I, 1)

    lo alto, una casa en lo alto de la cuesta — a house on top of the hill

    lanzar algo de o desde lo alto — to throw sth down, throw sth down from above

    por todo lo alto —

    2) [en nivel] [grado, precio, riesgo] high; [clase, cámara] upper

    la marea estaba alta — it was high tide, the tide was in

    alto cargo[puesto] high-ranking position; [persona] senior official, high-ranking official

    alta cocinahaute cuisine

    alto/a comisario/aHigh Commissioner

    alta costura — high fashion, haute couture

    de alta definiciónhigh-definition antes de s

    alto/a ejecutivo/atop executive

    alta escuela — (Hípica) dressage

    altas esferasupper echelons

    alta fidelidad — high fidelity, hi-fi

    altas finanzashigh finance

    alto funcionario — senior official, high-ranking official

    oficiales de alta graduación — senior officers, high-ranking officers

    altos hornosblast furnace

    altos mandos — senior officers, high-ranking officers

    de altas miras, es un chico de altas miras — he is a boy of great ambition

    alta presión — (Téc, Meteo) high pressure

    alta sociedadhigh society

    temporada alta — high season

    alta tensión — high tension, high voltage

    alta traiciónhigh treason

    alta velocidadhigh speed

    Alta Velocidad Española Esp name given to high speed train system

    3) [en intensidad]

    en voz alta — [leer] out loud; [hablar] in a loud voice

    4) [en el tiempo]
    5) [estilo] lofty, elevated
    6) (=revuelto)

    estar alto — [río] to be high; [mar] to be rough

    7) (Geog) upper
    8) (Mús) [nota] sharp; [instrumento, voz] alto
    9) ( Hist, Ling) high
    2. ADV
    1) (=arriba) high
    2) (=en voz alta)

    hablar alto(=en voz alta) to speak loudly; (=con franqueza) to speak out, speak out frankly

    ¡más alto, por favor! — louder, please!

    pensar (en) alto — to think out loud, think aloud

    3. SM
    1) (=altura)

    mide 1,80 de alto — he is 1.80 metres tall

    en alto, coloque los pies en alto — put your feet up

    con las manos en alto[en atraco, rendición] with one's hands up; [en manifestación] with one's hands in the air

    dejar algo en alto —

    2) (Geog) hill
    3) (Arquit) upper floor
    4) (Mús) alto

    pasar por alto — [+ detalle, problema] to overlook

    7) Chile [de ropa, cartas] pile
    8) Chile [de tela] length

    los altos Cono Sur, Méx [de casa] upstairs; (Geog) the heights

    1. SM
    1) (=parada) stop

    dar el alto a algn — to order sb to halt, stop sb

    hacer un alto — [en viaje] to stop off; [en actividad] to take a break

    poner el alto a algo — Méx to put an end to sth

    alto el fuego Esp ceasefire

    2) (Aut) (=señal) stop sign; (=semáforo) lights pl

    ¡alto! — halt!, stop!

    ¡alto ahí! — stop there!

    ¡alto el fuego! — cease fire!

    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [ser] <persona/edificio/árbol> tall; <pared/montaña> high

    zapatos de tacones altos or (AmS) de taco alto — high-heeled shoes

    b) [ESTAR]
    2) (indicando posición, nivel)
    a) [ser] high
    b) [estar]

    la marea está alta — it's high tide, the tide's in

    eso dejó en alto su buen nombre — (CS) that really boosted his reputation

    en lo alto de la montaña/de un árbol — high up on the mountainside/in a tree

    3) (en cantidad, calidad) high

    tiene la tensión or presión alta — she has high blood pressure

    a) [estar] ( en intensidad) <volumen/televisión> loud

    en alto or en voz alta — aloud, out loud

    5) (delante del n) (en importancia, trascendencia) <ejecutivo/funcionario> high-ranking, top
    6) (delante del n) <ideales/opinión> high
    a) (Ling) high
    b) (Geog) upper
    1) <volar/subir> high
    2) < hablar> loud, loudly

    alto (ahí)! — (Mil) halt!; ( dicho por un policía) stop!, stay where you are!

    a) ( altura)
    b) ( en el terreno) high ground
    a) ( de edificio) top floor
    b) los altos masculino plural (CS) ( en casa) upstairs
    a) (parada, interrupción)
    b) (Méx) (Auto)

    pasarse el alto — ( un semáforo) to run the red light (AmE), to jump the lights (BrE); ( un stop) to go through the stop sign

    4) (Chi fam) ( de cosas) pile, heap
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [ser] <persona/edificio/árbol> tall; <pared/montaña> high

    zapatos de tacones altos or (AmS) de taco alto — high-heeled shoes

    b) [ESTAR]
    2) (indicando posición, nivel)
    a) [ser] high
    b) [estar]

    la marea está alta — it's high tide, the tide's in

    eso dejó en alto su buen nombre — (CS) that really boosted his reputation

    en lo alto de la montaña/de un árbol — high up on the mountainside/in a tree

    3) (en cantidad, calidad) high

    tiene la tensión or presión alta — she has high blood pressure

    a) [estar] ( en intensidad) <volumen/televisión> loud

    en alto or en voz alta — aloud, out loud

    5) (delante del n) (en importancia, trascendencia) <ejecutivo/funcionario> high-ranking, top
    6) (delante del n) <ideales/opinión> high
    a) (Ling) high
    b) (Geog) upper
    1) <volar/subir> high
    2) < hablar> loud, loudly

    alto (ahí)! — (Mil) halt!; ( dicho por un policía) stop!, stay where you are!

    a) ( altura)
    b) ( en el terreno) high ground
    a) ( de edificio) top floor
    b) los altos masculino plural (CS) ( en casa) upstairs
    a) (parada, interrupción)
    b) (Méx) (Auto)

    pasarse el alto — ( un semáforo) to run the red light (AmE), to jump the lights (BrE); ( un stop) to go through the stop sign

    4) (Chi fam) ( de cosas) pile, heap
    * * *
    1 = stop.

    Ex: It is certainly no accident that in Finland, a country that circulates an average of 17 books per capita per year through 1500 public libraries and 18,000 mobile-library stops, its public libraries are supported by both national and local monies.

    * alto del fuego = cease-fire.
    * alto en el camino = stopover.
    * echar por alto = bungle.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], gloss over, miss, obviate, overlook, short-circuit [shortcircuit], skip over, leapfrog, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by, flout, close + the door on, skip.
    * pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
    * un alto en el camino = a stop on the road, a pit stop on the road.

    2 = alto.

    Ex: The simultaneous interweaving of several melodic lines (usually four: soprano, alto, tenor, bass) in a musical composition is known as polyphony.

    3 = height.

    Ex: For a monograph the height of the book is normally given, in centimetres.

    * altos y bajos = highs and lows, peaks and valleys.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * con la frente en alto = stand + tall.
    * en lo alto = on top.
    * en lo alto de = on top of, atop.
    * poner los pies en alto = put + Posesivo + feet up.

    4 = heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], superior, tall [taller -comp., tallest -sup.], hefty [heftier -comp., heftiest -sup.].

    Ex: In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.

    Ex: Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
    Ex: Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
    Ex: Occasionally, however, a differently shaped pyramid -- either taller or shorter, is more appropriate.
    Ex: Research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * alcanzar cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights.
    * alta burguesía, la = gentry, the.
    * alta cocina = haute cuisine.
    * alta costura = haute couture.
    * Alta Edad Media, la = Early Middle Ages, the, High Middle Ages, the, Dark Ages, the.
    * alta intensidad = high-rate.
    * alta mar = high seas, the.
    * alta posición = high estate.
    * alta productividad = high yield.
    * alta resolución = high resolution.
    * altas esferas del poder, las = echelons of power, the.
    * altas esferas, las = corridors of power, the.
    * alta tecnología = high-tech, high-technology, hi-tech.
    * alta traición = high treason.
    * alta velocidad = high-rate.
    * alto cargo = senior post, top official, senior position, top person [top people, -pl.], top executive, top position, senior manager, senior executive, high official, top manager, senior official.
    * alto cargo público = senior public official.
    * alto comisario = high commissioner.
    * alto dignatario = high official.
    * alto en fibras = high-fibre.
    * alto funcionario = high official.
    * alto horno = blast furnace.
    * alto nivel = high standard.
    * alto precio = costliness.
    * alto rendimiento = high yield.
    * alto riesgo = high stakes.
    * altos cargos = people in high office.
    * alto y débil = spindly [spindlier -comp., spindliest -sup.].
    * alto y delgado = spindly [spindlier -comp., spindliest -sup.].
    * amontonarse muy alto = be metres high.
    * apuntar muy alto = reach for + the stars, shoot for + the stars.
    * a un alto nivel = high level [high-level].
    * cada vez más alto = constantly rising, steadily rising, steadily growing.
    * clase alta = upper class.
    * con un nivel de estudios alto = well educated [well-educated].
    * cuando la marea está alta = at high tide.
    * de alta alcurnia = well-born.
    * de alta cuna = well-born.
    * de alta fidelidad = hi-fi.
    * de alta mar = offshore, sea-going, ocean-going.
    * de alta potencia = high power.
    * de alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * de alta resistencia = heavy-duty.
    * de alta tecnología = high-technology.
    * de alta tensión = heavy-current.
    * de alta velocidad = high-speed.
    * de alto abolengo = well-born.
    * de alto ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de alto nivel = high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de alto rango = highly placed.
    * de alto rendimiento = high-performance, heavy-duty.
    * de altos vuelos = high-flying, high-powered.
    * de alto voltaje = high-voltage.
    * de la gama alta = high-end.
    * edificio alto = high-rise building.
    * en alta mar = on the high seas.
    * explosivo de alta potencia = high explosive.
    * fijar precios altos = price + high.
    * física de altas energías = high energy physics.
    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.
    * frente de altas presiones = ridge of high pressure.
    * línea de alta tensión = power line.
    * llevar a cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights, take + Nombre + to greater heights.
    * mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.
    * marea alta = high tide.
    * música de alta fidelidad = hi-fi music.
    * pagar un precio alto por Algo = pay + a premium price for.
    * persecución en coche a alta velocidad = high-speed chase.
    * persona de altos vuelos = high flyer [high flier, -USA].
    * persona de la alta sociedad = socialite.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * quimioterapia de altas dosis = high-dose chemotherapy.
    * reparador de estructuras altas = steeplejack.
    * ser muy alto = be metres high.
    * sistema de altas presiones = high-pressure system, ridge of high pressure.
    * temporada alta = high season.
    * tener un alto contenido de = be high in.
    * unaprobabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.
    * un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche = a late night + Nombre.

    5 = loud [louder -comp., loudest -sup.].

    Ex: Visitors would be surprised by the loud creaking and groaning of the presses as the timbers gave and rubbed against each other.

    * decir en voz alta = say + out loud, say in + a loud voice.
    * en voz alta = loudly, out loud.
    * hablar alto = be loud.
    * hablar en voz alta = talk in + a loud voice.
    * leer en voz alta = read + aloud, read + out loud.
    * pensar en voz alta = think + out loud.
    * sonido alto = loud noise.

    * * *
    alto1 -ta
    1 [ SER] ‹persona/edificio/árbol› tall; ‹pared/montaña› high
    zapatos de tacones altos or ( AmS) de taco alto high-heeled shoes
    es más alto que su hermano he's taller than his brother
    una blusa de cuello alto a high-necked blouse
    2 [ ESTAR]:
    ¡qué alto estás! haven't you grown!
    mi hija está casi tan alta como yo my daughter's almost as tall as me now o almost my height now
    B (indicando posición, nivel)
    1 [ SER] high
    los techos eran muy altos the rooms had very high ceilings
    un vestido de talle alto a high-waisted dress
    2 [ ESTAR]:
    ese cuadro está muy alto that picture's too high
    ponlo más alto para que los niños no alcancen put it higher up so that the children can't reach
    el río está muy alto the river is very high
    la marea está alta it's high tide, the tide's in
    los pisos más altos del edificio the top floors of the building
    salgan con los brazos en alto come out with your hands up o with your hands in the air
    eso deja muy en alto su buen nombre (CS); that has really boosted his reputation
    últimamente están con or tienen la moral bastante alta they've been in pretty high spirits lately, their morale has been pretty high recently
    a pesar de haber perdido, ha sabido mantener alto el espíritu he's managed to keep his spirits up despite losing
    Dios te está mirando allá en lo alto God is watching you from on high
    habían acampado en lo alto de la montaña they had camped high up on the mountainside
    en lo alto del árbol high up in the tree, at the top of the tree
    celebraron su triunfo por todo lo alto they celebrated their victory in style
    una boda por todo lo alto a lavish wedding
    C (en cantidad, calidad) high
    tiene la tensión or presión alta she has high blood pressure
    ha pagado un precio muy alto por su irreflexión he has paid a very high price for his rashness
    productos de alta calidad high-quality products
    [ S ] imprescindible alto dominio del inglés good knowledge of English essential
    el nivel es bastante alto en este colegio the standard is quite high in this school
    el alto índice de participación en las elecciones the high turnout in the elections
    embarazo de alto riesgo high-risk pregnancy
    tirando por lo alto at the most, at the outside
    tirando por lo alto costará unas 200 libras it will cost about 200 pounds at the most o at the outside
    1 [ ESTAR] (en intensidad) ‹volumen/radio/televisión› loud
    pon la radio más alta turn the radio up
    ¡qué alta está la televisión! the television is so loud!
    en voz alta or en alto aloud, out loud
    estaba pensando en voz alta I was thinking aloud o out loud
    E ( delante del n) (en importancia, trascendencia) ‹ejecutivo/dirigente/funcionario› high-ranking, top
    un militar de alto rango a high-ranking army officer
    uno de los más altos ejecutivos de la empresa one of the company's top executives
    F ( delante del n) ‹ideales› high
    tiene un alto sentido del deber she has a strong sense of duty
    es el más alto honor de mi vida it is the greatest honor I have ever had
    tiene un alto concepto or una alta opinión de ti he has a high opinion of you, he thinks very highly of you
    1 ( Ling) high
    el alto alemán High German
    2 ( Geog) upper
    el alto Aragón upper Aragon
    el Alto Paraná the Upper Paraná
    feminine upper-middle classes (pl)
    feminine haute cuisine
    feminine high comedy
    feminine haute couture, high fashion
    feminine high definition
    de or en altoa definición high-definition ( before n)
    feminine High Middle Ages (pl)
    feminine dressage
    feminine high fidelity, hi-fi
    feminine high frequency
    masculine or feminine el pesquero fue apresado en (el or la) altoa mar the trawler was seized on the high sea(s)
    se hundió cerca de la costa y no en (el or la) altoa mar it sank near the coast and not on the open sea o not out at sea
    la flota de altoa mar the deep-sea fleet
    feminine hairstyling
    fpl upper echelons (pl)
    las altoas finanzas high finance
    feminine high society
    fpl high pressure
    un sistema de altoas presiones a high-pressure system
    feminine high technology
    feminine high tension o voltage
    feminine high treason
    masculine (puesto) high-ranking position, important post; (persona) high-ranking official
    alto comisario, alta comisaria
    masculine, feminine high commissioner
    alto comisionado or comisariado
    masculine high commission
    masculine blast furnace
    masculine high-ranking officer
    masculine high relief, alto relievo
    masculine high voltage o tension
    A ‹volar/subir/tirar› high
    tírala más alto throw it higher
    B ‹hablar› loud, loudly
    habla más alto que no te oigo can you speak up a little o speak a bit louder, I can't hear you
    ¡alto (ahí)! (dicho por un centinela) halt!; (dicho por un policía) stop!, stay where you are!
    ¡alto ahí! ¡eso sí que no estoy dispuesto a aceptarlo! hold on! I'm not taking that!
    ¡alto el fuego! cease fire!
    masculine ( Esp) ( Mil) cease-fire
    (altura): de alto high
    un muro de cuatro metros de alto a four-meter high wall
    tiene tres metros de alto por dos de ancho it's three meters high by two wide
    2 (en el terreno) high ground
    siempre se edificaban en un alto they were always built on high ground
    1 (de un edificio) top floor
    viven en un alto they live in a top floor apartment o ( BrE) flat
    2 los altos mpl (CS) (en una casa) upstairs
    viven en los altos del taller they live above the workshop
    (parada, interrupción): hacer un alto to stop
    hicieron un alto en el camino para almorzar they stopped off o they stopped on the way for lunch
    dar el alto a algn ( Mil) to stop sb, to order sb to halt
    D ( Méx) ( Auto)
    1 (señal de pare) stop sign
    pasarse el alto to go through the stop sign
    2 (semáforo) stoplight
    pasarse el alto to run the red light ( AmE), to jump the lights ( BrE)
    1 ( Chi fam) (de cosas) pile, heap
    * * *


    alto 1
    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a) [ser] ‹persona/edificio/árbol tall;

    pared/montaña high;

    b) [ESTAR]:

    ¡qué alto estás! haven't you grown!;

    está tan alta como yo she's as tall as me now
    2 (indicando posición, nivel)
    a) [ser] high;

    b) [estar]:

    la marea está alta it's high tide;
    los pisos más altos the top floors;
    salgan con los brazos en alto come out with your hands in the air;
    con la moral bastante alta in pretty high spirits;
    en lo alto de la montaña high up on the mountainside;
    en lo alto del árbol high up in the tree;
    por todo lo alto in style
    3 (en cantidad, calidad) high;

    productos de alta calidad high-quality products;
    tirando por lo alto at the most
    a) [estar] ( en intensidad) ‹volumen/televisión loud;

    b) en alto or en voz alta aloud, out loud

    5 ( delante del n)
    a) (en importancia, trascendencia) ‹ejecutivo/funcionario high-ranking, top;

    b)ideales/opinión high;

    alta burguesía sustantivo femenino

    upper-middle classes (pl);
    alta costura sustantivo femenino
    haute couture;
    alta fidelidad sustantivo femenino
    high fidelity, hi-fi;
    alta mar sustantivo femenino: en alta mar on the high seas;
    flota/pesca de alta mar deep-sea fleet/fishing;
    alta sociedad sustantivo femenino
    high society;
    alta tensión sustantivo femenino
    high tension o voltage;
    alto cargo sustantivo masculino ( puesto) high-ranking position;

    ( persona) high-ranking official;
    alto mando sustantivo masculino

    high-ranking officer
    alto 2 adverbio
    1volar/subir high
    2 hablar loud, loudly;

    alto 3 interjección
    ¡alto el fuego! cease fire!

    alto 4 sustantivo masculino
    a) ( altura)

    tiene tres metros de alto it's three meters high

    a) (parada, interrupción):

    alto el fuego (Esp) (Mil) cease-fire
    b) (Méx) (Auto):

    ( un stop) to go through the stop sign
    alto,-a 2
    I adjetivo
    1 (que tiene altura: edificio, persona, ser vivo) tall
    2 (elevado) high
    3 (sonido) loud
    en voz alta, aloud, in a loud voice
    (tono) high-pitched
    4 (precio, tecnología) high
    alta tensión, high tension
    5 (antepuesto al nombre: de importancia) high-ranking, high-level: es una reunión de alto nivel, it's a high-level meeting
    alta sociedad, high society ➣ Ver nota en aloud II sustantivo masculino
    1 (altura) height: ¿cómo es de alto?, how tall/high is it?
    2 (elevación del terreno) hill
    III adverbio
    1 high, high up
    2 (sonar, hablar, etc) loud, loudly: ¡más alto, por favor!, louder, please!
    tienes que poner el horno más alto, you must turn the oven up ➣ Ver nota en high
    ♦ Locuciones: la boda se celebró por todo lo alto, the wedding was celebrated in style
    alto 1 sustantivo masculino (interrupción) stop, break
    ' alto' also found in these entries:
    - así
    - barrio
    - caer
    - colmo
    - cómo
    - ella
    - fuerte
    - horno
    - listón
    - medir
    - media
    - monte
    - ojo
    - pasar
    - relativamente
    - riesgo
    - superior
    - suprimir
    - suspender
    - tacón
    - tono
    - última
    - último
    - vida
    - vocinglera
    - vocinglero
    - buzo
    - contralto
    - cuello
    - funcionario
    - grande
    - hablar
    - imaginar
    - individuo
    - lo
    - nivel
    - redondear
    - saltar
    - salto
    - subir
    - taco
    - tanto
    - todo
    - torre
    - aloud
    - alto
    - arch
    - atop
    - blast-furnace
    - brass
    - ceasefire
    - discount
    - foreigner
    - gloss over
    - halt
    - height
    - high
    - high-end
    - high-level
    - high-powered
    - inflated
    - labour-intensive
    - laugh
    - lifestyle
    - loud
    - omission
    - overhead
    - overlook
    - pass down
    - pass over
    - peak
    - polo neck
    - second
    - senior
    - short
    - sing up
    - small
    - soar
    - speak up
    - stop
    - tall
    - top
    - top-level
    - top-secret
    - topmost
    - tree-house
    - turtleneck
    - unemployment
    - up
    - upper
    - uppermost
    - world
    - aloft
    * * *
    alto, -a
    1. [persona, árbol, edificio] tall;
    [montaña] high;
    es más alto que su compañero he's taller than his colleague;
    el Everest es la montaña más alta del mundo Everest is the world's highest mountain;
    ¡qué alta está tu hermana! your sister's really grown!;
    un jersey de cuello alto Br a polo neck, US a turtleneck;
    tacones o Andes, RP [m5] tacos altos high heels;
    lo alto [de lugar, objeto] the top;
    Fig [el cielo] Heaven;
    en lo alto de at the top of;
    hacer algo por todo lo alto to do sth in (great) style;
    una boda por todo lo alto a sumptuous wedding
    alto relieve high relief
    2. [indica posición elevada] high;
    [piso] top, upper;
    tu mesa es muy alta para escribir bien your desk is too high for writing comfortably;
    ¡salgan con los brazos en alto! come out with your arms raised o your hands up;
    aguántalo en alto un segundo hold it up for a second;
    tienen la moral muy alta their morale is very high;
    el portero desvió el balón por alto the keeper tipped the ball over the bar;
    de alta mar deep-sea;
    en alta mar out at sea;
    le entusiasma la alta montaña she loves mountaineering;
    equipo de alta montaña mountaineering gear;
    mantener la cabeza bien alta to hold one's head high;
    pasar algo por alto [adrede] to pass over sth;
    [sin querer] to miss sth out;
    esta vez pasaré por alto tu retraso I'll overlook the fact that you arrived late this time
    3. [cantidad, intensidad] high;
    de alta calidad high-quality;
    tengo la tensión muy alta I have very high blood pressure;
    tiene la fiebre alta her temperature is high, she has a high temperature;
    un disco duro de alta capacidad a high-capacity hard disk;
    un televisor de alta definición a high-definition TV;
    una inversión de alta rentabilidad a highly profitable investment;
    un tren de alta velocidad a high-speed train
    alto horno blast furnace;
    altos hornos [factoría] iron and steelworks;
    Informát alta resolución high resolution;
    alta temperatura high temperature;
    alta tensión high voltage;
    Der alta traición high treason;
    alto voltaje high voltage
    4. [en una escala]
    la alta competición [en deporte] competition at the highest level;
    de alto nivel [delegación] high-level;
    un alto dirigente a high-ranking leader
    Hist la alta aristocracia the highest ranks of the aristocracy;
    alto cargo [persona] [de empresa] top manager;
    [de la administración] top-ranking official; [puesto] top position o job;
    los altos cargos del partido the party leadership;
    los altos cargos de la empresa the company's top management;
    alta cocina haute cuisine;
    Alto Comisionado High Commission;
    alta costura haute couture;
    Mil alto mando [persona] high-ranking officer; [jefatura] high command;
    alta sociedad high society
    5. [avanzado] alta fidelidad high fidelity;
    altas finanzas high finance;
    Informát de alto nivel [lenguaje] high-level;
    alta tecnología high technology
    6. [sonido, voz] loud;
    en voz alta in a loud voice;
    7. [hora] late;
    8. Geog upper;
    un crucero por el curso alto del Danubio a cruise along the upper reaches of the Danube;
    el Alto Egipto Upper Egypt
    Hist Alto Perú = name given to Bolivia during the colonial era; Antes Alto Volta Upper Volta
    9. Hist High;
    la alta Edad Media the High Middle Ages
    10. [noble] [ideales] lofty
    11. [crecido, alborotado] [río] swollen;
    [mar] rough;
    con estas lluvias el río va alto the rain has swollen the river's banks
    1. [altura] height;
    mide 2 metros de alto [cosa] it's 2 metres high;
    [persona] he's 2 metres tall
    2. [lugar elevado] height
    los Altos del Golán the Golan Heights
    3. [detención] stop;
    hacer un alto to make a stop;
    hicimos un alto en el camino para comer we stopped to have a bite to eat;
    dar el alto a alguien to challenge sb
    alto el fuego [cese de hostilidades] ceasefire;
    ¡alto el fuego! [orden] cease fire!
    4. Mús alto
    5. [voz alta]
    no se atreve a decir las cosas en alto she doesn't dare say out loud what she's thinking
    6. Andes, Méx, RP [montón] pile;
    tengo un alto de cosas para leer I have a pile o mountain of things to read
    7. CSur, Perú
    altos [de casa] upstairs Br flat o US apartment [with its own front door];
    vive en los altos de la tintorería she lives in a separate Br flat o US apartment above the dry cleaner's
    8. Méx [señal] stop sign
    1. [arriba] high (up);
    volar muy alto to fly very high
    2. [hablar] loud;
    por favor, no hables tan alto please, don't talk so loud
    halt!, stop!;
    ¡alto! ¿quién va? halt! who goes there?;
    ¡alto ahí! [en discusión] hold on a minute!;
    [a un fugitivo] stop!
    * * *
    I adj persona tall; precio, número, montaña high;
    en alta mar on the high seas;
    el alto Salado the upper (reaches of the) Salado;
    los pisos altos the top floors;
    en voz alta out loud;
    a altas horas de la noche in the small hours;
    clase alta high class;
    alta calidad high quality
    II adv volar, saltar high;
    hablar alto speak loudly;
    pasar por alto overlook;
    poner más alto TV, RAD turn up;
    por todo lo alto fam lavishly;
    en alto on high ground, high up;
    llegar alto go far
    III m
    1 ( altura) height;
    dos metros de alto two meters high
    2 Chi
    los altos de Golán GEOG the Golan Heights
    2 m
    1 halt;
    ¡alto! halt!;
    dar el alto a alguien order s.o. to stop;
    ¡alto ahí! stop right there!
    2 ( pausa) pause;
    * * *
    alto adv
    1) : high
    2) : loud, loudly
    alto, -ta adj
    1) : tall, high
    2) : loud
    en voz alta: aloud, out loud
    alto nm
    1) altura: height, elevation
    2) : stop, halt
    3) altos nmpl
    : upper floors
    alto interj
    : halt!, stop!
    * * *
    alto1 adj
    1. (en general) high
    2. (persona, edificio, árbol) tall
    3. (sonido, voz) loud
    alto2 adv
    1. (volar, subir) high
    2. (hablar) loudly
    alto3 n (altura) height

    Spanish-English dictionary > alto

  • 14 यथा _yathā

    यथा ind. [यद् प्रकारे थाल्]
    1 Used by itself यथा has the following senses:-- (a) as, in the manner men- tioned; यथाज्ञापयति महाराजः 'as Your Majesty orders;' (b) namely, as follows; तद् यथानुश्रूयते Pt.1; U.2.4; (c) as, like (showing comparison, and used to express the point of similarity); आसीदियं दशरथस्य गृहे यथा श्रीः U.4.6; Ku.4.34; प्रभावप्रभवं कान्तं स्वाधीनपतिका यथा (न मुञ्चति) K. P.1; (d) as, as for example, for instance; यत्र यत्र धूमस्तत्र तत्र वह्निर्यथा महानसे T. S. कुर्युः कृत्यमकृत्यं वा उष्ट्रे काकादयो यथा Pt.1.288; (e) that (used to introduce direct assertions with or without इति at the end); अकथितो$पि ज्ञायत एव यथायमाभोगस्तपोवनस्येति Ś.1; विदितं खलु ते यथा स्मरः क्षणमप्युत्सहते न मां विना Ku.4.36; (f) so that, in order that; दर्शय तं चौरसिंहं यथा व्यापादयामि Pt.1.
    -2 Used correlatively with तथा, यथा has the following senses:-- (a) as, so (in which case एवम् and तद्वत् often take the place of तथा); यथा वृक्षस्तथा फलम् or यथा बीजं तथाङ्कुरः; Bg.11.29; in this case एव is frequently added to either यथा or तथा or to both to make the equality of relation more marked or striking; वधूचतुष्के$पि यथैव शान्ता प्रिया तनूजास्य तथैव सीता U.4.16; न तथा बाधते स्कन्धो (or शीतम्) यथा बाधति बाधते; (as much-as, as-as); Ku.6.7; U.2.4; V.4.33. In this sense तथा is often omitted, in which case यथा has sense (c) in 1 above. (b) so-that, तथा standing for 'so', and यथा for 'that'; यथा बन्धुजनशोच्या न भवति तथा निर्वाहय Ś.3; तथा प्रयतेथा यथा <?>पहस्यसे जनैः K.19; तस्मान्मुच्ये यथा तात संविधातुं तथार्हसि R.1.72;3.66;14.66;15.68. (c) since-there- fore, as (because) -so; यथा इतोमुखागतैरपि कलकलः श्रुतस्तथा तर्कयामि &c. Māl.8; sometimes तथा is omitted; मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानुकूलो यथा त्वां... सेविष्यन्ते भवन्तं बलाकाः Me.9. (d) if-then, as surely as-so surely (a strong form of assertion or adjuration); वाङ्मनःकर्मभिः पत्यौ व्यभिचारो यथा न मे । तथा विश्वंभरे देवि मामन्तर्धातुमर्हसि R.15.81; यथा यथा- तथा तथा the more-the more, the less-the less; यथा यथा भाषसि धर्मसंमितं तथा तथा मे त्वयि भक्तिरुत्तमा Mb.; Śi.17.43; यथा यथा यौवनमतिचक्राम तथा तथावर्धतास्य संतापः K.59; Ms. 8.286;12.73; यथा तथा in any manner, in whatever way; यथा तथा यापयंस्तु सा ह्यस्य कृतकृत्यता Ms.4.17; यथैव just as; यथा तथा as much as; यथा तथा भवतु whatever may be the case; यथा कथंचित् anyhow, somehow or other. N. B. As the first member of Avyayībhāva comp. यथा is usually translated by 'according to, according as, in accordance with, in conformity to, in proportion to, not exceeding'; see compounds below.
    -Comp. -अंशम्, -अंशतस् ind. in due proportions, proportionately.
    -अधिकारम् ind. according to autho- rity.
    -अधीत a. as read or studied, conformable to the text. (
    -तम्) ind. according to the text.
    -अनुपूर्वम्, -अनुपूर्व्यम्, -अनुपूर्व्या ind. in regular order or suc- cession, successively.
    -अनुभूतम् ind.
    1 according to experience.
    -2 by previous experience.
    -अनुरूपम् ind. in exact conformity, properly.
    -अनूक्तम् ind. as said or told; मया यथानूक्तमवादि ते हरेः कृतावतारस्य सुमित्र चेष्टितम् Bhāg.3.19.32.
    -अभिप्रेत, -अभिमत, -अभिलषित, -अभीष्ट a. as wished, intended or desired, agreeably to desire. (
    -तम् &c.) ind. according to one's wish, at pleasure, agreeably to one's desire.
    -अभिरुचित a. pleasant, agreeable.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 conformable to truth, true, real, correct; सौम्येति चाभाष्य यथार्थभाषी R.14.44; so यथार्थानुभवः 'correct or right perception'; यथार्थवक्ता &c.
    -2 conformable to the true meaning; true to the sense, right, appropriate, significant; करिष्यन्निव नामास्य (i. e. शत्रुघ्न) यथार्थमरिनिग्रहात् R.15.6; (करिष्यते) युधि सद्यः शिशुपालतां यथार्थाम् Śi.16.85; Ki.8.48; Ku.2.16.
    -3 fit suitable. (
    -र्थम्, -अर्थतः ind. truly, rightly; fitly, suitably, properly.) ˚अक्षर a. signficant or true to the syllable; यस्मिन्नीश्वर इत्यनन्यविषयः शब्दो यथार्थाक्षरः V.1.1. ˚नामन् a. one whose name is true to its meaning or fully significant (whose deeds are according to his name); ध्रुवसिद्धेरपि यथार्थनाम्नः सिद्धिं न मन्यते M.4; परंतपो नाम यथार्थनामा R.6.21. ˚वर्णः a spy (see यथार्हवर्ण). (यथार्थता
    1 suitableness, fitness.
    -2 propriety.
    -3 accu- racy, genuineness, correctness.)
    -अर्ह a.
    1 according to merit, as deserving.
    -2 appropriate, suitable, just.
    -3 as agreeable; यथार्हजलेन हृद्यगन्धेन स्नातः Dk.2.7. ˚वर्णः a spy, an emissary.
    -अर्हम्, -अर्हतः ind. according to merit or worth; यथार्हमन्यैरनुजीविलोकं संभावयामास यथाप्रधानम् R.16.4.
    -अर्हणम् ind.
    1 according to propriety.
    -2 according to worth or merit.
    -अवकाशम् ind.
    1 according to room or space.
    -2 as occasion may occur, according to occasion, leisure or propriety.
    -3 in the proper place; प्रालम्बमुत्कृष्य यथावकाशं निनाय R.6.14.
    -अवस्थम् ind. according to the condition or circumstances.
    -आख्यात a. as mentioned before, before mentioned.
    -आख्यानम् ind. as before stated.
    - आगत a. foolish, stupid. (
    -तम्) ind. as one came, by the same way as one came; यथागतं मातलिसारथिर्ययौ R.3.67.
    -आगमम् ind. according to tradition, as handed down from generation to generation.
    -आचारम् ind. as customary or usual.
    -आम्नातम्, आम्नायम् ind. as laid down in the Vedas.
    -आरम्भम् ind. according to the beginning, in regular order or succession.
    -आवासम् ind. according to one's dwelling, each to his own dwelling.
    -आशयम् ind.
    1 according to wish or intention.
    -2 according to the agreement.
    -आश्रमम् ind. according to the Āśrama or period in one's religious life.
    -आश्रयम् ind. according to substratum; चित्रं यथाश्रयमृते Sāṅkhya K.41.
    -इच्छ, -इष्ट, -ईप्सित a. according to wish or desire, agreeably to one's desire, as much as desired, as desir- ed or wished for. (
    -च्छम्, -ष्टम्, -तम्) ind.
    1 according to wish or desire, at will or pleasure; यथेष्टं चेष्टन्ते स्फुटकुचतटाः पश्य कुलटाः Udb.
    -2 as much as may be wanted, to the heart's content; यथेष्टं बुभुजे मांसम् Ch. P.3.
    -ईक्षितम् ind. as personally seen, as actually perceived.
    -उक्त, -उदित a. as said or told above, aforesaid, above-mentioned; यथोक्ताः संवृत्ताः Pt.1; यथोक्त- व्यापारा Ś.1; R.2.7; ततः स्वगृहमेत्य यथोक्तमर्थत्यागं कृत्वा Dk.2.2.
    -उचित a. suitable, proper, due, fit. (
    -तम्) ind. duly, suitably, properly; आगतं तु भयं वीक्ष्य नरः कुर्याद् यथोचितम् H.
    -उत्तरम् ind. in regular order or succession, one after another; संबन्धो$त्र यथोत्तरम् S. D. 729; श्रैष्ठ्यमेषां यथोत्तरम् Ms.12.38; यथोत्तरेच्छा हि गुणेषु कामिनः Ki.8.4.
    -उत्साहम् ind.
    1 according to one's power or might.
    -2 with all one's might.
    -उद्गत a. without sense, stupid.
    -उद्गमनम् in ascending propor- tion.
    -उद्दिष्ट a. as indicated or described. (
    -ष्टम्) or
    -उद्देशम् ind. in the manner indicated.
    -उपचारम् ind. as politeness or courtesy requires.
    -उपजोषम् ind. according to pleasure or desire; यथोपजोषं वासांसि परिधाया- हतानि ते Bhāg.8.9.15.
    -उपदिष्ट a. as indicated.
    -उपदेशम् ind. as advised or instructed.
    -उपपत्ति ind.
    1 as may be fit.
    -2 as may happen.
    -उपपन्न a. just as happened to be at hand, natural; यथोपपन्नरज्जुबद्धः Dk.2.4.
    -उपमा (in Rhet.) a comparison expressed by यथा.
    -उप- -योगम् ind. according to use or requirements, according to circumstances.
    -उपाधि ind. according to the condition or supposition.
    -औचित्यम् propriety, suitableness, fitness.
    -ऋतु ind. according to the right season; यथर्तुवर्षी भगवान् न तथा पाकशासनः Mb.3.188.5.
    -कथित a. as already mentioned.
    -कर्तव्यम् what is right to be done.
    -कर्म ind. according to one's duties or circumstances.
    -कल्पम् ind. according to rule or ritual.
    -काम a. conformable to desire. (
    -मम्) ind. agreeably to desire, at will or pleasure, to the heart's content; यथाकामार्चितार्थिनाम् R.1.6;4.51.
    -कामिन् a. free, unrestrained.
    -कारम् ind. in whatever way; P.III.4.28.
    -कालः the right or due time, proper time; यथाकालप्रबोधिनाम् R.1.6. (
    -लम्) ind. at the right time, opportunely, season- ably; सोपसर्पैर्जजागार यथाकालं स्वपन्नपि R.17.51.
    -कृत a. as agreed upon, done according to rule or custom, custo- mary; स यदि प्रतिपद्येत यथान्यस्तं यथाकृतम् Ms.8.183. (
    -तम्) ind. according to the usual practice.
    -क्लृप्ति ind. in a suitable way.
    -क्रमम्, -क्रमेण ind. in due order or succession, regularly, in due form, properly; यथाक्रमं पुंसवनादिकाः क्रियाः R.3.1;9.26.
    -क्षमम् ind. according to one's power, as much as possible.
    -क्षिप्रम् ind. as quickly as possible.
    -क्षेमेण ind. safely, comfortably.
    -खेलम् ind. playfully; V.
    -गुणम् ind. according to qualities or endowments; Ch. Up.
    -चित्तम् ind. according to will; Māl.
    -जात a.
    1 foolish, senseless, stupid.
    -2 barbarous, outcast.
    -ज्ञानम् ind. to the best of one's knowledge or judgment.
    -ज्येष्ठम् ind. according to rank, by seniority.
    -तत्त्वम् ind.
    1 according to actual facts, actually, as the case really may be.
    -तथ a.
    1 true, right.
    -2 accurate, exact. (
    -थम्) a narrative of the particulars or details of anything, a detailed or minute account. (
    -थम्) ind.
    1 exactly, precisely; विभाव्यन्ते यथातथम् Bhāg.
    -2 fitly, properly, as the case really may be; Mb.3.
    -तथ्यम्, -तथ्येन ind. truly, really.
    -तृप्ति ind. to the heart's content.
    -दर्शनम् ind. according to observation.
    -दिक्, -दिशम् ind. in all directions.
    -निकायम् ind. according to body; Śvet. Up.
    -निर्दिष्ट a.
    1 as mentioned before, as specified above; यथानिर्दिष्टव्यापारा सखी.
    -2 as prescribed or laid down; यथानिर्दिष्टं संपादितं व्रतम् V.3.
    -न्यायम् ind. justly, rightly, properly; प्रतिपूज्य यथान्यायम् Ms.1.1.
    -न्यासम् ind. according to the text of a Śūtra, as written down.
    -न्युप्त a. as placed on the ground or offered; अवजिघ्रेच्च तान् पिण्डान् यथान्युप्तान् समाहितः Ms.3.218.
    -पण्यम् ind. according to the (value or kind of) commodities; शुल्क- स्थानेषु कुशलाः यथापण्यविचक्षणाः Ms.8.398 (v. l.).
    -पुरम् ind. as before, as on previous occasions; यथापुरमविज्ञाय स्वार्थलिप्सुमपण्डिताम् Rām.2.1.2.
    -पूर्व, -पूर्वक a. being as before, former; R.12.41.
    (-र्वम्) -पूर्वकम् ind.
    1 as before; सर्वाणि ज्ञातिकार्याणि यथापूर्वं समाचरेत् Ms.11.187.
    -2 in due order or succession, one after another; एते मान्या यथापूर्वम् Y.1.35.
    -प्रत्यर्हम् ind. according to merit.
    -प्रदिष्टम् ind. as suitable or proper.
    -प्रदेशम् ind.
    1 in the proper or suitable place; यथाप्रदेशं विनिवेशितेन Ku. 1.49; आसञ्जयामास यथाप्रदेशं कण्ठे गुणम् R.6.83; Ku.7.34.
    -2 according to direction or precept.
    -3 on all sides.
    -प्रधानम्, -प्रधानतः ind. according to rank or position, according to precedence; आलोकमात्रेण सुरानशेषान् संभावया- मास यथाप्रधानम् Ku.7.46.
    -प्रयोगम् ind.
    1 according to usage or practice.
    -2 as found by experiment.
    -प्रस्तावम् ind. on the first suitable occasion.
    -प्रस्तुतम् ind.
    1 at last, at length.
    -2 conformably to the circum- stances.
    -प्राणम् ind. according to strength with all one's might.
    -प्राप्त a.
    1 suitable to circumstances.
    -2 following from a previous grammatical rule; Kāśi. on P.III.2.135. (
    -प्तम्) ind. regularly, properly.
    -प्रार्थितम् ind. as requested.
    -बलम् ind.
    1 to the best of one's power, with all one's might; यथाबलं च विभज्य गृह्णीत Dk.2.8.
    -2 according to the (condition of) army or number of forces; Ms.
    -बुद्धि, -मति ind. to the best of one's knowledge.
    -भक्त्या with entire devo- tion.
    -भागम्, -भागशः ind.
    1 according to the share of each, proportionately; यथाभागशो$मी वो गन्धाः
    -2 each in his respective place; यथाभागमवस्थिताः Bg.1.11.
    -3 in the proper place; यथाभागमवस्थिते$पि R.6.19.
    -भावः 1 destiny.
    -2 proper relation.
    -भूतम् ind. according to what has taken place, according to truth, truly, exactly.
    -भूयस् ind. according to seniority.
    -मुखीन a. looking straight at (with gen.); (मृगः) यथामुखीनः सीतायाः पुप्लुवे बहु लोभयन् Bk.5.48.
    -मूल्य a. worth the price, accordant with the price.
    -यथम् ind.
    1 as in fit, fitly, properly; यथायथं ताः सहिता नभश्चरैः Ki.8.2.
    -2 in regular order, severally, each in its proper place, respectively; असक्तमाराधयतो यथायथम् Ki.1.11; बीजवन्तो मुखाद्यर्था विप्रकीर्णा यथायथम् S. D.337.
    -3 by degrees, gradually; सर्वे मायामानवा यथायथमन्तर्भावं गताः Dk.1.5.
    -युक्तम्, -योगम् ind. according to circumstances, fitly, suitably.
    -योग्य a. suitable, fit, proper, right.
    -रसम् ind. according to the sentiments.
    -रुचम्, -रुचि ind. according to one's liking or taste; वदन्ति चैतत् कवयो यथारुचम् Bhāg.2.5.21.
    -रूपम् ind.
    1 according to form or appearance.
    -2 duly, properly, fitly.
    -लब्ध a. as actually in hand.
    -वस्तु ind. as the fact stands, exactly, accurately, truly.
    -विध a. of such kind or sort.
    -विधि ind. according to rule or precept, duly, properly; यथाविधि हुताग्नीनाम् R.1.6; संचस्कारोभयप्रीत्या मैथिलेयौ यथाविधि 15.31;3.7; Ms.11.191.
    -विनियोगम् ind. in the succession or order stated.
    -विभवम् ind. in proportion to one's income, according to means.
    -वीर्य a. of whatever strength. (
    -र्यम्) ind. in respect of manliness or courage.
    -वृत्त a. as happened, done or acted.
    (-त्तम्) 1 the actual facts, the circumstances or details of an event.
    -2 a former event.
    -वृद्धम् ind. according to age or seniority; गगनादवतीर्णा सा यथावृद्धपुरःसरा Ku.6. 49.
    -व्युत्पत्ति ind.
    1 according to the degree of edu- cation or culture.
    -2 according to the derivation.
    -शक्ति, -शक्त्या ind. to the best of one's power, as far as possible.
    -शब्दार्थम् ind. in keeping with or according to the sense conveyed by the (sacred) text; इह शब्द- लक्षणे कर्मणि यथाशब्दार्थं प्रवृत्तिः ŚB. on MS.11.1.26.
    -शास्त्रम् ind. according to the scriptures, as the law ordains; सर्वे$पि क्रमशस्त्वेते यथाशास्त्रं निषेविताः Ms.6.88.
    -शीघ्रम् ind. as quickly as possible.
    -शीलम् ind. in accordance with one's temper.
    -श्रुत a. according to the report.
    -श्रुतम् -ति ind.
    1 as heard or reported.
    -2 (यथाश्रुति) according to Vedic precepts; अस्मात् परं बत यथाश्रुति संभृतानि को नः कुले निवपनानि करिष्यतीति Ś.6.25.
    -श्रेष्ठम् ind. in order of precedence or merit.
    -श्लक्ष्ण a. behaving in such a way that the weaker is placed first.
    -संस्थम् ind. according to circumstances.
    -संख्यम् a figure of speech in Rhetoric; यथासंख्यं क्रमेणैव क्रमिकाणां समन्वयः K. P.1; e. g. शत्रुं मित्रं विपत्तिं च जय रञ्जय भञ्जय Chandr.5.17.
    (-ख्यम्), -संख्येन ind. ac- cording to number, respectively, number for number; हृत्कण्ठतालुगाभिस्तु यथासंख्यं द्विजातयः (शुध्येरन्) Y.1.21.
    -समयम् ind.
    1 at the proper time.
    -2 according to agreement or established usage.
    -संभव a. possible.
    -संभावित a. suitable, appropriate.
    -सर्वम् ind. in all particulars.
    -सवनम् ind. according to the time or season.
    -सारम् ind. according to quality or goodness.
    -सुखम् ind.
    1 at will or pleasure.
    -2 at ease, comfortably, pleasantly, so as to give pleasure; अङ्के निधाय करभोरु यथासुखं ते संवाहयामि चरणावुत पद्मताम्रौ Ś.3.2; R.9.48; Ms.4.43.
    -स्थानम् the right or proper place. (
    -नम्) ind.
    1 in the proper place; duly, properly.
    -2 instantly.
    -3 according to rank.
    -स्थित a.
    1 according to circumstances or actual facts, as it stands; रामं यथास्थितं सर्वं भ्राता ब्रूते स्म विह्वलः Bk.6.8.
    -2 right, proper, fit. (
    -तम्) ind.
    1 truly, properly.
    -2 according to circumstances.
    -स्थिति ind. as usual, according to state or circumstances.
    -स्थूलम् ind. without details.
    -स्व a. each according to (his or her) own; यथास्वान् जग्मुरालयान् Mb.12.44.14.
    -स्वम् ind.
    1 each his own, respectively; अध्यासते चीरभृतो यथास्वम् R.13.22; Ki.14.43.
    -2 individually; यथास्वमाश्रमैश्चके वर्णैरपि षडंशभाक् R.17.65.
    -3 duly, properly, rightly; यथास्वं ग्राहकान्येषां शब्दादीनामिमानि तु Mb.3.211.13.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > यथा _yathā

  • 15 imponer

    1 to set (moda).
    2 to be imposing.
    3 to impose, to enforce, to compel, to foist.
    Ella impone el reglamento She imposes the rules.
    4 to stipulate, to set, to determine, to lay down.
    Elsa impone el plan de acción Elsa stipulates the plan of action.
    5 to be imposed upon.
    Se me impuso una regla estúpida A stupid rule was imposed on me.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ PONER], like link=poner poner (pp impuesto,-a)
    1 (ley, límite, sanción) to impose
    2 (obediencia) to exact
    3 (respeto) to inspire
    4 FINANZAS (cantidad) to deposit
    1 (asustar) to be frightening
    1 to impose one's authority (a, on)
    2 (obligarse) to force oneself to
    3 (prevalecer) to prevail
    4 (predominar) to become fashionable
    * * *
    * * *
    ( pp impuesto)
    1. VT
    1) (=poner) [+ castigo, obligación] to impose; [+ tarea] to set

    no quiero imponerte nada, solo darte un buen consejo — I don't want to force you to do anything o I don't want to impose anything on you, just to give you some good advice

    2) frm (=conceder) [+ medalla] to award

    a la princesa le impusieron el nombre de Mercedes — the princess was given the name Mercedes, the princess was named Mercedes

    3) (=hacer prevalecer) [+ voluntad, costumbre] to impose; [+ norma] to enforce; [+ miedo] to instil; [+ condición] to lay down, impose; [+ enseñanza, uso] to make compulsory

    imponer la modato set the trend

    algunos creadores japoneses imponen su moda en Occidente — some Japanese designers have successfully brought their fashions over to the West

    imponer respetoto command respect

    imponer el ritmoto set the pace

    4) (Com, Econ) [+ dinero] to deposit; [+ impuesto] to put (a, sobre on)
    levy (a, sobre on)

    han impuesto nuevas tasas sobre los servicios básicosthey have put o levied new taxes on essential services

    5) (=instruir)
    6) (Rel)
    7) Chile to pay (in contributions), pay (in Social Security)
    2. VI
    1) (=intimidar) [persona] to command respect; [edificio] to be imposing; [arma] to be intimidating

    ¿no te impone dormir solo? — don't you find it rather scary sleeping on your own?

    2) Chile to pay contributions, pay one's Social Security
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (frml) <castigo/multa> to impose (frml)
    b) (frml) <gravamen/impuesto> to impose, levy (frml)
    c) < obligación> to impose, place; < opinión> to impose; <reglas/condiciones> to impose, enforce; < tarea> to set
    d) < respeto> to command; < temor> to inspire, instill*
    e) < moda> to set
    2) (frml) (+ me/te/le etc) <condecoración/medalla> to confer; < nombre> to give
    3) ( informar)

    imponer a alguien de or en algo — to inform somebody of o about something

    4) (Esp frml) <dinero/fondos> to deposit
    5) (Chi) ( a la seguridad social) to contribute
    imponer vi (infundir respeto, admiración) to be imposing
    imponerse v pron
    a) (refl) <horario/meta> to set oneself
    b) idea to become established
    c) (frml) cambio/decisión to be imperative (frml)
    d) color/estilo to come into fashion
    2) ( hacerse respetar) to assert oneself o one's authority
    3) (frml) ( vencer) to win

    imponerse a alguien/algo — to defeat o beat somebody/something

    4) (frml) ( informarse)
    5) (Méx) ( acostumbrarse)
    * * *
    = be awe-inspiring, dictate, lay on, impose, enjoin, inflict, enforce, thrust on/upon, mete out.
    Ex. Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature.
    Ex. Also, economy dictates that every possible entry cannot be printed.
    Ex. Those are, as I said in another context, monickers that were laid on them by ignorant and, I would say, mean-minded authors for their own purposes.
    Ex. Results suggest that the structure imposed on a small document collection by an automatically produced subject representation is unrelated to the structure imposed on the documents by relevance relationships.
    Ex. Heightened interest in the nation's founding and in the intentions of the founders enjoins law librarians to provide reference service for research in the history of the constitutional period.
    Ex. This article discusses the budget cuts inflicted on Australian libraries.
    Ex. Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    Ex. Different responsibilities will be thrust upon librarians as their work becomes an increasingly vital complement to academic work, in particular assisting academics and students alike in creating order out of the chaos that is the Internet.
    Ex. Governmental intervention has been criticized for the lenience of penalties meted out & the lack of a cohesive strategy.
    * imponer a = intrude on.
    * imponer autoridad = lay down + the law.
    * imponer castigo = mete out + punishment.
    * imponer condena = impose + prison sentence.
    * imponer exigencias a = place + demands on.
    * imponer impuestos = impose + VAT.
    * imponer multa = impose + penalty.
    * imponer orden = impose + order, bring + order.
    * imponer orden en donde hay caos = bring + order out of chaos.
    * imponer + Posesivo + autoridad = pull + rank.
    * imponer recortes = impose + cuts.
    * imponer respeto = stand in + awe.
    * imponer restricciones a = impose + limits on.
    * imponer sanción económica = levy + fine.
    * imponer sanciones = exercise + sanctions.
    * imponerse = prevail, obtrude (into), take + hold, put + Posesivo + foot down, overrule.
    * imponerse a Uno mismo = self-mandate.
    * imponerse disciplina = discipline + Reflexivo.
    * imponer sentencia = mete out + sentence.
    * imponerse una tarea = task + Reflexivo.
    * imponer una carga = place + burden.
    * imponer una condición = place + limitation.
    * imponer una limitación = place + restraint, impose + limitation.
    * imponer una limitación (sobre) = place + constraint (on/upon).
    * imponer una limitación sobre Algo = impose + constraint upon.
    * imponer una norma = place + prescription.
    * imponer una restricción = place + requirement, place + restraint.
    * imponer una restricción sobre Algo = impose + constraint upon.
    * imponer una sanción = impose + sanction.
    * imponer una tarea = task.
    * imponer una tarea a Alguien = foist + Nombre + on + Alguien + as a duty.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (frml) <castigo/multa> to impose (frml)
    b) (frml) <gravamen/impuesto> to impose, levy (frml)
    c) < obligación> to impose, place; < opinión> to impose; <reglas/condiciones> to impose, enforce; < tarea> to set
    d) < respeto> to command; < temor> to inspire, instill*
    e) < moda> to set
    2) (frml) (+ me/te/le etc) <condecoración/medalla> to confer; < nombre> to give
    3) ( informar)

    imponer a alguien de or en algo — to inform somebody of o about something

    4) (Esp frml) <dinero/fondos> to deposit
    5) (Chi) ( a la seguridad social) to contribute
    imponer vi (infundir respeto, admiración) to be imposing
    imponerse v pron
    a) (refl) <horario/meta> to set oneself
    b) idea to become established
    c) (frml) cambio/decisión to be imperative (frml)
    d) color/estilo to come into fashion
    2) ( hacerse respetar) to assert oneself o one's authority
    3) (frml) ( vencer) to win

    imponerse a alguien/algo — to defeat o beat somebody/something

    4) (frml) ( informarse)
    5) (Méx) ( acostumbrarse)
    * * *
    = be awe-inspiring, dictate, lay on, impose, enjoin, inflict, enforce, thrust on/upon, mete out.

    Ex: Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature.

    Ex: Also, economy dictates that every possible entry cannot be printed.
    Ex: Those are, as I said in another context, monickers that were laid on them by ignorant and, I would say, mean-minded authors for their own purposes.
    Ex: Results suggest that the structure imposed on a small document collection by an automatically produced subject representation is unrelated to the structure imposed on the documents by relevance relationships.
    Ex: Heightened interest in the nation's founding and in the intentions of the founders enjoins law librarians to provide reference service for research in the history of the constitutional period.
    Ex: This article discusses the budget cuts inflicted on Australian libraries.
    Ex: Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    Ex: Different responsibilities will be thrust upon librarians as their work becomes an increasingly vital complement to academic work, in particular assisting academics and students alike in creating order out of the chaos that is the Internet.
    Ex: Governmental intervention has been criticized for the lenience of penalties meted out & the lack of a cohesive strategy.
    * imponer a = intrude on.
    * imponer autoridad = lay down + the law.
    * imponer castigo = mete out + punishment.
    * imponer condena = impose + prison sentence.
    * imponer exigencias a = place + demands on.
    * imponer impuestos = impose + VAT.
    * imponer multa = impose + penalty.
    * imponer orden = impose + order, bring + order.
    * imponer orden en donde hay caos = bring + order out of chaos.
    * imponer + Posesivo + autoridad = pull + rank.
    * imponer recortes = impose + cuts.
    * imponer respeto = stand in + awe.
    * imponer restricciones a = impose + limits on.
    * imponer sanción económica = levy + fine.
    * imponer sanciones = exercise + sanctions.
    * imponerse = prevail, obtrude (into), take + hold, put + Posesivo + foot down, overrule.
    * imponerse a Uno mismo = self-mandate.
    * imponerse disciplina = discipline + Reflexivo.
    * imponer sentencia = mete out + sentence.
    * imponerse una tarea = task + Reflexivo.
    * imponer una carga = place + burden.
    * imponer una condición = place + limitation.
    * imponer una limitación = place + restraint, impose + limitation.
    * imponer una limitación (sobre) = place + constraint (on/upon).
    * imponer una limitación sobre Algo = impose + constraint upon.
    * imponer una norma = place + prescription.
    * imponer una restricción = place + requirement, place + restraint.
    * imponer una restricción sobre Algo = impose + constraint upon.
    * imponer una sanción = impose + sanction.
    * imponer una tarea = task.
    * imponer una tarea a Alguien = foist + Nombre + on + Alguien + as a duty.

    * * *
    1 ( frml); ‹castigo/pena/multa› to impose ( frml)
    el gobierno impuso el toque de queda the government imposed a curfew
    le impusieron una pena de 20 años de cárcel he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, they imposed a 20-year prison sentence on him
    2 ( frml); ‹gravamen/impuesto› to impose, levy ( frml)
    3 ‹obligación› to impose, place; ‹opinión› to impose; ‹reglas/condiciones› to impose, enforce; ‹tarea› to set
    no lo sienten como una cosa impuesta they don't see it as an imposition o as something imposed upon them
    no te estoy tratando de imponer nada, sólo te estoy advirtiendo de un posible peligro I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just warning you of a possible danger
    siempre tiene que imponer su punto de vista he always has to impose his point of view
    4 ‹respeto› to command; ‹temor› to inspire, instill*
    5 ‹moda› to set
    B ( frml) (+ me/te/le etc) ‹condecoración› to confer; ‹nombre› to give; ‹medalla› to confer
    le impuso la máxima condecoración civil he conferred the highest civil award on o upon him
    se le impuso el nombre de `calle de los Mártires' it was given the name of `street of the Martyrs'
    C (informar) imponer a algn DE or EN algo to inform sb OF o ABOUT sth
    D ( Relig):
    imponerle las manos a algn to lay one's hands upon o on sb
    E ( Esp frml) ‹dinero/fondos› to deposit
    F ( Chi) (a la seguridad social) to contribute
    ■ imponer
    (infundir respeto, admiración) to be imposing
    su mera presencia impone he has an imposing presence, his mere presence is imposing
    su dominio de la situación impone his command of the situation is impressive
    1 ( refl) ‹horario› to set oneself; ‹régimen› to impose … on oneself
    2 «idea» to become established
    3 ( frml); «cambio/decisión» to be imperative ( frml)
    se impone tomar una decisión hoy mismo it is imperative that a decision is o be made today
    se impone la necesidad de un cambio a change is imperative, there is an urgent need for a change
    4 ‹color/estilo› to come into fashion, become fashionable
    este invierno se han impuesto las faldas por debajo de la rodilla skirts below the knee have become fashionable o have come into fashion this winter
    B (hacerse respetar) to assert oneself o one's authority
    C ( frml) (vencer) to win
    se impuso por puntos he won on points
    se impondrá el sentido común common sense will prevail
    imponerse A algn/algo to defeat o beat sb/sth
    se impusieron a China por siete carreras a dos they beat China by seven runs to two
    D ( frml) (enterarse) imponerse DE algo to acquaint oneself WITH sth
    E ( Méx) (acostumbrarse) imponerse A algo; to become accustomed TO sth
    * * *


    imponer ( conjugate imponer) verbo transitivo (frml)
    a) to impose (frml);

    b) respeto to command;

    temor to inspire, instill( conjugate instill)
    c) moda to set

    imponerse verbo pronominal
    a) ( refl) ‹horario/meta to set oneself

    c) [color/estilo] to come into fashion

    2 ( hacerse respetar) to assert oneself o one's authority
    3 (frml) ( vencer) to win;

    imponer verbo transitivo
    1 to impose: impuso su criterio contra el de todos, she imposed her viewpoint over that of others
    2 (sobrecoger) to be impressive: la visión de la sangre le impone mucho, he can't stand the sight of blood
    (suscitar respeto) to inspire respect
    3 Fin to deposit
    ' imponer' also found in these entries:
    - impuse
    - poner
    - compel
    - dictate
    - enforce
    - impose
    - keep
    - levy
    - reimpose
    - sanction
    - command
    - embargo
    - inflict
    - mete out
    * * *
    1. [forzar a aceptar]
    imponer algo (a alguien) to impose sth (on sb);
    a nadie le gusta que le impongan obligaciones no one likes to have responsibilities forced upon them;
    desde el principio el campeón impuso un fuerte ritmo de carrera the champion set a healthy pace right from the start of the race;
    el profesor impuso silencio en la clase the teacher silenced the class;
    una política impuesta por el Banco Mundial a policy imposed by the World Bank
    2. [aplicar]
    imponer una multa/un castigo a alguien to impose a fine/a punishment on sb;
    el juez le impuso una pena de dos años de cárcel the judge sentenced him to two years' imprisonment;
    le impusieron la difícil tarea de sanear las finanzas de la empresa he was charged with the difficult task of straightening out the company's finances;
    impusieron la obligatoriedad de llevar casco they made it compulsory to wear a helmet
    3. [inspirar] [miedo, admiración] to inspire (a in);
    imponer respeto (a alguien) to command respect (from sb)
    4. [establecer] [moda] to set;
    [costumbre] to introduce
    5. [asignar] [nombre] to give;
    [medalla, condecoración, título] to award;
    a la isla se le impuso el nombre de su descubridor the island was named after the person who discovered it;
    le fue impuesto el título de doctor honoris causa por la Universidad de México he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Mexico
    6. [tributos, cargas fiscales] to impose (a on)
    7. [en banca] to deposit
    to be imposing;
    el edificio impone por sus grandes dimensiones the size of the building makes it very imposing;
    imponía con su presencia he had an imposing presence
    * * *
    <part impuesto>
    I v/t
    1 impose; impuesto impose, levy
    2 miedo, respeto inspire
    II v/i be imposing o
    * * *
    imponer {60} vt
    1) : to impose
    2) : to confer
    : to be impressive, to command respect
    * * *
    imponer vb to impose

    Spanish-English dictionary > imponer

  • 16 palabra

    really, honest to goodness, honest, honest to God.
    1 word.
    de palabra by word of mouth, verbally
    dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca to cut somebody off in mid-sentence
    en cuatro o dos palabras in a few words
    en una palabra in a word
    no dijo palabra he didn't say a word
    medir las palabras to weigh one's words (carefully)
    no habla ni (media) palabra de español she doesn't speak a word of Spanish
    palabra por palabra word for word
    ser palabras mayores to be an important matter
    sin mediar palabra without a single word
    palabra divina o de Dios word of God
    2 word (juramento, promesa).
    dar su palabra to give one's word
    faltó a su palabra he went back on his word, he broke o didn't keep his word
    mantuvo su palabra she kept her word
    tienes mi palabra you have my word
    tomar la palabra a alguien to hold somebody to their word
    3 speech (habla).
    4 word of honor, troth, word, word of honour.
    * * *
    1 word
    dar su palabra to give one's word, promise
    decir la última palabra to have the last word
    dirigirle la palabra a alguien to address somebody
    en una palabra in a word
    no decir ni media palabra a nadie not to breath a word to anyone
    medir las palabras to weigh one's words
    no dirigirle la palabra a alguien not to be speaking to somebody
    palabra por palabra word for word
    quitarle a alguien la palabra to cut somebody short, interrupt somebody
    ser hombre/mujer de palabra to be a man of his word/a woman of her word
    ser hombre/mujer de pocas palabras to be a man/woman of few words
    tener la palabra to have the floor
    tener palabra to keep one's word
    tener unas palabras con alguien to have words with somebody
    tomarle a alguien la palabra to take somebody at their word
    palabra clave key word
    palabra de honor word of honour
    palabras mayores (palabrotas) swearwords 2 (cosa importante) serious talk
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) word
    * * *
    1) (=vocablo) word

    ¿me permiten decir unas palabras? — could I say a few words?

    no tengo palabras o me faltan palabras para expresar lo que siento — I haven't got the o there aren't words to express how I feel, words fail to express how I feel

    sin decir o chistar * palabra — without a word

    con buenas palabras, me lo dijo con muy buenas palabras — he told me as cool as you like *

    nos entretenía con buenas palabras, pero nunca nos daba el dinero — he palmed us off with smooth talk, but he never gave us the money

    medias palabras — hints

    en una palabra — in a word

    ¡ni una palabra más! — not another word!

    - no cruzar una palabra con algn

    palabras cruzadas LAm (=crucigrama) crossword sing

    palabras mayores offensive language sing

    ser palabras mayores (=ser importante)

    ¿te han hecho directora? ¡eso ya son palabras mayores! — so you've been appointed director, that's really something!

    juego II, 2)
    2) (=facultad de hablar)

    tiene el don de la palabra, es de palabra fácil — he has a way with words, he has the gift of the gab *

    de palabra, he pecado solo de palabra — I've sinned in word only

    dirigir la palabra a algn, hace tiempo que no me dirige la palabra — he hasn't spoken to me for a long time

    3) frm (=turno para hablar) floor

    ceder la palabra a algn, conceder la palabra a algn — to give sb the floor, invite sb to speak

    pedir la palabra — to ask for the floor, ask to be allowed to speak

    tener la palabra — to have the floor

    tomar la palabra — to take the floor, speak

    hacer uso de la palabra — to take the floor, speak

    4) (=promesa) word

    cumplió su palabra — he kept his word, he was true to his word

    palabra que yo no tengo nada que ver* I've got nothing to do with it, (I) promise!

    -¿de verdad que no sabías nada? -¡palabra! o hum ¡palabrita del Niño Jesús! — "you really didn't know anything?" - "cross my heart and hope to die!"

    bajo palabra — (Mil) on parole

    dar o empeñar su palabra — to give one's word

    faltar a su palabra — to go back on o break one's word

    palabra de casamiento, dar palabra de casamiento — to promise to marry

    palabra de honor — word of honour, word of honor (EEUU)

    ¿me das tu palabra de honor de que no dirás nada? — do you give me your word of honour you won't say anything?

    ¡palabra de honor! — word of honour!

    * * *
    1) ( vocablo) word

    en pocas palabras, es un cobarde — in a word, he's a coward

    eso ya son palabras mayores — (refiriéndose - a insulto, acusación) those are strong words; (- a propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far

    quitarle las palabras de la boca a alguiento take the words right out of somebody's mouth

    tener la última palabrato have the final say

    2) ( promesa) word

    nunca falta a su palabrahe never breaks o goes back on his word

    se lo devolví palabra! — I gave it back to her, honest! (colloq)

    cobrarle la palabra a alguien — (Chi fam) to hold somebody to his/her word (colloq)

    tomarle la palabra a alguien: le tomé la palabra y le pedí un préstamo — I took him up on his offer and asked for a loan

    a) ( habla) speech

    dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca — ( me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; ( no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth

    b) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea)

    pido la palabra — may I say something?, I'd like to say something

    tener/tomar la palabra — to have/to take the floor (frml)

    ceder (le) la palabra a alguiento give the floor to somebody (frml), to call upon somebody to speak

    * * *
    = word, headword.
    Ex. A subject index has alphabetical terms or words as headings; These terms represent concepts or subjects.
    Ex. This tool allows the user to generate all known inflected forms from a list of headwords.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la mism = merge + word forms.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.
    * análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.
    * anuncio por palabras = classified advertisement, classified ad.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * catálogo alfabético de palabras clave = keyword catalogue.
    * citar las palabras de Alguien = quote + Nombre + words.
    * compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.
    * concepto de múltiples palabras = multiple-word concept.
    * concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.
    * con sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * con una separación de + Número + palabras = within + Número + words of each other.
    * coocurrencia de palabras = co-word [coword].
    * cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * dejar sin palabras = nonplus, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * de múltiples palabras = multiple-word.
    * de palabra = by word of mouth, word-of-mouth.
    * describir con palabras = describe + in words.
    * descriptor compuesto de varias palabras = multiple-word descriptor.
    * de sólo palabras = word-oriented.
    * de una palabra = one-word.
    * de una única palabra = single-word.
    * dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.
    * dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en las palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * en las propias palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * en ningún sentido de la palabra = in any sense of the word.
    * en otras palabras = in other words, to put it another way, which is to say.
    * en palabras = verbally.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * entrada por palabra clave del título = catchword entry.
    * en una palabra = in a nutshell, in a word.
    * escoger las palabras = choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.
    * fiarse de la palabra de Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.
    * fiel a la palabra de Uno = true to + Posesivo + word.
    * frecuencia de palabras = word count.
    * gesticular palabras con la boca sin emitir sonido = mouth.
    * hilvanar palabras = orchestrate + words.
    * hombre que no tiene palabra = not a man of his word.
    * índice de palabras del documento = textwords ratio.
    * índice invertido de las palabras del título = title word dictionary.
    * índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).
    * índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) = KWIT (Keyword-in-Title).
    * índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).
    * índice permutado de palabras clave = permuted keyword index.
    * indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.
    * indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.
    * indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.
    * inflexión lingüística de una palabra = word form.
    * intercambiar palabras = bandy + words.
    * juego de palabras = turn of phrase, pun, play of words, play on words.
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf = Zipf's word frequency law.
    * lista de palabras clave = go-list [golist].
    * lista de palabras vacías = stop list [stoplist], stopword list.
    * lista permutada de palabras clave = permuted keyword list.
    * mala palabra = dirty word.
    * mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * memorizar palabra por palabra = memorise + word for word.
    * método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.
    * !ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.
    * número de palabras = wordage.
    * ordenación alfabética palabra por palabra = word by word alphabetisation.
    * ordenación palabra por palabra = word-by-word filing, nothing before something arrangement, word by word arrangement.
    * ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra = arrange + alphabetically word by word.
    * orden inverso de palabras = indirect word order.
    * palabra ambigua = weasel word.
    * palabra clave = keyword [key word], key term.
    * palabra coloquial = slang word.
    * palabra común = common word.
    * palabra de contenido = content word.
    * palabra de control = control word.
    * palabra de Dios = word of God.
    * palabra de entrada principal = primary entry word.
    * palabra del documento = textword.
    * palabra del texto = text word.
    * palabra del título = title word, title term.
    * palabra de moda = buzzword [buzz word], byword.
    * palabra engañosa = weasel word.
    * palabra equívoca = weasel word.
    * palabra escrita, la = written word, the.
    * palabra fosilizada = fossil word.
    * palabra hablada, la = spoken word, the.
    * palabra híbrida = portmanteau word.
    * palabra impresa = words in print.
    * palabra impresa, la = printed word, the.
    * palabra justa, la = mot juste, the.
    * palabra llena de contenido = substantive word.
    * palabra malsonate = expletive.
    * palabra oculta = hidden word.
    * palabra por la que se ordena una entrada = filing word.
    * palabra por palabra = verbatim, word for word.
    * palabra puente = transitional word.
    * palabras = wordage.
    * palabras al viento = hot air.
    * palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.
    * palabras de agradecimiento = vote of thanks, word of thanks, words of gratitude, congratulatory speech, congratulatory remarks.
    * palabras de alabanza = words of praise.
    * palabras de aliento = pep talk.
    * palabras de ánimo = pep talk.
    * palabras de bienvenida = welcoming remarks, welcome remarks.
    * palabras de consuelo = words of comfort.
    * palabra significativa = content-bearing word, significant word.
    * palabras iniciales = opening statement.
    * palabras literales = quote... unquote.
    * palabras para levantar la moral = pep talk.
    * palabras + penetrar = words + sink.
    * palabras sabias = words of wisdom, pearls of wisdom, nuggets of truth, nuggets of wisdom.
    * palabras usadas = wording.
    * palabra vacía = stopword [stop-word], function word.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * primeras palabras = opening statement.
    * pronunciar las palabras de corrido = slur + words.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * raíz de palabra = word stem.
    * recordar + Posesivo + palabras = mark + Posesivo + words.
    * reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * secuencia de palabras = word string.
    * según las palabras de = to quote + Nombre de Persona, in the words of.
    * según sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own terms.
    * sentido de la palabra = word sense.
    * ser la última palabra = be all the rage.
    * significado de la palabra = word sense.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sopesar las palabras = weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.
    * última palabra + depender de = ultimate authority + rest with.
    * Posesivo + últimas palabras = last words, Posesivo + dying last words.
    * últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas = famous last words.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.
    * un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * variante morfológica de una palabra = word variant.
    * * *
    1) ( vocablo) word

    en pocas palabras, es un cobarde — in a word, he's a coward

    eso ya son palabras mayores — (refiriéndose - a insulto, acusación) those are strong words; (- a propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far

    quitarle las palabras de la boca a alguiento take the words right out of somebody's mouth

    tener la última palabrato have the final say

    2) ( promesa) word

    nunca falta a su palabrahe never breaks o goes back on his word

    se lo devolví palabra! — I gave it back to her, honest! (colloq)

    cobrarle la palabra a alguien — (Chi fam) to hold somebody to his/her word (colloq)

    tomarle la palabra a alguien: le tomé la palabra y le pedí un préstamo — I took him up on his offer and asked for a loan

    a) ( habla) speech

    dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca — ( me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; ( no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth

    b) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea)

    pido la palabra — may I say something?, I'd like to say something

    tener/tomar la palabra — to have/to take the floor (frml)

    ceder (le) la palabra a alguiento give the floor to somebody (frml), to call upon somebody to speak

    * * *
    = word, headword.

    Ex: A subject index has alphabetical terms or words as headings; These terms represent concepts or subjects.

    Ex: This tool allows the user to generate all known inflected forms from a list of headwords.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la mism = merge + word forms.
    * agrupar palabras que tienen la misma raíz = merge + word forms.
    * análisis de la coocurrencia de palabras = co-word analysis.
    * anuncio por palabras = classified advertisement, classified ad.
    * búsqueda de palabras clave = keyword search.
    * búsqueda por palabra del título = title word search.
    * catálogo alfabético de palabras clave = keyword catalogue.
    * citar las palabras de Alguien = quote + Nombre + words.
    * compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.
    * concepto de múltiples palabras = multiple-word concept.
    * concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.
    * con sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * con una separación de + Número + palabras = within + Número + words of each other.
    * coocurrencia de palabras = co-word [coword].
    * cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * decir la última palabra = hear + the final word, outface.
    * dejar sin palabras = nonplus, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * de múltiples palabras = multiple-word.
    * de palabra = by word of mouth, word-of-mouth.
    * describir con palabras = describe + in words.
    * descriptor compuesto de varias palabras = multiple-word descriptor.
    * de sólo palabras = word-oriented.
    * de una palabra = one-word.
    * de una única palabra = single-word.
    * dirigir la palabra = be civil towards.
    * dirigirse la palabra = on speaking terms.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en las palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * en las propias palabras de uno mismo = in + Posesivo + own words.
    * en ningún sentido de la palabra = in any sense of the word.
    * en otras palabras = in other words, to put it another way, which is to say.
    * en palabras = verbally.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * entrada por palabra clave del título = catchword entry.
    * en una palabra = in a nutshell, in a word.
    * escoger las palabras = choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * expresar con palabras = verbalise [verbalize, -USA].
    * expresar los sentimientos con palabras = put + Posesivo + feelings into words.
    * fiarse de la palabra de Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.
    * fiel a la palabra de Uno = true to + Posesivo + word.
    * frecuencia de palabras = word count.
    * gesticular palabras con la boca sin emitir sonido = mouth.
    * hilvanar palabras = orchestrate + words.
    * hombre que no tiene palabra = not a man of his word.
    * índice de palabras del documento = textwords ratio.
    * índice invertido de las palabras del título = title word dictionary.
    * índice KWIC (Palabra Clave en su Contexto) = KWIC (Keyword-in-Context).
    * índice KWIT (Palabra Clave del Título) = KWIT (Keyword-in-Title).
    * índice KWOC (Palabra Clave fuera de su Contexto) = KWOC (Keyword-Out-of-Context).
    * índice permutado de palabras clave = permuted keyword index.
    * indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.
    * indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.
    * indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.
    * inflexión lingüística de una palabra = word form.
    * intercambiar palabras = bandy + words.
    * juego de palabras = turn of phrase, pun, play of words, play on words.
    * la última palabra = the last word, the last word, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * ley de frecuencias de palabras de Zipf = Zipf's word frequency law.
    * lista de palabras clave = go-list [golist].
    * lista de palabras vacías = stop list [stoplist], stopword list.
    * lista permutada de palabras clave = permuted keyword list.
    * mala palabra = dirty word.
    * mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * memorizar palabra por palabra = memorise + word for word.
    * método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.
    * !ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.
    * número de palabras = wordage.
    * ordenación alfabética palabra por palabra = word by word alphabetisation.
    * ordenación palabra por palabra = word-by-word filing, nothing before something arrangement, word by word arrangement.
    * ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra = arrange + alphabetically word by word.
    * orden inverso de palabras = indirect word order.
    * palabra ambigua = weasel word.
    * palabra clave = keyword [key word], key term.
    * palabra coloquial = slang word.
    * palabra común = common word.
    * palabra de contenido = content word.
    * palabra de control = control word.
    * palabra de Dios = word of God.
    * palabra de entrada principal = primary entry word.
    * palabra del documento = textword.
    * palabra del texto = text word.
    * palabra del título = title word, title term.
    * palabra de moda = buzzword [buzz word], byword.
    * palabra engañosa = weasel word.
    * palabra equívoca = weasel word.
    * palabra escrita, la = written word, the.
    * palabra fosilizada = fossil word.
    * palabra hablada, la = spoken word, the.
    * palabra híbrida = portmanteau word.
    * palabra impresa = words in print.
    * palabra impresa, la = printed word, the.
    * palabra justa, la = mot juste, the.
    * palabra llena de contenido = substantive word.
    * palabra malsonate = expletive.
    * palabra oculta = hidden word.
    * palabra por la que se ordena una entrada = filing word.
    * palabra por palabra = verbatim, word for word.
    * palabra puente = transitional word.
    * palabras = wordage.
    * palabras al viento = hot air.
    * palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.
    * palabras de agradecimiento = vote of thanks, word of thanks, words of gratitude, congratulatory speech, congratulatory remarks.
    * palabras de alabanza = words of praise.
    * palabras de aliento = pep talk.
    * palabras de ánimo = pep talk.
    * palabras de bienvenida = welcoming remarks, welcome remarks.
    * palabras de consuelo = words of comfort.
    * palabra significativa = content-bearing word, significant word.
    * palabras iniciales = opening statement.
    * palabras literales = quote... unquote.
    * palabras para levantar la moral = pep talk.
    * palabras + penetrar = words + sink.
    * palabras sabias = words of wisdom, pearls of wisdom, nuggets of truth, nuggets of wisdom.
    * palabras usadas = wording.
    * palabra vacía = stopword [stop-word], function word.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * primeras palabras = opening statement.
    * pronunciar las palabras de corrido = slur + words.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * raíz de palabra = word stem.
    * recordar + Posesivo + palabras = mark + Posesivo + words.
    * reducción de una palabra a su raíz = stemming.
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * secuencia de palabras = word string.
    * según las palabras de = to quote + Nombre de Persona, in the words of.
    * según sus propias palabras = in + Posesivo + own terms.
    * sentido de la palabra = word sense.
    * ser la última palabra = be all the rage.
    * significado de la palabra = word sense.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sopesar las palabras = weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.
    * última palabra + depender de = ultimate authority + rest with.
    * Posesivo + últimas palabras = last words, Posesivo + dying last words.
    * últimas palabras que se han hecho famosas = famous last words.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.
    * un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * variante morfológica de una palabra = word variant.

    * * *
    A (vocablo) word
    una palabra de seis letras a six-letter word
    es un bruto en toda la extensión de la palabra he's a brute, in every sense of the word
    palabras, palabras, yo lo que quiero son hechos I've heard enough words o talk, I want to see some action
    es un hombre de pocas palabras he's a man of few words
    sólo quiero decir unas palabras I just want to say a few words
    tras unas palabras de saludo after a few words of welcome
    no encuentro or tengo palabras para expresarles mi agradecimiento I cannot find words to express my gratitude to you
    mira, yo te lo puedo explicar en dos palabras look, let me put it to you simply
    en pocas palabras, es un cobarde basically o to put it bluntly, he's a coward
    ¿te parece bien? — en una palabra, no is that all right? in a word, no
    lo tradujo palabra por palabra he translated it word for word
    ni una palabra más, te quedas a cenar not another word o I don't want to hear another word, you're staying for dinner
    yo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto I didn't know a thing o anything about it
    de esto ni una palabra a nadie not a word to anyone about this
    no entendí (ni) una palabra de lo que dijo I didn't understand a (single) word of what he said
    sin decir (una) palabra without a word
    con (muy) buenas palabras in the nicest possible way
    decirle a algn cuatro palabras bien dichas to tell sb a few home truths
    eso ya son palabras mayores (refiriéndosea un insulto) those are strong words; (— a una acusación) that's a serious accusation, those are strong words; (— a una propuesta excesiva) that's taking things too far, that's a bit excessive
    la última palabra the last word
    en este asunto la última palabra le corresponde a Juárez Juárez has the final say on this matter
    quitarle las palabras de la boca a algn to take the words right out of sb's mouth
    tener unas palabras con algn to have words with sb ( colloq)
    tuvieron unas palabras por un asunto de dinero they had words over some money matter
    las palabras se las lleva el viento actions speak louder than words
    a palabras necias oídos sordos take no notice of the stupid things people say
    malo1 adj Sense II. (↑ malo (1))
    key word
    compound word
    palabra funcional or vacía
    function word
    fpl (CS) crossword, crossword puzzle
    B (promesa) word
    me basta con tu palabra your word is enough for me
    me dio su palabra she gave me her word
    es una mujer de palabra she's a woman of her word
    siempre cumple con su palabra she always keeps her word
    nunca falta a su palabra he never breaks o goes back on his word
    palabra que yo no sabía nada ( fam); honest o really o ( BrE) straight up, I didn't know a thing about it ( colloq)
    se lo devolví ¡palabra! I gave it back to her, honest! ( colloq)
    cobrarle la palabra a algn ( Chi fam); to take sb up on sth ( colloq), to keep o hold sb to his/her word
    tomarle la palabra a algn: le tome la palabra y le pedí un préstamo I took him up on his offer and asked for a loan
    word of honor*
    le dio su palabra de honor de que no volvería a hacerlo he gave her his word of honor o his solemn word that he wouldn't do it again
    yo no fui ¡palabra de honor! it wasn't me, word of honor o I swear!
    1 (habla) speech
    el don de la palabra the gift of speech
    me invitó sólo de palabra I only got a verbal invitation
    fue un acuerdo de palabra it was a verbal agreement
    pecar de pensamiento, palabra y obra to sin in thought, word and deed
    no me dirigió la palabra en toda la noche she didn't speak to me all night
    nos ha retirado la palabra she doesn't speak to us anymore, she no longer deigns to speak to us ( hum)
    dejar a algn con la palabra en la boca: me dejó con la palabra en la boca (me interrumpió) he cut me off in mid-sentence; (no me dejó hablar) he didn't give me a chance to open my mouth
    2 ( frml)
    (en una ceremonia, asamblea): pido la palabra may I say something?, I'd like to say something
    tiene la palabra el delegado estudiantil the student delegate has the floor ( frml)
    no le concedieron la palabra he was denied permission to speak, he was denied the floor ( frml)
    ceder la palabra a algn to give the floor to sb ( frml), to call upon sb to speak
    a continuación hizo uso de la palabra el presidente de la institución then the president of the institute made a speech
    * * *


    palabra sustantivo femenino
    1 ( vocablo) word;

    no son más que palabras it's all talk;
    en pocas palabras, es un cobarde in a word, he's a coward;
    palabra por palabra word for word;
    yo no sabía ni una palabra del asunto I didn't know a thing o anything about it;
    no entendí (ni) una palabra I didn't understand a (single) word;
    sin decir (una) palabra without a word;
    palabra compuesta compound word;
    tener la última palabra to have the final say
    2 ( promesa) word;
    palabra de honor word of honor( conjugate honor);

    una mujer de palabra a woman of her word;
    cumplió con su palabra she kept her word;
    nunca falta a su palabra he never breaks o goes back on his word
    a) ( habla) speech;

    un acuerdo de palabra a verbal agreement;
    no me dirigió la palabra she didn't speak to me;
    dejar a algn con la palabra en la boca to cut sb off in mid-sentence
    b) (frml) (en ceremonia, asamblea):

    tener/tomar la palabra to have/to take the floor (frml)
    palabra sustantivo femenino
    1 word
    lo resumió en pocas palabras, she summarised it in a few words
    (discurso) me quedé con la palabra en la boca, I was left speechless
    Juan es hombre de pocas palabras, Juan is a man of few words
    2 (capacidad para hablar) me dejó sin palabra, I was speechless
    3 (compromiso) word: me dio su palabra, he gave me his word
    no tiene palabra, she never keeps her word
    4 (turno para hablar) right to speak
    tener la palabra, to have the floor
    ♦ Locuciones: dirigir la palabra a alguien, to address sb
    de palabra, by word of mouth
    ' palabra' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - abreviar
    - acento
    - ayunas
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bañera
    - bar
    - bastante
    - calor
    - ceder
    - chalet
    - chimenea
    - ciudad
    - colmo
    - comida
    - comprometerse
    - culta
    - culto
    - decirse
    - disonante
    - empeñar
    - entredicho
    - faltar
    - fresca
    - fresco
    - histórica
    - histórico
    - honor
    - justa
    - justo
    - ladrón
    - ladrona
    - lata
    - mayoría
    - mirar
    - muletilla
    - padre
    - piso
    - promesa
    - pronunciar
    - recta
    - recto
    - saludar
    - saludo
    - sigla
    - subrayar
    - taco
    - tela
    - buzz off
    - cagey
    - clinch
    - connotation
    - current
    - date
    - dated
    - derive
    - do
    - engine driver
    - female
    - fish
    - floor
    - fuck
    - go back on
    - high
    - honour
    - interrogative
    - lady
    - marmalade
    - match
    - mint
    - misuse
    - operative
    - score out
    - sense
    - shorten
    - speak
    - spectacle
    - speech
    - state-of-the-art
    - storey
    - true
    - use
    - verbatim
    - way
    - word
    - a
    - call
    - compound
    - key
    - strict
    - swear
    - take
    - unwritten
    * * *
    1. [término, vocablo] word;
    con palabras no puedo expresar lo que sentía words cannot express what I felt;
    dilo con tus propias palabras say it in your own words;
    lo dijo, aunque no con esas palabras she said it, though not in so many words;
    buenas palabras fine-sounding words;
    no cruzaron palabra en todo el camino they didn't exchange a word throughout the journey;
    dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca to cut sb off in mid-sentence;
    no le dirige la palabra a su madre desde hace semanas he hasn't spoken to his mother for weeks;
    en cuatro o [m5] dos palabras in a few words;
    en otras palabras in other words;
    en una palabra in a word;
    lo dijo todo a medias palabras she only hinted at what she meant;
    medir las palabras to weigh one's words (carefully);
    no habla ni (media) palabra de español she doesn't speak a word of Spanish;
    yo de este tema no sé ni (media) palabra I don't know a thing about this subject;
    no dijo palabra he didn't say a word;
    palabra por palabra word for word;
    me has quitado la palabra de la boca you took the words right out of my mouth;
    lo de comprar una casa son palabras mayores buying a house is a very serious matter;
    no hace falta llegar a palabras mayores there is no need to get nasty about it;
    le aguanto casi todo, pero eso ya son palabras mayores I'll put up with almost anything from him, but that's going a bit (too) far;
    sin mediar palabra without a single word;
    tener la última palabra to have the last word;
    tener unas palabras con alguien to have words with sb;
    tuvo que tragarse sus palabras he had to eat his words;
    a palabras necias, oídos sordos sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)
    Informát palabra clave keyword;
    palabra compuesta compound word;
    CSur palabras cruzadas crossword;
    palabra de Dios word of God
    2. [juramento, promesa] word;
    es su palabra contra la mía it's her word against mine;
    dar/empeñar la palabra to give/pledge one's word;
    ella me dio su palabra she gave me her word;
    dio (su) palabra de que nada saldría mal he gave his word that nothing would go wrong;
    estar bajo palabra [en juicio] to be under oath;
    faltó a su palabra he went back on his word, he broke o didn't keep his word;
    mantuvo su palabra she kept her word;
    no tiene palabra he's not a man of his word;
    tienes mi palabra you have my word;
    tomar la palabra a alguien to hold sb to their word
    palabra de honor word of honour;
    ¡palabra (de honor)! honestly!;
    yo no sabía nada, ¡palabra (de honor)! I didn't know anything, honestly! o I swear!
    3. [habla] speech;
    con el susto perdió la palabra the shock left her speechless;
    de palabra by word of mouth, verbally;
    el trato se hizo de palabra it was a purely verbal agreement o a gentleman's agreement
    4. [derecho de hablar]
    dar la palabra a alguien to give sb the floor;
    pedir la palabra to ask for the floor;
    ¡pido la palabra! could I say something, please?;
    tomar la palabra to take the floor
    palabras [discurso] words;
    palabra de honor [vestido] strapless dress
    * * *
    f tb fig
    palabra por palabra word for word;
    bajo palabra on parole;
    en una palabra in a word;
    de pocas palabras persona of few words;
    tomar a alguien la palabra take s.o. at his/her word;
    dejar a alguien con la palabra en la boca fig cut s.o. off in mid-sentence;
    buenas palabras fine words;
    lo de tener un hijo son palabras mayores having a child is a serious business o is not something to be undertaken lightly;
    con medias palabras dijo … he hinted that …, he half said that …
    * * *
    1) vocablo: word
    2) promesa: word, promise
    un hombre de palabra: a man of his word
    3) habla: speech
    4) : right to speak
    tener la palabra: to have the floor
    * * *
    palabra n word
    ¿qué quiere decir esta palabra? what does this word mean?

    Spanish-English dictionary > palabra

  • 17 por

    1 because of (causa).
    por mí no te preocupes don't worry about me
    ¿por qué? why?
    ¿por qué lo dijo? why did she say it?
    ¿por qué no vienes? why don't you come?
    ¿por? (informal) why?
    se enfadó por tu comportamiento she got angry because of your behavior
    lo hizo por amor he did it out of o for love
    2 (in order) to.
    lo hizo por complacerte he did it to please you
    lo hice por ella I did it for her
    3 by (medio, modo, agente).
    por mensajero/fax/teléfono by courier/fax/telephone
    estuvimos hablando por teléfono we were talking on the phone
    por escrito in writing
    lo cogieron por el brazo they took him by the arm
    el récord fue batido por el atleta the record was broken by the athlete
    4 through.
    vamos por aquí/allí let's go this/that way
    iba paseando por el bosque/la calle she was walking through the forest/along the street
    pasar por la aduana to go through customs
    5 for (a cambio de, en lugar de).
    lo ha comprado por poco dinero she bought it for very little
    cambió el coche por la moto he exchanged his car for a motorbike
    él lo hará por mí he'll do it for me
    6 per.
    mil unidades por semana a thousand units a o per week
    uno por uno one by one
    20 kms por hora 20 km an o per hour
    7 for.
    baja por tabaco go down to the shops for some cigarettes, go down to get some cigarettes
    a por for
    vino a por las entradas she came for the tickets
    8 times, multiplied by.
    * * *
    1 (gen) for
    2 (a través de) through, by
    3 (calle, carretera) along, down, up
    íbamos por la calle cuando... we were walking along the street when...
    4 (lugar aproximado) in, near, round
    5 (causa) because of
    6 (tiempo) at, for
    7 (medio) by
    10 (tras) by
    12 (a favor de) for, in favour of, US in favor of
    14 (en lugar de) instead of, in the place of
    15 (multiplicado por) times, multiplied by
    tres por cuatro, doce three fours are twelve, three times four is twelve
    16 por adjective que no matter how adjective
    por caro que sea, lo voy a comprar no matter how expensive it is I'm going to buy it
    por viejo que parezca funciona even though it looks old, it still works
    estar por + inf (a punto de) to be on the point of + - ing
    estar por hacer to remain to be done, not to have been done yet
    por aquí around here
    por lo tanto therefore
    por lo visto apparently
    por más que + subjuntivo however much, no matter how much
    por mucho que + subjuntivo however much, no matter how much
    por mí as far as I am concerned
    ¿por qué? why?
    por supuesto of course
    por tanto therefore, so
    * * *
    1) for
    3) by
    7) per
    8) from
    * * *
    1) [causa]
    a) + sustantivo because of

    nos encontramos por casualidadwe met by chance

    lo hago por gustoI do it because I like to

    por temor a — for fear of

    b) + infin
    c) + adj
    2) [objetivo]
    a) + sustantivo for
    b) + infin

    por no llegar tarde — so as not to arrive late, in order not to be late

    3) (=en favor, defensa de) for

    hazlo por mí — do it for me, do it for my sake

    4) [elección]
    5) [evidencia] judging by, judging from

    por lo que dicenjudging by o from what they say

    por la cara que pone no debe de gustarlejudging by o from his face I don't think he likes it

    por las señas no piensa hacerlo — apparently he's not intending to do it, it doesn't seem like he's intending to do it

    6) [medio]

    por correoby post

    por marby sea

    hablar por señasto use sign language

    7) [agente] by

    "dirigido por" — "directed by"

    8) [modo] by

    por orden alfabético — in alphabetical order

    9) [lugar]

    ¿por dónde? — which way?

    10) [aproximación]

    por aquí cercanear o around here

    por la feriaround about o around carnival time

    11) [tiempo]
    12) [duración] for
    13) [sustitución, intercambio] (=a cambio de) for; (=en lugar de) instead of
    14) [representación]

    interceder por algn — to intercede on sb's behalf, intercede for sb

    vino por su jefehe came instead of o in place of his boss

    15) [distribución]

    80km por hora80km per o an hour

    tres dólares por persona — three dollars each, three dollars per person

    16) [en multiplicaciones]

    cinco por tres, quince — five times three is fifteen, five threes are fifteen

    17) (=en cuanto a)

    por mí no hay inconvenientethat's fine as o so far as I'm concerned

    por mí, que se vaya — as o so far as I'm concerned he can go, for all I care he can go

    por mí, como si quieres pasar una semana sin comer — I don't care if you want to go for a week without eating

    si por mi fuera, tú estarías trabajando — if it were o was down to me, you'd be working

    18) (=como)

    tomar a algn por esposo/esposa — to take sb to be one's husband/wife

    le tienen por tontothey think he's stupid

    19) [concesión]
    + subjun

    por mucho que lo quisieran — however much they would like to, much as they would like to

    por más que lo intenteno matter how o however hard I try, try as I might

    20) [acción inacabada]
    + infin
    21) ir (a) por algo/algn (=en busca de) to go and get sth/sb

    voy a por él[a buscarle] I'll go and get him; [a atacarle] I'm going to get him

    solo van a por las pelas* they're only in it for the money

    ¡a por ellos! — get them!

    22) [en preguntas]
    por qué why

    ¿por qué no vienes conmigo? — why don't you come with me?

    ¿por? * why (do you ask)?
    * * *
    1) ( en relaciones causales) because of

    por falta de dinerobecause of o owing to lack of money

    si no fuera por mi hijo... — if it wasn't for my son...

    por + inf — for -ing

    2) ( según)

    por lo que parece... — it seems o it would seem...

    ¿por qué no vienes conmigo? — why don't you come with me?

    por si — in case; acaso, mosca II

    por más que me esfuerzohowever hard o no matter how hard I try

    por (muy) fácil que seahowever easy o no matter how easy it is


    colócalos por orden de tamaño/altura — put them in order of size/height

    por avión/barco/carretera — by air/sea/road

    me enteré por un amigoI heard from o through a friend

    c) (Educ) from

    cobra $30 por clase — he charges $30 a o per class

    uno por uno — one by one; ciento II

    tres por cuatro (son) doce — three times four is twelve, three fours are twelve

    a) (en relaciones de sustitución, intercambio, representación) for
    b) ( como)

    ¿acepta usted por esposa a Carmen? — do you take Carmen to be your (lawful wedded) wife?

    9) (expresando finalidad, objetivo)

    por + inf: daría cualquier cosa por verla — I'd give anything to see her

    por que + subj ( here por que can also be written porque): estaba ansioso por que lo escucharan — he was eager for them to listen to him

    10) (indicando consideración, favor) for
    11) (indicando inclinación, elección)

    salió/fue por or (Esp) a por pan — he went (out) for some bread, he went (out) to get some bread

    por mí que haga lo que quiera — as far as I'm concerned, he can do what he likes

    por + inf: tengo la casa por limpiar — I've got the house to clean

    15) (esp AmL)

    estar por + inf — ( estar a punto de)

    16) (indicando lugar de acceso, salida, trayectoria)

    ¿el 121 va por (la) Avenida Rosas? — does the 121 go along Rosas Avenue?

    ¿por dónde has venido? — which way did you come?

    ¿puedes pasar por la tintorería? — could you call in at o drop by the drycleaner's?


    ¿por dónde está or queda el hotel? — whereabouts is the hotel?

    ¿qué tal te fue por Londres? — how did you get on in London?

    por todos lados or por todas partes — everywhere

    voy por la página 15I'm up to o I'm on page 15

    pasa un trapo por el piso — give the floor a quick wipe; ver tb afuera, adentro, dentro, fuera, encima, etc

    por aquella época or por aquel entonces — at that time

    19) (Esp) ( indicando una ocasión) for
    20) ( durante) for

    por el momento or por ahora — for the time being o for now; ver tb mañana III, tarde II, noche

    * * *
    = across, along, around, because of, by, by, down, for the sake of, in connection with, in the gift of, on account of, on the grounds that/of, per, through, times, under, x, as a matter of, out of, through the agency of.
    Ex. This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
    Ex. This means that a large number of messages can be combined together along the same line, giving economies of scales.
    Ex. I wouldn't expect you to be detailed in your report in terms of where the bookmible would stop around town and where you'd park it.
    Ex. This makes him feel somehow defficient and all because of his difficulty in making sense out of words in print with which his troubles began.
    Ex. A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.
    Ex. Micrographic and computer technologies and their integration will become increasingly efficacious as agents for change with respect to the continued existence of the traditional 75 by 125 millimeter card.
    Ex. Some users find the format of KWIC indexes unacceptable, they find alphabetical arrangement by keywords down the centre of a page, and wrapped-round titles awkward.
    Ex. The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.
    Ex. There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex. Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.
    Ex. Partly on account of the variety of bases for coverage there is significant overlap between the assortment of abstracting and indexing services.
    Ex. AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.
    Ex. Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex. The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
    Ex. 4 days times 30 cents per day = 120 cents.
    Ex. One of the outcomes of entry under title has been the proliferation of serials titles.
    Ex. Card catalogues or indexes comprise a set of cards often 5x3 inches (122x72 mm), with each entry on a separate card.
    Ex. Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress -- there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence -- a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.
    Ex. But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.
    Ex. This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.
    * actuar por impulso = act on + impulse.
    * aprendizaje por medio del ordenador = computer-based learning (CBL).
    * aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * coger por sorpresa = catch out.
    * Día + por la tarde = late + Día.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say.
    * dominar por completo = sweep + the board.
    * encontrar por casualidad = come across.
    * encuadernación por encargo = bespoke binding.
    * error por omisión = omission failure.
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * hecho por encargo = bespoke.
    * introducir por primera vez = pioneer.
    * leer por encima = browse.
    * llamar por teléfono = call up.
    * muy por encima de todo = over and above all.
    * Nombre + por primera vez = Nombre + ever.
    * ordenado por fecha = in date order.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], skip over, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by.
    * pongamos por ejemplo = let us say.
    * por accidente = accidentally.
    * por adelantado = advance, in advance (of), up-front [up front].
    * por ahí = out there.
    * por ahora = as of right now, as yet, at present, at the moment, at this point, for the present, for the time being, just yet, for now, at this time, as of now, at the present, by now, for the nonce.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por alguna razón = for some reason, for whatever reason.
    * por algún motivo = for whatever reason.
    * por algún tiempo = for sometime.
    * por allí = nearby [near-by].
    * por amor al arte = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por analogía = by analogy.
    * por anticipado = in advance (of).
    * por antonomasia = quintessential, unique.
    * por añadidura = in addition (to), on top of everything else.
    * por aquel entonces = at the time, about that time, by this time.
    * por aquí = around here, nearby [near-by], round here.
    * por aquí y por allí = hanging about.
    * por así decir = as it were.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * por bondad = out of the goodness of + Posesivo + heart.
    * por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.
    * por buen camino = a step in the right direction.
    * por cabeza = per person.
    * por cable = wireline, corded.
    * por caminos apartados = off-road.
    * por capas = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], layered, tiered.
    * por casualidad = by chance, coincidentally, fortuitously, by accident, by happenstance, happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo, accidentally, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck.
    * por chiripa = by chance, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck.
    * por ciento = per cent [percent] (%).
    * por cierto = coincidentally, incidentally, by the way, anecdotally, by the by(e), speaking of which.
    * por coincidencia = by coincidence.
    * por comodidad = for convenience, for the sake of + convenience.
    * por completo = fully.
    * por confirmar = to be announced, to be confirmed.
    * por consideración a = out of respect for.
    * por consideración a = out of consideration for.
    * por consiguiente = consequently, then, thence, by implication, therefore.
    * por contra = in contrast.
    * por conveniencia = for convenience, for the sake of + convenience.
    * por correo = by post, mailed.
    * por cortesía de = courtesy of.
    * por cualquier motivo = for whatever reason.
    * por cualquier razón = for whatever reason.
    * por cuanto que = because.
    * por cuenta ajena = vicariously.
    * por cuenta de uno = privately.
    * por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.
    * por curiosidad = out of curiosity.
    * por debajo de = below, beneath, underneath.
    * por debajo de + Cantidad = under + Cantidad.
    * por debajo de cero = sub-zero, below-freezing.
    * por debajo del 10 por ciento = single digit, single figure.
    * por debajo de la media = sub-par, below-average.
    * por debajo de las posibilidades = below + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * por debajo de lo normal = below-normal.
    * por debajo de lo óptimo = sub-optimal [suboptimal].
    * por debajo del peso nomral = underweight.
    * por décadas = ten-yearly.
    * por decidir = to be decided.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por decisión propia = by choice.
    * por defecto = by default, default.
    * por deferencia a = in deference to.
    * por definición = by definition.
    * por delante = ahead.
    * por delante de = ahead of.
    * por delante de la competencia = ahead of the game.
    * por delante y por detrás = front and back.
    * por dentro = inwardly.
    * por desgracia = unfortunately, sadly, unhappily, disappointingly.
    * por despecho = spitefully, out of spite.
    * ¡por dios! = in heaven's name, for God's sake, gosh.
    * ¡por Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * por diversión = for sport, for fun, (just) for the hell of (doing) it, for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it.
    * por divertirse = for kicks.
    * por doquier = all around.
    * por dos años = two-year.
    * por ejemplo = e.g. (latín - exempli gratia), for example, for instance, say, to illustrate, for the sake of + argument.
    * por (el) amor a = for the love of.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * por el bien del saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * por el cual = whereby, whereupon.
    * por el detalle = for detail.
    * por el día = by day, daytime [day-time], during the daytime, in the daytime, during daytime.
    * por el día o por la noche = day or night.
    * por el día y por la noche = day and night, night and day.
    * por elección propia = by choice.
    * por el gobierno = governmentally + Adjetivo.
    * por el gobierno federal = federally.
    * por el hecho de que = because of the fact that.
    * por el hombre = humanly.
    * por ello = on this basis, on that basis, accordingly.
    * por el mero hecho de saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * por el método de ensayo y error = by trial and error, trial and error.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * por el momento = for the time being, momentarily, at the moment, for the nonce, for the present.
    * por el placer de hacerlo = (just) for the fun of (doing) it.
    * por el que se puede cobrar = chargeable.
    * por el receptor = at the receiving end.
    * por el sexo = gendered.
    * por encargo = custom, bespoke.
    * por encima = overhead, cursorily.
    * por encima de = across, beyond, beyond all, over, over and above, beyond the range of, well over + Expresión Numérica, overarching, above.
    * por encima de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * por encima de eso = beyond that.
    * por encima del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * por encima de la media = above average.
    * por encima de la tierra = aboveground.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por ende = thereby, accordingly, therefore.
    * por enfado = out of anger.
    * por enojo = out of anger.
    * por error = by mistake.
    * por esa razón = thereby, for that reason.
    * por escrito = in writing, in print, written.
    * por eso = on that score, therefore.
    * por eso que = hence.
    * por esta razón = for this reason.
    * por esta única razón = for this reason alone.
    * por este motivo = for this reason.
    * por esto = thus, accordingly, therefore.
    * por etapas = staged.
    * por excelencia = par excellence, quintessential, unique.
    * por exceso = excessively, to excess.
    * por explotar = untapped.
    * por + Expresión Temporal = by the + Expresión Temporal.
    * por extensión = by extension.
    * por extenso = in full, at length.
    * por falta de = for want of, for lack of.
    * por fases = staged.
    * por favor = please.
    * por favor, responda = RSVP [R.S.V.P.].
    * por fin = at length, at last, finally, at long last.
    * por fin llegó la hora (de) = it's about time (that).
    * por frustración = out of frustration.
    * por fuera = outwardly, outwardly.
    * por grupos = in batches.
    * por gusto = for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por hora = hourly.
    * por horas = on an hourly basis.
    * por igual = alike, on an equitable basis, equally, in equal measure(s).
    * por imitación = copycat.
    * por incremento gradual = incremental.
    * por incrementos graduales = incrementally.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * por iniciativa de = at the instigation of, under the auspices of.
    * por instinto = instinctively.
    * por interés = out of interest.
    * por interés personal = self-interested.
    * por investigar = unresearched.
    * por invitación = invitational.
    * por invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * por la borda = overboard.
    * por la cantidad de + Número = amounting to + Cantidad.
    * por la forma = by the way.
    * por la friolera de + Cantidad = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * por la fuerza = forcibly.
    * por la mala fortuna = by ill fate.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * por la mañana = in the morning.
    * por la mañana y por la noche = morning and night.
    * por la noche = overnight, at night, night-time, after dark, by night.
    * por la posibilidad de = at the prospect of.
    * por la presente = hereby.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * por la sencilla razón = for no other reason.
    * por las nubes = soaring.
    * por la tarde = in the evening.
    * por ley = mandated.
    * por libre = freelance.
    * por línea telefónica = over the telephone line.
    * por lo general = on the whole, all in all, in general, generally, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * por lo pronto = for the time being.
    * por lo que = so.
    * por lo que concierne a = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, so far as + Nombre + be concerned.
    * por lo que concierne a Uno = on + Posesivo + side.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por lo que es = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por lo que incumbe a Uno = on + Posesivo + side.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * por lo que se refiere a = moving on to.
    * por lo que son = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por lo que yo sé = to the best of my knowledge.
    * por los pelos = by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth, close call, close shave.
    * por los siguientes motivos = on the following counts.
    * por los suelos = in tatters.
    * por lo tanto = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that.
    * por lo visto = apparently, apparently.
    * por mala fortuna = unfortunately, unhappily, sadly.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mal camino = astray.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * por mecionar sólo unos cuantos = to mention only a few.
    * por medio = out of.
    * por medio de = by means of, by way of, in the form of, through, via, via the medium of, by dint of, through the agency of.
    * por medio de isótopos = isotopically.
    * por medio de otro(s) = by proxy.
    * por medio de una agencia = on a bureau basis.
    * por mencionar sólo algunos = to mention but a few of, to mention only a few.
    * por mencionar sólo unos cuantos = to mention but a few of, to name only some.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar unos pocos = just to name a few.
    * por menús = menu-driven.
    * por méritos = meritorious.
    * por mes = per month.
    * por miedo de = for fear of/that.
    * por millones = in the millions, by the millions.
    * por mor de = because of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * por motivo de = in the interest(s) of.
    * por motivos de = for the sake of, on grounds.
    * por motivos de + Nombre = for + Nombre's sake.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + Nombre + que + Subjuntivo = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio + Nombre + Verbo.
    * por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.
    * por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.
    * por muy extraño que parezca = oddly enough, strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough, funnily.
    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.
    * por nada = for nothing.
    * por nada del mundo = for the life of me.
    * por nada or casi nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por naturaleza = by nature, by definition, characteristically, natural-born, naturally, inherently.
    * por necesidad = of necessity, out of necessity.
    * por niveles = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], multilayer, layered, tiered.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * por nombrar (sólo) + Número = to name (only) + Número.
    * por nombrar sólo unos cuantos = to name only some.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por + Nombre = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * por no mencionar = not to mention.
    * por norma = as a rule.
    * por + Número + cosas = on + Número + counts.
    * por orden de = mandated.
    * por orden del congreso = congressionally mandated.
    * por orden de llegada = on a first come first served basis.
    * por orden numérico = in numerical order.
    * por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.
    * por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other hand, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.
    * por parejas = in pairs.
    * por parte de = on the part of.
    * por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por pereza = lazily.
    * por + Período de Tiempo = for + Expresión Temporal.
    * por persona = per person.
    * por placer = for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por poderes = by proxy.
    * por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.
    * por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.
    * por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.
    * por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + (propia) naturaleza = in + Posesivo + nature.
    * por primera vez = first + Verbo, for the first time, for once.
    * por principio = on principle.
    * por principios = as a matter of principle.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por propia iniciativa = self-directed.
    * por pura curiosidad = just out of interest, (just) as a mater of interest.
    * por pura diversión = for kicks.
    * por puro entretenimiento = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por puro placer = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por qué = why.
    * por razones + Adjetivo = for + Nombre + purposes.
    * por razones de = for the sake of.
    * por razones de seguridad = for security reasons, for safety reasons.
    * por razones éticas = on moral grounds.
    * por razones morales = on moral grounds.
    * por razones personales = for personal reasons.
    * por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.
    * por rencor = out of spite.
    * por respeto a = out of respect for, out of consideration for.
    * por rumores = grapevine.
    * por rutina = routinely.
    * por sacos = by the sackful.
    * por satélite = satellite-based.
    * por segunda vez = a second time, the second time around, a second time around.
    * por seguridad = for safety reasons.
    * por semana = per week.
    * por separado = at different times, in isolation, separately, singly.
    * por ser + Adjetivo = as being + Adjetivo.
    * por sexo = along gender lines.
    * por si = in the chance that.
    * por si acaso = in case of, on the off chance, just in case, on spec, for good measure.
    * por si casualidad = in the chance that.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * por si hace falta consultarlo en el futuro = for future reference.
    * por si las moscas = just in case, on spec.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, in + Posesivo + own right, itself, unto + Reflexivo, in and of + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * por si sirve de algo = for what it's worth [FWIW].
    * por sí solo = by itself, for its/their own sake, on its own, in and of + Reflexivo, in itself.
    * por sí solos = by themselves, in themselves.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * por sorpresa = unawares.
    * por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.
    * por suerte = luckily, fortunately, happily.
    * por suerte o por desgracia = for better or (for) worse, by luck or misfortune.
    * por su naturaleza = by + Posesivo + nature.
    * por su papel = in its role.
    * por su parte = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por su propia voluntad = of its own accord.
    * por su propio derecho = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por supuesto = of course, surely, to be sure, certainly.
    * ¡por supuesto que no! = heaven forbid, heaven forbid.
    * por suscripción = subscriber + Nombre.
    * por su volatilidad = mercurially.
    * por su volubilidad = mercurially.
    * por tanto = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that.
    * por teléfono = on the telephone, by tele(phone), over the phone, over the telephone.
    * por temas = topically.
    * por temor a = for fear of/that.
    * por temor a represalias = under duress.
    * por término medio = on average.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * por triplicado = in triplicate.
    * por trueque = in kind.
    * por turnos = on a rotating basis, on a rota basis, on a rota system, on a rota.
    * por última vez = for the last time, one last time.
    * por último = finally, last, lastly, ultimately.
    * por último pero no menos importante = last but not least.
    * por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.
    * por unanimidad = unanimously.
    * por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * por un gustazo, un trancazo = a kingdom for a kiss.
    * por unidad = per unit.
    * por un lado = for one, on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.
    * por un momento = for a moment.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * por unos momentos = for a few moments, for a short time.
    * por uno solo = solo.
    * por un período de tiempo limitado = on a short-term basis.
    * por un tiempo = for a time.
    * por un tiempo indefinido = for an indefinite time to come, for indefinite time.
    * por valor de + Cantidad = amounting to + Cantidad.
    * por varias razones = for a variety of reasons, for a number of reasons.
    * por varios motivos = for a number of reasons.
    * por venganza = out of spite.
    * por voluntad propia = voluntarily.
    * quedar por ver = remain + to be seen.
    * tirar dinero y esfuerzo por la borda = be money and effort down the drain.
    * transporte por tierra = land transport.
    * utilizar por primera vez = pioneer.
    * venta al por mayor = wholesaling.
    * * *
    1) ( en relaciones causales) because of

    por falta de dinerobecause of o owing to lack of money

    si no fuera por mi hijo... — if it wasn't for my son...

    por + inf — for -ing

    2) ( según)

    por lo que parece... — it seems o it would seem...

    ¿por qué no vienes conmigo? — why don't you come with me?

    por si — in case; acaso, mosca II

    por más que me esfuerzohowever hard o no matter how hard I try

    por (muy) fácil que seahowever easy o no matter how easy it is


    colócalos por orden de tamaño/altura — put them in order of size/height

    por avión/barco/carretera — by air/sea/road

    me enteré por un amigoI heard from o through a friend

    c) (Educ) from

    cobra $30 por clase — he charges $30 a o per class

    uno por uno — one by one; ciento II

    tres por cuatro (son) doce — three times four is twelve, three fours are twelve

    a) (en relaciones de sustitución, intercambio, representación) for
    b) ( como)

    ¿acepta usted por esposa a Carmen? — do you take Carmen to be your (lawful wedded) wife?

    9) (expresando finalidad, objetivo)

    por + inf: daría cualquier cosa por verla — I'd give anything to see her

    por que + subj ( here por que can also be written porque): estaba ansioso por que lo escucharan — he was eager for them to listen to him

    10) (indicando consideración, favor) for
    11) (indicando inclinación, elección)

    salió/fue por or (Esp) a por pan — he went (out) for some bread, he went (out) to get some bread

    por mí que haga lo que quiera — as far as I'm concerned, he can do what he likes

    por + inf: tengo la casa por limpiar — I've got the house to clean

    15) (esp AmL)

    estar por + inf — ( estar a punto de)

    16) (indicando lugar de acceso, salida, trayectoria)

    ¿el 121 va por (la) Avenida Rosas? — does the 121 go along Rosas Avenue?

    ¿por dónde has venido? — which way did you come?

    ¿puedes pasar por la tintorería? — could you call in at o drop by the drycleaner's?


    ¿por dónde está or queda el hotel? — whereabouts is the hotel?

    ¿qué tal te fue por Londres? — how did you get on in London?

    por todos lados or por todas partes — everywhere

    voy por la página 15I'm up to o I'm on page 15

    pasa un trapo por el piso — give the floor a quick wipe; ver tb afuera, adentro, dentro, fuera, encima, etc

    por aquella época or por aquel entonces — at that time

    19) (Esp) ( indicando una ocasión) for
    20) ( durante) for

    por el momento or por ahora — for the time being o for now; ver tb mañana III, tarde II, noche

    * * *
    = across, along, around, because of, by, by, down, for the sake of, in connection with, in the gift of, on account of, on the grounds that/of, per, through, times, under, x, as a matter of, out of, through the agency of.

    Ex: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.

    Ex: This means that a large number of messages can be combined together along the same line, giving economies of scales.
    Ex: I wouldn't expect you to be detailed in your report in terms of where the bookmible would stop around town and where you'd park it.
    Ex: This makes him feel somehow defficient and all because of his difficulty in making sense out of words in print with which his troubles began.
    Ex: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.
    Ex: Micrographic and computer technologies and their integration will become increasingly efficacious as agents for change with respect to the continued existence of the traditional 75 by 125 millimeter card.
    Ex: Some users find the format of KWIC indexes unacceptable, they find alphabetical arrangement by keywords down the centre of a page, and wrapped-round titles awkward.
    Ex: The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.
    Ex: There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.
    Ex: Partly on account of the variety of bases for coverage there is significant overlap between the assortment of abstracting and indexing services.
    Ex: AACR2 has been criticised on the grounds that it does not identify the cataloguing unit to which the rules refer.
    Ex: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.
    Ex: 4 days times 30 cents per day = 120 cents.
    Ex: One of the outcomes of entry under title has been the proliferation of serials titles.
    Ex: Card catalogues or indexes comprise a set of cards often 5x3 inches (122x72 mm), with each entry on a separate card.
    Ex: Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress -- there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence -- a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.
    Ex: But these and other interested people collected this type of books out of a mixture of curiosity and sentiment.
    Ex: This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.
    * actuar por impulso = act on + impulse.
    * aprendizaje por medio del ordenador = computer-based learning (CBL).
    * aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.
    * búsqueda por medio de menús = menu-assisted searching.
    * coger por sorpresa = catch out.
    * Día + por la tarde = late + Día.
    * digamos por ejemplo = let us say.
    * dominar por completo = sweep + the board.
    * encontrar por casualidad = come across.
    * encuadernación por encargo = bespoke binding.
    * error por omisión = omission failure.
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * hecho por encargo = bespoke.
    * introducir por primera vez = pioneer.
    * leer por encima = browse.
    * llamar por teléfono = call up.
    * muy por encima de todo = over and above all.
    * Nombre + por primera vez = Nombre + ever.
    * ordenado por fecha = in date order.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], skip over, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by.
    * pongamos por ejemplo = let us say.
    * por accidente = accidentally.
    * por adelantado = advance, in advance (of), up-front [up front].
    * por ahí = out there.
    * por ahora = as of right now, as yet, at present, at the moment, at this point, for the present, for the time being, just yet, for now, at this time, as of now, at the present, by now, for the nonce.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por alguna razón = for some reason, for whatever reason.
    * por algún motivo = for whatever reason.
    * por algún tiempo = for sometime.
    * por allí = nearby [near-by].
    * por amor al arte = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por analogía = by analogy.
    * por anticipado = in advance (of).
    * por antonomasia = quintessential, unique.
    * por añadidura = in addition (to), on top of everything else.
    * por aquel entonces = at the time, about that time, by this time.
    * por aquí = around here, nearby [near-by], round here.
    * por aquí y por allí = hanging about.
    * por así decir = as it were.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * por bondad = out of the goodness of + Posesivo + heart.
    * por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.
    * por buen camino = a step in the right direction.
    * por cabeza = per person.
    * por cable = wireline, corded.
    * por caminos apartados = off-road.
    * por capas = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], layered, tiered.
    * por casualidad = by chance, coincidentally, fortuitously, by accident, by happenstance, happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo, accidentally, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck.
    * por chiripa = by chance, by a fluke, by luck, by a stroke of (good) luck.
    * por ciento = per cent [percent] (%).
    * por cierto = coincidentally, incidentally, by the way, anecdotally, by the by(e), speaking of which.
    * por coincidencia = by coincidence.
    * por comodidad = for convenience, for the sake of + convenience.
    * por completo = fully.
    * por confirmar = to be announced, to be confirmed.
    * por consideración a = out of respect for.
    * por consideración a = out of consideration for.
    * por consiguiente = consequently, then, thence, by implication, therefore.
    * por contra = in contrast.
    * por conveniencia = for convenience, for the sake of + convenience.
    * por correo = by post, mailed.
    * por cortesía de = courtesy of.
    * por cualquier motivo = for whatever reason.
    * por cualquier razón = for whatever reason.
    * por cuanto que = because.
    * por cuenta ajena = vicariously.
    * por cuenta de uno = privately.
    * por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.
    * por curiosidad = out of curiosity.
    * por debajo de = below, beneath, underneath.
    * por debajo de + Cantidad = under + Cantidad.
    * por debajo de cero = sub-zero, below-freezing.
    * por debajo del 10 por ciento = single digit, single figure.
    * por debajo de la media = sub-par, below-average.
    * por debajo de las posibilidades = below + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * por debajo de lo normal = below-normal.
    * por debajo de lo óptimo = sub-optimal [suboptimal].
    * por debajo del peso nomral = underweight.
    * por décadas = ten-yearly.
    * por decidir = to be decided.
    * por decirlo así = so to speak, in a manner of speaking.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.
    * por decisión propia = by choice.
    * por defecto = by default, default.
    * por deferencia a = in deference to.
    * por definición = by definition.
    * por delante = ahead.
    * por delante de = ahead of.
    * por delante de la competencia = ahead of the game.
    * por delante y por detrás = front and back.
    * por dentro = inwardly.
    * por desgracia = unfortunately, sadly, unhappily, disappointingly.
    * por despecho = spitefully, out of spite.
    * ¡por dios! = in heaven's name, for God's sake, gosh.
    * ¡por Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * por diversión = for sport, for fun, (just) for the hell of (doing) it, for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it.
    * por divertirse = for kicks.
    * por doquier = all around.
    * por dos años = two-year.
    * por ejemplo = e.g. (latín - exempli gratia), for example, for instance, say, to illustrate, for the sake of + argument.
    * por (el) amor a = for the love of.
    * ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
    * por el bien del saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * por el contrario = by contrast, conversely, however, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, by way of contrast, to the contrary, quite the opposite, by comparison, contrariwise, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * por el cual = whereby, whereupon.
    * por el detalle = for detail.
    * por el día = by day, daytime [day-time], during the daytime, in the daytime, during daytime.
    * por el día o por la noche = day or night.
    * por el día y por la noche = day and night, night and day.
    * por elección propia = by choice.
    * por el gobierno = governmentally + Adjetivo.
    * por el gobierno federal = federally.
    * por el hecho de que = because of the fact that.
    * por el hombre = humanly.
    * por ello = on this basis, on that basis, accordingly.
    * por el mero hecho de saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * por el método de ensayo y error = by trial and error, trial and error.
    * por el modo = by the way.
    * por el momento = for the time being, momentarily, at the moment, for the nonce, for the present.
    * por el placer de hacerlo = (just) for the fun of (doing) it.
    * por el que se puede cobrar = chargeable.
    * por el receptor = at the receiving end.
    * por el sexo = gendered.
    * por encargo = custom, bespoke.
    * por encima = overhead, cursorily.
    * por encima de = across, beyond, beyond all, over, over and above, beyond the range of, well over + Expresión Numérica, overarching, above.
    * por encima de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * por encima de eso = beyond that.
    * por encima del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * por encima de la media = above average.
    * por encima de la tierra = aboveground.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por ende = thereby, accordingly, therefore.
    * por enfado = out of anger.
    * por enojo = out of anger.
    * por error = by mistake.
    * por esa razón = thereby, for that reason.
    * por escrito = in writing, in print, written.
    * por eso = on that score, therefore.
    * por eso que = hence.
    * por esta razón = for this reason.
    * por esta única razón = for this reason alone.
    * por este motivo = for this reason.
    * por esto = thus, accordingly, therefore.
    * por etapas = staged.
    * por excelencia = par excellence, quintessential, unique.
    * por exceso = excessively, to excess.
    * por explotar = untapped.
    * por + Expresión Temporal = by the + Expresión Temporal.
    * por extensión = by extension.
    * por extenso = in full, at length.
    * por falta de = for want of, for lack of.
    * por fases = staged.
    * por favor = please.
    * por favor, responda = RSVP [R.S.V.P.].
    * por fin = at length, at last, finally, at long last.
    * por fin llegó la hora (de) = it's about time (that).
    * por frustración = out of frustration.
    * por fuera = outwardly, outwardly.
    * por grupos = in batches.
    * por gusto = for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por hora = hourly.
    * por horas = on an hourly basis.
    * por igual = alike, on an equitable basis, equally, in equal measure(s).
    * por imitación = copycat.
    * por incremento gradual = incremental.
    * por incrementos graduales = incrementally.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * por iniciativa de = at the instigation of, under the auspices of.
    * por instinto = instinctively.
    * por interés = out of interest.
    * por interés personal = self-interested.
    * por investigar = unresearched.
    * por invitación = invitational.
    * por invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * por la borda = overboard.
    * por la cantidad de + Número = amounting to + Cantidad.
    * por la forma = by the way.
    * por la friolera de + Cantidad = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * por la fuerza = forcibly.
    * por la mala fortuna = by ill fate.
    * por la mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * por la mañana = in the morning.
    * por la mañana y por la noche = morning and night.
    * por la noche = overnight, at night, night-time, after dark, by night.
    * por la posibilidad de = at the prospect of.
    * por la presente = hereby.
    * por las buenas o por las malas = by hook or by crook.
    * por la sencilla razón = for no other reason.
    * por las nubes = soaring.
    * por la tarde = in the evening.
    * por ley = mandated.
    * por libre = freelance.
    * por línea telefónica = over the telephone line.
    * por lo general = on the whole, all in all, in general, generally, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * por lo pronto = for the time being.
    * por lo que = so.
    * por lo que concierne a = as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, so far as + Nombre + be concerned.
    * por lo que concierne a Uno = on + Posesivo + side.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por lo que es = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por lo que incumbe a Uno = on + Posesivo + side.
    * ¡Por lo que más quieras! = for God's sake.
    * por lo que se refiere a = moving on to.
    * por lo que son = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por lo que yo sé = to the best of my knowledge.
    * por los pelos = by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth, close call, close shave.
    * por los siguientes motivos = on the following counts.
    * por los suelos = in tatters.
    * por lo tanto = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that.
    * por lo visto = apparently, apparently.
    * por mala fortuna = unfortunately, unhappily, sadly.
    * por mala suerte = by ill luck, by bad luck, by a stroke of bad luck, by ill fate.
    * por mal camino = astray.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * por mecionar sólo unos cuantos = to mention only a few.
    * por medio = out of.
    * por medio de = by means of, by way of, in the form of, through, via, via the medium of, by dint of, through the agency of.
    * por medio de isótopos = isotopically.
    * por medio de otro(s) = by proxy.
    * por medio de una agencia = on a bureau basis.
    * por mencionar sólo algunos = to mention but a few of, to mention only a few.
    * por mencionar sólo unos cuantos = to mention but a few of, to name only some.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar unos pocos = just to name a few.
    * por menús = menu-driven.
    * por méritos = meritorious.
    * por mes = per month.
    * por miedo de = for fear of/that.
    * por millones = in the millions, by the millions.
    * por mor de = because of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * por motivo de = in the interest(s) of.
    * por motivos de = for the sake of, on grounds.
    * por motivos de + Nombre = for + Nombre's sake.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + Nombre + que + Subjuntivo = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio + Nombre + Verbo.
    * por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.
    * por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.
    * por muy extraño que parezca = oddly enough, strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough, funnily.
    * por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.
    * por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.
    * por nada = for nothing.
    * por nada del mundo = for the life of me.
    * por nada or casi nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por naturaleza = by nature, by definition, characteristically, natural-born, naturally, inherently.
    * por necesidad = of necessity, out of necessity.
    * por niveles = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], multilayer, layered, tiered.
    * por no decir algo peor = to put it mildly.
    * por no decir nada de = to say nothing of.
    * por no decir nunca = if ever.
    * por no decir otra cosa peor = to say the least.
    * por nombrar (sólo) + Número = to name (only) + Número.
    * por nombrar sólo unos cuantos = to name only some.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por + Nombre = on a + Adjetivo + basis.
    * por no mencionar = not to mention.
    * por norma = as a rule.
    * por + Número + cosas = on + Número + counts.
    * por orden de = mandated.
    * por orden del congreso = congressionally mandated.
    * por orden de llegada = on a first come first served basis.
    * por orden numérico = in numerical order.
    * por otra parte = on the other hand, on the other side, on the flip side.
    * por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other hand, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.
    * por parejas = in pairs.
    * por parte de = on the part of.
    * por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por pereza = lazily.
    * por + Período de Tiempo = for + Expresión Temporal.
    * por persona = per person.
    * por placer = for kicks, (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por poderes = by proxy.
    * por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.
    * por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.
    * por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part.
    * por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * por + Posesivo + (propia) naturaleza = in + Posesivo + nature.
    * por primera vez = first + Verbo, for the first time, for once.
    * por principio = on principle.
    * por principios = as a matter of principle.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por propia iniciativa = self-directed.
    * por pura curiosidad = just out of interest, (just) as a mater of interest.
    * por pura diversión = for kicks.
    * por puro entretenimiento = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por puro placer = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * por qué = why.
    * por razones + Adjetivo = for + Nombre + purposes.
    * por razones de = for the sake of.
    * por razones de seguridad = for security reasons, for safety reasons.
    * por razones éticas = on moral grounds.
    * por razones morales = on moral grounds.
    * por razones personales = for personal reasons.
    * por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.
    * por rencor = out of spite.
    * por respeto a = out of respect for, out of consideration for.
    * por rumores = grapevine.
    * por rutina = routinely.
    * por sacos = by the sackful.
    * por satélite = satellite-based.
    * por segunda vez = a second time, the second time around, a second time around.
    * por seguridad = for safety reasons.
    * por semana = per week.
    * por separado = at different times, in isolation, separately, singly.
    * por ser + Adjetivo = as being + Adjetivo.
    * por sexo = along gender lines.
    * por si = in the chance that.
    * por si acaso = in case of, on the off chance, just in case, on spec, for good measure.
    * por si casualidad = in the chance that.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * por si hace falta consultarlo en el futuro = for future reference.
    * por si las moscas = just in case, on spec.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, in + Posesivo + own right, itself, unto + Reflexivo, in and of + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * por si sirve de algo = for what it's worth [FWIW].
    * por sí solo = by itself, for its/their own sake, on its own, in and of + Reflexivo, in itself.
    * por sí solos = by themselves, in themselves.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * por sorpresa = unawares.
    * por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.
    * por suerte = luckily, fortunately, happily.
    * por suerte o por desgracia = for better or (for) worse, by luck or misfortune.
    * por su naturaleza = by + Posesivo + nature.
    * por su papel = in its role.
    * por su parte = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por su propia voluntad = of its own accord.
    * por su propio derecho = in + Posesivo + own right.
    * por supuesto = of course, surely, to be sure, certainly.
    * ¡por supuesto que no! = heaven forbid, heaven forbid.
    * por suscripción = subscriber + Nombre.
    * por su volatilidad = mercurially.
    * por su volubilidad = mercurially.
    * por tanto = consequently, ergo, so, then, thereby, therefore, thus, it follows that.
    * por teléfono = on the telephone, by tele(phone), over the phone, over the telephone.
    * por temas = topically.
    * por temor a = for fear of/that.
    * por temor a represalias = under duress.
    * por término medio = on average.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * por triplicado = in triplicate.
    * por trueque = in kind.
    * por turnos = on a rotating basis, on a rota basis, on a rota system, on a rota.
    * por última vez = for the last time, one last time.
    * por último = finally, last, lastly, ultimately.
    * por último pero no menos importante = last but not least.
    * por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.
    * por unanimidad = unanimously.
    * por una parte = on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * por un gustazo, un trancazo = a kingdom for a kiss.
    * por unidad = per unit.
    * por un lado = for one, on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.
    * por un momento = for a moment.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * por unos momentos = for a few moments, for a short time.
    * por uno solo = solo.
    * por un período de tiempo limitado = on a short-term basis.
    * por un tiempo = for a time.
    * por un tiempo indefinido = for an indefinite time to come, for indefinite time.
    * por valor de + Cantidad = amounting to + Cantidad.
    * por varias razones = for a variety of reasons, for a number of reasons.
    * por varios motivos = for a number of reasons.
    * por venganza = out of spite.
    * por voluntad propia = voluntarily.
    * quedar por ver = remain + to be seen.
    * tirar dinero y esfuerzo por la borda = be money and effort down the drain.
    * transporte por tierra = land transport.
    * utilizar por primera vez = pioneer.
    * venta al por mayor = wholesaling.

    * * *
    A en relaciones causales
    B según
    C ¿por qué?
    D en locuciones
    E en expresiones concesivas
    1 en expresiones de modo
    2 indicando el medio
    3 Educación
    1 en relaciones de proporción
    2 en multiplicaciones
    1 en relaciones de sustitución etc
    2 por ejemplo
    I como
    A al expresar finalidad, objetivo
    B indicando consideración, favor
    C indicando inclinación, elección
    D en busca de
    E en lo que respecta a
    F indicando una situación pendiente
    G estar por
    A indicando lugar de acceso, salida
    C expresando lugar determinado
    D indicando extensión
    A expresando tiempo aproximado
    B indicando una ocasión
    C durante
    he puesto esto aquí por el gato I've put this here because of the cat
    nunca se lo dijo por miedo a perderla he never told her out of fear of losing her o because he was afraid of losing her
    eso te pasa por crédulo that's what you get for being (so) gullible
    lo conseguimos por él we got it thanks to him
    ella es así por naturaleza she's like that by nature
    lo hace por necesidad he does it out of necessity
    no se acabó por falta de dinero it wasn't finished for o because of o owing to lack of money
    el final no por conocido me resulta menos triste knowing how it ends doesn't make it any less sad
    por su alto contenido en proteínas because of o owing to its high protein content
    tanto por su precio como por su practicidad both for its price and its practical design
    fue por eso por lo que no te llamé or fue por eso que no te llamé that was the reason o that was why I didn't call you
    precisamente por eso no dije nada that's precisely why I didn't say anything
    la muerte se produjo por asfixia he suffocated, death was caused by suffocation ( frml)
    éste serviría si no fuera por el color this one would do if it weren't for the color
    fue elogiado por su excelente actuación he was praised for his excellent performance
    por + INF for -ING
    me pidió perdón por haberme mentido he apologized for lying o for having lied to me
    B (según) from
    por lo que he oído from what I've heard
    por lo que parece no va a volver it seems o it would seem he's not coming back
    por mi experiencia diría que … from my experience, I would say that …
    C ( fam):
    ¿por? why?
    ¿con quién vas? — con Daniel ¿por? who are you going with? — with Daniel, why? o why do you want to know?
    ¿por qué lloras? why are you crying?
    ¿por qué no vienes a almorzar a casa? why don't you come to my house for lunch?
    por si in case
    llévate una muda, por si tuvieras que quedarte take a change of clothes (just) in case you have to stay
    acaso, mosca2 (↑ mosca (2))
    por más que me esfuerzo me sigue saliendo mal no matter how hard I try o however hard I try, I still can't get it right
    (+ subj): por (muy) fácil que se lo pongan, no creo que lo sepa hacer however easy o no matter how easy they make it for him I don't think he'll be able to do it
    (en expresiones de modo): clasifícalos por tamaño classify them according to size o by size
    colóquense por orden de altura line up in order of height
    por adelantado in advance
    por escrito in writing
    (indicando el medio): se lo comunicaron por teléfono they told him over the phone
    lo dijeron por la radio they said it on the radio
    lo mandaron por avión/barco they sent it by air/sea
    por carretera by road
    la conocí por la voz I recognized the o her voice, I recognized her by her voice
    me enteré por un amigo I heard from o through a friend
    lo intenté por todos los medios I tried everything possible o every possible way
    es doctor honoris causa por Oxford he has an honorary doctorate from Oxford
    un graduado en ciencias políticas por la universidad de Granada a graduate in political science from the university of Granada
    (en relaciones de proporción): cobra $30 por clase he charges $30 a o per class
    120 kilómetros por hora 120 kilometers an o per hour
    lo venden por metro they sell it by the meter
    tú comes por tres you eat enough for three people
    había un hombre por cada dos mujeres there was one man to every two women
    tiene tres metros de largo por uno de ancho it's three meters long by one meter wide
    ya hemos hecho bastante por hoy we've done enough for today
    los hizo entrar uno por uno she made them come in one by one o one at a time
    examinar un escrito punto por punto to go through a document point by point
    ciento2 (↑ ciento (2))
    (en multiplicaciones): tres por cuatro (son) doce three times four is twelve, three fours are twelve
    (en relaciones de sustitución, intercambio, representación): su secretaria firmó por él his secretary signed for him o on his behalf
    yo puedo ir por ti I can go for you o in your place
    por toda respuesta se encogió de hombros all he did was shrug his shoulders
    tú podrías pasar por inglesa you could pass as English o for an Englishwoman
    te dan uno nuevo por dos viejos they give you one new one in exchange for two old ones
    es senador por Canarias he's a senator for the Canary Islands
    (como): por ejemplo for example
    ¿acepta usted por esposa a Carmen? do you take Carmen to be your (lawful wedded) wife?
    un lugar frecuentado por muchos famosos a place frequented by many famous people
    se vieron sorprendidos por una tormenta they were caught in a sudden storm
    la ocupación de la fábrica por (parte de) los obreros the occupation of the factory by the workers
    ver tb parte2 f B. (↑ parte (2))
    (al expresar finalidad, objetivo): se estaban peleando por la pelota they were fighting over the ball
    lo hace por el dinero he does it for the money
    te lo digo por tu bien I'm telling you for your own good
    por + INF:
    daría cualquier cosa por verte contento I'd give anything to see you happy
    no entré por no molestar I didn't go in so as not to disturb him o because I didn't want to disturb him
    eso es hablar por hablar that's talking for the sake of talking o for the sake of it
    estaba ansioso por que lo escucharan he was eager for them to listen to him
    recemos por que lleguen a un acuerdo let's pray that they'll come to an agreement
    siguieron luchando por que se hiciera justicia they continued fighting for justice to be done
    (indicando consideración, favor): haría cualquier cosa por ti I'd do anything for you
    intercede por nosotros intercede for us
    por mí no lo hagas don't do it just for me o for my sake
    (indicando inclinación, elección): su amor por la música her love of music
    demostró gran interés por el cuadro he showed great interest in the painting
    no siento nada por él I don't feel anything for him
    opté por no ir I chose not to go
    votó por ella he voted for her
    ¿por la afirmativa? all those in favor?
    se manifestaron por el derecho al aborto they demonstrated for the right to abortion
    estar por algn ( fam); to be crazy about sb
    (en busca de): salió/fue poror ( Esp) a por pan he went (out) for some bread, he went (out) to get some bread
    (en lo que respecta a): por mí no hay inconveniente I don't mind
    que haga lo que le dé la gana, por mí … let him do what he likes, as far as I'm concerned …
    tengo toda la casa por limpiar I've got the whole house to clean
    estos cambios aún están por hacer these changes have still not been made o are yet to be made
    ver2 vt C 1. (↑ ver (2))
    ( AmL) estar por + INF (estar a punto de): deben de estar por llegar they should be arriving any minute
    la leche está por hervir the milk's about to boil
    (indicando lugar de acceso, salida, trayectoria): entró por la ventana he came in through the window
    sal por aquí go out this way
    el acceso al edificio es por la calle Lamas you enter the building from Lamas Street
    el piano no va a pasar por la puerta the piano won't go through the door
    se cayó por la escalera he fell down the stairs
    subieron por la ladera este they went up by the east face
    ¿el 121 va por (la) Avenida Rosas? does the 121 go along Rosas Avenue?
    fuimos por el camino más largo we took the longer route
    no vayas por ahí que te vas a perder don't go that way, you'll get lost
    ¿por dónde has venido? which way did you come?
    ¿puedes pasar por la tintorería? could you call in at o drop by the drycleaner's?
    (expresando lugar indeterminado): está por ahí he's over there somewhere
    ¿por dónde está or queda el restaurante? whereabouts is the restaurant?
    viven por el sur/por mi barrio they live in the south somewhere/around my area
    hace mucho que no lo vemos por aquí we haven't seen him around here for ages
    ¿qué tal te fue por Londres? how did you get on in London?
    (expresando lugar determinado): corta por aquí cut here
    voy por la página 15 I'm up to o I'm on page 15
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning
    agárralo por el mango hold it by the handle
    (indicando extensión): lo he buscado por todos lados or por todas partes I've looked everywhere for it
    la epidemia se extendió por todo el país the epidemic spread throughout the (whole) country
    estuvimos viajando por el norte de Francia we were traveling around o in the North of France
    fuimos a caminar por la playa we went for a walk along the beach
    pasa un trapo por el piso give the floor a quick wipe
    (expresando tiempo aproximado): por aquella época at that time
    por aquel entonces vivían en Pozuelo at that time they were living in Pozuelo
    sucedió por allá por 1960 it happened some time back around 1960
    me lo regalaron por mi cumpleaños they gave it to me for my birthday
    por Semana Santa pensamos ir a Londres we're thinking of going to London for Easter
    C (durante) for
    por los siglos de los siglos for ever and ever
    no se lo confío ni por un minuto I wouldn't trust him with it for a minute
    puede quedar así por el momento or por ahora it can stay like that for the time being o for now
    ver tb mañana3 (↑ mañana (3)), tarde2 (↑ tarde (2)), noche
    * * *


    por preposición
    1 ( causa) because of;
    por falta de dinero because of o owing to lack of money;

    por naturaleza by nature;
    por necesidad out of necessity;
    por eso no dije nada that's why I didn't say anything;
    fue por eso que no te llamé that was why I didn't call you;
    si no fuera por mi hijo … if it wasn't for my son …;
    me pidió perdón por haberme mentido he apologized for lying o for having lied to me
    2 ( en locs)

    no dijo por qué he didn't say why;
    ¿por qué no vienes conmigo? why don't you come with me?;
    por si in case;
    por si no entiende in case he doesn't understand;
    See Also→ acaso 2, mosca
    3 ( en expresiones concesivas):
    por más que me esfuerzo however hard o no matter how hard I try;

    por (muy) fácil que sea however easy o no matter how easy it is
    a) ( modo):

    por adelantado in advance;
    por escrito in writing
    b) ( medio):

    lo dijeron por la radio they said it on the radio;
    por avión by air;
    la conocí por la voz I recognized her by her voice;
    me enteré por un amigo I heard from o through a friend

    cobra $30 por clase he charges $30 a o per class;

    120 kilómetros por hora 120 kilometers an o per hour;
    por metro/docena by the meter/dozen;
    tú comes por tres you eat enough for three people;
    tiene tres metros de largo por uno de ancho it's three meters long by one meter wide;
    uno por uno one by one;
    See Also→ ciento sustantivo masculino b


    su secretaria firmó por él his secretary signed for him o on his behalf;

    pasa por inglesa she passes for an Englishwoman
    b) ( como):

    7 ( introduciendo el agente) by;

    1 (finalidad, objetivo):

    lo hace por el dinero he does it for the money;
    no entré por no molestarlo I didn't go in because I didn't want to disturb him;
    por que + subj (here por que can also be written porque): estaba ansioso por que lo escucharan he was eager for them to listen to him
    2 (indicando inclinación, elección):

    no siento nada por él I don't feel anything for him;
    votó por ella he voted for her
    3 ( en busca de): salió/fue por or (Esp) a por pan he went (out) for some bread, he went (out) to get some bread
    4 ( en lo que respecta a):
    por mí que haga lo que quiera as far as I'm concerned, he can do what he likes

    5 (esp AmL) estar por + inf ( estar a punto de) to be about to + inf;

    deben (de) estar por llegar they should be arriving any minute
    a) ( lugar):

    sal por aquí go out this way;
    se cayó por la escalera he fell down the stairs;
    ¿el 121 va por (la) Avenida Rosas? does the 121 go along Rosas Avenue?;
    ¿por dónde has venido? which way did you come?;
    está por ahí he's over there somewhere;
    ¿por dónde está el hotel? whereabouts is the hotel?;
    viven por mi barrio they live around my area;
    voy por la página 15 I'm up to o I'm on page 15;
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning;
    agárralo por el mango hold it by the handle
    b) ( indicando extensión): por todos lados or por todas partes everywhere;

    viajamos por el norte de Francia we traveled around o in the North of France;

    ver tb dentro, fuera, encima, etc
    2 ( tiempo) for;

    por el momento or por ahora for the time being, for now;
    ver tb mañana, tarde, noche
    3 (Esp) ( ocasión) for;

    por preposición
    1 (autoría) by: está escrito por mí, it was written by me
    2 (camino, lugar) through: viajamos por Castilla, we travelled round Castilla
    3 (medio) lo enviaron por avión, they sent it by plane
    me enteré por el periódico, I read about it in the newspaper
    4 (motivo, causa) because of
    por tu culpa, because of you
    (en favor de) for: hazlo por ellos, do it for their sake
    por la libertad, for freedom
    5 (en torno a) por San Juan, near Saint John's Day
    6 (durante) por la mañana/noche, in the morning/at night
    por el momento, for the time being
    7 (a través) entramos por la puerta, we got in through the door
    miramos por la ventana, we looked out (of) the window
    pasamos por la ciudad, we went through the town
    8 (sobre, por encima de) cruzaremos por el puente, we'll cross the bridge
    9 (delante de) paso todos los días por tu casa, I go by your house every day
    10 (a cambio de) for: te doy mi helado por tu yogur, I'll swap you my ice-cream for your yoghurt
    11 (en una distribución, cálculo) por cabeza, a head, per person
    mil pesetas por hora, a thousand pesetas per hour
    dos mil revoluciones por minuto, two thousand revolutions per minute
    12 (en una multiplicación) dos por dos, cuatro, two times two is four
    un diez por ciento, ten per cent
    13 (con infinitivo) in order to, so as to
    trabajar por trabajar, to work for the sake of it
    ♦ Locuciones: por así decirlo, so to speak
    por más/mucho que..., no matter how...
    por qué, why
    ' por' also found in these entries:
    - abogar
    - abonar
    - abonarse
    - abotargada
    - abotargado
    - abuelo
    - acabar
    - acaso
    - accidente
    - acercarse
    - acertar
    - aclamación
    - acomplejada
    - acomplejado
    - acomplejarse
    - acoquinar
    - acostumbrar
    - actual
    - adelantada
    - adelantado
    - adivinar
    - admitir
    - adoración
    - aérea
    - aéreo
    - afanarse
    - afectada I
    - afectado
    - afición
    - agradecer
    - aguantar
    - ahí
    - ahogada
    - ahogado
    - ahora
    - ahorcarse
    - ahorrar
    - aire
    - alegrarse
    - algo
    - allá
    - allí
    - almacén
    - alquiler
    - alta
    - alto
    - aludida
    - aludido
    - amarga
    - aback
    - ablaze
    - about
    - above
    - absence
    - absorb
    - accident
    - accidentally
    - acclaim
    - accompany
    - accord
    - accordingly
    - account
    - accustom
    - actual
    - actually
    - add to
    - advocate
    - after
    - afternoon
    - again
    - against
    - air
    - airmail
    - alert
    - allowance
    - alone
    - alphabetically
    - alternately
    - amble
    - amends
    - amok
    - angry
    - annihilate
    - annoy
    - answer for
    - answering service
    - antipathy
    - anxious
    - anywhere
    - apologetic
    - apologize
    - appal
    - appall
    - apparently
    - appearance
    - appease
    - appointment
    - appreciate
    * * *
    por prep
    1. [indica causa] because of;
    llegó tarde por el tráfico she was late because of the traffic;
    lo hizo por amor he did it out of o for love;
    me disculpé por llegar tarde I apologized for arriving late;
    miré dentro por simple curiosidad I looked inside out of pure curiosity;
    accidentes por conducción temeraria accidents caused by reckless driving;
    muertes por enfermedades cardiovasculares deaths from cardiovascular disease;
    no quise llamar por la hora (que era) I didn't want to call because of the time;
    cerrado por vacaciones/reformas [en letrero] closed for holidays/alterations;
    por mí no te preocupes don't worry about me;
    fue por eso por lo que tuvimos tantos problemas, Am [m5] fue por eso que tuvimos tantos problemas that's why we had so many problems;
    eso te pasa por (ser tan) generoso that's what you get for being so generous;
    la razón por (la) que dimite the reason (why) she is resigning;
    ¿por qué? why?;
    ¿por qué no vienes? why don't you come?;
    ¿por qué lo preguntas? – por nada why do you ask? – no reason;
    ¿por? why?;
    por si in case;
    por si se te olvida in case you forget
    2. [indica indicio]
    por lo que me dices/lo que he oído no debe de ser tan difícil from what you say/what I've heard, it can't be that difficult;
    por lo que tengo entendido, viven juntos as I understand it, they live together, my understanding is that they live together;
    por lo visto, por lo que se ve apparently
    3. [indica finalidad] (antes de infinitivo) (in order) to;
    * * *
    1 motivo for, because of;
    lo hace por mí he does it for me;
    lo hizo por amor she did it out of o for love;
    luchó por sus ideales he fought for his ideals;
    por miedo a ofenderle for fear of upsetting her;
    vino por verme he came to see me
    2 medio by;
    por avión by air;
    por correo by mail, Br
    tb by post
    por un año/un segundo for a year/a second;
    por la mañana in the morning;
    por Navidad around Christmas
    por la calle down the street;
    por un tunel through a tunnel;
    por aquí this way
    5 posición aproximada around, about;
    está por aquí it’s around here (somewhere);
    vive por el centro de la ciudad she lives somewhere around the center of town
    por cincuenta pesos for fifty pesos;
    por cabeza each, a head
    por hora an o per hour;
    dos por dos two times two;
    ¿por qué? why?;
    por el que … the reason why …;
    esa factura aún está por pagar that invoice still has to be paid;
    por difícil que sea however difficult it might be
    * * *
    por prep
    1) : for, during
    se quedaron allí por la semana: they stayed there during the week
    por el momento: for now, at the moment
    2) : around, during
    por noviembre empieza a nevar: around November it starts to snow
    por la mañana: in the morning
    3) : around (a place)
    debe estar por allí: it must be over there
    por todas partes: everywhere
    4) : by, through, along
    por la puerta: through the door
    pasé por tu casa: I stopped by your house
    por la costa: along the coast
    5) : for, for the sake of
    lo hizo por su madre: he did it for his mother
    ¡por Dios!: for heaven's sake!
    6) : because of, on account of
    llegué tarde por el tráfico: I arrived late because of the traffic
    dejar por imposible: to give up as impossible
    7) : per
    60 millas por hora: 60 miles per hour
    por docena: by the dozen
    8) : for, in exchange for, instead of
    su hermana habló por él: his sister spoke on his behalf
    9) : by means of
    hablar por teléfono: to talk on the phone
    por escrito: in writing
    10) : as for
    por mí: as far as I'm concerned
    11) : times
    tres por dos son seis: three times two is six
    12) según: from, according to
    por lo que dices: judging from what you're telling me
    13) : as, for
    por ejemplo: for example
    14) : by
    hecho por mi abuela: made by my grandmother
    por correo: by mail
    15) : for, in order to
    lucha por ganar su respeto: he struggles to win her respect
    estar por : to be about to
    por ciento : percent
    por favor : please
    por lo tanto : therefore, consequently
    ¿por qué? : why?
    por... que : no matter how
    por mucho que intente: no matter how hard I try
    por si or
    por si acaso : just in case
    * * *
    por prep
    1. (a través de) through
    2. (la calle) along / down
    3. (indica camino) via / by
    6. (a causa de) because of
    7. (a fin de) to / in order to
    10. (multiplicado) times
    12. (en vez de) instead of
    ir por / ir a por to fetch
    ¡ve a por mis zapatillas, por favor! fetch my slippers, please!
    por + adjetivo however + adjective
    por lo general generally / usually
    por si... in case...
    ¿por qué? why?

    Spanish-English dictionary > por

  • 18 ad

    ad, prep. with acc. (from the fourth century after Christ written also at; Etrusc. suf. -a; Osc. az; Umbr. and Old Lat. ar, as [p. 27] in Eug. Tab., in S. C. de Bacch., as arveho for adveho; arfuerunt, arfuisse, for adfuerunt, etc.; arbiter for adbiter; so, ar me advenias, Plant. Truc. 2, 2, 17; cf. Prisc. 559 P.; Vel. Long. 2232 P.; Fabretti, Glos. Ital. col. 5) [cf. Sanscr. adhi; Goth. and Eng. at; Celt. pref. ar, as armor, i.e. ad mare; Rom. a].
    As antith. to ab (as in to ex), in a progressive order of relation, ad denotes, first, the direction toward an object; then the reaching of or attaining to it; and finally, the being at or near it.
    In space.
    Direction toward, to, toward, and first,

    fugere ad puppim colles campique videntur,

    the hills and fields appear to fly toward the ship, Lucr. 4, 390: meridie umbrae cadunt ad septentrionem, ortu vero ad occasum, to or toward the north and west, Plin. 2, 13, and so often of the geog. position of a place in reference to the points of compass, with the verbs jacere, vergere, spectare, etc.:

    Asia jacet ad meridiem et austrum, Europa ad septentriones et aquiionem,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 31 Mull.;

    and in Plin. very freq.: Creta ad austrum... ad septentrionem versa, 4, 20: ad Atticam vergente, 4, 21 al.—Also trop.: animus alius ad alia vitia propensior,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 37, 81.—
    In a direction upwards (esp. in the poets, very freq.): manusque sursum ad caelum sustulit, Naev. ap. Non. 116, 30 (B. Pun. p. 13, ed. Vahl.): manus ad caeli templa tendebam lacrimans, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 20, 40 (Ann. v. 50 ed. Vahl.); cf.:

    duplices tendens ad sidera palmas,

    Verg. A. 1, 93: molem ex profundo saxeam ad caelum vomit, Att. ap. Prisc. 1325 P.: clamor ad caelum volvendus, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 104 Mull. (Ann. v. 520 ed. Vahl.) (cf. with this: tollitur in caelum clamor, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1, or Ann. v. 422):

    ad caelumque ferat flammai fulgura rursum, of Aetna,

    Lucr. 1, 725; cf. id. 2, 191; 2, 325: sidera sola micant;

    ad quae sua bracchia tendens, etc.,

    Ov. M. 7, 188:

    altitudo pertingit ad caelum,

    Vulg. Dan. 4, 17.—
    Also in the direction downwards (for the usu. in):

    tardiore semper ad terras omnium quae geruntur in caelo effectu cadente quam visu,

    Plin. 2, 97, 99, § 216.
    The point or goal at which any thing arrives.
    Without reference to the space traversed in passing, to, toward (the most common use of this prep.): cum stupro redire ad suos popularis, Naev. ap. Fest. p. 317 Mull. (B. Pun. p. 14 ed. Vahl.):

    ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videatur potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12: ad terras decidat aether, Lucan. 2, 58. —Hence,
    With verbs which designate going, coming, moving, bearing, bringing near, adapting, taking, receiving, calling, exciting, admonishing, etc., when the verb is compounded with ad the prep. is not always repeated, but the constr. with the dat. or acc. employed; cf. Rudd. II. pp. 154, 175 n. (In the ante-class. per., and even in Cic., ad is generally repeated with most verbs, as, ad eos accedit, Cic. Sex. Rosc. 8:

    ad Sullam adire,

    id. ib. 25:

    ad se adferre,

    id. Verr. 4, 50:

    reticulum ad naris sibi admovebat,

    id. ib. 5, 27:

    ad laborem adhortantur,

    id. de Sen. 14:

    T. Vectium ad se arcessit,

    id. Verr. 5, 114; but the poets of the Aug. per., and the historians, esp. Tac., prefer the dative; also, when the compound verb contains merely the idea of approach, the constr. with ad and the acc. is employed; but when it designates increase, that with the dat. is more usual: accedit ad urbem, he approaches the city; but, accedit provinciae, it is added to the province.)—
    Ad me, te, se, for domum meam, tuam, suam (in Plaut. and Ter. very freq.):

    oratus sum venire ad te huc,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 1, 12: spectatores plaudite atque ite ad vos comissatum, id. Stich. fin.:

    eamus ad me,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 64:

    ancillas traduce huc ad vos,

    id. Heaut. 4, 4, 22:

    transeundumst tibi ad Menedemum,

    id. 4, 4, 17: intro nos vocat ad sese, tenet intus apud se, Lucil. ap. Charis. p. 86 P.:

    te oro, ut ad me Vibonem statim venias,

    Cic. Att. 3, 3; 16, 10 al.—
    Ad, with the name of a deity in the gen., is elliptical for ad templum or aedem (cf.:

    Thespiadas, quae ad aedem Felicitatis sunt,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 4; id. Phil. 2, 35:

    in aedem Veneris,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 120;

    in aedem Concordiae,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 9, 21;

    2, 6, 12): ad Dianae,

    to the temple of, Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 43:

    ad Opis,

    Cic. Att. 8, 1, 14:

    ad Castoris,

    id. Quint. 17:

    ad Juturnae,

    id. Clu. 101:

    ad Vestae,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 35 al.: cf. Rudd. II. p. 41, n. 4, and p. 334.—
    With verbs which denote a giving, sending, informing, submitting, etc., it is used for the simple dat. (Rudd. II. p. 175): litteras dare ad aliquem, to send or write one a letter; and: litteras dare alicui, to give a letter to one; hence Cic. never says, like Caesar and Sall., alicui scribere, which strictly means, to write for one (as a receipt, etc.), but always mittere, scribere, perscribere ad aliquem:

    postea ad pistores dabo,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 119:

    praecipe quae ad patrem vis nuntiari,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 109:

    in servitutem pauperem ad divitem dare,

    Ter. Ph. 4, 3, 48:

    nam ad me Publ. Valerius scripsit,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 2 med.:

    de meis rebus ad Lollium perscripsi,

    id. ib. 5, 3:

    velim domum ad te scribas, ut mihi tui libri pateant,

    id. Att. 4, 14; cf. id. ib. 4, 16:

    ad primam (sc. epistulam) tibi hoc scribo,

    in answer to your first, id. ib. 3, 15, 2:

    ad Q. Fulvium Cons. Hirpini et Lucani dediderunt sese,

    Liv. 27, 15, 1; cf. id. 28, 22, 5.—Hence the phrase: mittere or scribere librum ad aliquem, to dedicate a book to one (Greek, prosphônein):

    has res ad te scriptas, Luci, misimus, Aeli,

    Lucil. Sat. 1, ap. Auct. Her. 4, 12:

    quae institueram, ad te mittam,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5: ego interea admonitu tuo perfeci sane argutulos libros ad Varronem;

    and soon after: mihi explices velim, maneasne in sententia, ut mittam ad eum quae scripsi,

    Cic. Att. 13, 18; cf. ib. 16; Plin. 1, 19.—So in titles of books: M. Tullii Ciceronis ad Marcum Brutum Orator; M. T. Cic. ad Q. Fratrem Dialogi tres de Oratore, etc.—In the titles of odes and epigrams ad aliquem signifies to, addressed to.
    With names of towns after verbs of motion, ad is used in answer to the question Whither? instead of the simple acc.; but commonly with this difference, that ad denotes to the vicinity of, the neighborhood of:

    miles ad Capuam profectus sum, quintoque anno post ad Tarentum,

    Cic. de Sen. 4, 10; id. Fam. 3, 81:

    ad Veios,

    Liv. 5, 19; 14, 18; cf. Caes. B. G. 1, 7; id. B. C. 3, 40 al.—Ad is regularly used when the proper name has an appellative in apposition to it:

    ad Cirtam oppidum iter constituunt,

    Sall. J. 81, 2; so Curt. 3, 1, 22; 4, 9, 9;

    or when it is joined with usque,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 34, § 87; id. Deiot, 7, 19.— (When an adjective is added, the simple acc. is used poet., as well as with ad:

    magnum iter ad doctas proficisci cogor Athenas,

    Prop. 3, 21, 1; the simple acc., Ov. H. 2, 83: doctas jam nunc eat, inquit, Athenas).—
    With verbs which imply a hostile movement toward, or protection in respect to any thing, against = adversus:

    nonne ad senem aliquam fabricam fingit?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 34:

    Lernaeas pugnet ad hydras,

    Prop. 3, 19, 9: neque quo pacto fallam, nec quem dolum ad eum aut machinam commoliar, old poet in Cic. N. D. 3, 29, 73:

    Belgarum copias ad se venire vidit,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 5; 7, 70:

    ipse ad hostem vehitur,

    Nep. Dat. 4, 5; id. Dion. 5, 4: Romulus ad regem impetus facit (a phrase in which in is commonly found), Liv. 1, 5, 7, and 44, 3, 10:

    aliquem ad hostem ducere,

    Tac. A. 2, 52:

    clipeos ad tela protecti obiciunt,

    Verg. A. 2, 443:

    munio me ad haec tempora,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 18:

    ad hos omnes casus provisa erant praesidia,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 65; 7, 41;

    so with nouns: medicamentum ad aquam intercutem,

    Cic. Off. 3, 24:

    remedium ad tertianam,

    Petr. Sat. 18:

    munimen ad imbris,

    Verg. G. 2, 352:

    farina cum melle ad tussim siccam efficasissima est,

    Plin. 20, 22, 89, § 243:

    ad muliebre ingenium efficaces preces,

    Liv. 1, 9; 1, 19 (in these two passages ad may have the force of apud, Hand).—
    The repetition of ad to denote the direction to a place and to a person present in it is rare:

    nunc tu abi ad forum ad herum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 100; cf.:

    vocatis classico ad concilium militibus ad tribunos,

    Liv. 5 47.—(The distinction between ad and in is given by Diom. 409 P., thus: in forum ire est in ipsum forum intrare; ad forum autem ire, in locum foro proximum; ut in tribunal et ad tribunal venire non unum est; quia ad tribunal venit litigator, in tribunal vero praetor aut judex; cf. also Sen. Ep. 73, 14, deus ad homines venit, immo, quod propius est, in homines venit.)—
    The terminus, with ref. to the space traversed, to, even to, with or without usque, Quint. 10, 7, 16: ingurgitavit usque ad imum gutturem, Naev. ap. Non. 207, 20 (Rib. Com. Rel. p. 30): dictator pervehitur usque ad oppidum, Naev. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, § 153 Mull. (B. Pun. p. 16 ed. Vahl.):

    via pejor ad usque Baii moenia,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 96; 1, 1, 97:

    rigidum permanat frigus ad ossa,

    Lucr. 1, 355; 1, 969:

    cum sudor ad imos Manaret talos,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 10:

    ut quantum posset, agmen ad mare extenderet,

    Curt. 3, 9, 10:

    laeva pars ad pectus est nuda,

    id. 6, 5, 27 al. —Hence the Plinian expression, petere aliquid (usque) ad aliquem, to seek something everywhere, even with one:

    ut ad Aethiopas usque peteretur,

    Plin. 36, 6, 9, § 51 (where Jan now reads ab Aethiopia); so,

    vestis ad Seras peti,

    id. 12, 1, 1.— Trop.:

    si quid poscam, usque ad ravim poscam,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 5, 10:

    deverberasse usque ad necem,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 13;

    without usque: hic ad incitas redactus,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 136; 4, 2, 52; id. Poen. 4, 2, 85; illud ad incitas cum redit atque internecionem, Lucil. ap. Non. 123, 20:

    virgis ad necem caedi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 29, § 70; so Hor. S. 1, 2, 42; Liv. 24, 38, 9; Tac. A. 11, 37; Suet. Ner. 26; id. Dom. 8 al.
    Nearness or proximity in gen. = apud, near to, by, at, close by (in anteclass. per. very freq.; not rare later, esp. in the historians): pendent peniculamenta unum ad quemque pedum, trains are suspended at each foot, Enn. ap. Non. 149, 33 (Ann. v. 363 ed. Vahl.):

    ut in servitute hic ad suum maneat patrem,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 3, 98;

    3, 5, 41: sol quasi flagitator astat usque ad ostium,

    stands like a creditor continually at the door, id. Most. 3, 2, 81 (cf. with same force, Att. ap. Non. 522, 25;

    apud ipsum astas): ad foris adsistere,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 66; id. Arch. 24:

    astiterunt ad januam,

    Vulg. Act. 10, 17:

    non adest ad exercitum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 6; cf. ib. prol. 133:

    aderant ad spectaculum istud,

    Vulg. Luc. 23, 48: has (testas) e fenestris in caput Deiciunt, qui prope ad ostium adspiraverunt, Lucil. ap. Non. 288, 31:

    et nec opinanti Mors ad caput adstitit,

    Lucr. 3, 959:

    quod Romanis ad manum domi supplementum esset,

    at hand, Liv. 9, 19, 6:

    haec arma habere ad manum,

    Quint. 12, 5, 1:

    dominum esse ad villam,

    Cic. Sull. 20; so id. Verr. 2, 21:

    errantem ad flumina,

    Verg. E. 6, 64; Tib. 1, 10, 38; Plin. 7, 2, § 12; Vitr. 7, 14; 7, 12; and ellipt. (cf. supra, 2. g):

    pecunia utinam ad Opis maneret!

    Cic. Phil. 1, 17.—Even of persons:

    qui primum pilum ad Caesarem duxerat (for apud),

    Caes. B. G. 6, 38; so id. ib. 1, 31; 3, 9; 5, 53; 7, 5; id. B. C. 3, 60:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luent,

    among, Cic. Phil. 14, 13:

    neque segnius ad hostes bellum apparatur,

    Liv. 7, 7, 4: pugna ad Trebiam, ad Trasimenum, ad Cannas, etc., for which Liv. also uses the gen.:

    si Trasimeni quam Trebiae, si Cannarum quam Trasimeni pugna nobilior esset, 23, 43, 4.—Sometimes used to form the name of a place, although written separately, e. g. ad Murcim,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 154:

    villa ad Gallinas, a villa on the Flaminian Way,

    Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 37: ad urbem esse (of generals), to remain outside the city (Rome) until permission was given for a triumph:

    “Esse ad urbem dicebantur, qui cum potestate provinciali aut nuper e provincia revertissent, aut nondum in provinciam profecti essent... solebant autem, qui ob res in provincia gestas triumphum peterent, extra urbem exspectare, donec, lege lata, triumphantes urbem introire possent,”

    Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 3, 8.—So sometimes with names of towns and verbs of rest:

    pons, qui erat ad Genavam,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    ad Tibur mortem patri minatus est,

    Cic. Phil. 6, 4, 10:

    conchas ad Caietam legunt,

    id. Or. 2, 6:

    ad forum esse,

    to be at the market, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 136; id. Most. 3, 2, 158; cf. Ter. Ph. 4, 2, 8; id. And. 1, 5, 19.—Hence, adverb., ad dextram (sc. manum, partem), ad laevam, ad sinistram, to the right, to the left, or on the right, on the left:

    ad dextram,

    Att. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 225; Plaut. Poen. 3, 4, 1; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 44; Cic. Univ. 13; Caes. B. C. 1, 69:

    ad laevam,

    Enn. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 51; Att. ib. p. 217: ad sinistram, Ter. [p. 28] Ad. 4, 2, 43 al.:

    ad dextram... ad laevam,

    Liv. 40, 6;

    and with an ordinal number: cum plebes ad tertium milliarium consedisset,

    at the third milestone, Cic. Brut. 14, 54, esp. freq. with lapis:

    sepultus ad quintum lapidem,

    Nep. Att. 22, 4; so Liv. 3, 69 al.; Tac. H. 3, 18; 4, 60 (with apud, Ann. 1, 45; 3, 45; 15, 60) al.; cf. Rudd. II. p. 287.
    In time, analogous to the relations given in A.
    Direction toward, i. e. approach to a definite point of time, about, toward:

    domum reductus ad vesperum,

    toward evening, Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    cum ad hiemem me ex Cilicia recepissem,

    toward winter, id. Fam. 3, 7.—
    The limit or boundary to which a space of time extends, with and without usque, till, until, to, even to, up to:

    ego ad illud frugi usque et probus fui,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 53:

    philosophia jacuit usque ad hanc aetatem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 3, 5; id. de Sen. 14:

    quid si hic manebo potius ad meridiem,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 55; so id. Men. 5, 7, 33; id. Ps. 1, 5, 116; id. As. 2, 1, 5:

    ad multam noctem,

    Cic. de Sen. 14:

    Sophocles ad summam senectutem tragoedias fecit,

    id. ib. 2; cf. id. Rep. 1, 1:

    Alexandream se proficisci velle dixit (Aratus) remque integram ad reditum suum jussit esse,

    id. Off. 2, 23, 82:

    bestiae ex se natos amant ad quoddam tempus,

    id. Lael. 8; so id. de Sen. 6; id. Somn. Sc. 1 al. —And with ab or ab-usque, to desig. the whole period of time passed away:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8:

    usque ab aurora ad hoc diei,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 8.—
    Coincidence with a point of time, at, on, in, by:

    praesto fuit ad horam destinatam,

    at the appointed hour, Cic. Tusc. 5, 22:

    admonuit ut pecuniam ad diem solverent,

    on the day of payment, id. Att. 16, 16 A:

    nostra ad diem dictam fient,

    id. Fam. 16, 10, 4; cf. id. Verr. 2, 2, 5: ad lucem denique arte et graviter dormitare coepisse, at (not toward) daybreak, id. Div. 1, 28, 59; so id. Att. 1, 3, 2; 1, 4, 3; id. Fin. 2, 31, 103; id. Brut. 97, 313:

    ad id tempus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 24; Sall. J. 70, 5; Tac. A. 15, 60; Suet. Aug. 87; Domit. 17, 21 al.
    The relations of number.
    An approximation to a sum designated, near, near to, almost, about, toward (cf. Gr. epi, pros with acc. and the Fr. pres de, a peu pres, presque) = circiter (Hand, Turs. I. p. 102):

    ad quadraginta eam posse emi minas,

    Plaut. Ep. 2, 2, 111:

    nummorum Philippum ad tria milia,

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 115; sometimes with quasi added:

    quasi ad quadraginta minas,

    as it were about, id. Most. 3, 1, 95; so Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 93:

    sane frequentes fuimus omnino ad ducentos,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 1:

    cum annos ad quadraginta natus esset,

    id. Clu. 40, 110:

    ad hominum milia decem,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 4:

    oppida numero ad duodecim, vicos ad quadringentos,

    id. ib. 1, 5.—In the histt. and post-Aug. authors ad is added adverbially in this sense (contrary to Gr. usage, by which amphi, peri, and eis with numerals retain their power as prepositions): ad binum milium numero utrinque sauciis factis, Sisenn. ap. Non. 80, 4:

    occisis ad hominum milibus quattuor,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 33:

    ad duorum milium numero ceciderunt,

    id. B. C. 3, 53:

    ad duo milia et trecenti occisi,

    Liv. 10, 17, 8; so id. 27, 12, 16; Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Rudd. II. p. 334.—
    The terminus, the limit, to, unto, even to, a designated number (rare):

    ranam luridam conicere in aquam usque quo ad tertiam partem decoxeris,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 26; cf. App. Herb. 41:

    aedem Junonis ad partem dimidiam detegit,

    even to the half, Liv. 42, 3, 2:

    miles (viaticum) ad assem perdiderat,

    to a farthing, to the last farthing, Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 27; Plin. Ep. 1, 15:

    quid ad denarium solveretur,

    Cic. Quint. 4.—The phrase omnes ad unum or ad unum omnes, or simply ad unum, means lit. all to one, i. e. all together, all without exception; Gr. hoi kath hena pantes (therefore the gender of unum is changed according to that of omnes): praetor omnes extra castra, ut stercus, foras ejecit ad unum, Lucil. ap. Non. 394, 22:

    de amicitia omnes ad unum idem sentiunt,

    Cic. Lael. 23:

    ad unum omnes cum ipso duce occisi sunt,

    Curt. 4, 1, 22 al.:

    naves Rhodias afflixit ita, ut ad unam omnes constratae eliderentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 27; onerariae omnes ad unam a nobis sunt exceptae, Cic. Fam. 12, 14 (cf. in Gr. hoi kath hena; in Hebr., Exod. 14, 28).— Ad unum without omnes:

    ego eam sententiam dixi, cui sunt assensi ad unum,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 16:

    Juppiter omnipotens si nondum exosus ad unum Trojanos,

    Verg. A. 5, 687.
    In the manifold relations of one object to another.
    That in respect of or in regard to which a thing avails, happens, or is true or important, with regard to, in respect of, in relation to, as to, to, in.
    With verbs:

    ad omnia alia aetate sapimus rectius,

    in respect to all other things we grow wiser by age, Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 45:

    numquam ita quisquam bene ad vitam fuat,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 1:

    nil ibi libatum de toto corpore (mortui) cernas ad speciem, nil ad pondus,

    that nothing is lost in form or weight, Lucr. 3, 214; cf. id. 5, 570; Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 21, § 58; id. Mur. 13, 29: illi regi Cyro subest, ad immutandi animi licentiam, crudelissimus ille Phalaris, in that Cyrus, in regard to the liberty of changing his disposition (i. e. not in reality, but inasmuch as he is at liberty to lay aside his good character, and assume that of a tyrant), there is concealed another cruel Phalaris, Cic. Rep. 1, 28:

    nil est ad nos,

    is nothing to us, concerns us not, Lucr. 3, 830; 3, 845:

    nil ad me attinet,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 2, 54:

    nihil ad rem pertinet,

    Cic. Caecin. 58;

    and in the same sense elliptically: nihil ad Epicurum,

    id. Fin. 1, 2, 5; id. Pis. 68:

    Quid ad praetorem?

    id. Verr. 1, 116 (this usage is not to be confounded with that under 4.).—
    With adjectives:

    ad has res perspicax,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 129:

    virum ad cetera egregium,

    Liv. 37, 7, 15:

    auxiliaribus ad pugnam non multum Crassus confidebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    ejus frater aliquantum ad rem est avidior,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 51; cf. id. And. 1, 2, 21; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 129:

    ut sit potior, qui prior ad dandum est,

    id. Phorm. 3, 2, 48:

    difficilis (res) ad credendum,

    Lucr. 2, 1027:

    ad rationem sollertiamque praestantior,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 62; so id. Leg. 2, 13, 33; id. Fin. 2, 20, 63; id. Rosc. Am. 30, 85; id. Font. 15; id. Cat. 1, 5, 12; id. de Or. 1, 25, 113; 1, 32, 146; 2, 49, 200; id. Fam. 3, 1, 1; Liv. 9, 16, 13; Tac. A. 12, 54 al.—
    With nouns:

    prius quam tuum, ut sese habeat, animum ad nuptias perspexerit,

    before he knew your feeling in regard to the marriage, Ter. And. 2, 3, 4 (cf. Gr. hopôs echei tis pros ti):

    mentis ad omnia caecitas,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 5, 11:

    magna vis est fortunae in utramque partem vel ad secundas res vel ad adversas,

    id. Off. 2, 6; so id. Par. 1:

    ad cetera paene gemelli,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 3.—So with acc. of gerund instead of the gen. from the same vb.:

    facultas ad scribendum, instead of scribendi,

    Cic. Font. 6;

    facultas ad agendum,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 1, 2: cf. Rudd. II. p. 245.—
    In gramm.: nomina ad aliquid dicta, nouns used in relation to something, i. e. which derive their significance from their relation to another object: quae non possunt intellegi sola, ut pater, mater;

    jungunt enim sibi et illa propter quae intelleguntur,

    Charis. 129 P.; cf. Prisc. 580 ib.—
    With words denoting measure, weight, manner, model, rule, etc., both prop. and fig., according to, agreeably to, after (Gr. kata, pros):

    columnas ad perpendiculum exigere,

    Cic. Mur. 77:

    taleis ferreis ad certum pondus examinatis,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 12: facta sunt ad certam formam. Lucr. 2, 379:

    ad amussim non est numerus,

    Varr. 2, 1, 26:

    ad imaginem facere,

    Vulg. Gen. 1, 26:

    ad cursus lunae describit annum,

    Liv. 1, 19:

    omnia ad diem facta sunt,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 5:

    Id ad similitudinem panis efficiebant,

    id. B. C. 3, 48; Vulg. Gen. 1, 26; id. Jac. 3, 9:

    ad aequos flexus,

    at equal angles, Lucr. 4, 323: quasi ad tornum levantur, to or by the lathe, id. 4, 361:

    turres ad altitudiem valli,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 42; Liv. 39, 6:

    ad eandem crassitudinem structi,

    id. 44, 11:

    ad speciem cancellorum scenicorum,

    with the appearance of, like, Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 8:

    stagnum maris instar, circumseptum aedificiis ad urbium speciem,

    Suet. Ner. 31:

    lascivum pecus ludens ad cantum,

    Liv. Andron. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 1:

    canere ad tibiam,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 2: canere ad tibicinem, id. ib. 1, 2 (cf.:

    in numerum ludere,

    Verg. E. 6, 28; id. G. 4, 175):

    quod ad Aristophanis lucernam lucubravi,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 9 Mull.: carmen castigare ad unguem, to perfection (v. unguis), Hor. A. P. 294:

    ad unguem factus homo,

    a perfect gentleman, id. S. 1, 5, 32 (cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 86):

    ad istorum normam sapientes,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 18; id. Mur. 3:

    Cyrus non ad historiae fidem scriptus, sed ad effigiem justi imperii,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8:

    exercemur in venando ad similitudinem bellicae disciplinae,

    id. N. D. 2, 64, 161: so,

    ad simulacrum,

    Liv. 40, 6:

    ad Punica ingenia,

    id. 21, 22:

    ad L. Crassi eloquentiam,

    Cic. Var. Fragm. 8:

    omnia fient ad verum,

    Juv. 6, 324:

    quid aut ad naturam aut contra sit,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 9, 30:

    ad hunc modum institutus est,

    id. Tusc. 2, 3; Caes. B. G. 2, 31; 3, 13:

    ad eundem istunc modum,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 70:

    quem ad modum, q. v.: ad istam faciem est morbus, qui me macerat,

    of that kind, Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 73; id. Merc. 2, 3, 90; cf.

    91: cujus ad arbitrium copia materiai cogitur,

    Lucr. 2, 281:

    ad eorum arbitrium et nutum totos se fingunt,

    to their will and pleasure, Cic. Or. 8, 24; id. Quint. 71:

    ad P. Lentuli auctoritatem Roma contendit,

    id. Rab. Post. 21:

    aliae sunt legati partes, aliae imperatoris: alter omnia agere ad praescriptum, alter libere ad summam rerum consulere debet,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 51:

    rebus ad voluntatem nostram fluentibus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 26:

    rem ad illorum libidinem judicarunt,

    id. Font. 36:

    ad vulgi opinionem,

    id. Off. 3, 21.—So in later Lat. with instar:

    ad instar castrorum,

    Just. 36, 3, 2:


    App. M. 9, p. 232:


    id. ib. 2, p. 118: ad hoc instar mundi, id. de Mundo, p. 72.—Sometimes, but very rarely, ad is used absol. in this sense (so also very rarely kata with acc., Xen. Hell. 2, 3; Luc. Dial. Deor. 8): convertier ad nos, as we (are turned), Lucr. 4, 317:

    ad navis feratur,

    like ships, id. 4, 897 Munro. —With noun:

    ad specus angustiac vallium,

    like caves, Caes. B. C. 3, 49.—Hence,
    With an object which is the cause or reason, in conformity to which, from which, or for which, any thing is or is done.
    The moving cause, according to, at, on, in consequence of:

    cetera pars animae paret et ad numen mentis momenque movetur,

    Lucr. 3, 144:

    ad horum preces in Boeotiam duxit,

    on their entreaty, Liv. 42, 67, 12: ad ea Caesar veniam ipsique et conjugi et fratribus tribuit, in consequence of or upon this, he, etc., Tac. Ann. 12, 37.—
    The final cause, or the object, end, or aim, for the attainment of which any thing,
    is done,
    is designed, or,
    is fitted or adapted (very freq.), to, for, in order to.
    Seque ad ludos jam inde abhinc exerceant, Pac. ap. Charis. p. 175 P. (Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 80):

    venimus coctum ad nuptias,

    in order to cook for the wedding, Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 15:

    omnis ad perniciem instructa domus,

    id. Bacch. 3, 1, 6; cf. Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 41; Liv. 1, 54:

    cum fingis falsas causas ad discordiam,

    in order to produce dissension, Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 71:

    quantam fenestram ad nequitiam patefeceris,

    id. Heaut. 3, 1, 72:

    utrum ille, qui postulat legatum ad tantum bellum, quem velit, idoneus non est, qui impetret, cum ceteri ad expilandos socios diripiendasque provincias, quos voluerunt, legatos eduxerint,

    Cic. de Imp. Pomp. 19, 57:

    ego vitam quoad putabo tua interesse, aut ad spem servandam esse, retinebo,

    for hope, id. Q. Fr. 1, 4; id. Fam. 5, 17:

    haec juventutem, ubi familiares opes defecerant, ad facinora incendebant,

    Sall. C. 13, 4:

    ad speciem atque ad usurpationem vetustatis,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 12, 31; Suet. Caes. 67:

    paucis ad speciem tabernaculis relictis,

    for appearance, Caes. B. C. 2, 35; so id. ib. 2, 41; id. B. G. 1, 51.—
    Aut equos alere aut canes ad venandum. Ter. And. 1, 1, 30:

    ingenio egregie ad miseriam natus sum,

    id. Heaut. 3, 1, 11;

    (in the same sense: in rem,

    Hor. C. 1, 27, 1, and the dat., Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 6):

    ad cursum equum, ad arandum bovem, ad indagandum canem,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 13, 40:

    ad frena leones,

    Verg. A. 10, 253:

    delecto ad naves milite,

    marines, Liv. 22, 19 Weissenb.:

    servos ad remum,

    rowers, id. 34, 6; and:

    servos ad militiam emendos,

    id. 22, 61, 2:

    comparasti ad lecticam homines,

    Cat. 10, 16:

    Lygdamus ad cyathos,

    Prop. 4, 8, 37; cf.:

    puer ad cyathum statuetur,

    Hor. C. 1, 29, 8.—
    Quae oportet Signa esse [p. 29] ad salutem, omnia huic osse video, everything indicative of prosperity I see in him, Ter. And. 3, 2, 2:

    haec sunt ad virtutem omnia,

    id. Heaut. 1, 2, 33:

    causa ad objurgandum,

    id. And. 1, 1, 123:

    argumentum ad scribendum,

    Cic. Att. 9, 7 (in both examples instead of the gen. of gerund., cf. Rudd. II. p. 245):

    vinum murteum est ad alvum crudam,

    Cato R. R. 125:

    nulla res tantum ad dicendum proficit, quantum scriptio,

    Cic. Brut. 24:

    reliquis rebus, quae sunt ad incendia,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 101 al. —So with the adjectives idoneus, utilis, aptus, instead of the dat.:

    homines ad hanc rem idoneos,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 2, 6:

    calcei habiles et apti ad pedem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 54, 231:

    orator aptus tamen ad dicendum,

    id. Tusc. 1, 3, 5:

    sus est ad vescendum hominibus apta,

    id. N. D. 2, 64, 160:

    homo ad nullam rem utilis,

    id. Off. 3, 6:

    ad segetes ingeniosus ager,

    Ov. F. 4, 684.—(Upon the connection of ad with the gerund. v. Zumpt, § 666; Rudd. II. p. 261.)—
    Comparison (since that with which a thing is compared is considered as an object to which the thing compared is brought near for the sake of comparison), to, compared to or with, in comparison with:

    ad sapientiam hujus ille (Thales) nimius nugator fuit,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 25; id. Trin. 3, 2, 100:

    ne comparandus hic quidem ad illum'st,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 14; 2, 3, 69:

    terra ad universi caeli complexum,

    compared with the whole extent of the heavens, Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 40:

    homini non ad cetera Punica ingenia callido,

    Liv. 22, 22, 15:

    at nihil ad nostram hanc,

    nothing in comparison with, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 70; so Cic. Deiot. 8, 24; and id. de Or. 2, 6, 25.
    Adverbial phrases with ad.
    Ad omnia, withal, to crown all:

    ingentem vim peditum equitumque venire: ex India elephantos: ad omnia tantum advehi auri, etc.,

    Liv. 35, 32, 4.—
    Ad hoc and ad haec (in the historians, esp. from the time of Livy, and in authors after the Aug. per.), = praeterea, insuper, moreover, besides, in addition, epi toutois:

    nam quicumque impudicus, adulter, ganeo, etc.: praeterea omnes undique parricidae, etc.: ad hoc, quos manus atque lingua perjurio aut sanguine civili alebat: postremo omnes, quos, etc.,

    Sall. C. 14, 2 and 3:

    his opinionibus inflato animo, ad hoc vitio quoque ingenii vehemens,

    Liv. 6, 11, 6; 42, 1, 1; Tac. H. 1, 6; Suet. Aug. 22 al.—
    Ad id quod, beside that (very rare):

    ad id quod sua sponte satis conlectum animorum erat, indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur,

    Liv. 3, 62, 1; so 44, 37, 12.—
    Ad tempus.
    At a definite, fixed time, Cic. Att. 13, 45; Liv. 38, 25, 3.—
    At a fit, appropriate time, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 54, § 141; Liv. 1, 7, 13.—
    For some time, for a short time, Cic. Off. 1, 8, 27; id. Lael. 15, 53; Liv. 21, 25, 14.—
    According to circumstances, Cic. Planc. 30, 74; id. Cael. 6, 13; Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 9.—
    Ad praesens (for the most part only in post-Aug. writers).
    For the moment, for a short time, Cic. Fam. 12, 8; Plin. 8, 22, 34; Tac. A. 4, 21.—
    At present, now, Tac. A. 16, 5; id. H. 1, 44.—So, ad praesentiam, Tac. A. 11, 8.—
    Ad locum, on the spot:

    ut ad locum miles esset paratus,

    Liv. 27, 27, 2.—
    Ad verbum, word for word, literally, Cic. Fin. 1, 2, 4; id. de Or. 1, 34, 157; id. Ac. 2, 44, 135 al.—
    Ad summam.
    On the whole, generally, in general, Cic. Fam. 14, 14, 3; id. Att. 14, 1; Suet. Aug. 71.—
    In a word, in short, Cic. Off. 1, 41, 149; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 106. —
    Ad extremum, ad ultimum, ad postremum.
    At the end, finally, at last.
    Of place, at the extremity, extreme point, top, etc.:

    missile telum hastili abiegno et cetera tereti, praeterquam ad extremum, unde ferrum exstabat,

    Liv. 21, 8, 10.—
    Of time = telos de, at last, finally:

    ibi ad postremum cedit miles,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 52; so id. Poen. 4, 2, 22; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 89; id. Phil. 13, 20, 45; Caes. B. G. 7, 53; Liv. 30, 15, 4 al.— Hence,
    of order, finally, lastly, = denique: inventa componere; tum ornare oratione; post memoria sepire;

    ad extremum agere cum dignitate,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142.—
    In Liv., to the last degree, quite: improbus homo, sed non ad extremum perditus, 23, 2, 3; cf.:

    consilii scelerati, sed non ad ultimum dementis,

    id. 28, 28, 8.—
    Quem ad finem? To what limit? How far? Cic. Cat. 1, 1; id. Verr. 5, 75.—
    Quem ad modum, v. sub h. v.
    Ad (v. ab, ex, in, etc.) is not repeated like some other prepositions with interrog. and relative pronouns, after nouns or demonstrative pronouns:

    traducis cogitationes meas ad voluptates. Quas? corporis credo,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 17, 37 (ubi v. Kuhner).—
    Ad is sometimes placed after its substantive:

    quam ad,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 39:

    senatus, quos ad soleret, referendum censuit,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 4:

    ripam ad Araxis,

    Tac. Ann. 12, 51;

    or between subst. and adj.: augendam ad invidiam,

    id. ib. 12, 8.—
    The compound adque for et ad (like exque, eque, and, poet., aque) is denied by Moser, Cic. Rep. 2, 15, p. 248, and he reads instead of ad humanitatem adque mansuetudinem of the MSS., hum. atque mans. But adque, in acc. with later usage, is restored by Hand in App. M. 10, p. 247, adque haec omnia oboediebam for atque; and in Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 9, utroque vorsum rectum'st ingenium meum, ad se adque illum, is now read, ad te atque ad illum (Fleck., Brix).
    In composition.
    Form. According to the usual orthography, the d of the ad remains unchanged before vowels, and before b, d, h, m, v: adbibo, adduco, adhibeo, admoveo, advenio; it is assimilated to c, f, g, l, n, p, r, s, t: accipio, affigo, aggero, allabor, annumero, appello, arripio, assumo, attineo; before g and s it sometimes disappears: agnosco, aspicio, asto: and before qu it passes into c: acquiro, acquiesco.—But later philologists, supported by old inscriptions and good MSS., have mostly adopted the following forms: ad before j, h, b, d, f, m, n, q, v; ac before c, sometimes, but less well, before q; ag and also ad before g; a before gn, sp, sc, st; ad and also al before l; ad rather than an before n; ap and sometimes ad before p; ad and also ar before r; ad and also as before s; at and sometimes ad before t. In this work the old orthography has commonly been retained for the sake of convenient reference, but the better form in any case is indicated.—
    Signif. In English up often denotes approach, and in many instances will give the force of ad as a prefix both in its local and in its figurative sense.
    To, toward: affero, accurro, accipio ( to one's self).—
    At, by: astare, adesse.—
    On, upon, against: accumbo, attero.—
    Up (cf. de- = down, as in deicio, decido): attollo, ascendo, adsurgo.—
    To: adjudico, adsentior.—
    At or on: admiror, adludo.—
    Denoting conformity to, or comparison with: affiguro, adaequo.—
    Denoting addition, increase (cf. ab, de, and ex as prefixes to denote privation): addoceo, adposco.—
    Hence, denoting intensity: adamo, adimpleo, aduro, and perhaps agnosco.—
    Denoting the coming to an act or state, and hence commencement: addubito, addormio, adquiesco, adlubesco, advesperascit. See more upon this word in Hand, Turs. I. pp. 74-134.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ad

  • 19 volo

    vŏlo (2 d pers. sing. vis, orig. veis, Prisc. 9, 1, 6, p. 847 P.; 1 st pers. plur. volumus, but volimus, Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 89 Speng.; 3 d pers. sing. volt, and 2 d pers. plur. voltis always in ante-class. writers;

    also volt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 17, § 42; 2, 5, 49, § 128; id. Sest. 42, 90; id. Phil. 8, 9, 26; id. Par. 5, 1, 34; id. Rep. 3, 33, 45:


    id. Verr. 2, 3, 53, § 122; 2, 3, 94, § 219; 2, 5, 5, § 11; 2, 3, 89, § 208; id. Clu. 30, 83; id. Rab. Perd. 12, 33; id. Sest. 30, 64; id. Par. 1, 2, 11 et saep. — Pres. subj. velim, but sometimes volim, Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 44 Ritschl; cf. Prisc. 9, 1, 8, p. 848 P.;

    so volint,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 65 Ritschl), velle, volui ( part. fut. voliturus, Serv. ad Verg. A. 5, 712; contr. forms, vin for visne, freq. in Plaut. and Ter., also Hor. S. 1, 9, 69; Pers. 6, 63:

    sis for si vis,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 70; id. Merc. 4, 4, 37; id. Pers. 3, 3, 8; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20; id. Heaut. 1, 2, 38; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42; id. Rosc. Am. 16, 48; id. Mil. 22, 60; Liv. 34, 32, 20:

    sultis for si voltis, only ante-class.,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 8; id. As. prol. 1; id. Capt. 2, 3, 96; 3, 5, 9; 4, 4, 11), v. irreg. a. [Sanscr. var-; Gr. bol-, boulomai; cf. the strengthened root Wel- in eeldomai, elpomai; Germ. wollen; Engl. will], expressing any exercise of volition, and corresponding, in most cases, to the Germ. wollen; in Engl. mostly rendered, to wish, want, intend, purpose, propose, be willing, consent, mean, will, and, impersonally, it is my will, purpose, intention, plan, policy (syn.: cupio, opto; but volo properly implies a purpose).
    In gen.
    With object-infinitive.
    With pres. inf.
    To wish.
    Exire ex urbe priusquam luciscat volo, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 35:

    potare ego hodie tecum volo,

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 33:

    ego quoque volo esse liber: nequiquam volo,

    id. Trin. 2, 4, 39; so id. ib. 2, 4, 164:

    ait rem seriam agere velle mecum,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 8:

    natus enim debet quicunque est velle manere In vita,

    Lucr. 5, 177:

    video te alte spectare et velle in caelum migrare,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 34, 82:

    quid poetae? Nonne post mortem nobilitari volunt?

    id. ib. 1, 15, 34:

    si innocentes existimari volumus,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 28:

    quoniam opinionis meae voluistis esse participes,

    id. de Or. 1, 37, 172:

    quod eas quoque nationes adire et regiones cognoscere volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    si velit suos recipere, obsides sibi remittat,

    id. ib. 3, 8 fin.:

    dominari illi volunt, vos liberi esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 23:

    si haec relinquere voltis,

    id. C. 58, 15:

    priusquam liberi estis, dominari jam in adversarios vultis,

    Liv. 3, 53, 7:

    si quis vestrum suos invisere volt, commeatum do,

    id. 21, 21, 5:

    non enim vincere tantum noluit, sed vinci voluit,

    id. 2, 59, 2:

    suspitionem Caesar quibusdam reliquit, neque voluisse se diutius vivere, neque curasse,

    Suet. Caes. 85:

    Eutrapelus cuicunque nocere volebat, Vestimenta dabat pretiosa,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 31.—
    Idiomatically: quid arbitramini Rheginos merere velle ut ab iis marmorea illa Venus auferatur? what do you think the Rhegini would take for, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 60, § 135.—
    Transf., of things: fabula quae posci vult et spectata reponi, a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demand, etc., Hor. A. P. 190:

    neque enim aut hiare semper vocalibus aut destitui temporibus volunt sermo atque epistula,

    Quint. 9, 4, 20; cf. id. 8, prooem. 23.—
    Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will:

    in acdibus quid tibi meis erat negoti...? Volo scire,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 14; 3, 2, 17; 3, 2, 18; 3, 6, 27; id. Curc. 4, 3, 11; id. Ep. 3, 4, 74; id. Mil. 2, 3, 74; 3, 1, 17; id. Stich. 1, 2, 56; Ter. And. 1, 2, 9; 4, 2, 17:

    maxima voce clamat populus, neque se uni, nec paucis velle parere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55:

    consuesse deos immortalis, quos pro scelere eorum ulcisci velint, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 13:

    hic experiri vim virtutemque volo,

    Liv. 23, 45, 9.—
    = in animo habere, to intend, purpose, mean, design:

    ac volui inicere tragulam in nostrum senem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 4, 14:

    eadem quae illis voluisti facere tu, faciunt tibi,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 11; so id. Most. 2, 2, 5:

    puerumque clam voluit exstinguere,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 23:

    necare candem voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31: quid enim ad illum qui te captare vult, utrum [p. 2005] tacentem te irretiat an loquentem? id. Ac. 2, 29, 94:

    hostis hostem occidere volui,

    Liv. 2, 12, 9; 7, 34, 11: volui interdiu eum... occidere; volui, cum ad cenam invitavi, veneno scilicet tollere;

    volui... ferro interficere (ironically),

    id. 40, 13, 2:

    tuum crimen erit, hospitem occidere voluisse,

    the intention to kill your guest-friend, Val. Max. 5, 1, 3 fin.; 6, 1, 8:

    non enim vult mori, sed invidiam filio facere,

    Quint. 9, 2, 85.—

    Pregn., opp. optare: non vult mori qui optat,

    Sen. Ep. 117, 24:

    sed eo die is, cui dare volueram (epistulam), non est profectus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 7, 1:

    cum de senectute vellem aliquid scribere,

    id. Sen. 1, 2:

    ego te volui castigare, tu mihi accussatrix ades,

    Plaut. As. 3, 1, 10:

    bonus volo jam ex hoc die esse,

    id. Pers. 4, 3, 10:

    ego jam a principio amici filiam, Ita ut aequom fuerat, volui uxorem ducere,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 46:

    at etiam eo negotio M. Catonis splendorem maculare voluerunt,

    it was their purpose, Cic. Sest. 28, 60:

    eum (tumulum) non tam capere sine certamine volebat, quam causam certaminis cum Minucio contrahere,

    his plan was, Liv. 22, 28, 4.—Of things:

    cum lex venditionibus occurrere voluit,

    when it was the purpose of the law, Dig. 46, 1, 46: sed quid ea drachuma facere vis? Ca. Restim volo Mihi emere... qui me faciam pensilem, Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 87: Ch. Revorsionem ad terram faciunt vesperi. Ni. Aurum hercle auferre voluere, id. Bacch. 2, 3, 63:

    si iis qui haec omnia flamma ac ferro delere voluerunt... bellum indixi, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 10, 24:

    (plebem) per caedem senatus vacuam rem publicam tradere Hannibali velle,

    Liv. 23, 2, 7:

    rem Nolanam in jus dicionemque dare voluerat Poeno,

    id. 23, 15, 9: qui (majores nostri) tanta cura Siculos tueri ac retinere voluerunt ut, etc., whose policy it was to protect, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 6, § 14:

    ut qui a principio mitis omnibus Italicis praeter Romanos videri vellet, etc.,

    Liv. 23, 15, 4: idem istuc, si in vilitate largiri voluisses, derisum tuum beneficium esset, if you had offered to grant the same thing during low prices, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 92, § 215.—
    = studere, conari, to try, endeavor, attempt:

    quas (i. e. magnas res) qui impedire vult, is et infirmus est mobilisque natura, et, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 75:

    nam si quando id (exordium) primum invenire volui, nullum mihi occurrit, nisi aut exile, aut, etc.,

    id. Or. 2, 77, 315:

    de Antonio dico, numquam illum... nonnullorum de ipso suspitionem infitiando tollere voluisse,

    that he never attempted to remove, id. Sest. 3, 8; id. Div. 1, 18, 35:

    audes Fatidicum fallere velle deum?

    do you dare attempt? Ov. F. 2, 262.—
    To mean, of actions and expressions:

    hic respondere voluit, non lacessere,

    the latter meant to answer, not to provoke, Ter. Phorm. prol. 19:

    non te judices urbi sed carceri reservarunt, neque to retinere in civitate, sed exilio privare voluerunt,

    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 9.—So, volo dicere, I mean (lit. I intend to say):

    quid aliud volui dicere?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 51:

    volo autem dicere, illud homini longe optimum esse quod ipsum sit optandum per se,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 20, 46.—Often with the acc. illud or id, as a correction: Tr. Specta quam arcte dormiunt. Th. Dormiunt? Tr. Illut quidem ut conivent volui dicere, I mean how they nod, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 145: Py. Quid? bracchium? Ar. Illud dicere volui femur, id. Mil. 1, 1, 27:

    adduxi volui dicere,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 21; id. Am. 1, 1, 233; 1, 1, 235; id. Cas. 2, 6, 14; id. Mil. 3, 2, 7; id. Ps. 3, 2, 54; id. Rud. 2, 4, 9.—
    To be going to: haec argumenta ego aedificiis dixi; nunc etiam volo docere ut homines aedium esse similes arbitremini, now I am going to show how, etc., Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 37: quando bene gessi rem, volo hic in fano supplicare, I am going to worship here, etc., id. Curc. 4, 2, 41:

    nunc quod relicuom restat volo persolvere,

    id. Cist. 1, 3, 40:

    sustine hoc, Penicule, exuvias facere quas vovi volo,

    id. Men. 1, 3, 13:

    sinite me prospectare ne uspiam insidiae sint, consilium quod habere volumus,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 3; id. As. 2, 2, 113; id. Cas. 4, 2, 3; id. Bacch. 1, 1, 61:

    si Prometheus, cum mortalibus ignem dividere vellet, ipse a vicinis carbunculos conrogaret, ridiculus videretur,

    Auct. Her. 4, 6, 9:

    ait se velle de illis HS. LXXX. cognoscere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 23, § 56:

    hinc se recipere cum vellent, rursus illi ex loco superiore nostros premebant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45. —
    To be about to, on the point of: quom mittere signum Volt, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 88 Vahl.):

    quotiens ire volo foras, retines me, rogitas quo ego eam,

    Plaut. Men. 1, 2, 5:

    quae sese in ignem inicere voluit, prohibui,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 113:

    si scires aspidem latere uspiam, et velle aliquem imprudentem super eam adsidere,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 18, 59; id. Div. 1, 52, 118:

    quod cum facere vellent, intervenit M. Manilius,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    qui cum opem ferre vellet, nuntiatum sibi esse aliam classem ad Aegates insulas stare,

    Liv. 22, 56, 7:

    at Libys obstantes dum vult obvertere remos, In spatium resilire manus breve vidit,

    Ov. M. 3, 676; 1, 635:

    P. Claudius cum proelium navale committere vellet,

    Val. Max. 1, 4, 3.—
    Will, and in oblique discourse and questions would, the auxiliaries of the future and potential: animum advortite: Comediai nomen dari vobis volo, I will give you, etc., Plaut. Cas. prol. 30:

    sed, nisi molestum est, nomen dare vobis volo comediai,

    id. Poen. prol. 50:

    vos ite intro. Interea ego ex hac statua verberea volo erogitare... quid sit factum,

    id. Capt. 5, 1, 30:

    i tu atque arcessi illam: ego intus quod facto est opus volo adcurare,

    id. Cas. 3, 3, 35; id. Cist. 1, 1, 113; id. Most. 1, 1, 63; id. Poen. 2, 44; id. Pers. 1, 3, 85; id. Rud. 1, 2, 33: cum vero (gemitus) nihil imminuat doloris, cur frustra turpes esse volumus? why will ( would) we be disgraceful to no purpose? Cic. Tusc. 2, 24, 57:

    illa enim (ars) te, verum si loqui volumus, ornaverat,

    id. ib. 1, 47, 112:

    ergo, si vere aestimare volumus, etc.,

    Val. Max. 7, 5, 6:

    si vere aestimare Macedonas, qui tunc erant, volumus,

    Curt. 4, 16, 33:

    ejus me compotem facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5:

    visne igitur, dum dies ista venit... interea tu ipse congredi mecum ut, etc....?

    id. 8, 7, 7:

    volo tibi Chrysippi quoque distinctionem indicare,

    Sen. Ep. 9, 14: vis tu homines urbemque feris praeponere silvis? will you prefer, etc., Hor. S. 2, 6, 92; cf. velim and vellem, would, II. A. 2.—
    Sometimes volui = mihi placuit, I resolved, concluded (generally, in this meaning, followed by an infinitive clause, v. I. B. 4.):

    uti tamen tuo consilio volui,

    still I concluded to follow your advice, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 1.—
    To be willing, ready, to consent, like to do something: si sine bello velint rapta... tradere... se exercitum domum reducturum, if they were willing, would consent to, would deliver, etc., Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 52:

    is dare volt, is se aliquid posci,

    likes to give, id. As. 1, 3, 29:

    hoc dixit, si hoc de cella concederetur, velle Siculos senatui polliceri frumentum in cellam gratis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 87, § 200:

    ei laxiorem daturos, si venire ad causam dicendam vellet,

    Liv. 39, 17, 2; 5, 36, 4: nemo invenitur qui pecuniam suam dividere velit. Sen. Brev. Vit. 3, 1:

    plerique concessam sibi sub condicione vitam si militare adversus eum vellent, recusarunt,

    Suet. Caes. 68:

    dedere etiam se volebant, si toleranda viris imperarentur,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12.—So with negatives, to be not willing, not to suffer, not to like, not to allow, refuse:

    heri nemo voluit Sostratam intro admittere,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 49:

    cum alter verum audire non vult,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98: a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult, likes least to be surpassed, etc., Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    nihil ex his praeter... accipere voluit,

    refused to accept, Val. Max. 4, 3, 4.—
    To do something voluntarily or intentionally: volo facere = mea voluntate or sponte facio: si voluit accusare, pietati tribuo;

    si jussus est, necessitati,

    if he accused of his own free will, I ascribe it to his filial love, Cic. Cael. 1, 2:

    utrum statuas voluerint tibi statuere, an coacti sint,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 65, § 157:

    de risu quinque sunt quae quaerantur... sitne oratoris risum velle permovere,

    on purpose, id. Or. 2, 58, 235:

    laedere numquam velimus,

    Quint. 6, 3, 28.—So, non velle with inf., to do something unwillingly, with reluctance:

    vivere noluit qui mori non vult,

    who dies with reluctance, Sen. Ep. 30, 10.—
    To be of opinion, think, mean, pretend (rare with inf.; usu. with acc. and inf.; v. B. 8.):

    haec tibi scripsi ut isto ipso in genere in quo aliquid posse vis, te nihil esse cognosceres,

    in which you imagine you have some influence, Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    in hoc homo luteus etiam callidus ac veterator esse vult, quod ita scribit, etc.,

    pretends, means to be, id. Verr. 2, 3, 14, § 35: sed idem Aelius Stoicus esse voluit, orator autem nec studuit um quam, nec fuit, id. Brut. 56, 206:

    Pythago. ras, qui etiam ipse augur esse vellet,

    id. Div. 1, 3, 5.—
    To like, have no objection to, approve of (cf. E. 1. sq.):

    magis eum delectat qui se ait philosophari velle sed paucis: nam omnino haud placere,

    that he liked, had no objection to philosophizing, Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30; v. also II. A.—
    With pres. inf. understood.
    Supplied from a preceding or subsequent clause.
    To wish, it is his will, etc. (cf. 1. a. and b. supra):

    nunc bene vivo et fortunate atque ut volo, i. e. vivere,

    as I wish, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 111: quod diu vivendo multa quae non volt (i. e. videre) videt, Caecil. ap. Cic. Sen. 8, 25:

    proinde licet quotvis vivendo condere saecla,

    Lucr. 3, 1090:

    nec tantum proficiebam quantum volebam,

    Cic. Att. 1, 17, 1:

    tot autem rationes attulit, ut velle (i. e. persuadere) ceteris, sibi certe persuasisse videatur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 21, 49:

    sed liceret, si velint, in Ubiorum finibus considere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 81:

    quo praesidio senatus libere quae vellet decernere auderet,

    id. B. C. 1, 2.—Of things:

    neque chorda sonum reddit quem vult manus et mens,

    Hor. A. P. 348.—
    To choose, be pleased (freq.):

    tum mihi faciat quod volt magnus Juppiter,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 50:

    id repetundi copia est, quando velis,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 7:

    habuit aurum quamdiu voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31:

    rapiebat et asportabat quantum a quoque volebat Apronius,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 12, § 29:

    provincias quas vellet, quibus vellet, venderet?

    id. Sest. 39, 84:

    quotiens ille tibi potestatem facturus sit ut eligas utrum velis,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 45:

    daret utrum vellet subclamatum est,

    Liv. 21, 18, 14:

    senatus consultum factum est ut plebes praeficeret quaestioni quem vellet,

    id. 4, 51, 2:

    saxi materiaeque caedendae unde quisque vellet jus factum,

    id. 5, 55, 3; cf. id. 2, 13, 9; 5, 46, 10; 6, 25, 5; 22, 10, 23; 23, 6, 2; 23, 15, 15; 23, 45, 10; 23, 47, 2;

    26, 21, 11: vicem suam conquestus, quod sibi soli non liceret amicis, quatenus vellet, irasci,

    Suet. Aug. 66:

    at tu quantum vis tolle,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 16.—
    To intend, it is my purpose, etc. (v. 1. c. supra):

    sine me pervenire quo volo,

    let me come to my point, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 44:

    scripsi igitur Aristotelio more, quemadmodum quidem volui, tres libros... de Oratore,

    as I intended, Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ut meliore condicione quam qua ipse vult imitetur homines eos qui, etc.,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 8, 25:

    ego istos posse vincere scio, velle ne scirem ipsi fecerunt,

    Liv. 2, 45, 12. —
    To be willing, to consent, I will (v. 1. h. and l. supra): tu eum orato... St. Sane volo, yes, I will, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 57:

    jube me vinciri. Volo, dum istic itidem vinciatur,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 75:

    patri dic velle (i. e. uxorem ducere),

    that you consent, are willing, Ter. And. 2, 3, 20 (cf.: si vis, II. A. 2, and sis, supra init.).—
    To do something voluntarily (v. 1. m. supra):

    tu selige tantum, Me quoque velle velis, anne coactus amem,

    Ov. Am. 3, 11, 50.—
    With ellipsis of inf.
    Volo, with a designation of place, = ire volo:

    nos in Formiano morabamur, quo citius audiremus: deinde Arpinum volebamus,

    I intended to go to Arpinum, Cic. Att. 9, 1, 3:

    volo mensi Quinctili in Graeciam,

    id. ib. 14, 7, 2:

    hactenus Vitellius voluerat (i. e. procedere),

    Tac. A. 12, 42 fin.
    With other omissions, supplied from context: volo Dolabellae valde desideranti, non reperio quid (i. e. to dedicate some writing to him), Cic. Att. 13, 13, 2.—
    In mal. part., Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 7; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 16; 2. 19, 2; Prop. 1, 13, 36.—
    With perfect infinitive active (rare).
    In negative imperative sentences dependent on ne velis, ne velit (in oblique discourse also ne vellet), where ne velis has the force of noli. The perfect infinitive emphatically represents the action as completed (ante-class. and poet.).
    In ancient ordinances of the Senate and of the higher officers (not in laws proper): NEIQVIS EORVM BACANAL HABVISE VELET... BACAS VIR NEQVIS ADIESE VELET CEIVIS ROMANVS... NEVE PECVNIAM QVISQVAM EORVM COMOINEM HABVISE VELET... NEVE... QVIQVAM FECISE VELET. NEVE INTER SED CONIOVRASE, NEVE COMVOVISE NEVE CONSPONDISE, etc., S. C. de Bacch. 4-13 ap. Wordsworth, Fragm. and Spec. p. 172.—So, in quoting such ordinances: per totam Italiam edicta mitti ne quis qui Bacchis initiatus esset, coisse aut convenisse causa sacrorum velit. [p. 2006] neu quid talis rei divinae fecisse, Liv. 39, 14, 8:

    edixerunt ne quis quid fugae causa vendidisse neve emisse vellet,

    id. 39, 17, 3. —
    In imitation of official edicts: (vilicus) ne quid emisse velit insciente domino, neu quid domino celasse velit, the overseer must not buy any thing, etc., Cato, R. R. 5, 4:

    interdico, ne extulisse extra aedis puerum usquam velis,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 48:

    oscula praecipue nulla dedisse velis (= noli dare),

    Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38:

    ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atride, vetas? Cur?

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 187.—
    In affirmative sentences, implying command (in any mood or tense; mostly poet.): neminem nota strenui aut ignavi militis notasse volui, I have decided to mark no one, etc., Liv. 24, 16, 11: quia pepercisse vobis volunt, committere vos cur pereatis non patiuntur, because they have decided to spare you, etc., id. 32, 21, 33:

    sunt delicta tamen quibus ignovisse velimus (= volumus),

    which should be pardoned, Hor. A. P. 347.—
    To represent the will as referring to a completed action.
    In optative sentences with vellem or velim, v. II. B. 5. b. a, and II. C. 1. b.—
    In other sentences ( poet. and post-class.): ex omnibus praediis ex quibus non hac mente recedimus ut omisisse possessionem velimus, with the will to abandon (omittere would denote the purpose to give up at some future time), Dig. 43, 16, 1, § 25; so,

    an erit qui velle recuset Os populi meruisse?

    Pers. 1, 41:

    qui me volet incurvasse querela,

    id. 1, 91.
    With acc. and inf.
    To wish (v. A. 1. a.).
    With a different subject: hoc volo scire te: Perditus sum miser, I wish you to know, etc., Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 46:

    deos volo consilia vostra vobis recte vortere,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 31:

    emere oportet quem tibi oboedire velis,

    id. Pers. 2, 4, 2:

    scin' quid nunc te facere volo?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 85:

    si perpetuam vis esse adfinitatem hanc,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 10:

    consul ille egit eas res quarum me participem esse voluit,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 17, 41:

    vim volumus exstingui: jus valeat necesse est,

    id. Sest. 42, 92:

    nec mihi hunc errorem extorqueri volo,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    hoc te scire volui,

    id. Att. 7, 18, 4:

    harum causarum fuit justissima quod Germanos suis quoque rebus timere voluit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 16:

    ut equites qui salvam esse rempublicam vellent ex equis desilirent,

    Liv. 4, 38, 2:

    si me vivere vis recteque videre valentem,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 3:

    si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi,

    id. A. P. 102.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    regnari tamen omnes volebant,

    that there should be a king, Liv. 1, 17, 3:

    mihi volo ignosci,

    I wish to be pardoned, Cic. Or. 1, 28, 130:

    volt sibi quisque credi,

    Liv. 22, 22, 14. —
    With the same subject.
    With inf. act.:

    quae mihi est spes qua me vivere velim,

    what hope have I, that I should wish to live? Plaut. Rud. 1, 3, 33:

    volo me placere Philolachi,

    id. Most. 1, 3, 11; cf. id. Trin. 2, 2, 47; id. Rud. 2, 6, 1:

    judicem esse me, non doctorem volo,

    Cic. Or. 33, 117:

    vult, credo, se esse carum suis,

    id. Sen. 20, 73; so id. Off. 1, 31, 113; id. de Or. 1, 24, 112; 2, 23, 95. —
    With inf. pass.:

    quod certiorem te vis fieri quo quisque in me animo sit,

    Cic. Att. 11, 13, 1; cf. id. Fam. 1, 9, 18:

    qui se ex his minus timidos existimari volebant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; cf. id. B. C. 2, 29:

    religionis se causa... Bacchis initiari velle,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2:

    Agrippae se nepotem neque credi neque dici volebat,

    Suet. Calig. 22 fin.
    Of the will of superiors, gods, etc. (cf. A. 1. b. supra), I want, it is my will:

    me absente neminem volo intromitti,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 21:

    viros nostros quibus tu voluisti esse nos matres familias,

    id. Stich. 1, 2, 41; id. Most. 1, 4, 2; id. Rud. 4, 5, 9; id. Trin. 1, 2, 1:

    pater illum alterum (filium) secum omni tempore volebat esse,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 15, 42:

    (deus) quinque reliquis motibus orbem esse voluit expertem,

    id. Univ. 10; cf. id. Sest. 69, 147; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 57; 1, 5, 14:

    causa mittendi fuit quod iter per Alpes... patefieri volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 1; cf. id. ib. 5, 9; id. B. C. 1, 4:

    quippe (senatus) foedum hominem a republica procul esse volebat,

    Sall. C. 19, 2:

    nec (di) patefieri (crimina) ut impunita essent, sed ut vindicarentur voluerunt,

    Liv. 39, 16, 11; cf. id. 1, 56, 3; 2, 28, 5; 25, 32, 6:

    senatus... Romano sanguini pudicitiam tutam esse voluit,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, 9; cf. id. 6, 9, 2.—So in the historians: quid fieri vellet (velit), after a verbum imperandi or declarandi, he gave his orders, explained his will:

    quid fieri velit praecipit,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 56:

    ibi quid fieri vellet imperabat,

    id. ib. 7, 16:

    quid fieri vellet ostendit,

    id. ib. 7, 27:

    quae fieri vellet edocuit,

    id. B. C. 3, 108; cf. id. B. G. 7, 45; id. B. C. 3, 78; 3, 89:

    quid fieri vellet edixit,

    Curt. 8, 10, 30; 4, 13, 24; Val. Max. 7, 4, 2.— Frequently majores voluerunt, it was the will of our ancestors, referring to ancient customs and institutions:

    sacra Cereris summa majores nostri religione confici caerimoniaque voluerunt,

    Cic. Balb. 24, 55: majores vestri ne vos quidem temere coire voluerunt, cf. id. ib. 17, 39; 23, 54; id. Agr. 2, 11, 26; id. Fl. 7, 15; id. Imp. Pomp. 13, 39; id. Div. 1, 45, 103; id. Font. 24, 30 (10, 20); id. Rosc. Am. 25, 70.—Of testamentary dispositions: cum Titius, heres meus, mortuus erit, volo hereditatem meam ad P. Mevium pertinere, Gai Inst. 2, 277. Except in the institution of the first heir: at illa (institutio) non est comprobata: Titum heredem esse volo, Gai Inst. 2, 117. —
    Of the intention of a writer, etc., to want, to mean, intend:

    Asinariam volt esse (nomen fabulae) si per vos licet,

    Plaut. As. prol. 12:

    Plautus hanc mihi gnatam esse voluit Inopiam,

    has wanted Poverty to be my daughter, made her my daughter, id. Trin. prol. 9:

    primumdum huic esse nomen Diphilus Cyrenas voluit,

    id. Rud. prol. 33:

    quae ipsi qui scripserunt voluerunt vulgo intellegi,

    meant to be understood by all, Cic. Or. 2, 14, 60:

    si non hoc intellegi volumus,

    id. Fat. 18, 41:

    quale intellegi vult Cicero cum dicit orationem suam coepisse canescere,

    Quint. 11, 1, 31; so id. 9, 4, 82; 9, 3, 9:

    quamquam illi (Prometheo) quoque ferreum anulum dedit antiquitas vinculumque id, non gestamen, intellegi voluit,

    Plin. 33, 1, 4, § 8.—
    To resolve:

    Siculi... me defensorem calamitatum suarum... esse voluerunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    si a me causam hanc vos (judices) agi volueritis,

    if you resolve, id. ib. 8, 25:

    senatus te voluit mihi nummos, me tibi frumentum dare,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    qua (statua) abjecta, basim tamen in foro manere voluerunt,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 66, §

    160: liberam debere esse Galliam quam (senatus) suis legibus uti voluisset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 45:

    tu Macedonas tibi voluisti genua ponere, venerarique te ut deum,

    Curt. 8 (7), 13.— Hence,
    To order, command: erus meus tibi me salutem multam voluit dicere, has ordered me, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 2, 25:

    montem quem a Labieno occupari voluerit,

    which he had ordered to be occupied, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    ibi futuros esse Helvetios ubi eos Caesar... esse voluisset,

    id. ib. 1, 13 (for velitis jubeatis with inf.-clause, v. II. B. 5. d.).—
    To consent, allow (cf. A. 1. I.):

    obtinuere ut (tribuni) tribuniciae potestatis vires salubres vellent reipublicae esse,

    they prevailed upon them to permit the tribunitian power to be wholesome to the republic, Liv. 2, 44, 5:

    Hiero tutores... puero reliquit quos precatus est moriens ut juvenum suis potissimum vestigiis insistere vellent,

    id. 24, 4, 5:

    petere ut eum... publicae etiam curae ac velut tutelae vellent esse (i. e. senatus),

    id. 42, 19, 5:

    orare tribunos ut uno animo cum consulibus bellum ab urbe ac moenibus propulsari vellent,

    id. 3, 69, 5:

    quam superesse causam Romanis cur non... incolumis Syracusas esse velint?

    id. 25, 28, 8:

    si alter ex heredibus voluerit rem a legatario possideri, alter non, ei qui noluit interdictum competet,

    Dig. 43, 3, 1, § 15.—So negatively = not to let, not to suffer:

    cum P. Attio agebant ne sua pertinacia omnium fortunas perturbari vellet,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 36.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, to require, demand:

    voluisti enim in suo genere unumquemque... esse Roscium,

    Cic. Or. 1, 61, 258: eos exercitus quos contra se multos jam annos aluerint velle dimitti, he demanded the disbanding of, etc., Caes. B. C. 1, 85:

    (Cicero) vult esse auctoritatem in verbis,

    Quint. 8, 3, 43:

    vult esse Celsus aliquam et superiorem compositionem,

    id. 9, 4, 137:

    si tantum irasci vis sapientem quantum scelerum indignitas exigit,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 9, 4. —
    To be of opinion that something is or was, = censere, dicere, but implying that the opinion is erroneous or doubtful, usu. in the third pers., sometimes in the second.
    To imagine, consider:

    est genus hominum qui esse se primos omnium rerum volunt, Nec sunt,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 17:

    semper auget adsentator id quod is cujus ad voluntatem dicitur vult esse magnum,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98:

    si quis patricius, si quis—quod illi volunt invidiosius esse—Claudius diceret,

    Liv. 6, 40, 13.—
    To be of opinion, to hold:

    vultis, opinor, nihil esse... in natura praeter ignem,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 14, 36:

    volunt illi omnes... eadem condicione nasci,

    id. Div. 2, 44, 93:

    vultis evenire omnia fato,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 24:

    alteri censent, etc., alteri volunt a rebus fatum omne relegari,

    id. Fat. 19, 45:

    vultis a dis immortalibus hominibus dispertiri somnia,

    id. N. D. 3, 39, 93; id. Tusc. 1, 10, 20; id. Fin. 3, 11, 36; id. Rep. 2, 26, 48:

    volunt quidam... iram in pectore moveri effervescente circa cor sanguine,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 19, 3.—
    To say, assert:

    si tam familiaris erat Clodiae quam tu esse vis,

    as you say he is, Cic. Cael. 21, 53:

    sit sane tanta quanta tu illam esse vis,

    id. Or. 1, 55, 23:

    ad pastum et ad procreandi voluptatem hoc divinum animal procreatum esse voluerunt: quo nihil mihi videtur esse absurdius,

    id. Fin. 2, 13, 40; 2, 17, 55; 2, 42, 131; 2, 46, 142; id. Fat. 18, 41.—With perf. inf.:

    Rhodi ego non fui: me vult fuisse,

    Cic. Planc. 34, 84.—
    To pretend, with perf. inf., both subjects denoting the same person:

    unde homines dum se falso terrore coacti Effugisse volunt, etc.,

    Lucr. 3, 69 (cf. A. 1. n. supra).—
    To mean, with perf. inf.:

    utrum scientem vultis contra foedera fecisse, an inscientem?

    Cic. Balb. 5, 13.— With pres. inf.:

    quam primum istud, quod esse vis?

    what do you mean by as soon as possible? Sen. Ep. 117, 24.—
    Rarely in the first pers., implying that the opinion is open to discussion:

    ut et mihi, quae ego vellem non esse oratoris, concederes,

    what according to my opinion is not the orator's province, Cic. Or. 1, 17, 74.—
    In partic.
    With things as subjects.
    Things personified:

    ne res publica quidem haec pro se suscipi volet,

    would have such things done for it, Cic. Off. 1, 45, 159:

    cui tacere grave sit, quod homini facillimum voluerit esse natura,

    which nature willed should be easiest for man, Curt. 4, 6, 6: fortuna Q. Metellum... nasci in urbe terrarum principe voluit, fate ordained that, etc., Val. Max. 7, 1, 1: nihil rerum ipsa natura voluit magnum effici cito, it is the law of nature that, etc., Quint. 10, 3, 4:

    quid non ingenio voluit natura licere?

    what license did nature refuse to genius? Mart. 8, 68, 9:

    me sine, quem semper voluit fortuna jacere,

    Prop. 1, 6, 25:

    hanc me militiam fata subire volunt,

    id. 1, 6, 30.—
    Of laws, to provide:

    duodecim tabulae nocturnum furem... interfici impune voluerunt,

    Cic. Mil. 3, 9:

    lex duodecim tabularum tignum aedibus junctum... solvi prohibuit, pretiumque ejus dari voluit,

    Dig. 46, 3, 98, § 8 fin. (cf. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21, b. a, infra).—
    With perf. pass. inf., to represent a state or result wished for.
    The inf. being in full, with esse expressed: si umquam quemquam di immortales voluere esse auxilio adjutum, tum me et Calidorum servatum volunt, if it ever was the will of the gods that any one should be assisted, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 1, 1: Corinthum patres vestri, totius Graeciae lumen, exstinctum esse voluerunt, it was their will that Corinth should be ( and remain) destroyed, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 5, 11:

    nostri... leges et jura tecta esse voluerunt,

    id. Or. 1, 59, 253:

    propter eam partem epistulae tuae per quam te et mores tuos purgatos et probatos esse voluisti,

    id. Att. 1, 17, 7; id. Fin. 4, 27, 76; id. de Or. 1, 51, 221:

    daturum se operam ne cujus suorum popularium mutatam secum fortunam esse vellent,

    Liv. 21, 45, 6: for velle redundant in this construction, v. II. A. 2. 3. infra.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    sociis maxime lex consultum esse vult,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21.—
    With ellips. of esse (cf. Quint. 9, 3, 9): perdis me tuis dictis. Cu. Imo, servo et servatum volo, and mean that you should remain saved, Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 56:

    aunt qui volum te conventam,

    who want to see you, id. Cist. 4, 2, 39:

    eidem homini, si quid recte cura tum velis, mandes,

    if you want to have anything done well, id. As. 1, 1, 106:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    id. Capt. prol. 53: id nunc res indicium haeo [p. 2007] facit, quo pacto factum volueris, this shows now why you wished this to be done, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 31 (cf. Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33; id. Aul. 3, 5, 30, II. B. 1, b, and II. B. 3. b. infra): domestica cura te levatum volo, I wish to see you relieved, etc., Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 9, 3:

    nulla sedes quo concurrant qui rem publicam defensam velint,

    id. Att. 8, 3, 4:

    rex celatum voluerat (i. e. donum),

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64:

    Hannibal non Capuam neglectam, neque desertos volebat socios,

    Liv. 25, 20, 5; 2, 15, 2; 2, 44, 3; 3, 21, 4; 22, 7, 4;

    26, 31, 6: contemptum hominis quem destructum volebat,

    Quint. 8, 3, 21:

    si te non emptam vellet, emendus erat,

    Ov. Am. 1, 8, 34 (so with velle redundant, v. II. A. 1. d., and II. A. 3. infra).—Both subjects denoting the same person:

    velle Pompeium se Caesari purgatum,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.— Esp., with pass. inf. impers.: alicui consultum velle, to take care for or advocate somebody's interests:

    liberis consultum volumus propter ipsos,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 17, 57:

    obliviscere illum aliquando adversario tuo voluisse consultum,

    id. Att. 16, 16 C, 10:

    quibus tribuni plebis nunc consultum repente volunt,

    Liv. 5, 5, 3; so id. 25, 25, 17:

    quamquam senatus subventum voluit heredibus,

    Dig. 36, 1, 1, § 4; so with dep. part., used passively:

    volo amori ejus obsecutum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 63.—
    With predic. adj., without copula.
    The subjects being different (mostly aliquem salvum velle):

    si me vivum vis, pater, Ignosce,

    if you wish me to live, Ter. Heaut. 5, 5, 7:

    ille, si me alienus adfinem volet, Tacebit,

    id. Phorm. 4, 1, 16:

    ut tu illam salvam magis velis quam ego,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 17; 3, 5, 14:

    quoniam ex tota provincia soli sunt qui te salvum velint,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 67, § 150:

    irent secum extemplo qui rempublicam salvam vellent,

    Liv. 22, 53, 7.—
    Both subjects denoting the same person (virtually = object infinitive):

    in occulto jacebis quom te maxime clarum voles (= clarus esse voles),

    when you will most wish to be famous, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    volo me patris mei similem,

    I wish to be like my father, id. As. 1, 1, 54: ut iste qui se vult dicacem et mehercule est, Appius, who means to be witty, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 60, 246:

    qui vero se populares volunt,

    who mean to be popular, id. Off. 2, 22, 78:

    ut integrum se salvumque velit,

    id. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    ut (omne animal) se et salvum in suo genere incolumeque vellet,

    id. ib. 4, 8, 19. —
    With an inf.-clause understood.
    Velle, to wish: utinam hinc abierit in malam crucem! Ad. Ita nos velle aequom est (ita = eum abire, etc.), Plaut. Poen. 4, 1, 5:

    stulta es, soror, magis quam volo (i.e. te esse),

    id. Pers. 4, 4, 78; id. Trin. 1, 2, 8; 2, 4, 175; id. Stich. 1, 1, 13; id. Ps. 1, 5, 55:

    senatum non quod sentiret, sed quod ego vellem decernere,

    Cic. Mil. 5, 12:

    neque enim facile est ut irascatur cui tu velis judex (= cui tu eum irasci velis),

    id. Or. 2, 45, 190; cf. id. Sest. 38, 82.—
    Referring to the will of superiors, etc.:

    deos credo voluisse, nam ni vellent, non fieret,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46: jamne abeo? St. Volo (sc. te abire), so I will, id. Cas. 2, 8, 57; cf. id. Mil. 4, 6, 12; id. Merc. 2, 3, 33.—
    To mean, intend (v. B. 3.):

    acutum etiam illud est cum ex alterius oratione aliud atque ille vult (sc. te excipere),

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 273.—
    To require, demand (v B. 7.):

    veremur quidem vos, Romani, et, si ita vultis, etiam timemus,

    Liv. 39, 37, 17;

    and of things as subjects: cadentque vocabula, si volet usus (i. e. ea cadere),

    Hor. A. P. 71.—
    To be of opinion, will have (v. B. 8.):

    ergo ego, inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse rei publicae debeo,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 8, 19:

    nam illi regi tolerabili, aut, si voltis, etiam amabili, Cyro,

    id. Rep. 1, 28, 44; id. Fin. 2, 27, 89; 3, 4, 12; id. Cael. 21, 53; Liv. 21, 10, 7; Quint. 2, 17, 41.—
    With ellips. of predic. inf. (v. A. 2. b.): cras de reliquiis nos volo (i. e. cenare), it is my intention that we dine, etc., Plaut. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    volo Varronem (i. e. hos libros habere),

    Cic. Att. 13, 25, 3.
    With ut, ne, or ut ne.
    With ut.
    To wish:

    volo ut quod jubebo facias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 65:

    quia enim id maxime volo ut illi istac confugiant,

    id. Most. 5, 1, 49:

    ut mihi aedes aliquas conducat volo,

    id. Merc. 3, 2, 17: hoc prius volo meam rem agere. Th. Quid id est? Ph. Ut mihi hanc despondeas, id. Curc. 5, 2, 71: quid vis, nisi ut maneat Phanium? Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 8:

    velim ut tibi amicus sit,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 1:

    quare id quoque velim... ut sit qui utamur,

    id. ib. 11, 11, 2:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla... modestiae fructum aliquem percipere potuisset,

    id. Sull. 1, 1:

    equidem vellem uti pedes haberent (res tuae),

    id. Fam. 7, 33, 2:

    his ut sit digna puella volo,

    Mart. 11, 27, 14.—Both subjects denoting the same person: volueram, inquit, ut quam plurimum tecum essem, Brut. ap. Cic. Att. 13, 38, 1.—
    It is the will of, to want, ordain (v. B. 2.):

    at ego deos credo voluisse ut apud te me in nervo enicem,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 17: numquid me vis? Le. Ut valeas, id. Cist. 1, 1, 120: numquid vis? Ps. Dormitum ut abeas, id. Ps. 2, 2, 70:

    volo ut mihi respondeas,

    Cic. Vatin. 6, 14; 7, 17; 7, 18; 9, 21;

    12, 29: nuntia Romanis, caelestes ita velle ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarum sit,

    Liv. 1, 16, 7.—
    To intend, it is the purpose, aim, etc., the two subjects being the same:

    id quaerunt, volunt haec ut infecta faciant,

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 9.—
    With other verbs:

    quod peto et volo parentes meos ut commonstres mihi,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 4, 4:

    quasi vero aut populus Romanus hoc voluerit, aut senatus tibi hoc mandaverit ut... privares,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48;

    with opto,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 48;

    with laboro,

    Liv. 42, 14, 3;

    with aequum censere,

    id. 39, 19, 7.—
    With ne:

    at ne videas velim,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23:

    quid nunc vis? ut opperiare hos sex dies saltem modo, ne illam vendas, neu me perdas, etc.,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 102:

    credibile est hoc voluisse legumlatorem, ne auxilia liberorum innocentibus deessent,

    intended, Quint. 7, 1, 56.—
    With ut ne: quid nunc tibi vis? Mi. Ut quae te cupit, eam ne spernas, Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60.
    With subjunct. of dependent verb (mostly ante-class.; class. and freq. with velim and vellem; but in Cic. mostly epistolary and colloquial).
    To wish:

    ergo animum advortas volo,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 23; 2, 3, 28; 2, 3, 70:

    volo amet me patrem,

    id. As. 1, 1, 63 dub.:

    hoc volo agatis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 83:

    ducas volo hodie uxorem,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 14:

    quid vis faciam?

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 49; Ter. Eun. 5, 8, 24; Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 64; 2, 3, 65; 2, 6, 65; 3, 3, 3; id. Ps. 4, 1, 17; 4, 7, 19; id. Cas. 2, 3, 56; id. Capt. 1, 2, 12; id. Poen. 3, 2, 16; id. Pers. 2, 4, 23; id. Rud. 5, 2, 45; 5, 3, 58; id. Stich. 5, 2, 21; Ter. Heaut. 4, 6, 14:

    volo etiam exquiras quam diligentissime poteris quid Lentulus agat?

    Cic. Att. 8, 12, 6:

    Othonem vincas volo,

    id. ib. 13, 29, 2:

    eas litteras volo habeas,

    id. ib. 13, 32, 3:

    visne igitur videamus quidnam sit, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 10, 15: visne igitur descendatur ad Lirim? id. Fragm. ap. Macr. S. 6, 4:

    volo, inquis, sciat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 10, 2.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, demand, require (v. B. 7.): volo enim se efferat in adulescentia fecunditas, I like to see, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 21, 88:

    volo hoc oratori contingat ut, etc.,

    id. Brut. 84, 290.—
    With subj.-clause understood:

    abi atque obsona, propera! sed lepide volo (i. e. obsones),

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 55.
    With object nouns, etc.
    With acc. of a thing.
    With a noun, to want, wish for, like to have:

    voltisne olivas, aut pulmentum, aut capparim?

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 90:

    animo male est: aquam velim,

    id. Am. 5, 1, 6:

    quia videt me suam amicitiam velle,

    id. Aul. 2, 3, 68; so,

    gratiam tuam,

    id. Curc. 2, 3, 52; 2, 3, 56:


    id. ib. 2, 3, 34:


    Ter. And. 4, 2, 14: nullam ego rem umquam in vita mea Volui quin tu in ea re mihi advorsatrix fueris, I never had any wish in my life, etc., id. Heaut. 5, 3, 5: (dixit) velle Hispaniam, he wanted Spain, i. e. as a province, Cic. Att. 12, 7, 1:

    mihi frumento non opus est: nummos volo,

    I want the money, id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    non poterat scilicet negare se velle pacem,

    id. Att. 15, 1 a, 3; cf. id. ib. 13, 32, 2 (v. II. C. 4. infra):

    si amplius obsidum (= plures obsides) vellet, dare pollicentur,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 9 fin.:

    pacem etiam qui vincere possunt, volunt,

    Liv. 7, 40, 18:

    ferunt (eum)... honestum finem voluisse,

    Tac. A. 6, 26:

    cum Scipio veram vellet et sine exceptione victoriam,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12:

    mensae munera si voles secundae, Marcentes tibi porrigentur uvae,

    Mart. 5, 78, 11.—
    Neutr. adjj., denoting things, substantively used: utrum vis opta, dum licet. La. Neutrum volo, Plaut. Ps. 3, 6, 16:

    quorum isti neutrum volunt,

    acknowledge neither, Cic. Fat. 12, 28:

    voluimus quaedam, contendimus... Obtenta non sunt,

    we aspired to certain things, id. Balb. 27, 61:

    restat ut omnes unum velint,

    hold one opinion, id. Marcell. 10, 32:

    si plura velim,

    if I wished for more, Hor. C. 3, 16, 38:

    per quod probemus aliud legislatorem voluisse,

    that the law-giver intended something different, Quint. 7, 6, 8:

    ut putent, aliud quosdam dicere, aliud velle,

    that they say one thing and mean another, id. 9, 2, 85:

    utrum is qui scripsit... voluerit,

    which of the two was meant by the author, id. 7, 9, 15:

    ut nemo contra id quod vult dicit, ita potest melius aliquid velle quam dicit,

    mean better than he speaks, id. 9, 2, 89:

    quis enim pudor omnia velle?

    to desire every thing, Mart. 12, 94, 11.—
    With neutr. demonstr. expressed or understood, to want, intend, aim at, like, will:

    immo faenus: id primum volo,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 64:

    proximum quod sit bono... id volo,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 22:

    nisi ea quae tu vis volo,

    unless my purpose is the same as yours, id. Ep. 2, 2, 82:

    siquidem id sapere'st, velle te id quod non potest contingere,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 83:

    hoc (i. e. otium cum dignitate) qui volunt omnes optimates putantur,

    who aim at this, Cic. Sest. 45, 98:

    privatum oportet in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint,

    id. Off. 1, 34, 124:

    quid est sapientia? Semper idem velle atque idem nolle,

    Sen. Ep. 20, 5:

    pudebit eadem velle quae volueras puer,

    id. ib. 27, 2:

    nec volo quod cruciat, nec volo quod satiat,

    Mart. 1, 57, 4.—With demonstr. in place of inf.-clause:

    hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae (sc. poenas in me sumi),

    Verg. A. 2, 104:

    hoc velit Eurystheus, velit hoc germana Tonantis (sc. verum esse, Herculem, etc.),

    Ov. H. 9, 7; Hor. S. 2, 3, 88.—
    With neutr. of interrog. pron.: quid nunc vis? Am. Sceleste, at etiam quid velim, id tu me rogas? what do you want now? Plaut. Am. 4, 2, 5:

    eloquere quid velis,

    id. Cas. 2, 4, 2: heus tu! Si. Quid vis? id. Ps. 4, 7, 21; so Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 11; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 152:

    sed plane quid velit nescio,

    what his intentions are, Cic. Att. 15, 1 a, 5; id. de Or. 2, 20, 84:

    mittunt etiam ad dominos qui quaerant quid velint,

    to ask for their orders, id. Tusc. 2, 17, 41:

    quid? Si haec... ipsius amici judicarunt? Quid amplius vultis?

    what more do you require, will you have? id. Verr. 2, 3, 65, § 152:

    quid amplius vis?

    Hor. Epod. 17, 30:

    spectatur quid voluerit scriptor,

    we find out the author's intention, Quint. 7, 10, 1.—Sometimes quid vult = quid sibi vult (v. 4. b.), to mean, signify:

    capram illam suspicor jam invenisse... quid voluerit,

    what it signified, Plaut. Merc. 2, 1, 30:

    sed tamen intellego quid velit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 31, 101:

    quid autem volunt ea di immortales significantes quae sine interpretibus non possimus intellegere? etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 25, 54.—Of things as subjects:

    hunc ensem mittit tibi... Et jubet ex merito scire quid iste velit,

    Ov. H. 11, 96.—
    With rel. pron.:

    quod volui, ut volui, impetravi... a Philocomasio,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 5, 1:

    ut quod frons velit oculi sciant,

    that the eyes know what the forehead wants, id. Aul. 4, 1, 13:

    illi quae volo concedere,

    to yield to him my wishes, id. Cas. 2, 3, 49:

    si illud quod volumus dicitur,

    what we like, id. Truc. 1, 2, 95:

    multa eveniunt homini quae volt, quae nevolt,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 84; id. Ep. 2, 2, 4:

    quamquam (litterae tuae) semper aliquid adferunt quod velim,

    Cic. Att. 11, 11, 1:

    quae vellem quaeque sentirem dicendi,

    id. Marcell. 1, 1:

    uti ea quae vellent impetrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31:

    satis animi ad id quod tam diu vellent,

    to carry out what they had desired so long, Liv. 4, 54, 5:

    sed quod volebant non... expediebant,

    their purpose, id. 24, 23, 9. —Idiomatically: quod volo = quod demonstrare volo, what I intend to prove:

    illud quod volumus expressum est, ut vaticinari furor vera soleat,

    Cic. Div. 1, 31, 67:

    bis sumpsit quod voluit,

    he has twice begged the question, id. ib. 2, 52, 107.—With indef. relations:

    cornucopia ubi inest quidquid volo,

    whatever I wish for, Plaut. Ps. 2, 3, 5:

    Caesar de Bruto solitus est dicere: magni refert hic quid velit, sed quidquid volt, valde volt,

    whatever he wills he wills strongly, Cic. Att. 14, 1, 2.—
    With indef. pronn.
    Si quid vis, if you want any thing: illo praesente mecum agito si quid voles, [p. 2008] Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 72: Py. Adeat si quid volt. Pa. Si quid vis, adi, mulier, id. Mil. 4, 2, 47:

    eumque Alexander cum rogaret, si quid vellet, ut diceret,

    id. Or. 2, 66, 266; Caes. B. G. 1, 7 fin.
    Nisi quid vis, unless you wish to give some order, to make some remark, etc.:

    ego eo ad forum nisi quid vis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 94:

    nunc de ratione videamus, nisi quid vis ad haec,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42.—
    Numquid vis or ecquid vis? have you any orders to give? a formula used by inferiors before leaving their superiors; cf. Don. ad Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 39:

    visunt, quid agam, ecquid velim,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 113:

    numquid vis aliud?

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 111; 1, 2, 106; id. Ad. 2, 2, 39; 3, 3, 78; id. Hec. 2, 2, 30:

    numquid vellem rogavit,

    Cic. Att. 6, 3, 6:

    frequentia rogantium num quid vellet,

    Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    rogavit num quid in Sardiniam vellet. Te puto saepe habere qui num quid Romam velis quaerant,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 1.—
    With acc. of the person: aliquem velle.
    To want somebody, i. e. in order to see him, to speak with him (ante-class. and colloq.):

    Demenaetum volebam,

    I wanted, wished to see, Demenoetus, Plaut. As. 2, 3, 12:

    bona femina et malus masculus volunt te,

    id. Cist. 4, 2, 40:

    solus te solum volo,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 70:

    quia non est intus quem ego volo,

    id. Mil. 4, 6, 40:

    hae oves volunt vos,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 24:

    quis me volt? Perii, pater est,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 1:

    centuriones trium cohortium me velle postridie,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 4.—With paucis verbis or paucis, for a few words ( moments):

    volo te verbis pauculis,

    Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 28:

    sed paucis verbis te volo, Palaestrio,

    id. Mil. 2, 4, 22:

    Sosia, Adesdum, paucis te volo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 2.—
    To love, like somebody, to be fond of somebody (anteclass. and poet.):

    hanc volo (= amo),

    Plaut. As. 5, 1, 18:

    sine me amare unum Argyrippum... quem volo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 38:

    quom quae te volt, eamdem tu vis,

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 80:

    aut quae (vitia) corpori' sunt ejus siquam petis ac vis,

    Lucr. 4, 1152:

    quam volui nota fit arte mea,

    Ov. Am. 1, 10, 60: nolo virum, facili redimit qui sanguine famam: hunc volo, laudari qui sine morte potest, I like the one who, etc., Mart. 1, 8, 6.—
    To wish to have:

    roga, velitne an non uxorem,

    whether he wishes to have his wife or not, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 43:

    ut sapiens velit gerere rem publicam, atque... uxorem adjungere, et velle ex ea liberos (anacoluth.),

    Cic. Fin. 3, 20, 68.—

    With two accusatives: (narrato) illam te amare et velle uxorem,

    that you wish to have her as your wife, Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 25; cf. id. Phorm. 1, 2, 65.—
    With two accusatives, of the person and the thing: aliquem aliquid velle, to want something of somebody (cf.: aliquem aliquid rogare; mostly ante-class.;

    not in Cic.): numquid me vis?

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 120:

    face certiorem me quid meus vir me velit,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 1:

    num quidpiam me vis aliud?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 81:

    nunc verba in pauca conferam quid te velim,

    id. As. 1, 1, 74:

    narrabit ultro quid sese velis,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 60:

    quid me voluisti?

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 35:

    numquid aliud me vis?

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 101:

    quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis,

    id. And. 1, 1, 18; Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 85; id. Cist. 2, 3, 49; id. As. 2, 3, 12; id. Merc. 5, 2, 27; id. Pers. 4, 6, 11; Ter. Heaut. 4, 8, 31; id. Phorm. 2, 4, 18; id. Eun. 2, 3, 47; id. Hec. 3, 4, 15:

    si quid ille se velit, illum ad se venire oportere,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 34:

    cum mirabundus quidnam (Taurea) sese vellet, resedisset Flaccus, Me quoque, inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 26, 15, 11; also, I want to speak with somebody (v. 2. a. a):

    paucis, Euclio, est quod te volo,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 22:

    est quod te volo secreto,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 33.—
    With acc. of thing and dat. of the person: aliquid alicui velle, to wish something to somebody (= cupio aliquid alicui; v. cupio;

    rare): quamquam vobis volo quae voltis, mulieres,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 1:

    si ex me illa liberos vellet sibi,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 33:

    praesidium velle se senectuti suae,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 44:

    nihil est mali quod illa non initio filio voluerit, optaverit,

    Cic. Clu. 66, 188:

    rem Romanam huc provectam ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit,

    Tac. A. 12, 11:

    cui ego omnia meritissimo volo et debeo,

    to whom I give and owe my best wishes, Quint. 9, 2, 35.—Esp., in the phrase quid vis (vult) with reflex. dat. of interest, lit. what do you want for yourself?
    Quid tibi vis = quid vis, the dat. being redundant (rare):

    quid aliud tibi vis?

    what else do you want? Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 90.—With quisque:

    haud ita vitam agerent ut nunc plerumque videmus Quid sibi quisque velit nescire,

    be ignorant as to their own aims and purposes, Lucr. 3, 1058.—
    What do you mean? what do you drive at? what is your scope, object, drift (rare in post-Aug. writers; Don. ad Ter. Eun. prol. 45, declares it an archaism).
    In 1 st pers. (rare):

    nunc quid processerim huc, et quid mihi voluerim dicam,

    and what I meant thereby, what was the purpose of my coming, Plaut. As. prol. 6:

    quid mihi volui? quid mihi nunc prodest bona voluntas?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 21, 6.—
    In 2 d pers.:

    quid nunc tibi vis, mulier, memora,

    what is the drift of your talk? Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60: sed quid nunc tibi vis? what do you want to come at (i.e. by your preamble)? id. Poen. 1, 1, 24: quid tu tibi vis? Ego non tangam meam? what do you mean? i. e. what is your purpose? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 28:

    quid tibi vis? quid cum illa rei tibi est?

    id. ib. 4, 7, 34:

    quid est quod sic gestis? quid sibi hic vestitus quaerit? Quid est quod laetus sis? quid tibi vis?

    what do you mean by all this? id. ib. 3, 5, 11:

    quid est, inepta? quid vis tibi? quid rides?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 6:

    quid vis tibi? Quid quaeris?

    id. Heaut. 1, 1, 9: Ph. Fabulae! Ch. Quid vis tibi? id. Phorm. 5, 8, 53:

    roganti ut se in Asiam praefectum duceret, Quid tibi vis, inquit, insane,

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 269; so in 2 d pers. plur.:

    pro deum fidem, quid vobis vultis?

    Liv. 3, 67, 7.—
    In 3 d pers.:

    quid igitur sibi volt pater? cur simulat?

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 1:

    quid hic volt veterator sibi?

    id. ib. 2, 6, 26:

    proinde desinant aliquando me isdem inflare verbis: quid sibi iste vult?... Cur ornat eum a quo desertus est?

    Cic. Dom. 11, 29:

    quid sibi vellet (Caesar)? cur in suas possessiones veniret?

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44 med.:

    conicere in eum oculos, mirantes quid sibi vellet (i. e. by courting the plebeians),

    Liv. 3, 35, 5:

    qui quaererent quid sibi vellent qui armati Aventinum obsedissent,

    id. 3, 50, 15:

    quid sibi voluit providentia quae Aridaeum regno imposuit?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 31, 1: volt, non volt dare Galla mihi, nec dicere possum quod volt et non volt, quid sibi Galla velit, Mart: 3, 90, 2.—
    Transf. of things as subjects, what means, what signifies? quid volt sibi, Syre, haec oratio? Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 2:

    ut pernoscatis quid sibi Eunuchus velit,

    id. Eun. prol. 45:

    quid ergo illae sibi statuae equestres inauratae volunt?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 150:

    quid haec sibi horum civium Romanorum dona voluerunt?

    id. ib. 2, 3, 80, §

    186: avaritia senilis quid sibi velit, non intellego,

    what is the meaning of the phrase, id. Sen. 18, 66:

    quid ergo illa sibi vult pars altera orationis qua Romanos a me cultos ait?

    Liv. 40, 12, 14:

    tacitae quid vult sibi noctis imago?

    Ov. M. 9, 473.—
    Bene or male alicui velle, to wish one well or ill, to like or dislike one (ante-class. and poet.): Ph. Bene volt tibi. St. Nequam est illud verbum bene volt, nisi qui bene facit, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 37 sq.:

    jam diu ego huic bene et hic mihi volumus,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 4:

    ut tibi, dum vivam, bene velim plus quam mihi,

    id. Cas. 2, 8, 30:

    egone illi ut non bene vellem?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 90; cf. id. ib. 2, 4, 95; id. Merc. 2, 1, 21; id. Ps. 4, 3, 7; id. Poen. 3, 3, 9:

    nisi quod tibi bene ex animo volo,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 6:

    quo tibi male volt maleque faciet,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 44:

    atque isti etiam parum male volo,

    id. Truc. 5, 7; cf. id. As. 5, 1, 13:

    utinam sic sient qui mihi male volunt,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 13:

    non sibi male vult,

    he does not dislike himself, Petr. 38; so, melius or optime alicui velle, to like one better or best:

    nec est quisquam mihi aeque melius quoi vellem,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 42; id. Merc. 5, 2, 57:

    illi ego ex omnibus optime volo,

    id. Most. 1, 4, 24.—And bene velle = velle: bene volueris in precatione augurali Messalla augur ait, significare volueris, Fest. s. v. bene sponsis, p. 351.—
    With abl.: alicujus causa velle, to like one for his own sake, i. e. personally, a Ciceronian phrase, probably inst. of omnia alicujus causa velle; lit. to wish every thing (i.e. good) in somebody's behalf.
    With omnia expressed: etsi mihi videor intellexisse cum tecum de re M. Annaeii locutus sum, te ipsius causa vehementer omnia velle, tamen, etc.... ut non dubitem quin magnus cumulus accedat commenda tionis meae, Cic. Fam. 13, 55, 1:

    repente coepit dicere, se omnia Verris causa velle,

    that he had the most friendly disposition towards Verres, id. Verr. 2, 2, 26, § 64:

    accedit eo quod Varro magnopere ejus causa vult omnia,

    id. Fam. 13, 22, 1.—
    Without omnia:

    per eos qui nostra causa volunt, valentque apud illum,

    Cic. Att. 11, 8, 1:

    sed et Phameae causa volebam,

    id. ib. 13, 49, 1:

    etsi te ipsius Attici causa velle intellexeram,

    id. ib. 16, 16, A, 6:

    valde enim ejus causa volo,

    id. Fam. 16, 17, 2 fin.:

    illud non perficis quo minus tua causa velim,

    id. ib. 3, 7, 6;

    12, 7, 1: si me velle tua causa putas,

    id. ib. 7, 17, 2:

    regis causa si qui sunt qui velint,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 1:

    credo tua causa velle Lentulum,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4, 5; id. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21; cf. id. Imp. Pomp. (v. C. 1. b. supra), where the phrase has its literal meaning; cf. also: alicujus causa (omnia) cupere; v. cupio.—
    With acc. and subjunct. per ecthesin (ante-class.): nunc ego illum meum virum veniat velim (by mixture of constructions: meum virum velim; and:

    meus vir veniat velim),

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 2, 29:

    nunc ego Simonidem mi obviam veniat velim,

    id. Ps. 4, 5, 10:

    nimis hercle ego illum corvum ad me veniat velim,

    id. Aul. 4, 6, 4:

    saltem aliquem velim qui mihi ex his locis viam monstret,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 35:

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 106; cf. id. Merc. 2, 1, 30 (v. E. 1. d. supra).
    Velle used absolutely, variously rendered to will, have a will, wish, consent, assent:

    quod vos, malum... me sic ludificamini? Nolo volo, volo nolo rursum,

    I nill I will, I will I nill again, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 57: novi ingenium mulierum: Nolunt ubi velis, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro, they will not where you will, etc., id. Eun. 4, 7, 43:

    quis est cui velle non liceat?

    who is not free to wish? Cic. Att. 7, 11. 2:

    in magnis et voluisse sat est,

    Prop. 2, 10 (3, 1), 6:

    tarde velle nolentis est,

    slow ness in consenting betrays the desire to refuse, Sen. Ben. 2, 5, 4:

    quae (animalia) nullam injuriam nobis faciunt, quia velle non possunt, id. Ira, 2, 26, 4: ejus est nolle qui potest velle,

    the power to assent implies the power to dissent, Dig. 50, 17, 3.—So velle substantively:

    sed ego hoc ipsum velle miserius duco quam in crucem tolli,

    that very wishing, Cic. Att. 7, 11, 2: inest enim velle in carendo, the word carere implies the notion of a wish, id. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    velle ac posse in aequo positum erat,

    his will and power were balanced, Val. Max. 6, 9, ext. 5:

    velle tuum nolo, Didyme, nolle volo,

    Mart. 5, 83, 2:

    velle suum cuique est,

    each has his own likings, Pers. 5, 53.
    In partic.
    Redundant, when the will to do is identified with the act itself.
    In imperative sentences.
    In independent sentences introduced by noli velle, where noli has lost the idea of volition:

    nolite, judices, hunc velle maturius exstingui vulnere vestro quam suo fato,

    do not resolve, Cic. Cael. 32, 79:

    nolite igitur id velle quod fieri non potest,

    id. Phil. 7, 8, 25: qui timor bonis omnibus injectus sit... nolite a me commoneri velle, do not wish, expect, to be reminded by me, etc., id. Mur. 25, 50: nolite hunc illi acerbum nuntium velle perferri, let it not be your decision that, etc., id. Balb. 28, 64: cujus auspicia pro vobis experti nolite adversus vos velle experiri, do not desire, etc., Liv. 7, 40, 16:

    noli adversum eos me velle ducere, etc.,

    Nep. Att. 4, 2.—
    Ne velis or ne velit fecisse = ne feceris, or ne facito (v. I. A. 3. a. supra).—So ne velis with pres. inf.:

    neve, revertendi liber, abesse velis (= neve abfueris),

    Ov. H. 1, 80.—
    In affirmative imperative sentences (velim esse = esto;

    rare): tu tantum fida sorori Esse velis (= fida esto or sis),

    Ov. M. 2, 745; and in 3 d pers.:

    di procul a cunctis... Hujus notitiam gentis habere velint (= habeant),

    id. P. 1, 7, 8:

    credere modo qui discet velit (= credat qui discet),

    Quint. 8, prooem. 12. —
    In clauses dependent on verbs of commanding and wishing:

    aut quia significant divam praedicere ut armis Ac virtute velint patriam defendere terram (= ut defendant),

    Lucr. 2, 641: precor quaesoque ne ante oculos patris facere et pati omnia infanda velis (= facias et patiaris). Liv. 23, 9, 2:

    monentes ne experiri vellet imperium cujus vis, etc.,

    id. 2, 59, 4; 39, 13, 2:

    et mea... opto Vulnera qui fecit facta levare velit,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 2, 18: nos contra (oravimus) [p. 2009]... ne vertere secum Cuncta pater fatoque urguenti incumbere vellet, Verg. A. 2, 653. —With pass. perf. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b):

    legati Sullam orant ut filii innocentis fortunas conservatas velit (virtually = fortunas conservet),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 9, 25:

    a te peto ut utilitatem sociorum per te quam maxime defensam et auctam velis (= defendas et augeas),

    id. Fam. 13, 9, 3.—So after utinam or ut:

    utinam illi qui prius eum viderint me apud eum velint adjutum tantum quantum ego vellem si quid possem (= utinam illi me adjuvent quantum ego adjuvarem, etc.),

    id. Att. 11, 7, 7:

    cautius ut saevo velles te credere Marti (= utinam te credidisses),

    Verg. A. 11, 153:

    edictum praemittit ad quam diem magistratus... sibi esse praesto Cordubae vellet (= sibi praesto essent),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 19 (cf. also I. B. 9. b. b, and I. B. 2. fin. supra).—
    In conditional clauses, si facere velim = si faciam, often rendered by the potential or future auxiliaries would or will:

    non tu scis, Bacchae bacchanti si velis advorsarier, ex insana insaniorem facies? (= si advorseris),

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 80:

    si meum Imperium exsequi voluisset, interemptam oportuit (= si executus esset),

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 22:

    si id confiteri velim, tamen istum condemnetis necesse est (= si id confitear),

    if I would acknowledge, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 18, § 45:

    si quis velit ita dicere... nihil dicat (= si quis dicat),

    id. Fat. 14, 32:

    dies deficiat si velim numerare, etc.,

    id. N. D. 3, 32, 81;


    id. Tusc. 5, 35, 102; id. Verr. 2, 2, 21, § 52:

    qua in sententia si constare voluissent, suam auctoritatem... recuperassent,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 14; id. Verr. 2, 1, 11, § 31; id. Lael. 20, 75:

    conicere potestis, si recordari volueritis quanta, etc.,

    if you will remember, id. Verr. 2, 4, 58, § 129; so id. Or. 1, 44, 197; id. Brut. 1, 2, 5:

    quod si audire voletis externa, maximas res publicas ab adulescentibus labefactatas reperietis,

    id. Sen. 6, 20; so id. Or. 1, 60, 256; 2, 23, 95:

    ejus me compotem voti vos facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, non vos in Samnio, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5; 23, 13, 6; 23, 15, 4: cum olera Diogeni lavanti Aristippus dixisset: si Dionysium adulare velles, ista non esses;

    Imo, inquit, si tu ista esse velles, non adulares Dionysium,

    Val. Max. 4, 3, ext. 4:

    ut si his (legibus) perpetuo uti voluissent, sempiternum habituri fuerint imperium,

    id. 5, 3, ext. 3:

    quid enim si mirari velit, non in silvestribus dumis poma pendere,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 10, 6; cf. Curt. 5, 1, 1; 3, 5, 6; Ov. H. 17 (18), 43.—With perf. inf. pass.:

    nisi ea (opera) certi auctores monumentis suis testata esse voluissent,

    Val. Max. 3, 2, 24.—
    In declarative sentences.
    Volo in 1 st pers. with perf. pass. inf. or part. (volo oratum esse or oratum = oro; v. I. B. 9. b. a and b):

    vos omnes opere magno esse oratos volo benigne ut operam detis, etc.,

    Plaut. Cas. prol. 21:

    justam rem et facilem esse oratam a vobis volo,

    id. Am. prol. 33:

    illud tamen te esse admonitum volo, etc.,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 8:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 53:

    illud te, Tulli, monitum velim etc.,

    Liv. 1, 23, 8:

    quamobrem omnes eos oratos volo Ne, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. prol. 26; so, factum volo = faciam: serva tibi sodalem, et mihi filium. Mne. Factum volo, I will, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 91: pariter nunc opera me adjuves ac, etc. Nau. Factum volo, Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 4; so Plaut. Pers. 2, 5, 10.—In 3 d pers.:

    esse salutatum vult te mea littera primum,

    Ov. P. 2, 7, 1.—
    With pres. inf.:

    propterea te vocari ad cenam volo (= voco te),

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 72:

    sed nunc rogare hoc ego vicissim te volo: quid fuit, etc. (= nunc te rogo),

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 136.—
    With perf. act. inf.:

    pace tua dixisse velim (= pace tua dixerim),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 9.—
    In other connections, when the will or purpose is made more prominent than the action:

    eorum alter, qui Antiochus vocatur, iter per Siciliam facere voluit (= fecit),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 61:

    si suscipere eam (religionem) nolletis, tamen in eo qui violasset sancire vos velle oporteret (= sancire vos oporteret),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 51, §

    114: ut insequentibus diebus nemo eorum forum aut publicum adspicere vellet (= adspiceret),

    Liv. 9, 7, 11:

    talentis mille percussorem in me emere voluisti (= emisti),

    Curt. 3, 5, 6: quin etiam senatus gratias ei agentem quod redire voluisset ante portas eduxit (= quod redisset), Val. Max. 3, 4, 4:

    utri prius gratulemur, qui hoc dicere voluit, an cui audire contigit? (= qui hoc dixit),

    id. 4, 7, ext. 2:

    sic tua non paucae carpere facta volent (= carpent),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 64.
    Velim, as potential subjunctive (mostly in 1 st pers. sing., as subjunctive of modest statement), = volo, I wish, I should like.
    With verb in the second person.
    With pres. subj., so most frequently in Cic.
    As a modest imperative of the dependent verb: velim facias = fac, I wish you would do it, please do it:

    ego quae in rem tuam sint, ea velim facias,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 4, 9:

    eas (litteras) in eundem fasciculum velim addas,

    Cic. Att. 12, 53:

    eum salvere jubeas velim,

    id. ib. 7, 7, 7:

    velim me facias certiorem, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 19, 9:

    tu velim saepe ad nos scribas,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 4:

    velim mihi ignoscas,

    id. Fam. 13, 75, 1:

    tu velim animum a me parumper avertas,

    id. Lael. 1, 5; cf. id. Att. 1, 11, 3; 7, 3, 11; 8, 12, 5; id. Fam. 15, 3, 2 et saep.:

    haec pro causa mea dicta accipiatis velim,

    Liv. 42, 34, 13: velim, inquit, hoc mihi probes, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 51:

    Musa velim memores, etc.,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 53.—
    Expressing a wish without a command (v. vellem):

    vera dicas velim,

    I wish you told the truth, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 18:

    quam velim Bruto persuadeas ut Asturae sit,

    Cic. Att. 14, 15, 4:

    ipse velim poenas experiare meas,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 11, 74;

    so in asseverations: ita velim me promerentem ames, dum vivas, mi pater, ut... id mihi vehementer dolet,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 5, 47.—
    With infinitive clause.
    With the force of a modest imperative:

    sed qui istuc credam ita esse, mihi dici velim (i. e. a te),

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 15:

    extremum illud est quod mihi abs te responderi velim,

    Cic. Vat. 17, 41 (may be a dependent subjunctive):

    itaque vos ego, milites, non eo solum animo.... pugnare velim, etc.,

    Liv. 21, 41, 10.—
    As a mere wish:

    velim te arbitrari, frater, etc.,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 1:

    primum te arbitrari id quod res est velim,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 5, 9.—With perf. act.:

    hanc te quoque ad ceteras tuas eximias virtutes, Masinissa, adjecisse velim,

    Liv. 30, 14, 6.—With perf. pass., Liv. 1, 23, 8 (v. II. A. 3. a. supra).—
    With ut (rare):

    de tuis velim ut eo sis animo, quo debes esse,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 4. —
    With ne (rare), Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—
    With dependent verb in the third person, expressing a wish.
    With pres. subj.:

    ita se defatigent velim Ut, etc.,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 1, 3:

    de Cicerone quae mihi scribis, jucunda mihi sunt: velim sint prospera,

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 2:

    velim seu Himilco, seu Mago respondeat,

    Liv. 23, 12, 15:

    sint haec vera velim,

    Verg. Cir. 306:

    nulla me velim syllaba effugiat,

    Quint. 11, 2, 45.—With final clause:

    tu velim mihi ad urbem praesto sis, ut tuis consiliis utar,

    Cic. Att. 9, 16, 3; cf. id. ib. 11, 11, 2 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—With ellips. of pres. subj.:

    velim mehercule Asturae Brutus (i. e. sit),

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 1.—
    With perf. subj. (a wish referring to the past):

    nimis velim improbissumo homini malas edentaverint,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 2, 48.—
    With inf.-clause:

    ne ego nunc mihi modium mille esse argenti velim!

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 9: di me perdant! Me. Quodcunque optes, velim tibi contingere, id. Cist. 2, 1, 30:

    velim eum tibi placere quam maxime,

    Cic. Brut. 71, 249: idque primum ita esse velim;

    deinde etiam, si non sit, mihi persuaderi tamen velim,

    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    quod faxitis, deos velim fortunare,

    Liv. 6, 41, 12.—With perf. pass. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    edepol te hodie lapide percussum velim,

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33:

    moribus praefectum mulierum hunc factum velim,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 30.—With inf.-clause understood:

    nimium plus quam velim nostrorum ingenia sunt mobilia,

    Liv. 2, 37, 4.—
    With verb in the first person.
    With inf. pres. (so most freq.):

    atque hoc velim probare omnibus, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 20, 47:

    velim scire ecquid de te recordere,

    id. Tusc. 1, 6, 13:

    quare te, ut polliceris, videre plane velim,

    id. Att. 11, 9, 3:

    nec vero velim... a calce ad carceres revocari,

    id. Sen. 23, 83:

    sed multitudo ea quid animorum... habeat scire velim,

    Liv. 23, 12, 7:

    interrogare tamen velim, an Isocrates Attice dixerit,

    Quint. 12, 10, 22.—With perf. inf. act., Ov. P. 3, 1, 9 (v. II. A. 3. c.).—
    With acc. and inf.:

    quod velis, modo id velim me scire,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 4, 8.—So with perf. pass. inf.:

    ego praeterquam quod nihil haustum ex vano velim, Fabium... potissimum auctorem habui,

    Liv. 22, 7, 4.—
    With subj. pres.:

    eo velim tam facili uti possim et tam bono in me quam Curione,

    Cic. Att. 10, 8, 10 B. and K. ex conj. Mull. (Lachm., Hoffm. posse; al. possem).—
    Velim in the principal sentence of conditional clauses, I would, I should be willing:

    aetatem velim servire, Libanum ut (= si) conveniam modo,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 8:

    velim, si fieri possit,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 12:

    si quid tibi compendi facere possim, factum edepol velim (redundant),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 26:

    si possim, velim,

    id. Stich. 4, 2, 9:

    nec velim (imitari orationes Thucydidis) si possim,

    Cic. Brut. 83, 287:

    si liceat, nulli cognitus esse velim,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 12, 42.—
    The other persons of velim in potential use (rare).
    Imperatively = cupito:

    quoniam non potest fieri quod vis, Id velis quod possit,

    Ter. And. 2, 1, 6:

    atque aliquos tamen esse velis tibi, alumna, penates,

    Verg. Cir. 331.—
    Declaratively with indef. subj.: quom inopia'st, cupias; quando ejus copia'st, tum non velis, then you (i.e. people, they) do not want it, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 45.—
    Redundant, as a form of the imperative of the dependent verb, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38 (v. I. A. 3. a. b); id. H. 1, 80 (v. II. A. 1. b.); id. M. 2, 746 (v. II. A. 1. c.).—
    Modestly for vult:

    te super aetherias licentius auras Haud pater ille velit, etc.,

    Verg. A. 7, 558: nemo enim minui velit id in quo maximus fuit, would like that to be diminished in which, etc., Quint. 12, 11, 6; cf. Verg. A. 2, 104, and Ov. H. 9, 7 (v. I. E. 1. c. supra).— So, poet., instead of vellet with perf. inf.:

    ut fiat, quid non illa dedisse velit?

    Ov. Am. 2, 17, 30.—
    = imperative of third person:

    arma velit, poscatque simul rapiatque juventus,

    Verg. A. 7, 340.—Redundantly, giving to the dependent verb the force of an imperative, Quint. 8, prooem. 12 (v. II. A. 1. c. supra; v. also I. A. 3. a. supra).—
    In the optative sense of velim:

    sed scire velimus quod tibi nomen siet,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 6, 18.—
    With imperative sense (= let us, we should, etc.), Quint. 6, 3, 28 (v. I. A. 2. d. supra).—
    Velitis = velim velitis (i. e. jubeatis, jubete):

    novos consules ita cum Samnite gerere bellum velitis ut omnia ante nos bella gesta sunt,

    Liv. 9, 8, 10.—So especially in velitis jubeatis, a formula in submitting a law to the votes of the people in the comitia centuriata or tributa, let it be resolved and ordered by you:

    rogatus in haec verba populus: velitis jubeatisne haec sic fieri, si respublica populi Romani Quiritium, etc.,

    Liv. 22, 10, 2:

    velitis jubeatis, Quirites... uti de ea re Ser. Sulpicius praetor urbanus ad senatum referat, etc.,

    id. 38, 54, 3.—And parodied by Cic.:

    velitis jubeatis ut quod Cicero versum fecerit,

    Cic. Pis. 29, 72.—So in oblique discourse, vellent juberent:

    rogationem promulgavit, vellent juberent Philippo... bellum indici,

    Liv. 31, 6, 1:

    vellent juberentne se regnare,

    id. 1, 46, 1; cf.

    in the resolution of the people: plebis sic jussit: quod senatus... censeat, id volumus jubemusque,

    id. 26, 33, 14.—
    Velint, optative and redundant, Cic. Att. 11, 7, 7 (v. II. A. 1. d.); Ov. P. 1, 7, 8 (v. II. A. 1. c.).
    Vellem, as potential subjunctive, I wish, should like, should have liked, representing the wish as contrary to fact, while velim refers to a wish which may be realized:

    de Menedemo vellem verum fuisset, de regina velim verum sit,

    Cic. Att. 15, 4, 4. It is not used with imperative force; cf.:

    quod scribis, putare te... vellem scriberes, cur ita putares... tu tamen velim scribas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 24, 5.—Often quam vellem, how I wish, i. e. I wish very much; and in the same sense: nimium vellem, v. infra.
    With verb in first person.
    With inf. pres., I wish, would like, referring to present or future actions:

    videre equidem vos vellem, cum huic aurum darem,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 68:

    vellem equidem idem posse gloriari quod Cyrus,

    Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    vellem equidem vobis placere, Quirites, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 68, 9:

    quam fieri vellem meus libellus!

    Mart. 8, 72, 9.—With cuperem and optarem:

    nunc ego Triptolemi cuperem conscendere currus... Nunc ego Medeae vellem frenare dracones... Nunc ego jactandas optarem sumere pennas, etc.,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 8, 1 sqq.— [p. 2010] Rarely, I should have liked:

    tum equidem istuc os tuum inpudens videre nimium vellem!

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 49.—And in conditional sense:

    maerorem minui: dolorem nec potui, nec, si possem, vellem (i. e. minuere),

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    certe ego, si sineres, titulum tibi reddere vellem,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 5, 13:

    sic nec amari quidem vellem (i. e. if I were in his place),

    Sen. Ira, 1, 20, 4.—
    With perf. inf., I wish I had:

    abiit, vah! Rogasse vellem,

    I wish I had asked him, Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 25:

    maxime vellem semper tecum fuisse,

    Cic. Att. 8, 11, D, 5:

    quam vellem petisse ab eo quod audio Philippum impetrasse,

    id. ib. 10, 4, 10:

    non equidem vellem, quoniam nocitura fuerunt, Pieridum sacris imposuisse manum,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 1, 27:

    ante equidem summa de re statuisse, Latini, Et vellem, et fuerat melius,

    Verg. A. 11, 303. —
    With inf.-clause, the predicate being a perf. part. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    virum me natam vellem,

    would I had been born a man! Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 9.—
    With subj. imperf. (rare):

    quam vellem, Panaetium nostrum nobiscum haberemus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10, 15.—
    The subject of the dependent verb in the second person.
    With subj. imperf. (the regular construction):

    hodie igitur me videbit, ac vellem tum tu adesses,

    I wish you could be present, Cic. Att. 13, 7, 2:

    quam vellem de his etiam oratoribus tibi dicere luberet,

    I wish you would please, id. Brut. 71, 248.—
    With subj. pluperf., I wish you had:

    vellem Idibus Martiis me ad cenam invitasses,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 4, 1:

    quam vellem te ad Stoicos inclinavisses,

    id. Fin. 3, 3, 10:

    vellem suscepisses juvenem regendum,

    id. Att. 10, 6, 2:

    quam vellem Bruto studium tuum navare potuisses,

    id. ib. 15, 4, 5.—
    With ne and pluperf. subj.:

    tu vellem ne veritus esses ne parum libenter legerem tuas litteras,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 33, 2.—
    With ellipsis of verb: vera cantas, vana vellem (i. e. cantares). Plaut. Most. 3, 4, 41.—
    With verb in third person.
    With imperf. subj. (the regular construction):

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi (per ecthesin, v. I. E. b.),

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 106:

    vellem adesset Antonius, modo sine advocatis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7, 16:

    vellem nobis hoc idem vere dicere liceret,

    id. Off. 3, 1, 1:

    vellem adesse posset Panaetius,

    id. Tusc. 1, 33, 81:

    vellem hoc esset laborare,

    id. Or. 2, 71, 287.—
    With pluperf. subj.:

    vellem aliqui ex vobis robustioribus hunc male dicendi locum suscepissent,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 7:

    vellem dictum esset ab eodem etiam de Dione,

    id. ib. 10, 23; so id. ib. 31, 74; id. Brut. 44, 163:

    quam vellem Dareus aliquid ex hac indole hausisset!

    Curt. 3, 32 (12), 26.—
    With inf.-clause.
    With inf. pres., I wish he were:

    quam non abesse ab hujus judicio L. Vulsionem vellem!

    Cic. Clu. 70, 198:

    nunc mihi... Vellem, Maeonide, pectus inesse tuum,

    Ov. F. 2, 120.—
    With perf. inf. or part., I wish he had, had been:

    quam vellem Menedemum invitatum!

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 11:

    epistulas, quas quidem vellem mihi numquam redditas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 22, 1.—

    With ellipsis of predicate: illud quoque vellem antea (i. e. factum, or factum esse),

    Cic. Att. 11, 23, 3.—
    With ut, Cic. Sull. 1, 1; id. Fam. 7, 33, 2 (v. I. C. 1. a. supra).—
    With acc. of a neuter pronoun or of a noun:

    aliquando sentiam us nihil nobis nisi, id quod minime vellem, spiritum reliquum esse,

    Cic. Att. 9, 19, 2: tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem: apti essent ad id quod cogito, I would like to have (cf. I. E. 1. a.), id. ib. 13, 22, 2.—
    In the other persons of vellem (mostly poet.).
    In optative sentences redundant, Verg. A. 11, 153 (v. II. A. 1. d.).—
    Of an indefinite subject:

    velles eum (Senecam) suo ingenio dixisse, alieno judicio,

    Quint. 10, 1, 130.—
    In the potential sense of vellem: vellet abesse quidem;

    sed adest. Velletque videre, Non etiam sentire canum fera facta suorum,

    Ov. M. 3, 247.—

    quis vellet tanti nuntius esse mali (i. e. if in this situation)?

    Ov. H. 12, 146.—
    In the potential sense of vellem:

    quam vellent aethere in alto Nunc of pauperiem et duros perferre labores!

    Verg. A. 6, 436.—
    Conditionally: nec superi vellent hoc licuisse sibi, would wish, i. e. if in this situation, Mart. 4, 44, 8.
    Volam and voluero.
    In gen.: respiciendus erit sermo stipulationis, utrumne talis sit: quem voluero, an quem volam. Nam si talis fuerit quem voluero, cum semel elegerit, mutare voluntatem non poterit;

    si vero... quem volam, donec judicium dictet, mutandi potestatem habebit,

    Dig. 45, 1, 112.—
    Volam in principal sentences.
    = Engl. future, I shall wish, etc.:

    et commeminisse hoc ego volam te,

    I shall require you to recollect this, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 7: cum omnia habueris, tunc habere et sapientiam voles? will you also wish to have wisdom when? etc., Sen. Ep. 17, 8.—
    Denoting present probability: et scilicet jam me hoc voles patrem exorare, ut, etc., you doubtless wish me, etc., Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 27.—
    In clauses dependent on predicates implying a future, generally rendered by an English present:

    quid si sors aliter quam voles evenerit?

    otherwise than as you wish, Plaut. Cas. 2, 5, 35:

    tum te, si voles, cum patriae quod debes solveris, satis diu vixisse dicito,

    then if you choose, if you will, Cic. Marcell. 9, 27:

    decedes cum voles,

    id. Att. 6, 3, 2:

    qui magis effugies eos qui volent fingere?

    those who are bent upon inventing, who will invent, falsehoods, id. ib. 8, 2, 2; cf. id. ib. 1, 1, 4; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 24:

    quod voles gratum esse, rarum effice,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 14, 1; cf. id. Brev. Vit. 7, 9: si di volent, the gods permitting, August. ap. Suet. Calig. 8:

    invenies, vere si reperire voles,

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 34; cf. Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 78; Tib. 1, 4, 45.—So, voluero:

    quem (locum) si qui vitare voluerit, sex milium circuitu in oppidum pervenit,

    who wishes to avoid this spot, Caes. B. C. 2, 24.
    Si vis, parenthetically.
    If you please (cf. sis, supra init.):

    paulum opperirier, Si vis,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 52:

    audi, si vis, nunc jam,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 30:

    dic, si vis, de quo disputari velis,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 5, 13.—
    If you wish, choose, insist upon it:

    hanc quoque jucunditatem, si vis, transfer in animum,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 4, 14:

    addam, si vis, animi, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 27, 89:

    concedam hoc ipsum, si vis, etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 15, 34.
    Quam, with any person of the pres. indic. or subj., or imperf. subj. or future, = quamvis, in a concessive sense, virtually, however, however much.
    3 d pers. sing.:

    quod illa, quam velit sit potens, numquam impetravisset (= quamvis sit potens),

    however powerful she may be, Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    C. Gracchus dixit, sibi in somnis Ti. fratrem visum esse dicere, quam vellet cunctaretur, tamen eodem sibi leto... esse pereundum,

    id. Div. 1, 26, 56:

    quam volet jocetur,

    id. N. D. 2, 17, 46.—
    1 st pers. plur.:

    quam volumus licet ipsi nos amemus, tamen, etc.,

    Cic. Har. Resp. 9, 19.—
    2 d pers. plur.: exspectate facinus quam vultis improbum, vincam tamen, etc., expect a crime, however wicked ( ever so wicked), etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11;

    but: hac actione quam voletis multi dicent,

    as many as you choose, id. ib. 2, 2, 42, § 102.—
    3 d pers. plur.:

    quam volent illi cedant, tamen a re publica revocabuntur,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 44, 113:

    quam volent in conviviis faceti, dicaces, etc., sint, alia fori vis est, alia triclinii,

    id. Cael. 28, 67;

    but: et ceteri quam volent magnas pecunias capere possint,

    as much money as they choose, id. Verr. 2, 2, 58, § 142.
    Volo = malo, to prefer, with a comparative clause (rare):

    quodsi in ceteris quoque studiis a multis eligere homines commodissimum quodque, quam sese uni alicui certo vellent addicere, = si se eligere mallent quam se uni addicere,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 2, 5:

    malae rei quam nullius duces esse volunt,

    Liv. 3, 68, 11:

    famaene credi velis quanta urbs a te capta sit, quam posteris quoque eam spectando esse?

    id. 25, 29, 6.
    With magis and maxime.
    Magis velle: ut tu illam salvam magis velles quam ego, you wish more than I, etc., Ter. Hec. 2, 2, 17.—
    With maxime, to wish above all, more than any thing or any one else, to be most agreeable to one, to like best, to prefer (among more than two alternatives):

    quia id maxime volo ut illi istoc confugiant,

    wish above all, Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 49; so id. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla, etc.,

    Cic. Sull. 1, 1:

    caritate nos capiunt reges, consilio optimates, libertate populi, ut in comparando difficile ad eligendum sit, quid maxime velis,

    which you prefer, like best, id. Rep. 1, 35, 55; so, quemadmodum ego maxime vellem, id. Att. 13, 1, 1:

    tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem,

    above all others, id. ib. 13, 32, 2:

    alia excusanti juveni, alia recipienti futura, ita ut maxime vellet senatus responderi placuit,

    as it was most agreeable to him, Liv. 39, 47:

    si di tibi permisissent quo modo maxime velles experiri animum meum,

    in the manner most convenient to yourself, Curt. 3, 6, 12.
    In disjunctive co - ordination.
    With sive... sive:

    tu nunc, sive ego volo, seu nolo, sola me ut vivam facis,

    whether I choose or not, Plaut. Cist. 3, 14:

    itaque Campanos sive velint, sive nolint, quieturos,

    Liv. 8, 2, 13.—
    Without connectives.
    Vis tu... vis:

    congredi cum hoste liceat... vis tu mari, vis terra, vis acie, vis urbibus expugnandis experiri virtutem?

    Liv. 25, 6, 22.—
    Velim nolim.
    Interrogatively, = utrum velim nec ne:

    velit nolit scire, difficile est,

    it is difficult to know whether he intends it or not, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 8, 4.—
    = seu velim seu nolim:

    ut mihi, velim nolim, sit certa quaedam tuenda sententia,

    whether I will or not, Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 17:

    velim nolim, in cognomine Scipionum haeream necesse est,

    Val. Max. 3, 7, 3:

    mors interim adest, cui velis nolis vacandum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 8, 5:

    hunc ita fundatum necesse est, velit nolit, sequatur hilaritas continua,

    id. Vit. Beat. 4, 4:

    velint nolint, respondendum est... beate vivere bonum non esse,

    id. Ep. 117, 4:

    praeterea futuri principes, velint nolint, sciant, etc.,

    Plin. Pan. 20 fin. Part. and P. a.: vŏlens, entis.
    As a part. proper, retaining the meaning and construction of velle, with the force of a relative or adverbial clause.
    Agreeing with some member of the sentence ( poet. and in post-class. prose;

    rare): neque illum... multa volentem Dicere praeterea vidit (= qui multa voluit dicere),

    Verg. G. 4, 501; id. A. 2, 790:

    nec me vis ulla volentem Avertet (i. e. si adhaerere foederi volo),

    id. ib. 12, 203: decemviri, minuere volentes hujuscemodi violentiam... putaverunt, etc., intending ( who intended) to diminish such a violence, etc., Gell. 20, 1, 34:

    Milo, experiri etiamtunc volens, an ullae sibi reliquae vires adessent... rescindere quercum conatus est,

    id. 15, 16, 3:

    scio quosdam testatores, efficere volentes ne servi sui umquam ad libertatem venirent, etc., hactenus scribere solitos,

    Dig. 40, 4, 61:

    si te volentem ad prohibendum venire, deterruerit aliquis, etc.,

    ib. 43, 24, 1, § 10.—
    Abl. absol. (not ante-Aug.):

    ne cujus militis scripti nomen nisi ipso volente deleretur,

    except with his consent, Liv. 7, 41, 4; so,

    Teum ex medio cursu classem repente avertit, aut volentibus iis usurus commeatu parato hostibus, aut ipsos pro hostibus habiturus,

    with their consent, id. 37, 27, 3:

    ponuntque ferocia Poeni Corda, volente deo,

    since the god willed it, Verg. A. 1, 303: Thrasippo supplicium a se voluntaria morte exigere volente, while he was about to inflict punishment on himself, etc., Val. Max. 5, 1, ext. 2: scire volentibus immortalibus dis an Romana virtus imperium orbis mereretur, it being the will of the gods to know, etc., Flor. 1, 13, 3 (1, 7, 3): qui sciente aut volente eo ad quem res pertinet, possessionem nanciscitur, with the knowledge and consent of the person who, etc., Dig. 41, 2, 6. —
    As adj., willing, voluntary, and hence, favorably disposed (opp. invitus).
    In the phrase cum dis volentibus, lit. with the willing or favoring gods, i. e. with the will, permission, or favor of the gods: dono ducite doque volentibu' cum magnis dis, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 208 Vahl.):

    sequere hac, mea gnata, me cum dis volentibus,

    Plaut. Pers. 3, 1, 4:

    cum dis volentibus quodque bene eveniat mando tibi Mani uti illaec suovetaurilia, etc.,

    Cato, R. R. 141 (142).— And without cum, abl. absol.:

    virtute ac dis volentibus magni estis et opulenti,

    Sall. J. 14, 19.—
    Volenti animo.
    = cupide, eagerly:

    Romae plebes litteris quae de Metello ac Mario missae erant, volenti animo de ambobus acceperant,

    Sall. J. 73, 3. —
    On purpose, intentionally:

    consilio hanc omnes animisque volentibus urbem Adferimur,

    Verg. A. 7, 216.—
    Agreeing with the subject-nom. or subject - acc.
    Voluntarily, willingly, [p. 2011] gladly (class.):

    (hi) divini generis appellentur... vobisque jure et lege volentes pareant,

    Cic. Univ. 11 fin.:

    quas victi ab hostibus poenas metuerant, eas ipsi volentes pendere,

    Sall. J. 76, 6:

    quia volentes in amicitiam non veniebant,

    Liv. 21, 39, 4:

    si volentes ac non coacti mansissent in amicitia,

    id. 24, 37, 7:

    quocunque loco seu volens seu invitus constitisti,

    id. 7, 40, 13:

    itaque se numquam volentem parte qua posset rerum consilio gerendarum cessurum,

    id. 22, 27, 9:

    (virtus), quidquid evenerit, feret, non patiens tantum, sed etiam volens,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    non est referre gratiam quod volens acceperis nolenti reddere,

    id. Ben. 4, 40, 4:

    volens vos Turnus adoro,

    Verg. A. 10, 677; 3, 457; 6, 146;

    12, 833: date vina volentes,

    id. ib. 8, 275: ipsa autem macie tenuant armenta volentes ( on purpose), id. G. 3, 129.—And referring to subjects denoting things: quos rami fructus, quos ipsa volentia rura Sponte tulere sua, carpsit ( spontaneously and willingly), Verg. G. 2, 500.—
    Favorably; with propitius, favorably and kindly, referring to the gods:

    precantes Jovem ut volens propitius praebeat sacra arma pro patria,

    Liv. 24, 21, 10:

    precantibus ut volens propitiaque urbem Romanam iniret,

    id. 29, 14, 13:

    in ea arce (Victoriam) sacratam, volentem propitiamque, firmam ac stabilem fore populo Romano,

    id. 22, 37, 12; 1, 16, 3; 7, 26, 3; 24, 38, 8; Inscr. Orell. 2489 sq.—Parodied by Plautus:

    agite, bibite, festivae fores! fite mihi volentes propitiae,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 89.— Abl. absol.:

    omnia diis propitiis volentibusque ea faciemus,

    with the favor and help of the gods, Liv. 39, 16, 11 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    si (Jovem) invocem ut dexter ac volens assit,

    Quint. 4, prooem. 5.—
    Agreeing with other terms of the sentence (rare): volenti consuli causa in Pamphyliam devertendi oblata est, a welcome cause was offered to the consul, etc., Liv. 38, 15, 3:

    quod nobis volentibus facile continget,

    if we wish, Quint. 6, 2, 30:

    is Ariobarzanem volentibus Armeniis praefecit,

    to their satisfaction, Tac. A. 2, 4:

    gemis... hominem, Urse, tuum, cui dulce volenti servitium... erat,

    to whom his servitude was sweet, since he liked it, Stat. S. 2, 6, 15:

    me mea virtus, etc., fatis egere volentem,

    Verg. A. 8, 133:

    saepe ille volentem castigabat erum,

    administered kindly received rebukes, Stat. S. 2, 6, 50.—
    In the phrase aliquid mihi volenti est or putatur, etc., something is welcome, acceptable to me, pleases me (= volens habeo or accipio aliquid; cf. the Gr. Humin tauta boulomenois estin, and, mihi aliquid cupienti est; v. cupio;

    rare but class.): uti militibus exaequatus cum imperatore labos volentibus esset,

    that the equalization of labor was acceptable to the soldier, Sall. J. 100, 4:

    quia neque plebei militia volenti putabatur,

    id. ib. 84, 3 Dietsch:

    grande periculum maritumis civitatibus esse, et quibusdam volentibus novas res fore,

    that to some a change of the government would be welcome, Liv. 21, 50, 10:

    quibus bellum volentibus erat, probare exemplum,

    Tac. Agr. 18.— Impers. with subject - inf.: ceterisque remanere et in verba Vespasiani adigi volentibus fuit, to the rest it was acceptable to remain, etc., Tac. H. 3, 43.—With subject-inf. understood:

    si volentibus vobis erit, in medium profero quae... legisse memini,

    Macr. S. 7, 13, 11:

    si volentibus vobis erit, diem fabulis et epulis exigamus,

    id. ib. 1, 7; 2, 3 fin.; 6, 6 init.
    As subst. (mostly post-Aug.).
    vŏlens, entis, m., = is qui vult, in the different meanings, and often with the construction of the verb.
    One who wishes:

    nunc cis Hiberum castra Romana esse, arcem tutam perfugiumque novas volentibus res,

    Liv. 22, 22, 11:

    consulere se volentibus vacuas aures accommodavit,

    Val. Max. 5, 8, 3:

    quid opus libertate si volentibus luxu perire non licet,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    discere meliora volentibus promptum est,

    i. e. it depends on our own will to learn better things, Quint. 11, 11, 12:

    nec sum in hoc sollicitus, dum res ipsa volentibus discere appareat,

    to the students, id. 8, 4, 15:

    mori volentibus vis adhibita vivendi,

    Suet. Tib. 61.—
    One who intends, is about:

    juris ignorantia non prodest acquirere volentibus,

    i. e. in the acquisition of property, Dig. 22, 6, 7:

    si quis volentem incipere uti frui prohibuit,

    one who is about to enter upon a usufruct, ib. 43, 16, 3, § 14. —
    One who is willing:

    non refert quid sit quod datur, nisi a volente volenti datur,

    unless it is both willingly given and received, Sen. Ben. 2, 18, 8:

    ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt,

    those willing to follow, id. Ep. 107, 11.—
    One who consents:

    tutiusque rati volentibus quam coactis imperitare,

    to rule men with their consent, Sall. J. 102, 6:

    quippe rempublicam si a volentibus nequeat ab invitis jus expetituram,

    peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must, Liv. 3, 40, 4:

    si quis aliam rem pro alia volenti solverit,

    if one pays with the consent of the receiver, Dig. 46, 3, 46:

    nulla injuria est quae in volentem fiat,

    ib. 47, 10, 1, § 5.—
    One who does a thing voluntarily:

    pecuniam etiam a volentibus acceperant,

    the contributions of money were voluntary, Vell. 2, 62, 3:

    parce, puer, stimulis... (solis equi) Sponte sua properant. Labor est inhibere volentis (i. e. properare),

    Ov. M. 2, 128.—
    Volens = bene volens: munificus nemo habebatur nisi pariter volens, unless he was just as kindly disposed, sc. as he was liberal, Sall. J. 103, 6.—Often referring to a previously mentioned noun:

    hunc cape consiliis socium et conjunge volentem,

    and unite with him, since he wishes it, Verg. A. 5, 712; so may be taken Ov. M. 2, 128 (v. e).—
    In the neutr. plur. (volentia) rare, always with dat., things pleasing, acceptable:

    Pompeius multis suspitionibus volentia plebi facturus habebatur,

    that he would do what pleased the common people, Sall. H. 4, 31 Dietsch:

    haec atque talia plebi volentia fuere,

    Tac. A. 15, 36 Draeg. ad loc. al.:

    iique Muciano volentia rescripsere,

    id. H. 3, 52.—Hence, adv.: vŏlenter, willingly, App. M. 6, p. 178, 4.
    vŏlo, āvi, ātum ( part. gen. plur. volantūm, Verg. A. 6, 728; Lucr. 2, 1083), 1, v. n. [Sanscr. val-, to turn one's self, etc.; cf.: vŏlucer, vēlox, and vol- in velivolus], to fly.
    Lit.: ex alto... laeva volavit avis, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 95 Vahl.):


    Lucr. 6, 742:


    id. 4, 1010:


    id. 2, 822:

    altam supra volat ardea nubem,

    Verg. G. 1, 364:

    volat ille per aëra magnum Remigio alarum,

    id. A. 1, 300:

    columbae venere volantes,

    id. ib. 6, 191; Prop. 2, 30 (3, 28), 30; Juv. 8, 251:


    Ov. A. A. 1, 96; cf. Plin. 10, 38, 54, § 112:

    volasse eum (Antonium), non iter fecisse diceres,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 5, 11.—Prov.:

    sine pennis volare haud facile est,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 49.—
    P. a. as subst.: vŏlantes, ĭum, comm., the birds ( poet.), Lucr. 2, 1083; Verg. A. 6, 239; 6, 728.—
    Transf., to fly, i. e. to move swiftly like one flying, to fleet, speed, hasten along:

    i sane... vola curriculo,

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 17; cf.:

    per summa levis volat aequora curru,

    Verg. A. 5, 819:

    medios volat ecce per hostes Vectus equo spumante Saces,

    id. ib. 12, 650:

    illa (Argo) volat,

    Ov. H. 6, 66:


    Verg. G. 3, 181:


    id. ib. 3, 107:


    Lucr. 5, 254:


    id. 2, 213:


    id. 6, 612:


    id. 1, 971; cf. Sall. J. 60, 2; Verg. A. 9, 698; Liv. 26, 44, 7 al.:

    litterae Capuam ad Pompeium volare dicebantur,

    Cic. Att. 2, 19, 3:

    volat aetas,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 76:


    Sen. Hippol. 1141:


    Verg. A. 3, 121:

    et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 71.— Poet., with inf.:

    ast Erebi virgo ditem volat aethere Memphim Praecipere et Phariā venientem pellere terrā,

    Val. Fl. 4, 407.
    vŏlo, ōnis, m. [1. volo], a volunteer, first applied to the slaves who, after the battle at Cannæ, were enrolled upon their own expressed desire to serve (cf. Liv. 22, 57, 11; Val. Max. 7, 6, 1):

    volones dicti sunt milites, qui post Cannensem cladem usque ad octo milia, cum essent servi, voluntarie se ad militiam obtulere,

    Paul. Diac. p. 370:

    volones, quia sponte hoc voluerunt, appellati,

    Macr. S. 1, 11, 30:

    vetus miles tironi, liber voloni sese exaequari sineret,

    Liv. 23, 35, 6; 23, 32, 1; Capitol. Anton. Phil. 21, 6; Macr. S. 1, 11, 30.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > volo

  • 20 fuera

    1 outside.
    hace frío fuera it's cold outside
    fuera de la casa outside the house
    lo echó fuera she threw him out
    salen mucho a comer fuera they eat out a lot
    hacia fuera outward
    por fuera (on the) outside
    sólo vimos la iglesia por fuera we only saw the church from the outside
    2 away.
    a los de fuera les sorprende people who aren't from round here o strangers find it strange
    out of here, go away, get out, out.
    1 3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Imperfect Subjunctive of Spanish verb: ser.
    2 1st person singular (yo) Imperfect Subjunctive of Spanish verb: ir.
    * * *
    1 (exterior) out, outside
    salimos fuera we went out, we went outside
    1 get out!
    1 (un lugar) out of; (más allá de) outside, beyond; (excepto) except for, apart from
    estar fuera de sí to be beside oneself
    fuera de combate knocked out
    fuera de duda beyond doubt
    fuera de lo normal extraordinary, very unusual
    fuera de peligro out of danger
    fuera de serie extraordinary
    jugar fuera DEPORTE to play away
    fuera de juego offside
    1→ link=ser ser
    2→ link=ir ir
    * * *
    1) outside, out
    2) away
    * * *
    1) [de edificio, objeto] [indicando posición] outside; [indicando dirección] out

    ¡estamos aquí fuera! — we're out here!

    ¡fuera! — get out!

    ¡segundos fuera! — (Boxeo) seconds out!

    ir o salir fuera — to go out, go outside

    comer fuera — [al aire libre] to eat outside; [en restaurante] to eat out

    hoy vamos a cenar fuera — we're going out for dinner tonight, we're eating out tonight

    de fuera — from outside

    desde fuera — from outside

    la parte de fuera — the outside, the outer part

    por fuera — (on the) outside

    esta camisa se lleva por fuera — this shirt is worn outside, this shirt is not tucked in

    lengua 1)
    2) [de ciudad, trabajo]

    estar fuera — to be away, be out of town

    3) (tb: fuera del país) abroad, out of the country

    "¡invasores fuera!" — "invaders go home!"

    ir o salir fuera — to go abroad

    4) (Dep)
    a) [en un partido]

    estar fuera[pelota] (Ftbl) to be out of play; (Rugby) to be in touch; (Tenis) to be out

    fuera de juegooffside

    fuera de tiempo, estamos fuera de tiempo — time's up

    tirar fuera — to shoot wide

    b) (tb: fuera de casa) away, away from home

    fuera de

    a) (=en el exterior de) outside, out of
    b) (=aparte) apart from, aside from

    pero fuera de esobut apart o aside from that

    fuera de que... — apart from the fact that...


    fuera de alcanceout of reach

    fuera de combate — (Mil) wounded; (Boxeo) K.O.ed

    fuera de lo comúnunusual

    estar fuera de lugar — to be inappropriate, be out of place

    fuera de peligroout of danger

    fuera de serieexceptional

    * * *
    a) (lugar, parte) [Latin American Spanish also uses afuera in this sense] outside

    comeremos fuera — ( en el jardín) we'll eat outside; ( en un restaurante) we'll eat out

    b) ( en el extranjero) abroad, out of the country; (del lugar de trabajo, de la ciudad, etc) away

    los de fuera — ( los extranjeros) foreigners; (los de otros pueblos, ciudades, etc) outsiders


    fuera de — (loc prep)

    a) (en el exterior de, más allá de) out of

    fuera del alcance de los proyectilesoutside o beyond the range of the missiles

    b) ( excepto) apart from

    fuera de eso, me encuentro bien — apart o (AmE) aside from that, I feel fine

    fuera de combate: lo dejó fuera de combate (Dep) he knocked him out; fuera de concurso: quedó fuera de concurso he was disqualified; su película se presentó fuera de concurso his movie was shown outside the competition; fuera de cuentas (Esp) overdue; fuera de la ley: vivían fuera de la ley they lived outside the law; fuera de lugar <mueble/persona> out of place; < comentario> inappropriate, out of place; fuera de peligro out of danger; fuera de serie <jugador/cantante> exceptional, outstanding; fuera de sí: estaba fuera de sí he was beside himself; fuera de temporada or estación — out of season

    fuéramos, etc see ir, ser
    * * *
    Ex. As expected, bats avoided obstacles while flying through vegetation and intercepted flying prey in the open.
    * bebida de fuera = outside drink.
    * caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.
    * caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.
    * caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.
    * caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.
    * caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.
    * caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.
    * circunstancias que están fuera de + Posesivo + control = circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * colocación fuera de lugar = misplacement.
    * colocar fuera de alcance = place + out of reach.
    * comer fuera = eat out.
    * comida de fuera = outside food.
    * con las garras fuera = knives-out.
    * con las uñas fuera = knives-out.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * de miras hacia fuera = outwardly.
    * dentro y fuera de = in and out of.
    * desde dentro hacia fuera = from the inside-out.
    * desde dentro y desde fuera de = within and without.
    * desde fuera = from the outside.
    * echar fuera = throw + Nombre + out.
    * encontrarse fuera de lugar = be out of + Posesivo + element, be out of place.
    * estado del ordenador en fuera de línea = offlineness.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fura de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * fuera de = outside (of), outwith.
    * fuera de alcance = beyond reach, out of range.
    * fuera de circulación = out of circulation.
    * fuera de clase = out-of-class.
    * fuera de cobertura = out of range.
    * fuera de control = out-of-control, haywire.
    * fuera de juego = offside.
    * fuera de la casa = out-of-home.
    * fuera del alcance = out of reach.
    * fuera del alcance de = beyond the scope of.
    * fuera del alcance de las posibilidades de Alguien = beyond + Posesivo + powers.
    * fuera del alcance del oído = out of earshot.
    * fuera de las normas comúnmente aceptadas = beyond the pale.
    * fuera de la universidad = off-campus.
    * fuera de la vista = out of view.
    * fuera del campus = off-campus.
    * fuera del control de = beyond the control of.
    * fuera del escenario = off stage.
    * fuera del horario normal = out of hours, at odd times.
    * fuera de línea = offline [off-line].
    * fuera del matrimonio = out of wedlock.
    * fuera de lo común = eccentric, odd, unordinary, out of the ordinary, a cut above the rest, a cut above.
    * fuera de lo normal = abnormally + Adjetivo, with a difference, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * fuera de los caminos trillados = off the beaten track.
    * fuera del redil = beyond the pale.
    * fuera de lugar = out of place, without + Lugar, uncalled-for.
    * fuera de onda con los tiempos modernos = out of keeping with the times, out of tune with the times.
    * fuera de peligro = out of the woods, out of harm's way.
    * fuera de plazo = late.
    * fuera de + Posesivo + competencia = outside + Posesivo + jurisdiction.
    * fuera de + Posesivo + control = beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * fuera de quicio = pissed off, out of + Posesivo + mind, out of + Posesivo + senses.
    * fuera de rumbo = off course.
    * fuera de secuencia = out of range.
    * fuera de serie = crackerjack.
    * fuera de servicio = off-duty, decomissioned, out of commission.
    * fuera de temporada = off-season, out of season.
    * fuera de tino = wide of the mark.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * gol fuera de juego = offside goal.
    * hacia dentro y hacia fuera = Verbo + in and out.
    * hacia fuera = outwards.
    * impresión fuera de línea = offline print.
    * mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mina fuera de ruta = roadside bomb.
    * partido que se juega fuera de casa = away game.
    * pitar fuera de juego = judge + offside.
    * poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * por fuera = outwardly, outwardly.
    * proyectar hacia fuera = project + outward.
    * salir fuera = be out and about, get out and about.
    * sentirse fuera de lugar = feel + inadequate.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * tarifa por inscripción fuera de plazo = late registration fee.
    * tiempo fuera de servicio = downtime.
    * trabajar a horas fuera de lo normal = work + unsocial hours.
    * un día fuera = a day out.
    * usar fuera de contexto = use + out of context.
    * * *
    a) (lugar, parte) [Latin American Spanish also uses afuera in this sense] outside

    comeremos fuera — ( en el jardín) we'll eat outside; ( en un restaurante) we'll eat out

    b) ( en el extranjero) abroad, out of the country; (del lugar de trabajo, de la ciudad, etc) away

    los de fuera — ( los extranjeros) foreigners; (los de otros pueblos, ciudades, etc) outsiders


    fuera de — (loc prep)

    a) (en el exterior de, más allá de) out of

    fuera del alcance de los proyectilesoutside o beyond the range of the missiles

    b) ( excepto) apart from

    fuera de eso, me encuentro bien — apart o (AmE) aside from that, I feel fine

    fuera de combate: lo dejó fuera de combate (Dep) he knocked him out; fuera de concurso: quedó fuera de concurso he was disqualified; su película se presentó fuera de concurso his movie was shown outside the competition; fuera de cuentas (Esp) overdue; fuera de la ley: vivían fuera de la ley they lived outside the law; fuera de lugar <mueble/persona> out of place; < comentario> inappropriate, out of place; fuera de peligro out of danger; fuera de serie <jugador/cantante> exceptional, outstanding; fuera de sí: estaba fuera de sí he was beside himself; fuera de temporada or estación — out of season

    fuéramos, etc see ir, ser
    * * *
    = outside (of), outwith

    Ex: This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.

    Ex: Researchers outwith the higher education system consider research library information services inadequate.

    Ex: As expected, bats avoided obstacles while flying through vegetation and intercepted flying prey in the open.

    * bebida de fuera = outside drink.
    * caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.
    * caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.
    * caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.
    * caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.
    * caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.
    * caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.
    * circunstancias que están fuera de + Posesivo + control = circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * colocación fuera de lugar = misplacement.
    * colocar fuera de alcance = place + out of reach.
    * comer fuera = eat out.
    * comida de fuera = outside food.
    * con las garras fuera = knives-out.
    * con las uñas fuera = knives-out.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * de miras hacia fuera = outwardly.
    * dentro y fuera de = in and out of.
    * desde dentro hacia fuera = from the inside-out.
    * desde dentro y desde fuera de = within and without.
    * desde fuera = from the outside.
    * echar fuera = throw + Nombre + out.
    * encontrarse fuera de lugar = be out of + Posesivo + element, be out of place.
    * estado del ordenador en fuera de línea = offlineness.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fura de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * fuera de = outside (of), outwith.
    * fuera de alcance = beyond reach, out of range.
    * fuera de circulación = out of circulation.
    * fuera de clase = out-of-class.
    * fuera de cobertura = out of range.
    * fuera de control = out-of-control, haywire.
    * fuera de juego = offside.
    * fuera de la casa = out-of-home.
    * fuera del alcance = out of reach.
    * fuera del alcance de = beyond the scope of.
    * fuera del alcance de las posibilidades de Alguien = beyond + Posesivo + powers.
    * fuera del alcance del oído = out of earshot.
    * fuera de las normas comúnmente aceptadas = beyond the pale.
    * fuera de la universidad = off-campus.
    * fuera de la vista = out of view.
    * fuera del campus = off-campus.
    * fuera del control de = beyond the control of.
    * fuera del escenario = off stage.
    * fuera del horario normal = out of hours, at odd times.
    * fuera de línea = offline [off-line].
    * fuera del matrimonio = out of wedlock.
    * fuera de lo común = eccentric, odd, unordinary, out of the ordinary, a cut above the rest, a cut above.
    * fuera de lo normal = abnormally + Adjetivo, with a difference, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * fuera de los caminos trillados = off the beaten track.
    * fuera del redil = beyond the pale.
    * fuera de lugar = out of place, without + Lugar, uncalled-for.
    * fuera de onda con los tiempos modernos = out of keeping with the times, out of tune with the times.
    * fuera de peligro = out of the woods, out of harm's way.
    * fuera de plazo = late.
    * fuera de + Posesivo + competencia = outside + Posesivo + jurisdiction.
    * fuera de + Posesivo + control = beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * fuera de quicio = pissed off, out of + Posesivo + mind, out of + Posesivo + senses.
    * fuera de rumbo = off course.
    * fuera de secuencia = out of range.
    * fuera de serie = crackerjack.
    * fuera de servicio = off-duty, decomissioned, out of commission.
    * fuera de temporada = off-season, out of season.
    * fuera de tino = wide of the mark.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * gol fuera de juego = offside goal.
    * hacia dentro y hacia fuera = Verbo + in and out.
    * hacia fuera = outwards.
    * impresión fuera de línea = offline print.
    * mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mina fuera de ruta = roadside bomb.
    * partido que se juega fuera de casa = away game.
    * pitar fuera de juego = judge + offside.
    * poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * por fuera = outwardly, outwardly.
    * proyectar hacia fuera = project + outward.
    * salir fuera = be out and about, get out and about.
    * sentirse fuera de lugar = feel + inadequate.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * tarifa por inscripción fuera de plazo = late registration fee.
    * tiempo fuera de servicio = downtime.
    * trabajar a horas fuera de lo normal = work + unsocial hours.
    * un día fuera = a day out.
    * usar fuera de contexto = use + out of context.

    * * *
    el perro duerme fuera the dog sleeps outside
    aquí fuera se está muy bien it's very nice out here
    comeremos fuera (en el jardín) we'll eat out in the garden o outside o outdoors; (en un restaurante) we'll eat out
    queremos pintar la casa por fuera we want to paint the outside o the exterior of the house
    por fuera es rojo it's red on the outside
    cose/lava para fuera she does sewing for other people/takes in washing
    2 (en el extranjero) abroad, out of the country; (del lugar de trabajo, de la ciudad, etc) away
    los de fuera (los extranjeros) foreigners; (los de otros pueblos, ciudades, etc) outsiders
    (en interjecciones): ¡fuera de aquí! get out of here!, get out!
    ¡fuera los traidores! traitors out!
    ¡fuera cuentos! ¡a la escuela! ( Esp); no more excuses o that's enough of your excuses, off to school with you!
    en sus marcas, listos, ¡fuera! ( Méx); on your marks, get set, go!
    (en el exterior de, más allá de): ¿quién dejó el helado fuera del congelador? who left the ice cream out of the freezer?
    pasa mucho tiempo fuera del país he spends a lot of time out of the country o abroad
    ocurrió fuera del edificio it happened outside the building
    el precio está fuera de mi alcance it's out of my price range
    ponlo fuera del alcance de los niños put it out of reach of the children, put it out of the children's reach
    fuera del alcance de los proyectiles outside o beyond the range of the missiles
    2 (excepto) apart from
    fuera de estos zapatos, no me he comprado nada I haven't bought myself anything, apart from o except for these shoes
    fuera de eso, me encuentro bien apart from that o otherwise o ( AmE) aside from that, I feel fine
    (además): fuera de que su padre tampoco se lo permitiría besides which o apart from which her father wouldn't allow it anyway
    fuera de combate: lo dejó fuera de combate ( Dep) he knocked him out
    tras el escándalo quedó fuera de combate after the scandal he was out of the running, the scandal knocked o put him out of the running
    fuera de concurso: quedó fuera de concurso he was disqualified
    su película se presentó fuera de concurso his movie was shown outside the competition
    fuera de la ley: vivían fuera de la ley they lived outside the law o as outlaws
    fuera de lugar ‹mueble/persona› out of place;
    ‹comentario› inappropriate, out of place
    estuvo totalmente fuera de lugar que lo interrumpieras así it was completely out of order to interrupt him like that
    fuera de peligro out of danger
    fuera de serie ‹jugador/cantante› exceptional, outstanding;
    ‹máquina/mueble› custom-built, one-off
    un verano fuera de serie an exceptionally good summer
    fuera de sí: estaba fuera de sí he was beside himself
    fuera de temporada or estación out of season
    masculine (pl fuera de borda) (lancha) outboard, boat with an outboard motor o engine; (motor) outboard motor o engine, outboard
    masculine offside
    estaba en fuera de juego he was offside
    su nuevo chef es un fuera de serie their new chef is exceptionally good o is quite exceptional o is outstanding
    fuera2, fuéramos, etc
    ir, ser1 (↑ ser (1))
    * * *


    Del verbo ir: ( conjugate ir)

    fuera es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) imperfecto(1) subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperfecto(1) subjuntivo

    Del verbo ser: ( conjugate ser)

    fuera es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) imperfecto(1) subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperfecto(1) subjuntivo

    Multiple Entries:
    fuera adverbio
    a) (lugar, parte) Latin American Spanish also uses

    afuera in this sense outside;

    comeremos fuera ( en el jardín) we'll eat outside;

    ( en un restaurante) we'll eat out;

    aquí fuera se está muy bien it's very nice out here;
    se pasa el día fuera she's out all day

    (del lugar de trabajo, de la ciudad, etc) away

    a) (en el exterior de, más allá de) out of;

    ocurrió fuera del edificio it happened outside the building;
    fuera de peligro/lugar out of danger/place;
    ¡fuera (de aquí)! get out (of here)!

    fuera de eso, me encuentro bien apart o (AmE) aside from that, I feel fine

    3 ( en otras locs):
    fuera de combate: lo dejó fuera de combate (Dep) he knocked him out;

    fuera de serie ‹jugador/cantante exceptional, outstanding;
    fuera de sí: estaba fuera de sí he was beside himself;
    fuera de temporada out of season
    ir ( conjugate ir) verbo intransitivo
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go;

    iban a caballo/a pie they were on horseback/on foot;
    fuera por mar to go by sea;
    ¡Fernando! — ¡voy! Fernando! — (just) coming! o I'll be right there!;
    el fuera y venir de los invitados the coming and going of the guests;
    vamos a casa let's go home;
    ¿adónde va este tren? where's this train going (to)?;
    fuera de compras/de caza to go shopping/hunting;
    ya vamos para allá we're on our way;
    ¿por dónde se va a …? how do you get to …?;
    fuera por or (Esp) a por algo/algn to go to get sth/sb;
    voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread

    ya va al colegio she's already at school
    2 ( expresando propósito) fuera a + inf:
    ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?;

    ve a ayudarla go and help her;
    ver tb fuera v aux 1
    3 (al arrojar algo, arrojarse):
    tírame la llave — ¡allá va! throw me the key — here you are o there you go!;

    tírate del trampolín — ¡allá voy! jump off the board! — here I go/come!
    4 [ comentario]:

    eso va por ti también that goes for you too, and the same goes for you
    1 (+ compl) ( sin énfasis en el movimiento):

    ¿van cómodos? are you comfortable?;
    íbamos sentados we were sitting down;
    vas muy cargada you have a lot to carry;
    yo iba a la cabeza I was in the lead
    2 ( refiriéndose al atuendo):

    voy a fuera de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula;
    iba de verde she was dressed in green
    3 ( en calidad de) fuera de algo to go (along) as sth;

    1 [camino/sendero] ( llevar) fuera a algo to lead to sth, to go to sth
    2 (extenderse, abarcar):

    el período que va desde … hasta … the period from … to …
    1 (marchar, desarrollarse):
    ¿cómo va el nuevo trabajo? how's the new job going?;

    va de mal en peor it's going from bad to worse;
    ¿cómo te va? how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq);
    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?;
    me fue mal/bien en el examen I did badly/well in the exam;
    ¡que te vaya bien! all the best!, take care!;
    ¡que te vaya bien (en) el examen! good luck in the exam
    2 ( en competiciones):
    ¿cómo van? — 3-1 what's the score?3-1;

    voy ganando yo I'm ahead, I'm winning
    3 ( en el desarrollo de algo):
    ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?;

    ¿todavía vas por la página 20? are you still on page 20?
    4 ( estar en camino):
    ¡vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!;

    va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty;
    ya va para dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    5 (sumar, hacer):

    con este van seis six, counting this one
    6 ( haber transcurrido): en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes so far this year/month
    1 ( deber colocarse) to go;
    ¿dónde van las toallas? where do the towels go?;

    ¡qué va! (fam): ¿has terminado? — ¡qué va! have you finished?you must be joking!;
    ¿se disgustó? — ¡qué va! did she get upset?not at all!;
    vamos a perder el avión — ¡qué va! we're going to miss the planeno way!
    a) ( combinar) fuera con algo to go with sth

    b) (sentar bien, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc):

    te fueraá bien un descanso a rest will do you good
    3 (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar) fuerale a algo/algn to support sth/sb;


    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio):

    ¡vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?

    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa):

    vamos, mujer, dile algo go on, say something to him;

    ¡vamos, date prisa! come on, hurry up!
    c) (al aclarar, resumir):

    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway;

    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar basically, he's not very trustworthy;
    es mejor que el otro, vamos it's better than the other one, anyway

    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad):

    ¡vaya! ¡tú por aquí! what a surprise! what are you doing here?;

    ¡vaya! ¡se ha vuelto a caer! oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!
    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar):

    ¡vaya cochazo! what a car!

    fuera v aux fuera a + inf:
    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf;

    va a hacer dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias):

    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? now then, what did you say your name was?;

    bueno, vamos a trabajar all right, let's get to work
    2 (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones):

    cuidado, no te vayas a caer mind you don't fall (colloq);
    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva take the umbrella, in case it rains
    3 ( expresando un proceso paulatino):

    ya puedes fuera haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea;
    la situación ha ido empeorando the situation has been getting worse and worse
    irse verbo pronominal
    1 ( marcharse) to leave;
    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? why are you leaving o going so soon?;

    vámonos let's go;
    bueno, me voy right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off;
    no te vayas don't go;
    vete a la cama go to bed;
    se fue de casa/de la empresa she left home/the company;
    vete de aquí get out of here;
    se han ido de viaje they're away, they've gone away
    2 (consumirse, gastarse):
    ¡cómo se va el dinero! I don't know where the money goes!;

    se me va medio sueldo en el alquiler half my salary goes on the rent
    3 ( desaparecer) [mancha/dolor] to go;

    (+ me/te/le etc)
    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? has your headache gone?

    4 (salirse, escaparse) [líquido/gas] to escape;
    se le está yendo el aire al globo the balloon's losing air o going down

    5 (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl):
    fuerase de boca/espaldas to fall flat on one's face/back;

    me iba para atrás I was falling backwards;
    frenó y nos fuimos todos para adelante he braked and we all went flying forwards
    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula
    1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;

    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf;
    es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic;
    era cierto it was true;
    sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still;
    que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy;

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    ver tb imposible, difícil etc
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    es viuda she's a widow;
    ver tb estar 1 cópula 2
    3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be;

    ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me
    4 (con predicado introducido por `de'):

    soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba;
    es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors';
    no soy de aquí I'm not from around here
    5 (hipótesis, futuro):

    ¿será cierto? can it be true?
    verbo intransitivo

    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):

    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?

    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;

    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq);
    ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us?
    3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;

    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos;
    somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether
    4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) fuera para algo to be for sth;

    ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;

    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq);
    como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what;
    hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done;
    el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever;
    puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like;
    de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml);
    ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!;
    es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?;
    es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim;
    lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something;
    estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes;
    o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago;
    o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested;
    o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out;
    (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …;
    sea como sea at all costs;
    sea cuando sea whenever it is;
    sea donde sea no matter where;
    sea quien sea whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for …
    ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived;
    ver tb v impers
    fuera v impers to be;

    fuera v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be;
    fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) ( ente) being;

    fuera humano/vivo human/living being

    b) (individuo, persona):

    2 ( naturaleza):

    fuera adverbio
    1 (en/hacia la parte exterior) outside, out: fuera hacía mucho calor, it was hot outside
    salgamos fuera, let's go out
    2 (no en el lugar habitual) out, away: comeremos fuera, we'll go out for lunch
    está fuera, she's away
    3 Dep fuera de juego, offside
    nuestro equipo juega fuera, our team is playing away
    ganaron los de fuera, the away team won
    4 (sobrepasando límites prescritos) after
    fuera de alcance, out of reach
    fuera de horario, after hours
    fuera de plazo, after the deadline
    (más allá) beyond, out of
    fuera de mis posiblidades, beyond my means
    fuera de peligro, out of danger
    ♦ Locuciones: estar fuera de sí, to be beside oneself
    fuera de serie, extraordinary
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (dirigirse a un lugar) to go: ¡vamos!, let's go!
    voy a París, I'm going to Paris ➣ Ver nota en go
    2 (acudir regularmente) to go: va al colegio, he goes to school
    van a misa, they go to church
    3 (conducir a) to lead, go to: el sendero va a la mina, the path goes to the mine
    esta carretera va a Londres, this road leads to London
    4 (abarcar) to cover: la finca va desde la alambrada al camino, the estate extends from the wire fence to the path
    las lecciones que van desde la página 1 a la 53, the lessons on pages 1 to 53
    5 (guardarse habitualmente) va al lado de éste, it goes beside this one
    6 (mantener una posición) to be: va el primero, he's in first place
    7 (tener un estado de ánimo, una apariencia) to be: iba furioso/radiante, he was furious/radiant
    vas muy guapa, you look very smart o pretty
    8 (desenvolverse) ¿cómo te va?, how are things? o how are you doing?
    ¿cómo te va en el nuevo trabajo?, how are you getting on in your new job?
    9 (funcionar) to work (properly): el reloj no va, the clock doesn't go o work
    10 (sentar bien) to suit: ese corte de pelo no te va nada, that haircut doesn't suit you at all
    11 (combinar) to match, go: el rojo no va con el celeste, red doesn't go with pale blue
    12 (vestir) to wear
    ir con abrigo, to wear a coat
    ir de negro/de uniforme, to be dressed in black/in uniform
    la niña irá de enfermera, the little girl will dress up as a nurse
    13 fam (importar, concernir) to concern: eso va por ti también, and the same goes for you
    ni me va ni me viene, I don't care one way or the other
    14 (apostar) to bet: va un café a que no viene, I bet a coffee that he won't come
    15 (ir + de) fam (comportarse de cierto modo) to act
    ir de listo por la vida, to be a smart ass
    (tratar) to be about: ¿de qué va la película?, what's the film about?
    16 (ir + detrás de) to be looking for: hace tiempo que voy detrás de un facsímil de esa edición, I've been after a facsimile of that edition for a long time
    17 (ir + por) ir por la derecha, to keep (to the) right
    (ir a buscar) ve por agua, go and fetch some water
    (haber llegado) voy por la página noventa, I've got as far as page ninety
    18 (ir + para) (tener casi, estar cercano a) va para los cuarenta, she's getting on for forty
    ya voy para viejo, I'm getting old
    (encaminarse a) iba para ingeniero, she was studying to be an engineer
    este niño va para médico, this boy's going to become a doctor
    II verbo auxiliar
    1 (ir + gerundio) va mejorando, he's improving
    ir caminando, to go on foot
    2 (ir + pp) ya van estrenadas tres películas de Almodóvar, three films by Almodovar have already been released
    3 ( ir a + infinitivo) iba a decir que, I was going to say that
    va a esquiar, she goes skiing
    va a nevar, it's going to snow
    vas a caerte, you'll fall
    ♦ Locuciones: a eso iba, I was coming to that
    ¡ahí va!, catch!
    en lo que va de año, so far this year
    ¡qué va!, of course not! o nothing of the sort!
    ¡vamos a ver!, let's see!
    van a lo suyo, they look after their own interests
    ¡vaya!, fancy that
    ¡vaya cochazo!, what a car!
    ir a parar, to end up
    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people
    (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas
    Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes
    (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave
    ♦ Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit
    ' fuera' also found in these entries:
    - balón
    - biruji
    - borda
    - combate
    - convencer
    - dejar
    - desencajada
    - desencajado
    - desentonar
    - desleal
    - desplazada
    - desplazado
    - destiempo
    - duda
    - espuela
    - extemporánea
    - extemporáneo
    - exterior
    - extraescolar
    - fenomenal
    - haber
    - juego
    - lengua
    - lógica
    - lugar
    - mayoría
    - necesaria
    - necesario
    - onda
    - plazo
    - proscrita
    - proscrito
    - quicio
    - revés
    - salir
    - serie
    - servicio
    - tono
    - única
    - único
    - afuera
    - anhelar
    - cena
    - comer
    - común
    - cual
    - desnivelado
    - esperar
    - lancha
    add to
    - amok
    - annul
    - around-the clock
    - away
    - beside
    - beyond
    - boot
    - bound
    - busing
    - care
    - catapult
    - chase away
    - clear
    - commission
    - control
    - danger
    - dine
    - distraught
    - dome
    - eat out
    - ex
    - exclude
    - farm out
    - go out
    - hand
    - here
    - house-sit
    - lest
    - look out
    - meal
    - misplaced
    - off-duty
    - off-limits
    - off-piste
    - off-screen
    - offside
    - one-off
    - ordinary
    - original
    - out
    - out of
    - out-of-bounds
    - outdoors
    - outside
    - outward
    - outwards
    - piste
    - place
    - play
    * * *
    1. ver ir
    2. ver ser
    1. [en el exterior] outside;
    hace frío fuera it's cold outside;
    lo echó fuera she threw him out;
    salen mucho a comer fuera they eat out a lot;
    fuera de la casa outside the house;
    el ruido viene de fuera the noise is coming from outside;
    hacia fuera outwards;
    sólo vimos la catedral por fuera we only saw the cathedral from the outside;
    llevas la camisa por fuera your shirt isn't tucked in properly;
    por fuera es de color amarillo it's yellow on the outside
    2. [en otro lugar] away;
    [en el extranjero] abroad;
    de fuera [extranjero] from abroad;
    Marta está fuera [de viaje] Marta is away;
    [ha salido] Marta is out;
    a los de fuera les sorprenden mucho las costumbres locales people who aren't from round here o strangers find the local customs very strange
    fuera de [alcance, peligro] out of;
    [cálculos, competencia] outside;
    estar fuera de sí to be beside oneself (with rage);
    ese comentario está fuera de lugar that remark is out of place;
    fuera de plazo after the closing date;
    fuera de la ley illegal;
    fuera de control out of control;
    presentó su película fuera de concurso his film was shown, but not judged as part of the competition
    4. Dep [de límites]
    la pelota salió fuera the ball went out (of play)
    fuera de banda out of play;
    fuera de combate knocked out;
    Fig out of action;
    fuera de juego offside;
    estar en fuera de juego to be offside;
    Esp Am fuera de lugar offside; Am
    5. Dep [en campo ajeno] away;
    jugar fuera to play away (from home);
    el equipo de fuera the away team
    fuera de [excepto] except for, apart from;
    fuera de eso, he cumplido todos tus caprichos apart from that, I've done everything you wanted me to;
    fuera de bromas, ¿has fijado ya una fecha para la boda? seriously though o joking apart, have you set a date for the wedding yet?;
    fuera de serie exceptional, out of the ordinary;
    ser un fuera de serie to be one of a kind
    [de habitación, lugar] get out!; [en el teatro] get off!;
    ¡fuera, fuera, fuera! [cántico] off!, off!, off!;
    ¡fuera los políticos corruptos! out with all corrupt politicians!;
    ¡fuera de aquí! get out of my sight!
    * * *
    I vbir, ser
    II adv outside; (en otro lugar) away; (en otro país) abroad;
    por fuera on the outside;
    de fuera de otro departamento, cuerpo de policía etc from outside, outside atr ; de otro lugar strange; persona stranger; de otro país foreign; persona foreigner;
    ¡fuera! get out!
    III prp
    fuera de outside;
    ¡sal fuera de aquí! get out of here!;
    está fuera del país he’s abroad, he’s out of the country;
    fuera de eso aside from that, apart from that;
    estar fuera de sí be beside o.s.
    * * *
    fuera adv
    1) : outside, out
    2) : abroad, away
    fuera de : outside of, out of, beyond
    fuera de : besides, in addition to
    fuera de eso: aside from that
    fuera de lugar : out of place, amiss
    * * *
    fuera1 adv
    1. (en el exterior) outside
    2. (no en casa, no en su sitio) out
    ¿quién ha dejado la leche fuera de la nevera? who left the milk out of the fridge?
    4. (del país) abroad
    fuera2 interj
    2. (para protestar) off! / out!

    Spanish-English dictionary > fuera

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